Is anyone else scared of PvP?

Is anyone else scared of PvP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hycinthus.6483


I think I have a PvP-phobia. I’m just scared being killed and hunted by other players. In PVE it’s fine because I can run away, and the monsters will lose aggro. But being hunted by players seems too personal to me, this is why I cannot do PvP or WvW. Am I the only one feeling like this and is it weird?

Also, I know that when I do PvP against another player, I will most likely die, so there is no point of me to PvP at all, since all I’ll be doing is respawning over and over. Any suggestions ?

Is anyone else scared of PvP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TigerDragon.4037


If you don’t want to PvP, then don’t do the PvP content. Unless the completionist in you is urging you to fill out the achievements you’re missing, or to get full map completion, etc … you never need to PvP unless that play style just appeals to you.

I can tell you that I’m not big on PvP. I’ve never really enjoyed it in any other game I’ve played, but WvW can get exciting at times. You might discover that it’s more fun than you think if you give it a try.

Sinking ships in WvW on SBI with pride.
Plastered Tyrian Sea Devils [PTSD]
Agadar.4931: A bad mesmer still poops clones like no tomorrow.

Is anyone else scared of PvP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Slither Shade.4782

Slither Shade.4782

I get some sort of emotional response from it which is why I play it. Was going to say we but will speak for myself only. So no I dont think that you are weird and it sounds to me that you have a healthy aversion to killing and being killed. But this is a game and you are not really being hurt or hurting anybody. Once you get in there and kill and die a couple hundred times you will lose your fear. Hehe decide for yourself if that is a good thing or not. Lol have fun.

Is anyone else scared of PvP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hycinthus.6483


I will probably try WvW soon, but last time I went, the map was huge and it was sort of overwhelming I didn’t know where to start.

Is anyone else scared of PvP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kimbald.2697


Think that’s not a very uncommon feeling.

There is a wonderfull thing about pvp that you are missing though: it completely doesn’t matter one single bit!

I don’t mean pvp as such doesn’t matter. Play it if you want, or don’t… but that’s not what I’m talking about.

It doesn’t matter if you die!

If you start in spvp 8v8. Do you seriously think it matters to the game if you die each time or not?
Do you think it matters if you can’t kill anyone or not?

In WvWvW even more: do you really think anyone will notice if and how you die?
In the midst of zergs, invisable player groups because of slow rendering, uneven fights every corner…

That’s the great part: it doesn’t matter at all!

That’s where you start, at that very notion:

It doesn’t matter if you die!

I do WvW on a lvl 9 engineer for the moment. I have NO traits. I have lvl 5 gear since that’s the last pve I did on that one.
Sure it ‘scales’… there’s a joke.
I am incredibly WEAK. I die all the bloody time.

Guess what: rule nr 1.
It doesn’t matter…

If you know you’re going to lose, you learn to play more safe by nature.
You’ll start running away sooner and think ‘hey, how odd: I’m still alive.’
And you’ll return and go fight again.

Let’s face it: you will die. You will lose.
So what’s stopping you?
You already have the fear, you already paid your toll. Now go collect the price for it: having fun dying…
You already have the uneasy feeling, now go and find the funny moments.

It’s that simple: it doesn’t matter if you die, and frankly no one cares

Only after a while, as you might start enjoying it and start doing it more.
When you get the hang of it, when you get experience in it.
Maybe than you’ll start to do more serious pvp and it will matter if you die or not.

But don’t worry about that part now.
You’ll get there when you get there.

For now just ealise that it doesn’t matter.

If you die and die, stop running in the first than.
Practice not fighting, but staying alive.
We both know you won’t be killing anyone anytime soon, right?
So stop ‘fighting’ and start ‘surviving’.

Run with others and help them with conditions, boons, your minr pathetic damage on their target.
The enemy will spot you for the free kill that you are, and they WILL come for you.
So when they do: run, dodge, buff yourself, protect yourself.
See WHERE you run, to who you run, HOW you run.
But just run.

Each time you survive, that is your victory.
You are bound to die, the challenge is to drag that out as long as you can.

That’s how you learn pvp.
The killing comes later, that’s utterly irrelevant for now.

Wiggely, wobbely and other wombaty wabbity creatures…

Is anyone else scared of PvP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: fixit.7189


Just play, man, and don’t take it to seriously. I could not even fathom how many times I have died in any PvP over the last 20+ years. It all blurs into one after a while.


Yea it can be frustrating to not be the best but I for one don’t aim to be; there is ALWAYS a bigger fish.

Is anyone else scared of PvP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alduin.3410


PvP and WvW is very enjoyable if play with large groups. If you just go out on your own you’re just asking to be killed if you are spotted by even just a pair of other players. If you wanna go solo you should probably just run WvW and run the outskirts of the maps to gather from nodes, level via killing monsters, etc.

I’m not a huge fan of PvP but WvW has been pretty fun, even when you’re on a losing server. Find a good group of people that communicate and strategize well and you’ll probably find it to be more interesting, too.

Warrior at Heart. Beast by Nature. |

Is anyone else scared of PvP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xtorma.1283


I have never played on a pve server in any game that had pvp servers as a choice. Pve is predictable and therefore not fun for me. When i square up against people in pvp I have no idea what I am about to experience, and that makes pvp glorious. IMO.

Baron Irongut – Warrior-

Is anyone else scared of PvP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


Just try it out,theres nothing to lose,only to gain.You cannot lose points or items due to dying,it really really deoesn’t matter,but some peoples ego will stand in the way trying to escape and unable to accept a defeat.

Is anyone else scared of PvP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raggamuffin.3569


Played EVE since year 1, have no fear of PvP even if it means I lose everything and have to start over working for months (once a year) to get back to where I was…it is pixels nothing more don’t take it to serious. I must admit I have been on the dishing it out end much more often but I still get a thrill fighting an equal even if I end up on the losing end.

Is anyone else scared of PvP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cero.5132


I have a similiar problem with it, but only in wvw or more generaly spoken “open pvp”.
Always had it since I played Aion…
“OMG my game had a lag, there must be an assassin/thief somewhere!” → run,run,run, waving camera around all the time…
in gw2 wvw it only happens, when I want to get to my group, when it is fairly far into enemy territory.
that feel is neither fun nor relaxing at all.
But in gw2 pvp I dont seem to have it. I´m all cool about being killed or killing the other guy…
It´s just that kitten “I´m going to get ganked now and cant do anything about it”- feeling that frustrates me and keeps me away from open pvp.

So… yeah, you´re not the only one ^.^°

Is anyone else scared of PvP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Amulrei.4973


As much as I am a PvP fan, I cannot blame the OP.

A dagger Thief or GS Warrior looking at you funny is enough to kill you.

Is anyone else scared of PvP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Romeo.4378


I get the way you feel man, totally understand it.

Like, personally, I am sick at PvP, I love it – but that’s the competitive streak in me talking.

I totally understand what you are saying and believe it’s down to a lack of confidence.

This is basically an over-spill from the way people feel about themselves in real life too. A lot of people are scared to do PvE group-related content because they are scared to make mistakes and let down their teamates, or make mistakes and be scared of feeling embarrassed. My wife is like this.

I think what you need my friend is a shift in attitude and perception. It’s logical to say you’ll die lots at PvP, because you are a noob at it. But instead of saying ‘so there’s no point in trying’, see every death as an opportunity to learn. What class killed you? What abilities/spells did they use? How could you counter that next time? It’s a trial and error process my friend, nobody but me is born godly.

I will also say that if you muster up the courage to give it a shot and stick through the initial learning curve, GW2 is a great environment to do this in. This is because the sPvP scene is extremely anonymous. Gw2 has a huge PvP population do you are not really going to be noticed if you suck for the meantime. This is completely different from lesser-populated games I’ve played in the past like RIFT where the population is small and personal, you are often fighting the same people over and over and it’s easy to make a reputation for yourself as either being sick and becoming feared, or being known as being rubbish cannon fodder. So yeah, you don’t get that in Gw2, nobody really knows each other, making this the perfect environment for you to grow some balls and give it a shot!

Good luck my friend


I am on Sea of Sorrows server, hit me up ‘Romeoh’ or Romeo.4378, I can teach you how to fight people in PvP in a nice and friendly environment.

(edited by Romeo.4378)

Is anyone else scared of PvP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: liquidsquid.2943


You just have to jump into it. That’s all.

Is anyone else scared of PvP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Graill.8596


Nothing to be scared about in pvp. You will have only two things happen to you and you will see it all coming.

A big wad of players will suddenly appear out of nowhere whilst you pick flowers or run around mining your favorite brand of ore and turn you into a greasy spot in less than an eyeblink…you will feel sad. Or you will be in a huge wad of people roaming around turning other happless players roaming freely into grease spots…… you will rejoice.

The other way is in structured pvp, you will either do well on your team and win because you know your class or you will fail your team in which case you will die a slightly less speedy, slightly less honorable death.

There is no worse feeling than that during an argument, you realize you are wrong.

Is anyone else scared of PvP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Louveepine.7630


WwW can be funny when you see it as a challenge.
Personally, I enjoy me has infiltrated without being seen, make me more discraite possible to not die and take my end of the card.

I kill anyone, and if I find I put a run, put a stealth and go quietly!

# Asura because I’m worth it!

Is anyone else scared of PvP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hongxing.9528


Just to let you know…you are not alone.

I’m also having a pvp-phobia. I hate to be killed by another player. I just hate losing, hence, I stay away from it. I don’t want to get frustrated over it. Furthermore, I play GW2 without a mouse (just using a touchpad), which is a very big disadvantage. Why play knowing that I definitely will be killed?

However, I’ve recently started playing WvW. I find it less intimidating. Maybe because I’m always at the back of the pack, spamming AoEs. I do get a bit more support from other team players. I still die, but I die lesser. Probably is because it is slightly different game-play.

I think once you are used to being killed…you will soon be ok for pvp. (and skilled enough not to be killed)

Is anyone else scared of PvP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sammet.6542


I used to be like that, really. In World of Warcraft, I would try PvPing a couple of times but there wasn’t much diversity and I did not really get into it. After trying it out a couple of times in GW2, however, I was hooked. By no means was I a great PvPer (still ain’t!) but I get better with every time and learn new strategic things. WvW was the way I got into it (and it’s honestly still my favourite type of PvP) and I continued on to structured PvP as well.

I think PvP is really a sort of “trial and error” type of thing. You can’t go there and expect to know how everything functions, the good strategies contra the bad, you win some, you lose some. Experiencing this is what will make you a great PvPer.

Is anyone else scared of PvP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Minion of Vey.4398

Minion of Vey.4398

You’re probably mistaken about thinking “any time I engage in pvp with another player, I’m going to die”. That really shouldn’t be the case, even if you’re not any good at it.

If you’re not confident in your ability to defend yourself, just avoid spvp at first. Fiddle around in WvWvW. It’s not a bunch of duels there. A lot of play is a big zerg vs the big enemy zerg. Hanging out in the back firing from range is a good way to build your confidence and you’ll realize you aren’t as vulnerable as you think you are.

Even so, sometimes your side loses and everyone dies. Not really a big deal, you’ll be at the waypoint along with your 25 friends that died and you go back.

99% of deaths in WvWvW (probably more than that) are due to bad decisions rather than being outplayed in game mechanics. Not running away when you had the chance, trying to fight too many people at once, being too aggressive and charging into the front lines when you’re not able to handle that etc. It doesn’t take long to get a good grasp on those kinds of things, then you’ll be good to go.

Is anyone else scared of PvP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Akiko.2364


Maybe it’s because I played Lineage 2 for years with it’s wide open PvP, perma-reds, gank squads and spawn campers I have developed a strong dislike for PvP.

It’s something I have yet to overcome in GW2 and have avoided all PvP here too, so it is not unusual to be that way for sure.

Is anyone else scared of PvP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dirtyoldgoat.5496


PVP is fun. Embrace it. If your digitally animated pixel dies…. so what? The more you do it the more you die trying the better you become at it.

Dont fear it…. enjoy it.

Fallendruid, White Lighter, The Native Sun
PINK is the new Black
Tarnished Coast (via Tyranny)

Is anyone else scared of PvP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


With PvP I have no issues. You go there knowing what you’ll find, and it’s very well balanced. If you and you team are better, you will probably win, but everything can still happen. So it’s rather fun.

WvW, in the other hand, it’s only annoying. People will do whatever it takes to be as unfair and dirty in combat as possible.
If you are winning, they’ll log out, so you won’t get Badges of Honor.
If you are alone, exploring points, or slightly left behind when your group retreats, they’ll go for you in big groups and throw countless snares, boon removals and CCs at you, effectively deadlocking you with no possibility of escape, unless you log out.
If people gather higher numbers than you, as AoEs hit only up to 5 foes, and they’ll just retreat if you focus on one, they will always win, as damage gets spread between them.

While PvP favors the brave, WvW favors the coward.
They should have a look at that.

No exceptions!

Is anyone else scared of PvP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xapheus.1235


But being hunted by players seems too personal to me, this is why I cannot do PvP or WvW.

In WvW, you are just an anonymous “Invader” or “Defender” to your enemy. Definitely isn’t personal there.

Even in sPvP, it’s not like I personally have anything against the people I kill, especially since it seems like the sPvP servers shuffle people around so that there aren’t “enemies” or “allies”…just a bunch of people PvPing together. The same person you killed will help you kill others in the next match. The tournament game might be different, but my point here is most PvP isn’t personal. Even in the cases where it is personal, it usually isn’t “bad”.

League of Omnipotents [Omni] @ Fort Aspenwood

Is anyone else scared of PvP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karizee.8076


WvW is a great place to try it out.

1. Stay with the group – that’s the green dots on your map.
2. Use a range weapon.
3. Focus on staying alive rather than doing damage at first – same as PvE, move out of the red circles.
4. Before you know it you’ll see that big red Finish Them! button and you’ll be hooked

Dying isn’t terrible and it will happen. Just use the waypoint and run back to a group.

Is anyone else scared of PvP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xiv.7136


WvW is nothing to be scared of. There’s no embarrassment because your opponents don’t see your name.

And honestly, in hotjoin sPVP, no one cares how much of a noob you are.

Just play like you would on a random Call of Duty server.

I like pizza

Is anyone else scared of PvP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mulch.2586


In a real pvp game, I have felt some strong emotions.

But gw2 isn’t a pvp game. Even the mini-game parts of pvp (confined to never touch the actual game world) don’t have any consequence. Just good light-hearted fun.

Is anyone else scared of PvP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yenkin.5410


I don’t know why people in PvP get so mad when they die, it is a fact you are going to play PvP you are going to Die, the good news is there is no real penalty in this game for dying in PvP. Now in WvWvW, I found out that you take a hit in your equipment when you die at the hands of another player, i was very unhappy with that aspect of the WvWvW game. I don’t mind dying but when you have to spend more copper/silver than you earn whats the point. The early levels of this game is pretty stingy on the money, and costs for crafting materials, salvage kits, travel and death can add up. I realize that the economy has to be watched but there has to be a fine balance between reward and penalties.

Is anyone else scared of PvP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Satans Chosen.1024

Satans Chosen.1024

I am because I have poor reflexes, so I stay away from almost all rpg and shooter pvp, even some rts depending on the pacing. WvW in GW2 is actually enjoyable for me, at the present, because the zergling effect causes many battles that would last only seconds in spvp to last minutes. I have more than enough time to determine the flow of battle, find where I may do the most good, and go do it. And because there are so many players without name tags, it’s hard for anyone to single me out. I hate dancing all over the place in an one on one fight. But I consider it just punishment if I find myself on the wrong side of the battlelines and getting ganged up on.

Is anyone else scared of PvP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RummyTheMad.7290


I always feel the same anxiety when I start to PvP in a new game. It’s completely normal, and totally irrational. For me, it’s just getting past the reflex barrier. PvP is far more fast-paced than PvE, so it’s easy to feel like you suck until you are comfortable with the pacing. Like any change, you will become acclimated with exposure, so as others have said, just start doing it.

WvW is great way to ease into it since it’s more of a hybrid mode, and will feel a little more familiar. Plus, you almost always have the security of numbers if you want it. Also, the PvP community in this game is stellar. My sPvP fights almost always end with each of us congratulating the other on some great fighting – regardless of who defeated whom.

And don’t be afraid to talk to your opponent after they have killed you. A simple “well played,” or “nice fight” will build good will and only helps the community to be more inclusive and friendly (even while we’re trying to smash each others skulls).

PvP is really fun in this game, so I would strongly recommend breaking through the anxiety barrier – I bet you’ll be glad you did!

Is anyone else scared of PvP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Reikou.7068


As someone who plays the game mostly for PvP I find many posts like these rather odd.

Being a PvP player, especially to stay competitive, requires you to be good. To learn all the little tips and tricks and exploits and edges that you can use to one-up your opponent; hence, get better at the game. This is why hardcore PvP-ers will always be better at any skill related aspect of any game than PvE players, and it is blatantly obvious, especially when I wander into PvE to level alts/what not. It just leaves me to wonder why people even bother playing the game if they don’t care to get better at it? Are people really content with just being “under par” at something they do?


(edited by Reikou.7068)

Is anyone else scared of PvP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: WasAGuest.4973


There’s nothing to really fear from PvP. It’s all for fun. Like goofing off with other people. Now, whether one finds it fun or not is another thing.

I love PvP in games like Planetside 2 or games where tactics are used (Total War games for a quick off the top example). However, in fantasy RPGs I loathe the PvP. I find games of virtual tag rather “bleh” and annoying – probably why I dislike some AI that are coded to behave like (really really bad) PvP players. – Makes me sigh, roll my eyes and wonder where the challenge went.

Of course, with that said: Give it a try, don’t worry about getting “killed”; everyone dies now and then in PvP. That’s part of it. Have to have a sense of humor too. Ribbing each other “should” be fun… sadly, that seems a lost form of entertainment. :P

And as always: That’s just my personal opinion and others’ will likely vary.

Is anyone else scared of PvP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: jayderyu.3751


My wife has anxiety when she plays PvP… but it’s a wierd thing. Not her having it as wierd, but the circumstances around and when it occurs.

Ok. She HATES PvP. She doesn’t like PvP and for the most part she avoids PvP.
She has gone into WoW battleground to do a cooking achievement and ended up killing a few enemy with other players.

She has done some PvP to do some of the WoW achievements. Most of the time I do them for her.

She joined a WoW arena team and played a couple of matches. Where we were stomped easily :P

Honestly my wife just doesn’t have the reaction ability to PvP. Constantly moving just isn’t her thing and she only get’s by in GW2 because I am getting her to go Vit/Tou and Power as her prime stats on a warrior. I also ended up turning my character to support so she get’s more buffs.

Personally I think if I could get her into a guild WvW run I think she could handle it. I believe what get’s her is the 1 on 1 where she feels useless. To her she is more of an immersion-ist player. Where she is the character. So when she get’s stomped it breaks her play and she get’s anxiety.

However I managed to get my 7 year old son and my 13 year old daughter into WvW and they have a blast

“This is why hardcore PvP-ers will always be better at any skill related aspect of any game than PvE players, and it is blatantly obvious, especially when I wander into PvE to level alts/what not. It just leaves me to wonder why people even bother playing the game if they don’t care to get better at it? Are people really content with just being “under par?””

I’ll answer this. Why do people watch movies, like to eat good tasting food, read novels, and so on? I personally get where your coming from. I play Street Fighter under the same idea. Get better, but that’s not why everyone plays games. This one I will put on you rather than those you are pointing at. It’s not about competition. It’s about enjoyment and enjoyment can be found in many different ways. For some it’s about getting better for others in an MMO it’s about the story and where the game takes you. All you need to do is keep an open mind that people don’t play just your way. It sounds odd, but it’s true. I’ve seen a number of gamers who just can’t even comprehend that fun or enjoyment can happen in any other form. It’s the same reason that people who play the game for story can’t comprehend the number crunching at Elitist Jerks over WoW.

Fun is where you find it and playing better isn’t the only way to find that fun. I hope that enlightens the mystery a little and answers that question you have. So be patient for those who are in it for different fun and they will be patient with you… not that I know if your the kind that is impatient

I don’t need no stinking signature.

(edited by jayderyu.3751)

Is anyone else scared of PvP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: naqaden.5698



I feel the same as you. My friend feels the same too. We even made a guild together for pansies like ourselves.

It stresses me out. The fast pace I can do – I loved the Clock Tower puzzle. The thing for me was its predictability. I get why others get bored with that, but I want to /know/ if I can succeed. Given practice I could learn that puzzle with confidence. Against random players there’s no guarantee.

Besides that I get no high from killing someone. It can feel personal, even if my attackers or my victims shouldn’t feel like that. I don’t know them, and we can’t communicate. I could assume that they’re only there if they don’t care. That’s fine – that’s why I’m not there :P

Is anyone else scared of PvP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Manifest.8415


It’s horrible. People will chase you down and kill you even if you try to avoid them; although that is the whole purpose of wvw and pvp. I do jumping puzzzles solo daily in the borderlands and get killed by ranged enemies who for no reason at all wants to prevent me from getting the keys to unlock the vault.

Is anyone else scared of PvP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Angel.1435


When you get used to pvp the buzz it gives when you’re locked into a fight is something PvE can’t match

Is anyone else scared of PvP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dimgl.4786


I thought I was the only one who feels this! Lol in fact, the original Guild Wars PvP was much more daunting. I rarely played it just because I knew I would get schooled. I’m much more into the PvE side of things.

Is anyone else scared of PvP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Josher.9612


I’m scarred of TPvP since I have no interest in living in the game since that’s what you have to do to actually be successful. SPvP got boring fast due to only 1 play mode, draw-in issues, spell graphics spam and class disparity. WvW is a joke due to the draw in problems, zerging, spell effects and sadly the entire concept is completely pointless.

PvP servers in WOW had more of a purpose, were FAAAAAR more dynamic and made fighting other players fun. You actually got to know your enemies by name. Not so here. I couldn’t care less who I was fighting or for what reason. A minor stat buff that really doesn’t effect me in any significant way? I’m supposed to zerg some walls every night and deal with all that spell spam and cruddy FPS? No thanks.

Is anyone else scared of PvP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: drifter.8453


I will probably try WvW soon, but last time I went, the map was huge and it was sort of overwhelming I didn’t know where to start.

The main problem with WvW is if you get pealed from the group and die, and the only uncontested waypoin is far south and you died far north you will have to try to catch up with the group you where in without get jumped again by a few of opposing team members who might be scouting. I know the guild I was in we had a handful of scouts, just to pick off straglers making there way to their group. It is annoying being a victam of a scout group. So WvW is fun aslong as you stay with the group and not die often.

Is anyone else scared of PvP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shilian.5873


well, in video games, death = respown.
everyone win.

Is anyone else scared of PvP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shamurai.5976


I too have NEVER liked nor been good at PvP in any game… but I’ll admit I’ve tried WvWvW and PvP in GW2 and it’s not toooo bad.. in WvWvW find a group and just run with them mostly… you get some kills.. you get killed but as long as your group doesn’t wipe they fix you up.. for PvP.. maps are small.. teams are small… constantly moving, attacking, running, dying and respawning… I sucked at PvP in GW2.. but after 2 games i had 10 kills… probably 20 deaths but still.. not so bad.

Is anyone else scared of PvP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ciannait.1945


I do admit to being afraid of trying PVP because a lot of people use it as an excuse to lord over others. WvW, where I get crushed by a zerg, isn’t much fun to me. What was unexpectedly fun was the sPVP events in the Halloween event! Gear is irrelevant. You got new skills to use to chuck pumpkins and whatnot, instead of your normal farming weapon. I even got MVP on one of those matches once.

I would say, find a friend, and go with them. What seems daunting by yourself is made much easier with a team of like-minded folks!

Is anyone else scared of PvP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Magnetron.5823


I have died 1500+ times and it still makes me rage haha, i think i just dont like losing

Born in the Desolation. Die for Desolation.

Is anyone else scared of PvP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ciannait.1945


PVP is a zero-sum game. Someone wins, and someone loses. Sometimes it’ll be you, on either end.

Is anyone else scared of PvP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Melchior.2135


As someone who plays the game mostly for PvP I find many posts like these rather odd.

Being a PvP player, especially to stay competitive, requires you to be good. To learn all the little tips and tricks and exploits and edges that you can use to one-up your opponent; hence, get better at the game. This is why hardcore PvP-ers will always be better at any skill related aspect of any game than PvE players, and it is blatantly obvious, especially when I wander into PvE to level alts/what not. It just leaves me to wonder why people even bother playing the game if they don’t care to get better at it? Are people really content with just being “under par” at something they do?

I play for exploration, story, and concept. If I’m good enough to get to the next stunning vista, or complete the mission and see the next part of the story, or earn the piece of gear that fits the look I want, that’s all I need.

I tend to approach accumulating skill with the game in kind of a backwards way – most players are constantly looking for the combination of skills, traits and equipment that produces the best effect, and training themselves to perform well with those setups. I tend to pick whatever fits the idea in my head, become disappointed with how it actually performs, but keep plugging away until I fully own my weird little niche. I become the Grand Kung-Fu Master of my crappy builds, and sometimes dazzle people with the performance I can squeeze out of them, but it’s backhanded compliments at best – “Wow, what was amazing… for an Air and Earth traited Scepter/Dagger Elementalist. You should switch to Staff or Dagger/Dagger, dump all your points into Water and Arcane, change out all the utility skills you actually enjoy and use the following Trait selections. Then you’d be REALLY good!”

Sometimes, that kind of persistence gets rewarded. The Devs tend to notice if someone achieves that level of expertise and still underperforms. If you’re the Reikou from City of Heroes, you’ll recall me as @Eisenzahn, and my years of dedication to Lunaticia, my Elec/Elec Brute, before the huge list of bugs with those powers got resolved and she became an Incarnate Trial Dominating powerhouse. Usually though, I stay locked away from “high performance” by my choices… able to get the job done in PvE, but in PvP unable to meaningfully contribute to a battlefield full of people who are totally optimized.

Sure, I could make an alt with a PvP Build and learn to play it. But it wouldn’t be MY character. Playing a build someone else optimized is like logging into someone else’s saved game. And trying to optimize the build myself is futile, because I just don’t CARE which powers are most effective, if they don’t also look cool and fit my concept. The best I can hope for is to some day luck into a build that fits my style and vision for the character, and also just happens to be PvP capable. Until then, I keep my distance.

Former Guild Wars 2 fan. RIP, ArenaNet’s integrity.

Is anyone else scared of PvP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ciannait.1945


As someone who plays the game mostly for PvP I find many posts like these rather odd.

Being a PvP player, especially to stay competitive, requires you to be good. To learn all the little tips and tricks and exploits and edges that you can use to one-up your opponent; hence, get better at the game. This is why hardcore PvP-ers will always be better at any skill related aspect of any game than PvE players, and it is blatantly obvious, especially when I wander into PvE to level alts/what not. It just leaves me to wonder why people even bother playing the game if they don’t care to get better at it? Are people really content with just being “under par” at something they do?

I play for exploration, story, and concept. If I’m good enough to get to the next stunning vista, or complete the mission and see the next part of the story, or earn the piece of gear that fits the look I want, that’s all I need.

I tend to approach accumulating skill with the game in kind of a backwards way – most players are constantly looking for the combination of skills, traits and equipment that produces the best effect, and training themselves to perform well with those setups. I tend to pick whatever fits the idea in my head, become disappointed with how it actually performs, but keep plugging away until I fully own my weird little niche. I become the Grand Kung-Fu Master of my crappy builds, and sometimes dazzle people with the performance I can squeeze out of them, but it’s backhanded compliments at best – “Wow, what was amazing… for an Air and Earth traited Scepter/Dagger Elementalist. You should switch to Staff or Dagger/Dagger, dump all your points into Water and Arcane, change out all the utility skills you actually enjoy and use the following Trait selections. Then you’d be REALLY good!”

Sometimes, that kind of persistence gets rewarded. The Devs tend to notice if someone achieves that level of expertise and still underperforms. If you’re the Reikou from City of Heroes, you’ll recall me as @Eisenzahn, and my years of dedication to Lunaticia, my Elec/Elec Brute, before the huge list of bugs with those powers got resolved and she became an Incarnate Trial Dominating powerhouse. Usually though, I stay locked away from “high performance” by my choices… able to get the job done in PvE, but in PvP unable to meaningfully contribute to a battlefield full of people who are totally optimized.

Sure, I could make an alt with a PvP Build and learn to play it. But it wouldn’t be MY character. Playing a build someone else optimized is like logging into someone else’s saved game. And trying to optimize the build myself is futile, because I just don’t CARE which powers are most effective, if they don’t also look cool and fit my concept. The best I can hope for is to some day luck into a build that fits my style and vision for the character, and also just happens to be PvP capable. Until then, I keep my distance.

I am right there with you. I played all the “off” builds no one else will touch. I was an EM Enchantress in DAoC, kitten

Is anyone else scared of PvP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Everglow.2185


I know multiple people who feel the same way, and if you really want to give it a try then I’d definitely advise WvW. Other enemies can’t see your name so there’s really no trash talk outside of emotes (which are often meant in a friendly manner as well, like a /salute or /bow after a good fight). You should definitely join a WvW guild though, don’t just go in and run around alone. It can be a lot of fun playing with others. Some fights you win, some fights you lose, just like with any competition.

Also, it may help to think more about protecting your teammates rather than defeating your enemy. It’s something that seems to help the people I know who don’t like killing others (or being killed) but still enjoy PvP with friends. There’s also a lot of defensive strategy and siege equipment in WvW that you may enjoy.

And never think that there’s no point! Everyone starts somewhere and every defeat is a learning experience for how to improve your game. Learn from mistakes (whether it’s mechanical errors, map awareness, use of different traits/skills/weapon abilities, etc) and continue to grow into a better PvPer.

Feel free to pm me in game if you want, and I’m on SoS if you want a guild or people to run around with in WvW.

The Havok Legion [HL]

Is anyone else scared of PvP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saidor.7028


I’m not scared of pvp just not interested in being killed in a a few seconds. Thats not playing the game thats just getting ganked. Wasnt interested in that in wow not interested in that in GW2. Oh for the days of decent warhammer pvp….

Is anyone else scared of PvP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Grumwulf.9602


I’m a bit nervous in PVP but I quite like that feeling. But my problem is that I don’t really like killing people. I’m guessing PVPers must get a buzz from that but I all I feel is a mixture of relief and guilt. Sorry, I want to say, but it was me or you, mate, hope you’re not mad.

Is anyone else scared of PvP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: melodyca.8921


I think I have a PvP-phobia. I’m just scared being killed and hunted by other players. In PVE it’s fine because I can run away, and the monsters will lose aggro. But being hunted by players seems too personal to me, this is why I cannot do PvP or WvW. Am I the only one feeling like this and is it weird?

Also, I know that when I do PvP against another player, I will most likely die, so there is no point of me to PvP at all, since all I’ll be doing is respawning over and over. Any suggestions ?

I actually felt the same way until I tried it. Its not as difficult as you make it out to be and its actually fun when you are in a group

Is anyone else scared of PvP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ebon.7641


I have that same feeling in multiplayer FPS games. I have no idea why, I just can’t do it lol.

No problem with other games though. League of Legends, PVP in MMO’s, etc