Is it worth it?
Depends on how quickly you want it. If you’re willing to take your time then either way would do. Otherwise empty your wallet on it and have it tomorrow.
Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?
One more question if anyone cares to answer-has anet said anything about increasing the gear cap? I don’t want to make this ascended then learn in 4 months in the next expac it’ll become obsolete. I know anet is going for horizontal progression, but does anyone know if they’ve continued to say that recently?
1. Ascended will be always the best in slot.
2. Ascended armor is just ~5% better than exotic armor
3. When ascended armor was released, people like me crafted it just because they wanted to work towards something. Now there are so many things to work towards in this game that the player has to choose. Basically, you need ascended armor for high level fractals (70+ or something like that), raids (if you are playing with friends and your raid party is good, exotic is enough)
4. Ascended items that are must-have are jewelry. Amulet is the cheapest and even cheaper if you buy it in WvW. For rings just play fractals and you will get loads of them plus tokens for which you can buy the ones you want. Accessories (earrings) are the hardest to get, but if you can find some guild and do guild missions with them, you will get enough tokens for both earrings in like 4 weeks.
5. Ascended weapons are must-have if you are playing raids or high level fractals.
6. Ascended backpack is not hard to get. For example, Mawdrey is very cheap now. Just buy all the foxfire clusters from TP. For the quest for mawdrey you need to do some living world 2 episodes. Other option is to craft ascended backpack from mystic forge or from doing fractals a lot.
In conclusion, first get jewelry, weapons, backpack, then go for ascended armor if you feel like it and just enjoy the game, don’t rush for the gear like many no-lifers out there.
Good luck.
I think it’s better to have your craft leveled unless you hate crafting. Take your time doing it, by all means, spread out the cost, but there are plenty of things in this game you can only get reliably by crafting. So having that done is probably not a bad idea anyway.
Doing it all at once, however, I wouldn’t do. I took my time with it.
When i started the game i gathered everything and i still do, and i also save most things i salvage or get as loot. With this i craft ascended to my characters. I have never bought anything to craft it, i just wait until i have it all and then craft.The last year i simply can’t craft enough to get rid of all materials but now we need a lot of stuff to guildhall instead.
Point is, just gather and salvage and you don’t have to put in that much gold.
As Leaa said
Crafting doesn’t cost me much, I just wait until I have the mats. I think I have 3 ascended armor so far, and full ascended rings, back, amulet and accessories. Just taking it slow.
1. Ascended will be always the best in slot.
[citation needed]
You may be thinking of Legendary items, for those ANet explicitly stated they will always be best in slot. But that means if there will be something better than Ascended, then yes, Ascended will not be upgraded.
As for the OP, I’d say go for it. Not because it’s sure that it will always be the best, but because ANet is so sluggish when it comes to completely new stuff that you can probably enjoy your Ascended gear for at least 2 more years before something else comes along the way.
Heck, we don’t even have Legendary armor yet and that will probably be Ascended in terms of stats too.
Why does it have to be one or the other? I been running daily fractals (all 9) every day for about 3 weeks….in that time I’ve received 5 armor boxes (used 3 for my light set, 2 for my medium set) and crafted the last 2 pieces of my light set to finish it off, now any other boxes will go to my alt set (med /heavy
Is it truly worth it to spend hundreds of gold on crafting, and then 100s of gold on full ascended? Do you guys think it’s better to craft, or take the long route and do fractal dailies/raids till you get them?
I crafted my first set. Luckily I had quite a bit of materials saved up already, so I would say the entire process of leveling up the crafts and crafting the gear was around 250g, which by today’s standards is not that much money.
That said, my second set was from fractals almost exclusively 5/6 pieces I got from fractals and got impatient on the last one. Half of those pieces were from the new daily fractal chests (the Champion chest 50+ one). In the process of getting those pieces I ended up with around 500g just from fractals. Not sure how many fractal runs it took me, though, I seriously lose track. I’d say I did at least 20 of the dailies, but could be more ( I would do every one of them—but champion and veteran are the key ones, assuming you don’t need pages anymore). You aren’t guaranteed what armor piece you get however. I got multiple of the same here and there.
I vote fractals if you aren’t in a hurry. You will make good money doing the dailies, which will get you closer to being able to simply buy it if you aren’t being favored by the RNG gods.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….