Is the new content focus in the right place?

Is the new content focus in the right place?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lihak.1928


Don’t get me wrong here, I like the fact that Anet is constantly doing stuff for the game and I’m sure there are some people who actually enjoy the living world content. But I personally don’t play mmo’s because I like to grind mobs or achievements alone or follow some pretty ordinary and predictable dragon plot. There are great single-player games for that. In an mmo I’d simply love to see more “multiplayer content”. Stuff that you can do with other people and stuff that can potentially keep you entertained for much longer than what it takes to finish a couple of story instances.

In the previous mmo I played there were expansions with new dungeons, classes, races, pvp etc. that always made the game feel fresh. In Gw2 however, despite the “living world” I can say that from my perspective the game has changed or moved on only very little. I’ve been grinding the same dungeons and the same kind of pvp for two years now and I keep wondering whether there will ever be content for my kind of players rather than just for the b-class story fans.

It’d be interesting to see a survey about where the majority of the player base spends most of their game time. Is it really the in living world content? Might it be because it’s the only thing that’s being developed? I dare you to throw in some new pvp content other than conquest maps and see how happy it’ll make people.

Is the new content focus in the right place?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teofa Tsavo.9863

Teofa Tsavo.9863

Coiled Watch Chain in Frostgorge was a neat and fun event well over a year ago when I did it the first time.

Adding a totem and 59 lemmings to it did not make it “new content”. But, YAY!! Champ Train!!! Best LS evah!!

People get what they really value, I guess.

not my thing.

Ley lines. The perfect solution to deadlines and writers block. Now in an easy open Can.

Is the new content focus in the right place?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: saalle.4623


I do LS and i love it.I like LS concept lot more then expansions cause expansions feels too static.But i agree on lack of end game content and features in this game.I just want that for new races,classes,dungeons and others you dont really need expansions.They can put all of those under feature patch wile pushing story through Living Story.That would be really perfect in my opinion.Too bad that we dont see much those features patches :/

Is the new content focus in the right place?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: VOLTCIEAGE.3029


Don’t get me wrong here, I like the fact that Anet is constantly doing stuff for the game and I’m sure there are some people who actually enjoy the living world content. But I personally don’t play mmo’s because I like to grind mobs or achievements alone or follow some pretty ordinary and predictable dragon plot. There are great single-player games for that. In an mmo I’d simply love to see more “multiplayer content”. Stuff that you can do with other people and stuff that can potentially keep you entertained for much longer than what it takes to finish a couple of story instances.

In the previous mmo I played there were expansions with new dungeons, classes, races, pvp etc. that always made the game feel fresh. In Gw2 however, despite the “living world” I can say that from my perspective the game has changed or moved on only very little. I’ve been grinding the same dungeons and the same kind of pvp for two years now and I keep wondering whether there will ever be content for my kind of players rather than just for the b-class story fans.

It’d be interesting to see a survey about where the majority of the player base spends most of their game time. Is it really the in living world content? Might it be because it’s the only thing that’s being developed? I dare you to throw in some new pvp content other than conquest maps and see how happy it’ll make people.

I spent a lot of my time in DC universe online and I think that idea like every 2 months new DLC with dungs,raid ,pvp arenas would be better then waiting few months for nothing and watching devs answears “we are working”. Maybe we need some kind non mandatory subscription too speed up the process of making content ?