Is Orr drying up? Is something wrong with Anti-farm?

Is Orr drying up? Is something wrong with Anti-farm?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Darmikau.9413


Or am I just going crazy here?

I know for certain that Orr events like Historian Fia and Jofast’s camp are bugged and stop running after a certain amount of time – that much is obvious. But it also seems like my loot dries up around this time too, and not just in the sense of diminishing returns/anti-farm. I’ve spent upwards of 30 minutes to over a day either not farming Orr, or not playing the game at all. Yet when I come back the majority of my drops are still whites and porous bones with very few blues and greens and almost no rares.

Contrast this with server resets, whereupon I get the full set of loot I’d normally expect. Just yesterday, for the update, I farmed for two hours before the reset (after having farmed Frostgorge for an hour and then not playing for 12 hours) and got 1 single rare. The servers reset, and within an hour I had gotten 9 rares, and double the amount of blues and greens I was getting prior to the reset.

Am I alone in this? It seems like not only are events bugging out and ceasing to go, but loot tables are just drying up irrespective of how long you go without farming them – only occurring after the events dry up as well.

Is Orr drying up? Is something wrong with Anti-farm?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shinzan.2908


I think orr is just really bad with this because it has risen and nothing else so anti farm gets triggered faster, whereas any other area you’ll be killing different mobs so it’s not an issue.

That said, last night I played for an hour and got about 5 rares, though I did half an hour of wvw in the middle of that so that might have reset it for me.

Is Orr drying up? Is something wrong with Anti-farm?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Darmikau.9413


I think orr is just really bad with this because it has risen and nothing else so anti farm gets triggered faster, whereas any other area you’ll be killing different mobs so it’s not an issue.

The problem is that the anti-farm never goes away. The server resets, I get incredible amounts of blues, greens, and yellows, and then they slowly trickle down. That’s fine. But then I go and do other things, or don’t play for a day, and then come back and still get nothing but whites. Unless people have been wrong about how to reset the farm code, there’s something wrong here. There’s no reason it should take a server reset to get my loot table back to normal.

Is Orr drying up? Is something wrong with Anti-farm?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Clever.7918


Has the maggot event stopped working… all i see are dead bodies now that wont go away


Is Orr drying up? Is something wrong with Anti-farm?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ingram of Haz.5987

Ingram of Haz.5987

I kinda avoided Orr entirely. I just kept seeing everythign BAD about the game coming out of that region so I looped up north instead. Now I know I didnt finsh the game yet and I will one day, but I decided to hold off messing around in there till the population either thins out or anet gives the region a serious tweak towards fixing all teh things that people claim is broken in there. in time I’m sure it will be all fixed so its worth it to me to treat the area as if it does not exist at all and wait for that. ;( I know it will be worth it later, for now I’ll keep making new characters and playing in other areas.

Jade Quarry

Is Orr drying up? Is something wrong with Anti-farm?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paladine.6082


Cursed Shore seems to be broken. I think the latest attempts to deal with Bots by simply stopping mobs from spawning is having unexpected consequences

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Lvl 80 Axes : Rare: 483; Exotic: 4 – Frostfang: 0
Lvl 80 Swords : Rare: 20; Exotic: 0 – Zap: 0

Is Orr drying up? Is something wrong with Anti-farm?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: EndlessDreamer.6780


The major issue is that similar enemy types spawn DR. And… everything in Orr is similar type. o.o; I mean, it varies, since Risen Spiders don’t seem the same as Risen humans, but still, I do notice that you hit it a lot faster in Orr.

Darmaku, have you just been leaving the character in Orr and killing nothing else in between? I suggest having your character go somewhere else and clense its sword on some other creature type. That might help your issue.

Is Orr drying up? Is something wrong with Anti-farm?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ceder Of Tyria.5079

Ceder Of Tyria.5079

If you circle in the events on Orr you will have no problems with the drops. The problem is, if your farming only one part of eg. Penitent Path. Go to Fields Of Golds and do the event there after PP and you will not hit the anti farming.

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Is Orr drying up? Is something wrong with Anti-farm?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: EndlessDreamer.6780


Ya, I think the major issue is that with the new patch, it doesn’t disappear with log off so if people don’t remember to move their character around, it can have some disastrous results.

However, as a plus, you can get orichalcum and gossamer from whites.

Is Orr drying up? Is something wrong with Anti-farm?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Corew.8932


I only go there to farm nodes now, I don’t kill stuff, just run away.. I never get much for killing there anyway.

Is Orr drying up? Is something wrong with Anti-farm?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paladine.6082


I don’t think many of you realise what the problem is. Yes DR is a problem, but there is a new issue in Orr (certainly in Cursed Shore) where the events are simply not starting – they are bugged, lots and lots of them. There are currently very few working events in Cursed Shore.

Mystic Forge Attempts for Pre-Legendary
Lvl 80 Axes : Rare: 483; Exotic: 4 – Frostfang: 0
Lvl 80 Swords : Rare: 20; Exotic: 0 – Zap: 0

Is Orr drying up? Is something wrong with Anti-farm?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: R E F L H E X.8413

R E F L H E X.8413

There’s really not much to farm off the monsters in the land of curshed shore.

I must’ve missed the sign that said it was a fire sale.