Is anyone else a bit bummed that they can't buy other Order's armor?

Is anyone else a bit bummed that they can't buy other Order's armor?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Magoslich.6857


I leveled up and chose Priory for my human elementalist and while I can’t complain about the actual missions (they were pretty fun) I’m really sad that I can’t get the Whispers light armor set as I find the Priory set to not be very good looking in my opinion. Just doesn’t suit my own aesthetics while the Whispers set does. Unfortunately for me, I didn’t see the Whispers set until I was level 74 or so, and I really don’t want to go all the way through that again.

It seems like the NPCs who sell the armor will sell to non Order members at some point, or in an emergency but I haven’t seen where this would come about.

Anyone else bummed by this?

Is anyone else a bit bummed that they can't buy other Order's armor?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rpgtabbycat.5869


The Guild Wars 2 wiki has pictures of the armor sets of the various orders. I looked them over before I chose the Order of Whispers for my Ranger because I like that medium armor set the most.

Is anyone else a bit bummed that they can't buy other Order's armor?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Magoslich.6857


They didn’t have the pictures up when I first chose the order. Which is a shame.

Is anyone else a bit bummed that they can't buy other Order's armor?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ragnar Dragonfyre.1806

Ragnar Dragonfyre.1806

Nope. I chose Vigil and couldn’t be happier about my Order’s armor appearance.

Is anyone else a bit bummed that they can't buy other Order's armor?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Passive Aggressive.3154

Passive Aggressive.3154

Nope. The armor sets are available for preview in the pvp lockers which I have been checking out since day 1. So I knew which ones I liked best. But overall I don’t think this is such a big deal. There are tons of different armor sets in the game. I’m sure you can find something else you like.

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