Is this a beta or real game?

Is this a beta or real game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sefan.5791


Is this a beta?
Did i pay for this?

I mean it’s so much bugs and the classes are not balanced in PVE or PVP.

Some of the things that I know is bugged:
spells, specs, guild access, TP, DE, personal story and more.

(edited by Sefan.5791)

Is this a beta or real game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhodoc.2381



/Fifteen chars*

[VcY] Velocity – Gargamell

Is this a beta or real game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pants.8315


No, it’s an MMO launch.

Vast quantities of players hitting the same thing over and over, somethings going to break.

Just be patient and wait till it gets fixed. I’ve seen tons of things that where bugged fixed when I have gone back to them later on. (Maelstrom CoF skill point for example).

Is this a beta or real game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Algreg.3629


Yes, it is beta. You didnĀ“t actually pay for a huge game with countless hours of fun, but for access to the overstated complaints, perpetual whining and I never witnesses an online game at launch channels.

Is this a beta or real game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zoridium JackL.7463

Zoridium JackL.7463

you purchased an MMO that has been out for less than a month, what did you expect?

you want a more stable MMO get one that’s 6 months old at least.

Is this a beta or real game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ref.8196


Report the bugs. Problem solved.

Is this a beta or real game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Failsociety.4569


Really? I think I have run into maybe 3-4 bugs my entire 300+ hours. And most of the Balance issues come from bad players fighting good players. Doesn’t matter how OP they make a class, if you’re a terrible gamer, you’re a terrible gamer. (Not refering to you, in general)

PS: I am sorry you feel cheated. I on the other hand have def got my 60$ worth for something I knew was going to turn out just like it did.

FFXI: 75 Blm Rdm Blu Thf Smn Nin Bst (Retired since Abyssea) FFXIV: 50 War Blm Whm Brd Pld
Loathe WoW and the Community it brings.

Is this a beta or real game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thagyr.4136


Least you aren’t paying by the the month right?

Is this a beta or real game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rta.7563


I think I must be awesome at avoiding all the “bugs” people keep complaining about. Because I haven’t seen but one in 40 levels, and it’s fixed.

Is this a beta or real game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mickey.4207


I think I must be awesome at avoiding all the “bugs” people keep complaining about. Because I haven’t seen but one in 40 levels, and it’s fixed.

Yes you are awesome. I on other hand come across 2 to 3 broken events, bugged skill challenges on daily basis. Not all of us can be as awesome as you.

Between two evils, I always pick the one I never tried before.

Is this a beta or real game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gehenna.3625


There are bugs and this is part of a MMO release, but Anet are fixing them on a regular basis.

You’re not paying a sub either so honestly, there isn’t a serious complaint here.

It’s a game forum. The truth is not to be found here.

Is this a beta or real game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mickey.4207


There are bugs and this is part of a MMO release, but Anet are fixing them on a regular basis.

You’re not paying a sub either so honestly, there isn’t a serious complaint here.

Are you telling us that people are only allowed to complain if they are paying monthly sub? not that i am in favor of complaining.
You make it sound as if customers are of less importance to Anet because GW2 is B2P. I am sure Anet wants to keep players happy and want them to spend money on cash shop as well as buy future expansions.

So i am sure that Anet doesn’t think like you and value opinions of its customers.

And who is the special snow flake who keeps giving +1 to stupidity like this?

Between two evils, I always pick the one I never tried before.

Is this a beta or real game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ironangel.1548


My worst complaint is the anti farming code, but yeh I sorta see others issues also, just give it some time, all I can say really.

Is this a beta or real game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valkyrie.2678


Edited by moderator: Quotes deleted since the original posts are not longer existing

Hey I was born in ‘91 and I’m patient :P

I don’t wanna call people nerds but…yeah nerds are impatient and usually anxious.

(edited by Moderator)

Is this a beta or real game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deepcuts.9740


Everyone has the right to his/her opinion. True.
But what I do not understand is the people who keep on saying: you payed once, but you do not have to pay every month.


When you buy your new car, you pay once and then no monthly fees for it. Not taking into consideration gas, consumable and insurance.
If your dealer would have sold you a defective car…would you still be ok with that?
I bet my virtual pet’s life that you would go and sue them.
But…on forums everyone can talk non-sense.

Is this a beta or real game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Failsociety.4569


Thing is, Anet didn’t sell you a defective car, you just bought the wrong car for you.

FFXI: 75 Blm Rdm Blu Thf Smn Nin Bst (Retired since Abyssea) FFXIV: 50 War Blm Whm Brd Pld
Loathe WoW and the Community it brings.

Is this a beta or real game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Smackjack.5071


Name one MMO that launched witouth bugs issues or specifically bugged quests.

Maybe if the OP never played a mmo i could sort of somehow understand but outside of that mmno.

Is this a beta or real game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mechasauce.1309


Everyone has the right to his/her opinion. True.
But what I do not understand is the people who keep on saying: you payed once, but you do not have to pay every month.


When you buy your new car, you pay once and then no monthly fees for it. Not taking into consideration gas, consumable and insurance.
If your dealer would have sold you a defective car…would you still be ok with that?
I bet my virtual pet’s life that you would go and sue them.
But…on forums everyone can talk non-sense.

First off…..sueing someone iskitten only yanks and multimillion dollar companies…owned by yanks are stupid enough to spend thousands on legal/court fees.

Have you never heard of someone buying a car straight up and then it being defective within say…6 months, and the dealership wants absolutley nothing to do with it? Happens all the time.

Not that i am defending that notion at all. It’s just the principal that paying monthly for something does give you more of an entitlment to recieve the best product.

However when it comes to MMOs, i think people need to realise..this game is huge, its not some rollercoaster FPS where bugs will hardly ever crop up because they are using the samekittenengine from the last 6 games, just rehashing the textures. This was built from the ground up, yes its been in development a long time, but imagine the kinda work that must be done on…for example: a 10 meter area of the game…

Is this a beta or real game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ten.8421


Here’s some perspective:
Since I hit level 40, I have been reporting a minimum of one bug every single day… and I’m not even reporting all I run into. Only the ones that block map completion or render waypoints perpetually contested.
The worst offenders are zones with Risen for whatever reason… the Orr zones, and especially Timberline Falls were littered with frozen DEs every time I ran through them. Mostly events with waves where waves stop coming somewhere in the middle, or escort events where the escort NPCs stop moving.

The good thing is that these events are normally fixed in the daily patches, so I only have to wait a day. But if you spend every single day of of your playtime reporting bugs, it does get to you after a while.

Add to this the constant Trading Post maintenance, the high-stress environment that comes with high difficulty, and the need to adjust to a lot of new game mechanics, and it’s easy to understand why the OP got frustrated.

OP, if you feel too frustrated, you could take a break from the game and wait for a while, until some major bugs are permanently fixed. There are some other games you could play in the meantime… Torchlight 2 just came out, or Borderlands 2. Or if you prefer MMOS, I hear SWTOR is going f2p? Or you could try The Secret World for a month.
I have things that keep me in GW2 despite the bugs (like my love for the Sylvari), but if you don’t have anything like that, you don’t have to feel indebted to play despite your frustration… the game will still be there in a week or a month or half a year, and probably improved.

Gamut Gaming Group [GGG], an inclusive non-oppression, non-prejudice, non-normativity group.

Is this a beta or real game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xeres.3724


This is the first time I’ve read the “beta” thread for this game. I’m surprised it took so long for me to see one. ANet must have done a good job. Normally this thread appears in the first few days.

To the OP – really? First MMO?

Is this a beta or real game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rpgtabbycat.5869


I report bugs when I find them and move on. Later, when they are fixed, I go back and do whatever it was that was bugged. It really hasn’t been a huge problem for me. I understand that this game is still a baby and Anet is working on fixing issues.

Patience, my friend. If you are that bothered by the bugs, take a break and come back in a few weeks.

Is this a beta or real game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gehenna.3625


There are bugs and this is part of a MMO release, but Anet are fixing them on a regular basis.

You’re not paying a sub either so honestly, there isn’t a serious complaint here.

Are you telling us that people are only allowed to complain if they are paying monthly sub? not that i am in favor of complaining.
You make it sound as if customers are of less importance to Anet because GW2 is B2P. I am sure Anet wants to keep players happy and want them to spend money on cash shop as well as buy future expansions.

So i am sure that Anet doesn’t think like you and value opinions of its customers.

And who is the special snow flake who keeps giving +1 to stupidity like this?

The stupidity is your interpretation. No, I am not saying anything of what you are saying here.

All I am saying is that I don’t take these types of complaints seriously because it is a MMO and certain things can be expected as it’s a massive thing to set up. Especially the idea of “paying for a beta” is ridiculous since it’s a common complaint in other MMOs with a sub.

Again, everything else is just your very liberal interpretation and certainly not what I was saying.

It’s a game forum. The truth is not to be found here.

Is this a beta or real game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mage.7839


You purchased a game which came out months before it should. Because the publisher (NCSoft) had serious revenue issues. So simple.

The game could be finished about 2012. december or so. Just some days before our World ends based on the maya calendar.

Is this a beta or real game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Failsociety.4569


Yawn- Maya Calendar didn’t factor in Leap years.

FFXI: 75 Blm Rdm Blu Thf Smn Nin Bst (Retired since Abyssea) FFXIV: 50 War Blm Whm Brd Pld
Loathe WoW and the Community it brings.

Is this a beta or real game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deith.7596


Least you aren’t paying by the the month right?

You use this argument for every single game you play? Not trying to defend OP, but you sound silly. Skyrim doesn’t have monthly fee and still on release it was buggy as hell, but I don’t have to play monthly fee so what, it doesn’t count?

None of good stories starts with “I was drinking my milk when suddenly…”

Is this a beta or real game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


Yes this is Beta,the full release of gw2 will be somewhere end next year.The beta stops at around 26th september.

Is this a beta or real game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Death Aggro.9602

Death Aggro.9602

Most of the OP are not gonna see the bugs unless you are 80. B/c 90% of the bugs are in orr. Where there was next to no beta testing done.