Is the optimization for this game finished?

Is the optimization for this game finished?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nightstorm.8024


Sup guys.

I’m just gonna be blunt because I don’t know how else to put it, but what in the world did Arena Net do to get 70 FPS on a GTX680!?

I have a I5-2500k Unlock quad core with a GTX680 and 4g DDR3 1600 Ram.

I basically have a custom built home computer that can run practically almost any game with absolute solid 60 FPS hands down, any game, except Guild Wars 2.

Now granted, I know the game isn’t fully optimized, and I know nvidia is working on drivers, but i’m alittle bit upset.

I should NOT be getting 11 frames per second in a city. My average fps is 25 and I do have the lastest drivers from nvidia.

So my question is, what in the world did Arena Net do to claim they get 70 FPS!? Im not a console gamer so I spend the extra coin to get solid and smooth gameplay, but i’m finding it very difficult to enjoy my experience when i’m literally stuttering 90% of the time.

What am I suppose to do? Go out and buy 2 graphics cards??? Not gonna happen.

Anyway, thats just a bit of a rant. I can’t make my computer any better than it is, but I have seen other people play this game as smooth as ice. Also, any settings of lowering the graphics or even the resolution of the game gives no extra FPS returns.

Do we have any ETA on when this can be fixed? I really just want to stop till they fix it because I can’t enjoy some beautiful area’s in the game because the FPS drops so low.

Is the optimization for this game finished?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TransparentlyOpaque.1824


Its a shame you are having trouble getting better FPS. Maybe if you post in the tech support they can help you solve your problem.

I have an ATI card and it runs the game just fantastic.

Oh, and I should think they will continue to optimize the game, its only what 3 weeks old barely?

Is the optimization for this game finished?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nightstorm.8024


Its a shame you are having trouble getting better FPS. Maybe if you post in the tech support they can help you solve your problem.

I have an ATI card and it runs the game just fantastic.

Thats the problem. I"m getting reports from ATI user’s of fantastic FPS, but for NVIDIA card users like myself, the cards just aren’t optimized to play this game.

I was pretty loyal to nvidia, but the GTX680 has been out since like march? If ATI can get their stuff together, then I may hop ships.

Is the optimization for this game finished?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Failsociety.4569


Holy crap! I run two old school ATI 4800’s X-fired and get around 60 fps anywhere. 30 in huge zerg boss fights and on max settings.

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Is the optimization for this game finished?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TransparentlyOpaque.1824


Actually this is my first ATI card, and im very satisfied. The price/performance ratio is excellent, I would say the “best bang for my buck” ever on a new card purchase.

Im sure over time the game will be optimzed for Nvidia cards. And Nvidia is probably making a driver that specifically enhances GW2 support since it is quite a good selling game.

I know this is a tough thing to hear when you have good equipment- consider lowering your settings?

Is the optimization for this game finished?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nottix.7864


Sorry about your issues. Not sure what’s going on with your system. I’m rockin a NVidia GTX 260M. And I have 0 lag problems unless it’s coming from the server. No video lag even in 30+ man events. I play on mid to high settings. Mostly high except shadows and high res character textures. Hope you get it squared out, this game is too amazing to play with lag.

Is the optimization for this game finished?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nightstorm.8024


Actually this is my first ATI card, and im very satisfied. The price/performance ratio is excellent, I would say the “best bang for my buck” ever on a new card purchase.

Im sure over time the game will be optimzed for Nvidia cards. And Nvidia is probably making a driver that specifically enhances GW2 support since it is quite a good selling game.

I know this is a tough thing to hear when you have good equipment- consider lowering your settings?

Yet another happy ATI user.. Hmmm. Well as I said above, which is strange, is that I have my settings on High, and lowering the settings all the way down to LOW or evening lowering the resolution does not give me ANY extra FPS boost.

So if I get no FPS boost, I might as well keep all my settings on high and enjoy what I can get in terms of eye candy. Its really really strange. I never seen a game operate like this one.

But I must say, my graphics card feels like its not even running when I play this game, but my CPU takes the brunt of it. It goes from 36C idle to 61C!

Is the optimization for this game finished?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ayriuss.8205


Your issue is obviously a bug, Submit your DXdiag or something to support and tell them the problem. Lots of other Nvidia card users are playing fine as well.

Is the optimization for this game finished?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wraith.4103


Weird A LOT but that’s not about the game this time. Maybe change driver and make a clean install, worked for me… Dont know. I can get more than you with a 550ti. lol

Adrian Faust – Human Mesmer
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Is the optimization for this game finished?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ouzhyr.2175


GW2 is very CPU heavy. A top end GPU won’t do much better than a middle range one. I only have a GTX 560, but I manage 80-90 fps thanks to my i7.

Perpetually bored.

Is the optimization for this game finished?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: psyt.9415


Try upping your ram to 8gb. I used to get little micro freezes some times and picked up some more ram and it seems to have ironed out the issues. I figure it probably has quite a bit of stuff loaded into the ram like textures and what not and it doesn’t hurt to get more.

Is the optimization for this game finished?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ceallach.8740


I agree that RAM might be an issue. I always seem to be around 4 full Gb used when playing – though I keep other programs opened.

Other than that, the 6xx series has known issues with the game. Whose side it’s on, don’t know – but hopefully they’ll figure it out.