Is it smart to invest in exclusive dyes?
I mean the Lion’s Arch Rebuild dyes. They won’t be coming back after this run, right? Logically they can only go up in value and investing in them now is no risk. Am I right?
They probably will come back in half a year or a year.
Unles they are at 15% over vendor value, they can still go down, even though thats unlikely.
There is always risk involved, it can still go down before they stop selling in on the gem store and it possible that you dont sell your supply with a profit, before they re release it.
And as far as I know, they havent even announced a date yet, when they take the dye kit of the gem store.
The Shadow dye Kit was also put on the rare loot table for black lion chests, after they ended the direct purchase.
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
(edited by Wanze.8410)
You can use or to track the historical prices of the various limited-edition dyes. When you do, you will see that all of the oldest such dyes — beginning with Flame & Frost — have hit extremely high peaks, dropped like a stone, and gone up again (almost never hitting the same prices as before). Some are at peak prices now, because they haven’t (yet) been re-introduced to the gem shop and/or the BL kits.
Further, you’ll also find that many dropped in value over the weeks and/or months after their introduction, usually depending on the popularity of the color and always depending on the amount of time the kits remained available in the gem store.
Finally, you’ll also see that some dyes hit bigger peaks than others.
tl;dr I don’t think anyone could have predicted each of the speculation “winners” for each kit, with the possible exception of Shadow Abyss (and even that one didn’t necessarily offer the best return on the original investment compared to others.)
To put it another way, if you have to ask if “investing in them now is no risk,” then I recommend that you choose another investment strategy.
Dye kits are added to and removed from Black Lion Chests over time. They also eventually come back to the gemstore for short times.
You can never tell how profitable the investment will be.
As an example, Crimson Lion Dyes were unavailable for a month or so. After that they were introduced in Black Lion Chest and prices started dropping.
Shadow Dyes were added to Black Lion chests as soon as they were released and afaik still have not left neither the chests nor the gemstore.
(edited by Vargamonth.2047)
The other night I checked the most expensive dye on the TP (Electro Blue @1,050g). SOMEONE, and quite a few others in lower order prices are actually willing to pay 700g for this.
Yes investing in something is always risky. It just so happens that the Electro Dyes fell into the hands of either people playing the market or individuals who got lucky making investments as I’m pretty sure that specific dye kit no longer drops from chests etc.
The other night I checked the most expensive dye on the TP (Electro Blue @1,050g). SOMEONE, and quite a few others in lower order prices are actually willing to pay 700g for this.
That or they are speculators investing on the possibility that they can turn around in a month and sell it for 1,500g. (Not impossible, although I would invest 700g on more likely “winners” — that’s a lot to risk with the chance that ANet might re-introduce Taimi’s set soon.)