Is there a suggestion page?
Not anymore.
no, they deleted it because reasons
create a topic with [suggestion] at the beginning of the title
Nope. We had a suggestion subforum here but nobody read it. You can try making your suggestion here in the forum, but it will likely be driven to second-page limbo very quickly.
Not that falling off the front page happened any less quickly when there was a Suggestion sub-forum.
It was retired, as the Devs find it easier to peruse sub-forums that align more with their areas of expertise, rather than reading through many, many suggestions they may have no sway over whatsoever.
Thus, your best avenue of recognition is to place your suggestion in the sub-forum most suited to the area it will address.
Good luck.
No. A-net does not care about what you want. I think the Engineer community’s sentiments about the Hobosack prove that point.
It was harder for devs to spot the threads before, unless they deliberately went into the Suggestions subforum. Now the policy is that suggestions should be posted in the subforum appropriate to the topic, so that players (and devs) interested in the subject matter will be most likely to see it.
Suggestion threads are still commonly posted and grown, but they’re spread out to the places they belong instead of hidden away in a dark little corner.