Is there any point in fighting champion mobs?
No there is no point.
They said something about making bosses drop good stuff…
At the moment, unless its a DE champ, there is no reason to fight champion mobs unless you want a challenge. Personally i go from zone to zone looking for certain DE’s, like the fire ele in metrica, or the giant in diessa plateu, and i solo them. Why? Because its a nice challenge, the rewards arnt always great, but i find it fun.
Supposedly though this will be changing in the next few patches to make champ mobs drop better than average loot, perhaps even have special loot tables for certain champs, as anet specifically said they would like to bring back “boss hunting”.
no point whatsoever, they mostly drop vendor trash or no good stuff at all. We all know these champion bosses are a bear to kill, and the rewards are not worth the effort at all. Which = annoyed players = a less player game population.
no point whatsoever, they mostly drop vendor trash or no good stuff at all. We all know these champion bosses are a bear to kill, and the rewards are not worth the effort at all. Which = annoyed players = a less player game population.
Totally agree. I just run past them now.
It’s only worthwhile if people are already fighting it and then you can join in for easy event karma and a couple of silver (if in a high zone).
The only champs I fight are the DE champs. otherwise it isnt worth the time.
I went around with my party killing champion mobs around straits of devastation, and the ascalon areas.
We killed around 20 champions mobs. I had about 30-50% MF on, which really isnt much.
All i got were blues, greens, and a kitten load of whites. So no, there is absolutely no point in killing those idiots. Just a remarkable waste of time.
Imo killing champions should be more rewarding.
They should drop tokens for mysterious mystic forge stuff.
Nope and tbh most of the DE champs aren’t worth the time either.
As far as tangible rewards go, there really isn’t much of a point. They’re just there to see if you can take them out. Some seem kind of pointless, like those guarding skill points. I don’t mind Veterans guarding them, but Champions seem a bit overkill. For example, there’s a couple Champions that guard skill points throughout Orr but if you play a Profession that can summon allies (eg. Necromancer minions, Mesmer clones, Ranger pets, Guardian spirit weapons, Thieves Guild, Elementalist elementals, or Engineer turrets), then you could have those things tank the Champion while you book it to the skill point and commune it. That’s what I did for some of the skill points in Orr.
I am Fleeting Flash, in-game dungeon cosplayer of Reddit Refugees [RR] .
i would say for fun, but most of the time they aren’t even that. they usually have 1 attack, no fun mechanics and a 100000000000000000000 hp pool.
comes down to a 15 minute circle strafe while you dodge their one attack and watch their hp pool slowly sink.
My Charr enjoys a spot of challenge whenever I’m adventuring, it lets me practice my dodging and button presses a bit more (since I still embarrassingly click on my utility bar then actually use the keys for them). One of those Moral Victories and a reminder that I can’t just stand there and take the hits.
The loot is just the icing on the cake. The real “reward” is me getting better.
“The loot is just the icing on the cake.”
What loot? You mean vendor trash, whites and blues and maybe a green.
That is not the point. Especialy if it takes a group to take them down. Bosses need better rewards, period. Non of this beating around the bush BS.
Well at the moment Champion mobs sometimes drop practically useless stuff as opposed to regular mobs who usually drop COMPLETELY useless stuff.
I actually got a rare off the dredge champion event in gendarran fields, I thought it was a bug.
Champions usually drop crap, so the prolonged fight isn’t worth the reward, and I tend to avoid them. If other players are engaging one though, I will assist. When we have a guild group going though, we tend to seek them out, for the fun of it.
I used to attempt to kill champs and vets but now, I just run past them. Silly waste of time.
At the moment, unless its a DE champ, there is no reason to fight champion mobs unless you want a challenge. Personally i go from zone to zone looking for certain DE’s, like the fire ele in metrica, or the giant in diessa plateu, and i solo them. Why? Because its a nice challenge, the rewards arnt always great, but i find it fun.
Supposedly though this will be changing in the next few patches to make champ mobs drop better than average loot, perhaps even have special loot tables for certain champs, as anet specifically said they would like to bring back “boss hunting”.
I agree pretty much with what Blackout said. My friend and I go around fully exploring zones and taking on challenges. We occasionally kill champions which are not involved in dynamic events (sometimes they’re in the way of where we’re going) but never seem to get loot off them.
Sadly just a “hey look what we did!” adventure right now rather than getting special rewards for it.
Yes, you can use a capture signet on them and gain an elite skill…. oh wait….
I keed, I keed.
I wish…
even if it’s a DE champ, it’s rarely worth the effort.
Yes, you can use a capture signet on them and gain an elite skill…. oh wait….
I keed, I keed.
I wish…
i definitely wouldn’t mind a “gotta catch’em all” feature like the signet of capture being added in GW2.
doesn’t even have to be capturing skills, just… something. no fair that only the ranger gets to play pokemon :P
Fighting Champions?
O its for The Brave, The Pros and The Birdbrains.
We The Cowards, The Noobs, The Smarties rather kill nomal mobs for more junk loots.
(edited by Jabronee.9465)
The only kind of mob I’ve ever seen drop an exotic drop from was champion.
All fights in computer games involve pushing buttons and moving the mouse. I’d guess this gets boring to folks, thus the desire for shiny pixels to make doing it worthwhile (and I’m no exception). What difference there is in fights comes with the look and feel of the fight, the mechanics of the foe and how much, or little skill is required to win. While many Champions do not have interesting mechanics, some do. In those cases, the fights are more challenging than most other open world encounters. That makes them worthwhile to me. Now, if they throw some better loot in (hint, I don’t mean just greens and blues), I wouldn’t complain.
All fights in computer games involve pushing buttons and moving the mouse. I’d guess this gets boring to folks, thus the desire for shiny pixels to make doing it worthwhile (and I’m no exception). What difference there is in fights comes with the look and feel of the fight, the mechanics of the foe and how much, or little skill is required to win. While many Champions do not have interesting mechanics, some do. In those cases, the fights are more challenging than most other open world encounters. That makes them worthwhile to me. Now, if they throw some better loot in (hint, I don’t mean just greens and blues), I wouldn’t complain.
the problem is that most champion fights drag forever, or are just plain cheap on a solo level.
Supposedly though this will be changing in the next few patches to make champ mobs drop better than average loot, perhaps even have special loot tables for certain champs, as anet specifically said they would like to bring back “boss hunting”.
How awesome would it be if they made boss-specific armor sets? Like, champion spiders have a chance to drop pieces to a Rare light armor set with a spider-web design… champion trolls/ettins/grawls/etc have a chance of dropping pieces of a Rare medium armor set with a barbarian/hunter design… etc etc.
I know that Anet is working on a lot of other things at the moment, but since this game is focused more on aesthetics than power creep, it would be nice if they started working on more permanent armor set skins. And I think it would give the players a great reason to hunt down champion and boss mobs, without screwing the economy by sticking exotics on everything.
just about! LOL
Don’t meta events require killing champions? If so then they are worth killing.
Don’t meta events require killing champions? If so then they are worth killing.
the OP is talking about standard free-roaming champions that don’t do anything but pose a threat to pathways.
Well at the moment Champion mobs sometimes drop practically useless stuff as opposed to regular mobs who usually drop COMPLETELY useless stuff.
I think they use more or less the same loot tables as normal mobs and can drop 2 items, but… in the time you kill one champ you kill like 50 normal enemies, the math is rather easy on this. Wish they´d get some loot boost to make fighting them relevant in any way.
I rather like the way it is now, you don’t need to fight champion… or say i rather they drop trash so you won’t see groups of player sitting around wait for the champion to spawn then slaughter the champion again and again. I fight champion for fun and challenge mostly.
Even the women? Huh. Weird. ;-)