Is there anyway to enjoy PvP?

Is there anyway to enjoy PvP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AlfredKlios.9657


3 Modes in this PvP… WvW, S PvP and TPvP…

S PvP, 8v8 zerg fest that encourages meta Burst builds to max out points by not rewarding defense.

WvW, Even larger Zerg fest, feeling of individuality is gone entirely.

T PvP, organized objective game instead of having skillful fights, that narrows builds even further into solid Metas that everyone recognizes.

PvP for me….theres no point in playing if i can’t play what i want to, and where i just end up a number instead of a Player and win 50/50 in the most available PvP, due to chance.

So if i don’t want to play an unskilled Meta build and enjoy a weapon/skillset that is entirely unviable, how do i get to enjoy PvP?

Is there anyway to enjoy PvP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Omega Mayhem.7163

Omega Mayhem.7163

So what kind of PvP mode do you want? I, for one, wish they would make dueling available.

Is there anyway to enjoy PvP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Madtavish.9037


You challenge yourself to create a build, and work your way up with your desired skillset and eventually you should be on par with current meta builds.

Its just a matter of determination and time investment. Those Meta builds didn’t just pop up out of nowhere. They were just one of first.

“No matter how wonderful or wierd the weapon, what matters, it the man behind it.”

Is there anyway to enjoy PvP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Denial Of Service.5732

Denial Of Service.5732

well i can totally tell you have not joined a decent tournament, try PuG a tournamente with your “burst meta” and see how you miserably fail against a balanced team.

WvWvW its a zerg fest if you join the sheeps, try joining a party that focused on “ninja take” objectives and see how fun it is.

sPvP atm its a TvT (thieves vs thieves) because its the “omgah huge numbahs” but i ask you again in wich rank are you?

i have friends in the R20+ and they tell me they see thieves once in a while wich are good because they already knows how to counter the DPS-bust meta, heck im even at R12 and long time i dont see a War-Bullrush+frenzy.

i would love to say, learn 2 play but that would be really mean, i rather say… keep playing, change the meta, dont be a tool.

Is there anyway to enjoy PvP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pandemos.3497


I do a lot of 1v1 in spvp… but I also explicitly go where the zerg is not, because that is how you win matches.

Is there anyway to enjoy PvP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: raesirecks.4325


I understand how OP feels. I am struggling with the current PVP in GW2. What I’ve realized which is not on his list is the significance of quickly and easily playing with my friends. We play together maybe 1 night a week, nothing serious, and enjoy sPVP mostly. However, it just doesn’t work that we can play on the same team.

Another thing that is exacerbating this, IMO, is… and I’m just gonna say it… the lack of the holy trinity. Sorry, I know others will disagree, but there is element of teamwork missing from this game that, well, I miss… straightforward, direct assistance of teammates. I know that skills can assist, however any support is rather indirect and very very difficult to quantify, at least in the heat of battle.

Is there anyway to enjoy PvP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AlfredKlios.9657


Currently Rank 18 in S PvP, spent all that time testing out different builds that i can find comfort with. Chose a warrior so that there was alot of weapon types i could choose from but ive found alot of weapons other than Hammer Rifle and GS are lacking in elements.

Axes lacking in utility, just be kited to death. Maces off hand and Main hand have good control but virtually no damage to take advantage of the enemy’s KD state that the hammer can take advantage of, and swords leaves alot to be desired because the Dev’s didnt decide wether they wanted it to be raw damage or Condition damage since its final thrust and 2 and 3 abilities have nothing to do with conditions.

Is there anyway to enjoy PvP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AlfredKlios.9657


I do a lot of 1v1 in spvp… but I also explicitly go where the zerg is not, because that is how you win matches.

I do this almos tall the time and with my knowing when to evade hits and apply my build, it can still take awhile to down most builds and since SPvP maps are barely 3 times bigger than a football field, enemy players can come to the place im assaulting within a few seconds and force me off the node

Is there anyway to enjoy PvP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bojangles.6912


3 Modes in this PvP… WvW, S PvP and TPvP…

S PvP, 8v8 zerg fest that encourages meta Burst builds to max out points by not rewarding defense.

WvW, Even larger Zerg fest, feeling of individuality is gone entirely.

T PvP, organized objective game instead of having skillful fights, that narrows builds even further into solid Metas that everyone recognizes.

PvP for me….theres no point in playing if i can’t play what i want to, and where i just end up a number instead of a Player and win 50/50 in the most available PvP, due to chance.

So if i don’t want to play an unskilled Meta build and enjoy a weapon/skillset that is entirely unviable, how do i get to enjoy PvP?

As of now the pvp is pretty much boring and a let down. I was looking forward to some new and exciting type of pvp since I don’t pvp much on “other” mmo’s but was extremely disappointed with GW2 pvp. Heck I have more fun in warzones and bg’s than here.

Is there anyway to enjoy PvP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AlfredKlios.9657


I understand how OP feels. I am struggling with the current PVP in GW2. What I’ve realized which is not on his list is the significance of quickly and easily playing with my friends. We play together maybe 1 night a week, nothing serious, and enjoy sPVP mostly. However, it just doesn’t work that we can play on the same team.

Another thing that is exacerbating this, IMO, is… and I’m just gonna say it… the lack of the holy trinity. Sorry, I know others will disagree, but there is element of teamwork missing from this game that, well, I miss… straightforward, direct assistance of teammates. I know that skills can assist, however any support is rather indirect and very very difficult to quantify, at least in the heat of battle.

Yea….whenever i do play with friends it usually forces us on different teams anyways after each 10~15 minute matches, i dont know why it also keeps us separated usually as well.

What i would like to see is everyone having the same health pools and some nerfing to the blind/mitigation/stealth spam that most broken builds have

Is there anyway to enjoy PvP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AlfredKlios.9657


3 Modes in this PvP… WvW, S PvP and TPvP…

S PvP, 8v8 zerg fest that encourages meta Burst builds to max out points by not rewarding defense.

WvW, Even larger Zerg fest, feeling of individuality is gone entirely.

T PvP, organized objective game instead of having skillful fights, that narrows builds even further into solid Metas that everyone recognizes.

PvP for me….theres no point in playing if i can’t play what i want to, and where i just end up a number instead of a Player and win 50/50 in the most available PvP, due to chance.

So if i don’t want to play an unskilled Meta build and enjoy a weapon/skillset that is entirely unviable, how do i get to enjoy PvP?

As of now the pvp is pretty much boring and a let down. I was looking forward to some new and exciting type of pvp since I don’t pvp much on “other” mmo’s but was extremely disappointed with GW2 pvp. Heck I have more fun in warzones and bg’s than here.

Warzones from SW and WoW random BGs were always more enjoyable because they had more ways to reward other types of playing styles.

SW has a genius medal system that lets Tanks be rewarded for keeping players alive, healers for obviously healing people and DPS for damaging people.
– As GW2 has a similar system of rewarding points for reviving people, its alot more heavily balanced in favor of just zerging 1 enemy so that all people involved will get their 15 points instead of the person doing the most damage. Assists should not count as full kills, basic theme to Warzone style combat

Is there anyway to enjoy PvP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Quick Mouse.7635

Quick Mouse.7635

You’re way off base here man. One of the beautiful things about gw2 and a massive improvement from gw1 is that essentially any build is a viable build. On my thief I run a build completely different from any of the ‘meta’ builds. On my ele I run a condition/cantrips build that I haven’t seen anyone else use. WvW is not the ‘zerg fest’ people think it is because they think to much on a microscopic scale. WvW is a macroscopic game requiring real tactics and timing and positioning of your ARMY (not mindless zerg).
Gw2 is a game that, on the surface, seems easy to understand, but as you dig into the complexities there is a seemingly endless learning curve. Use ‘meta’ builds to help you get into the game and learn spvp. Then come up with your own custom build that suits your playstyle.
TLDR: Get good.

Tactical Fury [TF] – Late NA/early OCX driver (SoS)
Spirit of Faith [HOPE] – RIP

Is there anyway to enjoy PvP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bassi.3627


There is a way to enjoy pvp.

Roll a Thief, enjoy easy wins.

Is there anyway to enjoy PvP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AlfredKlios.9657


You’re way off base here man. One of the beautiful things about gw2 and a massive improvement from gw1 is that essentially any build is a viable build. On my thief I run a build completely different from any of the ‘meta’ builds. On my ele I run a condition/cantrips build that I haven’t seen anyone else use. WvW is not the ‘zerg fest’ people think it is because they think to much on a microscopic scale. WvW is a macroscopic game requiring real tactics and timing and positioning of your ARMY (not mindless zerg).
Gw2 is a game that, on the surface, seems easy to understand, but as you dig into the complexities there is a seemingly endless learning curve. Use ‘meta’ builds to help you get into the game and learn spvp. Then come up with your own custom build that suits your playstyle.
TLDR: Get good.

Ok im using double swords/ longbow shout heals, which in theory should work really nicely. problem is it doesnt because Warrior doesn’t have any other conditions to stack like Necros to protect it’s bleeds from being purged. I actually end up doing more damage picking up an axe and button mashing 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.

You’re kidding yourself if you beleive you can home something perfectly to make it viable in PvP, very few actually works because some weapon designs are horrible and some are very good.

Is there anyway to enjoy PvP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Quick Mouse.7635

Quick Mouse.7635

You’re way off base here man. One of the beautiful things about gw2 and a massive improvement from gw1 is that essentially any build is a viable build. On my thief I run a build completely different from any of the ‘meta’ builds. On my ele I run a condition/cantrips build that I haven’t seen anyone else use. WvW is not the ‘zerg fest’ people think it is because they think to much on a microscopic scale. WvW is a macroscopic game requiring real tactics and timing and positioning of your ARMY (not mindless zerg).
Gw2 is a game that, on the surface, seems easy to understand, but as you dig into the complexities there is a seemingly endless learning curve. Use ‘meta’ builds to help you get into the game and learn spvp. Then come up with your own custom build that suits your playstyle.
TLDR: Get good.

Ok im using double swords/ longbow shout heals, which in theory should work really nicely. problem is it doesnt because Warrior doesn’t have any other conditions to stack like Necros to protect it’s bleeds from being purged. I actually end up doing more damage picking up an axe and button mashing 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.

You’re kidding yourself if you beleive you can home something perfectly to make it viable in PvP, very few actually works because some weapon designs are horrible and some are very good.

If your build sucks, rework it. You shouldn’t have to rely on 1 condition to do all your damage for you. However, on that note, I do fine on my ele just stacking bleed. Weapon skills matter much less than your choice of slot skills and the traits you use to augment those slot skills. sPvP is really easy once you understand the game mechanics and far less dependent on your build than you think it is. You can be the top-scorer on a winning side without ever engaging a single enemy.

Tactical Fury [TF] – Late NA/early OCX driver (SoS)
Spirit of Faith [HOPE] – RIP

Is there anyway to enjoy PvP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AlfredKlios.9657


I’m at the point where i just dont care to play GW2 anymore. Its so difficult to obtain whole sets of gear for 1 stat type i dont even want to play around with non SPvP stat sets and the PvP is not fun at all for the reasons i listed above. They based their whole game around being an E sport and their BG design is less thought out than a 5th grade science experiment: 3 nodes, 1 close to each spawn point, first to 500 wins. Go.

Dont even watn to complete content for the money from 100% completion because ill probably blow it on kitteny stat gear ill end up hating.

I think ive exhausted every build i could possibly put together

Is there anyway to enjoy PvP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AlfredKlios.9657


You’re way off base here man. One of the beautiful things about gw2 and a massive improvement from gw1 is that essentially any build is a viable build. On my thief I run a build completely different from any of the ‘meta’ builds. On my ele I run a condition/cantrips build that I haven’t seen anyone else use. WvW is not the ‘zerg fest’ people think it is because they think to much on a microscopic scale. WvW is a macroscopic game requiring real tactics and timing and positioning of your ARMY (not mindless zerg).
Gw2 is a game that, on the surface, seems easy to understand, but as you dig into the complexities there is a seemingly endless learning curve. Use ‘meta’ builds to help you get into the game and learn spvp. Then come up with your own custom build that suits your playstyle.
TLDR: Get good.

Ok im using double swords/ longbow shout heals, which in theory should work really nicely. problem is it doesnt because Warrior doesn’t have any other conditions to stack like Necros to protect it’s bleeds from being purged. I actually end up doing more damage picking up an axe and button mashing 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.

You’re kidding yourself if you beleive you can home something perfectly to make it viable in PvP, very few actually works because some weapon designs are horrible and some are very good.

If your build sucks, rework it. You shouldn’t have to rely on 1 condition to do all your damage for you. However, on that note, I do fine on my ele just stacking bleed. Weapon skills matter much less than your choice of slot skills and the traits you use to augment those slot skills. sPvP is really easy once you understand the game mechanics and far less dependent on your build than you think it is. You can be the top-scorer on a winning side without ever engaging a single enemy.

Thats all a warrior can do for condition damage. Only way to stack burning is longbow which is a horrible mix of raw/condition damage so you can never really bring out its full potential. the 5 move will pretty much never connect on sword and the 2 and 3 do nothing for conditions.

I understand SPvP plenty, im not a new player. I have kitten sword/warhorn GS build that just moves around the battlefield Ninja’ing nodes, but whats the point in playing PvP if i actually dont fight people?

Is there anyway to enjoy PvP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Quick Mouse.7635

Quick Mouse.7635

You don’t need condition damage to kill people. Think of it as ‘bonus’ and instead focus on raw damage? All you need to do to solo someone is to do more damage than they can heal through while surviving the damage they put out through timely dodges/interrupts/cooldowns. I can do this on my ele with just the earth auto-attack stacking bleeds. If you can’t do that, you’re doing it wrong

Tactical Fury [TF] – Late NA/early OCX driver (SoS)
Spirit of Faith [HOPE] – RIP