Is anyone else getting stuck too after patch?

Is anyone else getting stuck too after patch?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Auroma.9126


After this new patch I have got stuck 5 times while on flat ground. It has happened in WvWvW and sPvP. In WvWvW it happened 3 times when I was ressing a person. I got stuck in the ress position and could not move. Twice this happened out of combat (no enemies nearby and I had no movement debuff – I was able to tele back and resume) and the 3rd time in combat, a stuck Ele is a dead Ele.
Fourth and fifth time it happened in sPvP which I went to as I have having problem of invisible enemies in WvWvW. Both time I got stuck and was stuck for a min+, my team had to play with 4 players as I could not tele to spawn while being stuck (I was out of combat, no enemy was near me and I had no movement debuff on me).

I am posting this here so as to know if anyone else has experienced this after the latest patch. I have never been stuck before and this is really ruining my fun atm.

The purpose of this post is NOT putting down any Devs as I know developing a game is a very complex task and one out of place line of code can cause a lot of problems.

A request to the forum police: Please if you are going to lock this thread let a few people reply first that way I will know if this is a problem on my side or others are experiencing too. If it is my side I can try uninstalling and installing again.

Is anyone else getting stuck too after patch?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pants.8315


Yup, I got stuck in AC explorable after killing the first boss.

Fortunately had the waypoint right next to me, which fixed it.

Is anyone else getting stuck too after patch?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fozzik.1742


My wife got stuck in a small area during a personal story step…she was in combat, but the mobs couldn’t hit her and just kept running back and forth like they couldn’t find her. She was on flat ground near a wall. Because she was in combat, she couldn’t use a waypoint or anything…so she had to totally restart the story step (very frustrating for her).

Is anyone else getting stuck too after patch?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wryscher.1432


Ive had it happen before the patch from time to time. Although not for awhile. My gf has had it happen twice since the patch. So who knows.

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