Is this another game where you get "one-shot" all the time?

Is this another game where you get "one-shot" all the time?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: arminius.5270


I’m a level 50 warrior and in WvW I’m getting blown up by thieves and engineers literally before I can get a shot in.

Is this another game where you get "one-shot" all the time?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mulch.2586


How’s a thief even get close to you without you getting your shot in? They only have 1 1200 range skill and it won’t blow up anyone.

Understand that most people have more than 50 levels, and the gear that goes along with that at this point.

If it’s really happening very often, reassess your playstyle. Also have a look at your combat log and what they’re doing. There’s nothing without a counter.

Is this another game where you get "one-shot" all the time?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: arminius.5270


me running toward engineer…

2.5 k hipshot
2.5k hipshot
2.5k hipshot
6k jump shot
8k jump shot

hmm… reassess my playstyle, I guess just run away instead of toward.

or how about this one… run toward thief…

9k cloak and dagger
8k backstab
6k heartseeker…

still reassesing.

Is this another game where you get "one-shot" all the time?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bonzoso.7014


I know WvW isn’t intended to be balanced around 1v1 fights, so I’m sure there will be plenty of times when certain classes/builds will get the jump on you and take you down quicker than you can react. Chances are, though, that those players are legitimate level 80s who just know their class (and possibly the other classes) very well and have built their gear/traits around a specific strategy. If you take a little time to learn what those strategies are (usually those crazy burst builds are flaunted on YouTube videos) and how you can gear/build to counter them, chances are good you’ll find yourself getting more and more competitive over time. It’s still WvW, though, so your best strategy is just to stay with a group of other players and move with a purpose.

Is this another game where you get "one-shot" all the time?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shaliphi.5291


I played PWI for almost 4 years and this game is NO WHERE near like actually getting one shot from my experience. Even with lvl 100+ r8 good refines in that game I’d get killed before you even see that there is someone there to hit you because they spent 20k in real money on gear. and yes lol there are people that really do that. I find even though this game has some issues for barely going live is extremely balanced. more so then most games I’ve played

Is this another game where you get "one-shot" all the time?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mulch.2586


Serpentine Sheldon, Serpentine!!

On the thief, maybe you should shoot him for 1200 feet before he gets to ya, you know, just to soften him up a bit.

Is this another game where you get "one-shot" all the time?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: arminius.5270


I guess my question is this… is there a HUGE gap in WvW between 80’s and non-80’s? I don’t have an 80 yet, so I have nothing to compare it to. But I am getting killed very fast ( and I mean very ) in WvW. Thieves are hitting me with CD, backstab, heartseeker for almost all my health, that is an almost instant combo. Engineers actually take 3-5 seconds to kill me

Is this another game where you get "one-shot" all the time?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bonzoso.7014


Having a ranged weapon as one of your 2 sets is invaluable — all 3 of those thief attacks are close range, so whittle them down before they can close on you as much as you can. Cloak and Dagger only gives the thief 3 seconds of cloaking, and Backstab has to be from behind to hit hard…if you know that is the lethal combo they’re hitting you with, dodge away and stay mobile for a few seconds and he won’t get that backstab off from stealth. Heartseeker does more health the less HP its target has, so if you’re able to avoid a backstab from behind, it shouldn’t exactly be the nail in the coffin. Warriors have their burst builds, as well. You might be able to drive that thief/engineer just as crazy with a cookie-cutter Hundred Blades build.

Is this another game where you get "one-shot" all the time?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arcalas.9368


Honestly once u learn how alot of other professions work u learn to avoid or out do those things. Pistol whip, 100 blades, stealth, etc etc once u know how to get out of those u can find ways to get out of alot of things.

Norn “cows” go moot.

Is this another game where you get "one-shot" all the time?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arcalas.9368


I guess my question is this… is there a HUGE gap in WvW between 80’s and non-80’s? I don’t have an 80 yet, so I have nothing to compare it to. But I am getting killed very fast ( and I mean very ) in WvW. Thieves are hitting me with CD, backstab, heartseeker for almost all my health, that is an almost instant combo. Engineers actually take 3-5 seconds to kill me

I think ther is a gap in WvW as far as gear is concerned i do do more damage as a full lvl 80 than when i was like lvl 40 or 60.

Norn “cows” go moot.

Is this another game where you get "one-shot" all the time?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ImariKurumi.5761



Despite the scaling up, theres a significant gap in strength between an 80 in full exotics and a non-80 or even an 80 in greens.

No matter the skill of the player or how skill based this game is, equipment always play a big part like all MMOs. Contrary to what some “elitist” players claim where its purely skill based and keep telling you to L2P, i’d dare them to PvP naked and see them play “Pro”

Is this another game where you get "one-shot" all the time?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Strifer.3507


me running toward engineer…
2.5 k hipshot
2.5k hipshot
2.5k hipshot
6k jump shot
8k jump shot
hmm… reassess my playstyle, I guess just run away instead of toward.
or how about this one… run toward thief…
9k cloak and dagger
8k backstab
6k heartseeker…
still reassesing."

Doesn’t look ONE-SHOT to me. more like 3-5 shots

Is this another game where you get "one-shot" all the time?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: EntropicTempest.2759


There is still a considerable difference in power between level 80s and level 50s. Your stats are scaled up, but your items stats are not.

Is this another game where you get "one-shot" all the time?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Plague.5329


Unfortunately there’s no sustained healing in this game, no healer class, so it’s a lot more unforgiving. They’ve also made combat favor damage over damage resistance, so the result is a very Quake-like combat where you can easily die in a couple of seconds if you come across certain enemy builds.

Personally, I prefer very slow, methodical games that involve outthinking your opponent, and find GW2 very frantic, spastic and twitchy in comparison to the first game. That’s obviously not going to change, though.

Is this another game where you get "one-shot" all the time?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raijinn.9065


Tera online you can get one shotted for sure especially by archers