I logged on to finish my daily and all I had left was the daily kill count. When I started to kill a monster, I noticed three people killing together. I’m a tank/healing spec and killing monsters is slow for me, so I decided to tag along. I quickly realized something: these 3 players were running in perfect sync and killing in perfect sync. By that, I mean that as soon as one started to run, the other 2 would run as well, never deviating from the path that the first was taken. In other MMO’s, it was like they were using a /follow command. They would also all start attacking at the same time. Clearly, this was one player controlling all 3 with some sort of program controlling the two that were following.
My question: is this allowed? I reported all 3 characters for botting, but I also made a note of their names. This is currently going on in Cursed Shore on the Yak’s Bend server. I’m not providing their names here in case this is legal. But — is it legal? If so, I mistakenly reported someone who should not have been reported, but it doesn’t seem as though this should be allowed. At the very least, it seems to be against the spirit of the game. I wish I could have taken a video of it, but I don’t have that capability on this laptop.