Is This It?

Is This It?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bhaalspawn.3546


Hi all

Done my time here now and wondering where the game is?

Tried PVE, here’s a level, like it and we might give you another pile for free, if you cap before finishing the 40 level areas let us know and we’ll make it easier.

Tried PVP, Min/Max obsessed people but still get through on a noob condi/turret Engineer, enjoyable listening to them cry but that wears thin quickly.

Tried WvW, actually it’s ok during quiet times when it might be 1on1, 1on5 or just blobbed, then is follow the leader, around and around and around and oh god this is the umpteenth time I’ve captured this place today.

Dungeons are just kiddies screaming that everyone else is rubbish.

Raids, who knows? Joined a guild that advertised raid training and then won’t take anyone with gear that hasn’t taken as long as they have been in the game to get, got kicked from the guild for asking them to stop complaining everyone else in the game is useless.

So, that has taken less than a month, (as well as playing EVE, WoT and DDO) I don’t play console games but have younger relatives that do and that is the maximum any game lasts for them. Is that what this game, which has been praised to me for years, has become?

ps, before anyone starts, EVE is anything imaginable as soon as you have a few toons, WoT is just random PVP fun and DDO is, well, DDO.

Is This It?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Envy.1679


welcome to mmos in general

you are also adding to the true mmo experience by whining pointlessly on the forums


Is This It?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bhaalspawn.3546


welcome to mmos in general

you are also adding to the true mmo experience by whining pointlessly on the forums

Been around MMO’s for a long time and only get to whining on the forums when its better than playing the actual game.

Only second game in 14 years so not bad.

Is This It?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vesica tempestas.1563

vesica tempestas.1563

Hi all

Done my time here now and wondering where the game is?

Tried PVE, here’s a level, like it and we might give you another pile for free, if you cap before finishing the 40 level areas let us know and we’ll make it easier.

Tried PVP, Min/Max obsessed people but still get through on a noob condi/turret Engineer, enjoyable listening to them cry but that wears thin quickly.

Tried WvW, actually it’s ok during quiet times when it might be 1on1, 1on5 or just blobbed, then is follow the leader, around and around and around and oh god this is the umpteenth time I’ve captured this place today.

Dungeons are just kiddies screaming that everyone else is rubbish.

Raids, who knows? Joined a guild that advertised raid training and then won’t take anyone with gear that hasn’t taken as long as they have been in the game to get, got kicked from the guild for asking them to stop complaining everyone else in the game is useless.

So, that has taken less than a month, (as well as playing EVE, WoT and DDO) I don’t play console games but have younger relatives that do and that is the maximum any game lasts for them. Is that what this game, which has been praised to me for years, has become?

ps, before anyone starts, EVE is anything imaginable as soon as you have a few toons, WoT is just random PVP fun and DDO is, well, DDO.

all that and you just joined 5 days ago. impressive and repulsive in equal measure eh.

“Trying to please everyone would not only be challenging
but would also result in a product that might not satisfy anyone”- Roman Pichler, Strategize

Is This It?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bhaalspawn.3546


Hi all

Done my time here now and wondering where the game is?

Tried PVE, here’s a level, like it and we might give you another pile for free, if you cap before finishing the 40 level areas let us know and we’ll make it easier.

Tried PVP, Min/Max obsessed people but still get through on a noob condi/turret Engineer, enjoyable listening to them cry but that wears thin quickly.

Tried WvW, actually it’s ok during quiet times when it might be 1on1, 1on5 or just blobbed, then is follow the leader, around and around and around and oh god this is the umpteenth time I’ve captured this place today.

Dungeons are just kiddies screaming that everyone else is rubbish.

Raids, who knows? Joined a guild that advertised raid training and then won’t take anyone with gear that hasn’t taken as long as they have been in the game to get, got kicked from the guild for asking them to stop complaining everyone else in the game is useless.

So, that has taken less than a month, (as well as playing EVE, WoT and DDO) I don’t play console games but have younger relatives that do and that is the maximum any game lasts for them. Is that what this game, which has been praised to me for years, has become?

ps, before anyone starts, EVE is anything imaginable as soon as you have a few toons, WoT is just random PVP fun and DDO is, well, DDO.

all that and you just joined 5 days ago. impressive and repulsive in equal measure eh.

just around a month, learn to read what your posting on.

Is This It?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vesica tempestas.1563

vesica tempestas.1563

impressive and repulsive in equal measure indeed, and what was the purpose of your post?

“Trying to please everyone would not only be challenging
but would also result in a product that might not satisfy anyone”- Roman Pichler, Strategize

Is This It?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kayberz.5346


So you barley (if at all) dabbled in some of the game modes and come to the forums to complain about depth?

Is This It?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vesica tempestas.1563

vesica tempestas.1563

his squalid negative viewpoint in life isnt getting the reaction he expects, im guessing he will move on to some other home to seek out misery.

“Trying to please everyone would not only be challenging
but would also result in a product that might not satisfy anyone”- Roman Pichler, Strategize

Is This It?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ZachAttack.3957


I’m going to try to not be like those who commented here before, and have a civil conversation with you.

I think you’re not digging deep enough. You seem to only be touching the surface of each game mode/type before dismissing it and moving on. Have you really explored and tried all there is to do in each game mode? There’s plenty of things to do in the PvE world alone.

As you mentioned, dungeons. Dungeons are obviously not all as you made them out to be. You just have to make sure that when you advertise or join a group in LFG, you join a chill/casual group. A lot of dungeon groups are speed-runs nowadays, and you’ll find that in any game you play, whenever your group wants to get something done fast, and something is stopping them from doing it, tempers flare.

There’s also fractals, which in my opinion are pretty dang awesome. There’s tons of content for you there, bringing in 8+ different “mini” dungeons with 100 scales of difficulty.

There’s going for a legendary weapon or ascended armour. There’s minigames, like keg brawl. There’s roleplay, if you’re into that like I am. There’s map completion, or general exploration and roaming the world. There’s the personal story, which I enjoy seeing on multiple different races to get a taste of what each one is like. There’s world bosses, with some of them being quite fun after the revamps (such as the shatterer). There’s jumping puzzles, and a variety of mini-dungeons scattered around the world. You could join a friendly guild, make friends, take part in guild events, and participate in building up the guild hall. There’s four new, epic Heart of Thorns maps to indulge yourself in if you’re willing to buy the expansion, with tons of end-game progression unlocked as a result (along with the really cool elite specializations). You could craft, and level up some of the nine different professions available. You could start other characters of different classes, and explore the different skills and play styles of them. There’s achievements in general that you could go for. There’s the silverwastes, a level 80 zone that I find a blast to play in. There’s some pretty awesome festivals out there as well, especially the Super Adventure Box that just left us (I cri evrytiem), and wintersday is a notable fun one if you can wait around for those.

And you could always participate in fashion wars.

PvP is for a select audience, and you can’t really complain about toxicity. ANY competitive environment ALWAYS has the potential of being toxic, no matter the game. You’ll find it less so in hot-joins/unranked, but there’s always going to be jerks. It’s not exclusive to GW2. If you want some good builds, I suggest looking at a site by the name of “Metabattle”. You can’t just try it on one or two classes. Try it on a wide variety, and it can be really fun.

I’ve never been one for WvW, but it gets epic when you have massive zerg fights as you try to penetrate/defend a keep. You can also roam, solo or with some buddies, and get into some cool skirmishes.

There’s plenty to do- you just have to dig a little deeper.

(edited by ZachAttack.3957)

Is This It?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bhaalspawn.3546


Is there any other reason for a forum in an MMO?

The post is a bit of a rant I know but can’t get over how little I found in the game.

I Hated ESO with every fibre of my being but even managed to get through closed and open beta there (longer than the month here).

For me this game was probably a top MMO then, maybe, things were changed to make it easier for console people, then made quicker for steam users who want to move on to the next game as quick as possible, then people were fleeced on the update, then, that’s where it is now.

No Solo guilds, 80 probably in a day if you know what to do (or have those level things, I have 49 already). Min/max PVP and your PVP level seems to mean nothing in matching or if you are pure PUG against a full guild. WvW is blob during peak, IF you can get in. Dungeons are just abuse. LFG um lol.

PVE Storylines, sorry I can’t even think of how to describe them.

My opinion. That’s all, forum’s are the place for these things.

When’s GW3 coming out and will it be F2P?

Is This It?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bhaalspawn.3546


Sorry Zachattack posted b4 I read your post.

Thanks for your input.

I’m out of things to say, so as an old gamer I’ll log to make my dailies and maybe I’ll get interested somewhere.

Bye all, I’m sure you won’t miss my posts lol.

Is This It?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ZachAttack.3957


Sorry Zachattack posted b4 I read your post.

Thanks for your input.

I’m out of things to say, so as an old gamer I’ll log to make my dailies and maybe I’ll get interested somewhere.

Bye all, I’m sure you won’t miss my posts lol.

Nothing I listed interested you? A shame. Suffice to say, not all games are for everyone.

Is This It?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kayberz.5346


Troll thread.
Move along

Is This It?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: gin.7158


LOL you just started playing. One month for me is only for leveling when I first started. I came to the WvW and get one-shotted by a thief because I was running cluelessly with green equipments. To me, you just sound like ignorant and ungrateful whining person.

and “turret Engineer”, I thought they have gone extinct. Do you even play the game ? Of course you feel overwhelmed because you are literally a noob that just started or maybe I just don’t understand what your problem is.

Is This It?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DoctorDing.5890


He came and he went.

Was that it?

Is This It?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vesica tempestas.1563

vesica tempestas.1563

some people embrace complexity and relish when they encounter a massive new world and community – they embrace and enjoy change and being the new player that has a mountain of knowledge and experience to climb, thats what playing a new mmorpg is all about – otherwise it is utterly the same old same old. This from an old timer that has been playing heavily since the early 80’s.

“Trying to please everyone would not only be challenging
but would also result in a product that might not satisfy anyone”- Roman Pichler, Strategize

Is This It?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589

Just a flesh wound.3589

He came and he went.

Was that it?

He came. He saw. He went back home.

He’s like those tourists that visit a foreign country and go home thinking they know everything about it now because they did a tour through it.

Be careful what you ask for
ANet may give it to you.

Is This It?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Doggie.3184


It’s actually much worse in other MMOs so if GW2 gets you down that much you should just avoid MMOs in general. If your skin isn’t thick enough the toxicity will seep into your bloodstream and turn you into the very thing you hate.

| Fort Aspenwood (NA): Sylvari Daredevil Thief Main: All Classes 80. |
Please Remove/Fix Thief Trait: “Last Refuge.”
“Hard to Catch” is a Horrible and Useless Trait. Fixed 6/23/15. Praise Dwayna.

Is This It?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vesica tempestas.1563

vesica tempestas.1563

‘I’ll log to make my dailies and maybe I’ll get interested somewhere’

says it all really

“Trying to please everyone would not only be challenging
but would also result in a product that might not satisfy anyone”- Roman Pichler, Strategize

Is This It?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ashantara.8731


Well, I do have to admit that I am somewhat in the same camp as the OP.

I started shortly before Christmas 2015 and am already bored to death, so taking a break and hoping the joy will eventually return. The game has quite a few elements that were enjoyable, but the excitement quickly wears off * when the game turns into a repetitive grinding experience.

  • (especially when the only thing that bears remotely as much group fun as the Underworld back in GW1, namely dungeons, had been reduced to rewarding very little and no one was playing them anymore when I joined the game)

I am glad they’ve addressed the grinding and reward issue with the Quarterly Update but am afraid that it came too late for me. More RPG and less MMO-typical repetitive gameplay would be nice.

Is This It?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vesica tempestas.1563

vesica tempestas.1563

what does ‘a little too late’ mean in a rpg with no sub?

“Trying to please everyone would not only be challenging
but would also result in a product that might not satisfy anyone”- Roman Pichler, Strategize

Is This It?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rebellion.2473


This is a very unconstructed post with no actual arguments,i heavily suggest investing time into the game first.

Is This It?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FrizzFreston.5290


“As an old gamer” gets thrown about by some people as if that means anything.

Maybe you should retire from gaming if you’re so old. It’s just depressing to see people whine at something just because they don’t have anything better to do.

Also. Explore Tyria. Dont checklist it. The whole been there done that doesn’t work with events that aren’t always up.

“It isn’t working!” CL4P-TP
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik