Is this it?

Is this it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DistantStatic.6098


So we press 2 to defeat Zhaitan, then wait for more content or grind your crafting levels or grind gear (which you said wasn’t going to happen)?

“Eric: The only Elder Dragon that players encounter in Guild Wars 2 is Zhaitan”.


So what’s it going to be, buy “GW2: (Insert Elder Dragon name here) Expansion” rather than continents for expansions like GW1? I need a little feedback here before I continue to invest more time into this game.

inb4 You’re not a hardcore fan! (even though I played GW1 for over 6+ years and put in more hours than 80% of the people out there)

Just for clarification, I love the game, just end game is the worst thing I’ve ever seen. Many of you will not understand that but I honestly don’t care anymore. I’m looking fo an Arenanet response not a community troll response.

lvl80 Guardian lvl80 Ranger lvl80 Elementalist lvl80 Thief …. Why do I list these anymore?
Toyota Car Dealers [TCD]

Is this it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bandersnatch.3610


I say one of three things will happen:

Expansions a la WoW

Add-on content via DLC-style

or (my personal hope & favorite)

Free content addons like the Sorrow’s Furnace content patch for GW1

Is this it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: robot.9134


I am more worried about the current issues vs future content and from what i hear… gw1 had issues with class balancing and dev communication. That was just what i heard from gw1 vets since I never played.

Is this it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rpgtabbycat.5869


Colin Johanson said in a post buried somewhere in the forums that we should expect info about new content sometime in October. I’ll try and see if I can hunt it down. If I find it, I’ll edit with a link. =)

Is this it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: carson yuen.6739

carson yuen.6739

Wvw is the end game for now. Its too bad if you dont like it. But i find wvw extremely enjoyable.

Is this it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Archer.6485


No one knows what the expansions will be like, but I’m sure it won’t just be: “one more dungeon with a new elder dragon”

At the very least they’ll add a lot more explorable areas. Whether those areas will be on a different continent I can’t say.

Is this it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PVStar.3658


I’d say that we’ll be getting content patches in areas such as ring of fire and crystal desert, along with (hopefully) more elder dragon encounters, along with expansions being in a new land.

Is this it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: triscuit.1238


I don’t think I actually knew what grinding was until I played this game. The gold grind, the profession grind, the map completion grind, badge grind. So much grinding, I haven’t played in a week or so, dd to that jumping puzzle frustration. I really dislike those.

I got to 80, which took way longer than expected and honestly felt like a grind to me, because they were just pointless levels with little reward. But it was necessary to get 80 gear…. get exotics, which was a grind.

Then those world crushing grinds above, no thanks.

Edit: What makes these grinds even worse, is that they aren’t fun and there aren’t any tangible rewards at the end.

Is this it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bwillb.2165


I have a feeling dragons will be content patches with expansions being the lands that killing that dragon would open up. So for example the first expansion will be Cantha since we just killed Zhaitan, who was stopping sea travel. Then probably a content patch where we fight either Jormag or Kralkkatorik, leading to an expansion in either Far Shiverpeaks or Crystal Desert.

Is this it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dimgl.4786


You guys seriously worry way too much. They will be releasing free updates with more content and zones to explore, like the Sorrow’s Furnace patch in Guild Wars.

You also forget there is still tons of content that can be created, such as:

Fissure of Woe
The Underworld
Tomb of the Primeval Kings
Guild halls
Heroes Ascent (Hall of Heroes)
Domain of Anguish

And this is not including zones that have already been announced, such as:
Perdition Rock (Ring of Fire)
Maguuma Wastes
Crystal Desert
Isles of Janthir
Blood Legion Homelands
Far Shiverpeaks
Woodland Cascades
Magus Falls
Scavenger’s Causeway

And more to come… we still have all of Elona and Cantha to consider.