(edited by Nick.6972)
Is There Anything To Look Forward?
WvW tournament would be fun and exciting if there was an actual chance of winning (for my server) and if the match ups were balanced, which is not unfortunately is not the case.
Nope. You’re still going to lose. My server FINALLY started winning. Sometimes. But, I don’t think it’s because of anything Arenanet did. I think we had a couple of guilds move to our server.
Unless Anet has some secret in the works, like a surprise expansion, then no. There has been hardly anything added to the game in two years, and any official word from Anet is basically disregarded nowadays due to people rightfully considering them pathological liars.
Enjoy your gemshop skins and gambling.
Enjoy your gemshop skins and gambling.
Well, to give them credit, they have added a lot of achievements to the game. In fact, the achievement system is the only thing that seems to improve significantly every patch. I was a huge critic of the ORIGINAL achievement overhaul a long time ago, because it looked like Arenanet was spending too many resources on the achievement system and not on other things.
So, we basically have Achievement Wars 2. And while I do like what they’ve done with achievements, that doesn’t make up for the fact that they seemed to have spent most of their time and resources on achievements and Living Story.
Yea it has been 2 years already, i think we’ve waited enough for the “Mythical” expansion.
Its never going to come. Either be happy with Living Story, or find a new game.
Give us Mounts, Anet! Pretty Please with Chocolate, Whipped Cream, Cherry and Mayonnaise? d^_^b