Is this a good game?
Well always nice to have a nice comment on the forums every now and then, a break from the usual pace if you will.
It is a fun game. Give it a try
jazzllanna.1278 didnt even read the title is a rhetorical question
btw i agree with you, best mmo i have ever played,and i played a lot of em, and not just mmos but all kinds of games. this is by far the game that gives the most for a normal price nowadays.
It’s a good game, assuming you didn’t use the manifesto to persuade your decision to buy it.
jazzllanna.1278 didnt even read
the title is a rhetorical question
btw i agree with you, best mmo i have ever played,and i played a lot of em, and not just mmos but all kinds of games. this is by far the game that gives the most for a normal price nowadays.
Lol I really thought I did saw the diablo forums and stuff.. ehh I have been sick so… aww well lol
It’s a good game with some problems that should be fix before long.
It’s a great game.
The dev team is INFURIATING at times, but pure genious at others. It’s still going through growing pains, but it will last a LONG time.
People were calling the game dead…now we have issues with huge lag spikes cuz people are frequenting certain areas for dailies.
It’s worth the 40-60 bucks just to have on your computer.
“A release is 7 days or less away or has just happened within the last 7 days…
These are the only two states you’ll find the world of Tyria.”
The game as conceived was awesome. I think they managed to meet many of their goals in the launched version. Sadly, since 11/15 they have made a series of missteps that have me scratching my head. Is it a good game? No, it’s a great game, but it’s like a different team has been managing it than the one that created it. I’d love to have the original team back.
I feel like new players shouldn’t even bother trying it until one of two things happens, or both.
1. Ascended gear comes out in full
2. Arenanet figures out wtf they’re doing and what kind of game they actually want this to be.
No game ever was perfect, save some of the more simpler old school games.
Guild Wars 2 has a magnitude of problems. Every patch, I feel that the developers take two steps forward, one step back.
That is why it surprises me how much I love this game despite all this. If the combat doesn’t get you, if the art and music doesn’t get you. If the exploration and wonderfully designed maps don’t get you. Then just the entire thing as a whole.
Right now it feels we are in quicksand because we are having issues with end game events, dungeons, structured pvp, precursors (related to end game) , dailies, culling, over population, lag and so on.
But ArenaNet still has the power to fix this. They proved to be the best online developer I have ever seen during their 7 year support for the original Guild Wars. Most of all I just enjoy the game. I do a little bit of everything.
I have a main that works slowely towards ascended items via guild missions and dailies and does dungeon runs for gear pieces. Im working towards a tanking set, a magic find set, a damage set and a support set. with corrosponding runes and jewels, rings, accessories for all, this is like a long term project that I am chewing at day by day in small doses. Which suits me fine.
Right now im gathering for my quiver.
I have an alt im levelling to lvl 80, and I do WvWvW guerilla keep warfare with my well coordinated guild. But I only do WvW two times in a couple of weeks. I do love it though.
Im gonna get into sPvP when they make it esport, with ladders, rankings and a better social atmosphere in the mists. I also want to get into dueling when they implement that.
This game hasn’t even been out a solid year yet.
People are talking about ground breaking aspects already… Play any game from release and its the same poop.
It’s a great game. The forum infraction are a bit much and there are a lot of trolls and such, but the game is headed in a great direction.
OP is comparing Gw2 to a regular 60$ game.
and honestly, gw2 gives you a lot! hopefully hoping you re gonna give them more, but thats a fair deal!
D3 wasnt the best
comparison… many game give you a LOT more than D3.
but d3 gameplay is easy/efficient/kitten.
it works on lower end pc
its easy to get into and out of, no comitement (guild etc).
+its a famous IP, with huge marketing backing it up.
so d3 works for what it is.
making a game like gw2 is more like making a statement.
anet are still “trying to be bigger/better”.
they need to make the game twice as good as what blizzard make to grab from them.
the timing of gw2 arrival was genius.
mmo market was lame, d3 was shallow, most of pandaria is showing its age…
all good calls!
but in the end, gw2 was bigger than just this.
new mmos coming out had to put the breaks and “rethink” their game, im sure of this.
neverwinter (ugh…) and even teso probably adjust the gameplay according to some cool stuff in gw2.
to me its a game that took a big leap, maybe a bit too big for them.
but they did it. their “name” got bigger. thats what they had to do.
until the day they give us a cheap guildwars arpg a la d3 to make a quick buck, we really must say they are ver giving so far.
For me this has been one of the most entertaining games I ever owned. There are many kill more powerful enemy, get better loot (if the RNG is with you), level up, games available. I really like the way GW2 allows me to get BIS gear without ever depending on RNG. Even though they can be difficult at times, I would rather run dungeons or clear the temples in Orr than depend on luck.
The game was a huge disappointment for me after the sparkling washed off – but those claims it is doomed, is failing etc. are ridiculous. It is a great game with a lot of content, certainly one of the top quality games at the moment. It just isn´t for everyone – like all games – it certainly wasn´t for me.
It’s the game everyone is playing – new MMOs are taking their design ques from GW2 because players won’t settle for less anymore
(edited by Karizee.8076)
I think it’s an excellent game, too. It’s not perfect, but nothing is, and what makes ArenaNet so cool is their willingness to adapt and change. I’ve never seen an MMO that’s been worked on so much in such a short time since launch, so I do believe Colin was right when he talked about “an expansion’s worth of content.” In many other games, a lot of the issues they’ve addressed and plan to address over the current months would have been done in a big pre-expansion patch.
It is the most frustrating MMO experience there is. For every nice little thing you find, three other things will kick you into the shins, the loins and finally slam their knees into your face.
This leaves you bruised and battered and puzzled why all of this needs to happen.
The game is doomed for the fact that the story has been completely degraded to something that resembles nothing I’ve seen in GW1. The game itself can be fun to play, I admit that WvWvW is the best thing in the game with its culling.
The game is doomed, but keep playing it because enjoy it while it lasts.
I think it’s an excellent game, too. It’s not perfect, but nothing is, and what makes ArenaNet so cool is their willingness to adapt and change. I’ve never seen an MMO that’s been worked on so much in such a short time since launch, so I do believe Colin was right when he talked about “an expansion’s worth of content.” In many other games, a lot of the issues they’ve addressed and plan to address over the current months would have been done in a big pre-expansion patch.
Exactly, thats my point. It is just amazing how this guys works.
I love this company as i do with google, is just amazing the quality of the products and the price relation is really nice.
I know this game will a lot better with time (now is perfect for me), that makes me fell secure to keep playing and getting equipment constantly.
Glad to see you are enjoying the game i am loving it too to no end, it is pretty insane to me that some people said this game would flop harder than SWTOR if it wasnt f2p when this game has a thousand times better content, a world that is huge and alive, a better combat system, and a game that generally is a product of love
Its insane
Pretty much agree with the OP.
It has a few bugs here and there, but with each patch the game just gets better and better. Only thing I really havent liked is the massive restriction on progress through laurels. Being an altoholic it really sucks that you can only get 1 laurel per day. Would have been nice if we could get one per character, soulbound per character would be nice. Or have them as a progression thing instead of a currency i.e once you’ve obtained x amount of laurels this and that item opens up for purchase on the laurel merchant.
But I guess with the upcoming laurel rewards system from achievments it could have been messy to make them soulbound and obtainable daily for each character when achievments are account wide, same with the progression idea.
Also the dodge mechanic is great! I cant see myself playing an MMO without it.
(edited by SneakyErvin.3056)
i dont like comparison with other games, could lead to unpleasant arguments, beside people enjoy different things, i think comparison is just unnecessary
(i dont play diablo nor i feel like it)
@ SoLeciTO
Thanks for sharing. It’s refreshing to read a reaction that is not jaded and/or cynical on a game forum. I also find the game to be an exceptional value and enjoy it very much. I believe the game can be improved, and sometimes question developer decisions, but the only game I have enjoyed more was GW1.
It’s a great game, despite its growing list of flaws.
It’s the game everyone is playing – new MMOs are taking their design ques from GW2 because players won’t settle for less anymore
The figures on games like WoW and other popular MMOs would beg to differ. They’re lower than they used to be, yeah, but they’re still the dominant force in the market and GW2 is still small by comparison. And judging from GW2’s sales figures, it’s not all that likely that all those people who left WoW came over to GW2, so it’s not like people are shifting over to this game.
And I suspect there’ll be another mass exodus from GW2 once TESO comes out, as it’s a very similar sort of game. So I maintain that it’s much too soon to be declaring GW2 as some sort of massive “revolution” in gaming: it still hasn’t proven that it’s had any sort of massive impact on the market.
How’d that work out for us so far?
Now let’s try some ideas that will really work.
It’s a great game, despite its growing list of flaws.
It’s the game everyone is playing – new MMOs are taking their design ques from GW2 because players won’t settle for less anymore
The figures on games like WoW and other popular MMOs would beg to differ. They’re lower than they used to be, yeah, but they’re still the dominant force in the market and GW2 is still small by comparison. And judging from GW2’s sales figures, it’s not all that likely that all those people who left WoW came over to GW2, so it’s not like people are shifting over to this game.
And I suspect there’ll be another mass exodus from GW2 once TESO comes out, as it’s a very similar sort of game. So I maintain that it’s much too soon to be declaring GW2 as some sort of massive “revolution” in gaming: it still hasn’t proven that it’s had any sort of massive impact on the market.
Would be interesting to compare numbers by region
As far as TESO, no doubt there are many people from all kinds of gaming communities that will try it, but I do think WoW has the most to fear.
Would be interesting to compare numbers by region
Not really. GW2 has just over 3 million sales total, according to its dev team. WoW’s recent expansion was widely considered a market failure, and it sold that many in a single week.
As far as TESO, no doubt there are many people from all kinds of gaming communities that will try it, but I do think WoW has the most to fear.
I don’t. TESO is clearly made and marketed to go after the people who played GW2 and Skyrim.
How’d that work out for us so far?
Now let’s try some ideas that will really work.
It was a good game when it was first released, but IMHO, it’s been going down hill and now, not so much. Some day they may capture the magic they had, but I am not going to hold my breath.
It’s good, though if you want a challenge you’ll find very little in GW2.
The entire open world is completely void of challenge, mobs are pushovers.
The opposite of GW1 zones basically.
You can only find a challenge in instanced places.
Even though Iam bored with GW2 and don’t play it anymore. As too much in the game annoys me, such as cheesy poorly done story, bugs and continual goofy dialogue from your character.
I have to say even playing it for 3 months is good value for money. And I don’t regret buying it as I did enjoy playing it for a while.
The game is doomed for the fact that the story has been completely degraded to something that resembles nothing I’ve seen in GW1. The game itself can be fun to play, I admit that WvWvW is the best thing in the game with its culling.
The game is doomed, but keep playing it because enjoy it while it lasts.
“This game is doomed without Cantha. I see no hope for Anet to recover from the oppression of NcSoft.”
“Treating people, teens and older, with the kind of tone in GW2 will ultimately doom the game.”
“Treating people, teens and older, with the kind of tone in GW2 will ultimately doom the game.”
" They seem to have forgotten about us, dooming this game for many old GW1 players, including myself."
“The game is doomed for the fact that the story has been completely degraded to something that resembles nothing I’ve seen in GW1. The game itself can be fun to play, I admit that WvWvW is the best thing in the game with its culling.”
“The game is doomed, but keep playing it because enjoy it while it lasts.”
“This is why I play as human or norn only, because asuras are for players who have comparable mindset of someone who exploits the game for profit.
The WvWvW is doomed.”
“The game is doomed.”
“If they won’t introduce Cantha, then the story will become goofy of the highest order. This will doom the game, you watch and see it crash and burn once Cantha is never introduced. Many old GW1 players have left me alone in GW2.”
“The game is doomed.”
“You are focusing too much on a certain part of the game. All you need in this game is a set of masterwork gear and then you can tackle the entire game. Just don’t try to 1vs1 in WvWvW, that’ll doom you.”
“This game is doomed. Too much goofyness going on, I feel a good story wasted with try-hard wit.”
“This game is doomed with all this excess of loot.”
“No daily deaths? The game is doomed.”
“This game is doomed btw.”
“This game is doomed”
“Just walked over the entirety of Tyria, haven’t seen a single person. The game is doomed.”
I would like to do you a favor-
Forum Profile > Edit Profile > Change Signature
It will save us all from having to ultimately see the exact post from you 9,999,999 times that offer 0 constructiveness.
The game is good/progressing well.
Nvidia GTX 650 Win 7 64bit FFXI 4+yrs/Aion 4+ years Complete Noob~ Veteran OIF/OEF MY GW2 Music
Would be interesting to compare numbers by region
Not really. GW2 has just over 3 million sales total, according to its dev team. WoW’s recent expansion was widely considered a market failure, and it sold that many in a single week.
As far as TESO, no doubt there are many people from all kinds of gaming communities that will try it, but I do think WoW has the most to fear.
I don’t. TESO is clearly made and marketed to go after the people who played GW2 and Skyrim.
Yes, MoP had 2.7 mil sales at launch while GW2 had 2 mil.
Post launch WoW lost 500k subs while GW2 gained 1 mil sales.
WoW lost 1/4 of it’s sub base in the space of one expansion. That’s why it’s considered a market failure. That’s very different than looking at GW2 which went from zero to 3 million which is considered a smashing success.