Is exploring hard to reach areas of maps conisdered an exploit?

Is exploring hard to reach areas of maps conisdered an exploit?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: greyblue.4962


As an example, there’s a way to get into the “bottom” of Rata Sum without dying. It doesn’t involve hacking, just combining buffs and traits in a certain way and making the jumps just right. Is that considered an exploit?

There’s nothing you can really gain by this except to explore other bits of the landscape, so it seems like it should be ok, but I wanted to make sure, as no one else seems to do it.

Is exploring hard to reach areas of maps conisdered an exploit?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Knote.2904


I’ve done it. How would it be an exploit? What are you gaining lol.

Is exploring hard to reach areas of maps conisdered an exploit?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: greyblue.4962


There have been a lot of updates with “fixes” to ways people can get to off-map areas, and I just wanted to be sure. (To be fair, those may have been fixes to the issue where people accidentally walked through invisiwalls and got stuck.)

Is exploring hard to reach areas of maps conisdered an exploit?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cosmic Teapot.9162

Cosmic Teapot.9162

Probably not an exploit.

Here’s my contribution for hard to reach areas. Not that difficult, but ride the lightning is the only way to get there.


Is exploring hard to reach areas of maps conisdered an exploit?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Milennin.4825


I often reach end of map areas while searching for hidden places or jumping puzzles (I don’t look on guides). It’s not my fault there’s not enough invisible walls.=s

Just who the hell do you think I am!?

Is exploring hard to reach areas of maps conisdered an exploit?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zenyatoo.4059


Probably not an exploit.

Here’s my contribution for hard to reach areas. Not that difficult, but ride the lightning is the only way to get there.

using ride the lightning also allows for a few more neat ones.

Here’s a few to try around Lions arch.
1. The roof of the LA bank
2. the ruins near the ship tunnel south of the traders forum
3. the ruined tower/the roof of the trading post building (which is sadly intangible)

All of the above are quite possible, and listed in difficulty from easiest to hardest.

Is exploring hard to reach areas of maps conisdered an exploit?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cosmic Teapot.9162

Cosmic Teapot.9162

Thanks, I’ll have to try those out.

Is exploring hard to reach areas of maps conisdered an exploit?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CC Eva.6742

CC Eva.6742

Community Coordinator

As an example, there’s a way to get into the “bottom” of Rata Sum without dying. It doesn’t involve hacking, just combining buffs and traits in a certain way and making the jumps just right. Is that considered an exploit?

There’s nothing you can really gain by this except to explore other bits of the landscape, so it seems like it should be ok, but I wanted to make sure, as no one else seems to do it.

If you are capable of reaching that zone without hacks then it is not considered an exploit.

Is exploring hard to reach areas of maps conisdered an exploit?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ingram of Haz.5987

Ingram of Haz.5987

I did that trick and used a resurrection orb to run around down there. nothing of interest really… Same trick can be used for an achievement too in the goonies ship Jumping puzzle.. whats it called…. Fawcett’s Revenge I think…

Jade Quarry

Is exploring hard to reach areas of maps conisdered an exploit?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xlion.3065


Now define “hacks”, Eva!

Is exploring hard to reach areas of maps conisdered an exploit?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ravic.3742


What does this response even mean? If you guys forget to code in walls in certain places, and we can simply walk through the world, does this mean anything we do as a result of this is not considered an exploit?

Edit: Just to be more specific, you can enter keeps in WvW without ever having to break down walls/doors simply by walking through terrain that Anet didn’t code properly. According to the post by CC Eva, this wouldn’t be considered an exploit (since walking isn’t hacking, is it?).

Khaej – 80 Norn Engineer
Ouroboros Protocol [OP] – Dragonbrand

(edited by ravic.3742)

Is exploring hard to reach areas of maps conisdered an exploit?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jestunhi.7429


Poorly chosen words Eva, since the whole point in an exploit is that players are exploiting something that is in the game (e.g. an unintended feature or bug) for personal gain.

I agree that in this case I wouldn’t see it as an exploit, but that’s because there is nothing to gain. A similar situation of accessing a different level in the Z axis in a PvP enabled zone could have serious advantages.

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Is exploring hard to reach areas of maps conisdered an exploit?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dead.7385


Exploit has no solid meaning. One thing might be an exploit while another that does the exact same thing isn’t an exploit. It is and always has been up to the dev on a case-by-case basis. I highly doubt they will ban you for doing that in Rata Sum, but they would pull a hammer if you did that with keeps (if they ever bothered to catch you or do something).

Pulling mobs is a prime example. Been done in MMO’s forever, yet certain fights people cry exploit because you pulled a certain mob. Others it is considered tactics and the correct thing to do (not charging into a group but rather single pulling those that are nasty out first).

Is exploring hard to reach areas of maps conisdered an exploit?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ophion.4109


Where there’s no advantage it’s an easy question. A more salient example that I’ll give, now that it’s been patched:

What about in Citadel of Flame, where on one path you could jump the final gate? Pure exploration, but you could avoid doing the task to open the gate, and the final boss doesn’t trigger to attack you making the climax trivially easy. Moreover, you could then get the final chest to spawn twice at the end (by opening it, and then opening the door and starting the boss fight), granting double reward which is surely unintended behaviour.

It certainly seems like there are some cases where reaching a zone without hacks should be considered exploitative. Imagine if you could spawn an infinite number of reward chests from a similar bug? An extreme hypothetical I know, but: still not an exploit, go nuts while it’s not common knowledge/patched yet?

Also, as Jestunhi said — an exploit by definition involves “exploiting” game mechanics to reach unintended results rather than hacking anything.

Is exploring hard to reach areas of maps conisdered an exploit?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: exphryl.3857


I think getting in to special areas do not increase or hinder yours or another persons gameplay.

The only thing that would be considered an “exploit” i’d say is if you find a way to use terrain as a way to hit opposing players or mobs without them able to attack you back.

Or if you use terrain to bypass intended events.

Is exploring hard to reach areas of maps conisdered an exploit?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: greyblue.4962


A minor update to this: the jailing mechanic in Rata Sum is brilliant

Is exploring hard to reach areas of maps conisdered an exploit?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ASB.4295


An exploit prerequisites having an advantage. which in turn prerequisites some form of competition or skill based challenge. If you were to exploit outside of the map in a dungeon to skip mobs and then tele back in at your goal, that would be an exploit. If you find a way to gain access to out of bounds terrain in a PvP map, giving you an advantage over your enemy – that is an exploit. Merely doing it for the sake of exploration is not an exploit.


Is exploring hard to reach areas of maps conisdered an exploit?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Spawn.7014


As an example, there’s a way to get into the “bottom” of Rata Sum without dying. It doesn’t involve hacking, just combining buffs and traits in a certain way and making the jumps just right. Is that considered an exploit?

There’s nothing you can really gain by this except to explore other bits of the landscape, so it seems like it should be ok, but I wanted to make sure, as no one else seems to do it.

If you are capable of reaching that zone without hacks then it is not considered an exploit.

But this isnt true for instances corect? because i know one dev came out and said that the trick to go over the gate in mags was an exploit. but they got to that point without hacks.

Is exploring hard to reach areas of maps conisdered an exploit?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Swagman.9013


You guys are all being ridiculous, the op is talking about getting to hard to reach or out of bounds areas on the map, the example given is the bottom of rata sum.

There is nothing to be gained from that how is anyone making the jump from that to an instance where you avoid mobs.

Stop being dumb.

Is exploring hard to reach areas of maps conisdered an exploit?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raap.9065


I find plenty of these locations. On Cursed Shore alone you can find lots of places to get out of the map.

I report all which I find. Usually I find them out of boredom. I’d look at a place on a map and make it my goal to reach it, and do it succesfully almost anytime. Just takes some know-how in terms of how the engine works.

My problem is, each of the areas I report get fixed in the most uncreative way imaginable; Invisible walls. Nothing is more immersion and fun-breaking than climbing something tricky, only to hit an invisible wall. I wish they’d stop using that cheap old method and actually get creative when it comes to terrain fixes.

Swift Mending – Guardian
Thorny Scrub – Thief

Is exploring hard to reach areas of maps conisdered an exploit?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Corian.4068


My interpretation of the response here is that it’s okay to explore terrain if you can access it, however, you cannot use this terrain to bypass content (either an obstacle or an encounter) as that is against the rules no matter what method you use to achieve it.

In other words, standing somewhere in the regular PvE world that you aren’t necessarily intended to reach is fine, but using terrain to speedrun a dungeon or to gain an advantage in PvP is unacceptable.

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Is exploring hard to reach areas of maps conisdered an exploit?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shiren.9532


I would expect things like this are fine unless you are using them to skip half the content in a dungeon. Say for example someone found a way to jump up the platform at the beginning of Twilight Arbor and engage the Nightmare Tree without fighting through the rest of the dungeon. The mechanics/abilities used to get up there might be fine to use elsewhere, but when they allow you to bypass a dungeon and gain rewards very quickly without working for them, it would probably be considered an exploit.

Exploring the world and seeing what nooks and crannies you can fit into or discover, that should be fine.

Is exploring hard to reach areas of maps conisdered an exploit?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thorgald.2485


But this isnt true for instances corect? because i know one dev came out and said that the trick to go over the gate in mags was an exploit. but they got to that point without hacks.

If you’re avoiding content you’re supposed to do then yes obviously it’s an exploit…

Off-topic: Why can’t i quote people properly in this thread?

Is exploring hard to reach areas of maps conisdered an exploit?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayra.3290


But this isnt true for instances corect? because i know one dev came out and said that the trick to go over the gate in mags was an exploit. but they got to that point without hacks.

If you’re avoiding content you’re supposed to do then yes obviously it’s an exploit…

Off-topic: Why can’t i quote people properly in this thread?

It’s a bug with the forums, sometimes it acts like you’re not logged in.

The Unnamed[ThUn] – Desolation
Vayra – Elementalist
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Is exploring hard to reach areas of maps conisdered an exploit?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nivex.5863


What part of ‘that zone’ includes or implies the rest of the game? None. Reading comprehension is fun.

Is exploring hard to reach areas of maps conisdered an exploit?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: greyblue.4962


I wonder, does the polymock arena count? You can get there using nothing but normal in-game items too. It’s just rather tricky.