Is this really a reward for Level 38 ??

Is this really a reward for Level 38 ??

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Seven skill points, a booster and a salvage kit? Sounds like a decent reward to me.

previously we used to get 1 skill point per level. now its 7 skill point given at end of every 7th level !!! lame

Actually it’s not lame. It’s better. Because by the time you get to higher levels, 1 skill point does absolutely nothing. You probably all the one point skills you need long before that. When this game was designed skill point scrolls didn’t exist either.

There’s nothing lame about the decision.

So your position is that absolutely no one ever has any use for a number of skillpoints smaller than 7, and that’s why it’s better to just give out 7 at a time?

Not my position at all. My position as quoted in another thread is that getting the same reward every single level predictably is more boring than getting different stuff at every level. When you got a skill point every level, it wasn’t special. It was something you got every level 75 times in a row. It’s very hard to look at a single skill point at level 63 and go YES! a skill point.

Even though it’s exactly the same, because you don’t get it every level it’s far more exciting to see seven skill points. This is basic, human psychology.

To people playing the game, it makes less difference than people starting new probably but it still makes a different for me. I see the new rewards and I get a bit of a boost from them. I never got that from the old rewards.

If that’s not your position, perhaps you shouldn’t be stating things that pretty much imply that it is your position.

My position is complex. Having to retype the same stuff in every thread gets tiring. I didn’t really feel it needed to be repeated here, I just gave the amount of information I felt was needed. I’m sure wouldn’t enjoy anyone telling you how to post, so I’d appreciate it if you not tell me how to post.

If clarification is required, people can always ask for it.

Can I get this post framed.. so let me run this back for clarity..

You don’t like writing stuff over and over in every thread.. maybe spend less time spreading the gospel in every thread and play more, then perhaps you will grow tired less

If it’s on topic or defending a point, sure I’ll do it. I didn’t feel it was the topic of this thread and I didn’t particularly feel it needed defending.

Haven’t you guys figured out yet that I wouldn’t even post again if you weren’t trying to disprove or dismiss what I said? lol

Vayne.. it was a light hearted poke to lighten the mood, but if you are going to comment on something like you did.. a la the 7 point skill reward etc (yes it was you that initiated that), then you surely would, could, should of expected some dialogue back on it.
As for it being off topic.. no sorry I disagree, the skill point(s) is the reward, the rest is fluff you make you feel special.

But hey in the interests of cuddles… lets all agree that everyone is right and everyone is wrong.. …

I know you were being light hearted, and I appreciate it. The OP was complaining about the salvage kit and I simply commented that there was other stuff to, in response to his post. I didn’t really feel I needed detail to say more than that, and I was happy to give it when asked.

My understanding of the OP’s complaint was that you get a salvage kit. So that’s on topic for me. Naturally we’re all right, and that’s that.

Is this really a reward for Level 38 ??

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Furyan.9578


I do agree with the sentiment that a basic salvage kit at such a level is somewhat irrelevant as part of a reward, more to the extent of the quality of it at least. Though to be truthful I don’t find the rewards in Guild Wars 2 as a whole to be that rewarding.

Looking at the level alone it’s fair to say you’ve (and other players) have already been well and truly exposed to salvaging and the different qualities, so giving the more basic of kits seems underwhelming. Personally, boosters … well, I have stockpile of them I don’t use mainly because I don’t use them. Skill points: 7? That’s nice. To be truthful I haven’t done much mid levels leveling since the new experience but I do find them lackluster. But as above, I’ve found most of the rewards lackluster. That’s my opinion of course, others may have a different sentiment.

Is this really a reward for Level 38 ??

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Olvendred.3027


I do agree with the sentiment that a basic salvage kit at such a level is somewhat irrelevant as part of a reward, more to the extent of the quality of it at least. Though to be truthful I don’t find the rewards in Guild Wars 2 as a whole to be that rewarding.

Looking at the level alone it’s fair to say you’ve (and other players) have already been well and truly exposed to salvaging and the different qualities, so giving the more basic of kits seems underwhelming. Personally, boosters … well, I have stockpile of them I don’t use mainly because I don’t use them. Skill points: 7? That’s nice. To be truthful I haven’t done much mid levels leveling since the new experience but I do find them lackluster. But as above, I’ve found most of the rewards lackluster. That’s my opinion of course, others may have a different sentiment.

It’s a reward for leveling up (which, in case people have forgotten, we never got anything before). It’s not supposed to be mindblowing. It’s also not supposed to be worth a huge amount to a vet. It’s supposed to help out, a bit but not too much, players leveling, including those on their very first character.

Is this really a reward for Level 38 ??

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sorudo.9054


i actually rather have no rewards beside the normal ones like skill points and trait points, i have no use for stuff i am never gonna use anyway or can’t even sell.
i don’t want to see a level-up window every time i level up and that also counts for the renown hearts, just do it automatic and be done with it.

Is this really a reward for Level 38 ??

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


i actually rather have no rewards beside the normal ones like skill points and trait points, i have no use for stuff i am never gonna use anyway or can’t even sell.
i don’t want to see a level-up window every time i level up and that also counts for the renown hearts, just do it automatic and be done with it.

You can always delete a reward you don’t like. People who would prefer rewards can’t manufacturer them if the game doesn’t provide them.

Is this really a reward for Level 38 ??

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bloodstealer.5978


I do agree with the sentiment that a basic salvage kit at such a level is somewhat irrelevant as part of a reward, more to the extent of the quality of it at least. Though to be truthful I don’t find the rewards in Guild Wars 2 as a whole to be that rewarding.

Looking at the level alone it’s fair to say you’ve (and other players) have already been well and truly exposed to salvaging and the different qualities, so giving the more basic of kits seems underwhelming. Personally, boosters … well, I have stockpile of them I don’t use mainly because I don’t use them. Skill points: 7? That’s nice. To be truthful I haven’t done much mid levels leveling since the new experience but I do find them lackluster. But as above, I’ve found most of the rewards lackluster. That’s my opinion of course, others may have a different sentiment.

It’s a reward for leveling up (which, in case people have forgotten, we never got anything before). It’s not supposed to be mindblowing. It’s also not supposed to be worth a huge amount to a vet. It’s supposed to help out, a bit but not too much, players leveling, including those on their very first character.

Yes, lest we forget.. GW2 still attracts new players.. so I have to agree with this.

As I said previously, even though in a more candid sense.. we are all right and all wrong.. depends on how you personally see it, whether your a new player or a vet, or whether you actually do feel a sense of achievement everytime you level and get excited over receiving said rewards.

For me (and I actually enjoy creating new toons, trying out different builds etc) the real reward is the level increase and the skill point that goes with it.. it allows me to adjust every level as I go. The other rewards are pretty much irrelevant .. boosts I don’t tend to use, but sure they have a use as does that shiny new pair of pants for maybe a level.. lets be honest if you cant gear yourself as you explore each map/level then there is something wrong with the picture… so some rewards are very meaningless except for salvage and coin.. so new players I guess have that option to start stockpiling ready for crafting or selling.
Each to there own and I guess that’s really all I see from ANETS thinking on trying to fix a problem that imo wasn’t really there… then again every MMO likes to put some new paint on old things from time to time, GW2 is no different in that respect, except maybe it needed some sooner than others do/did.

Is this really a reward for Level 38 ??

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Furyan.9578


I do agree with the sentiment that a basic salvage kit at such a level is somewhat irrelevant as part of a reward, more to the extent of the quality of it at least. Though to be truthful I don’t find the rewards in Guild Wars 2 as a whole to be that rewarding.

Looking at the level alone it’s fair to say you’ve (and other players) have already been well and truly exposed to salvaging and the different qualities, so giving the more basic of kits seems underwhelming. Personally, boosters … well, I have stockpile of them I don’t use mainly because I don’t use them. Skill points: 7? That’s nice. To be truthful I haven’t done much mid levels leveling since the new experience but I do find them lackluster. But as above, I’ve found most of the rewards lackluster. That’s my opinion of course, others may have a different sentiment.

It’s a reward for leveling up (which, in case people have forgotten, we never got anything before). It’s not supposed to be mindblowing. It’s also not supposed to be worth a huge amount to a vet. It’s supposed to help out, a bit but not too much, players leveling, including those on their very first character.

I doubt they were considering ‘vets’ (such an entitled term nowadays) at all when doing these rewards. Not all rewards should be mindblowing, I wasn’t saying that at all, if you feel I was then you have my sympathies, but they should at least be relevant.

“Hey, you got to level 38. Congratulations. Here, we saved you 88 cooper!”

Is this really a reward for Level 38 ??

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Furyan.9578


Each to there own and I guess that’s really all I see from ANETS thinking on trying to fix a problem that imo wasn’t really there… then again every MMO likes to put some new paint on old things from time to time, GW2 is no different in that respect, except maybe it needed some sooner than others do/did.

This appears to be the case. Personally, I didn’t think Arenanet was having that much of an issue keeping players. I don’t see how many of the changes will keep players, especially with those who found such issue with staying with the game in the first place.

(edited by Furyan.9578)

Is this really a reward for Level 38 ??

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sorudo.9054


i actually rather have no rewards beside the normal ones like skill points and trait points, i have no use for stuff i am never gonna use anyway or can’t even sell.
i don’t want to see a level-up window every time i level up and that also counts for the renown hearts, just do it automatic and be done with it.

You can always delete a reward you don’t like. People who would prefer rewards can’t manufacturer them if the game doesn’t provide them.

but you still get an annoying reward screen, the one thing that gets on my nerves.
sure, i could ignore it but Anet loves to annoy ppl with blinking and moving icons, making ignoring the icon an impossibility.

Is this really a reward for Level 38 ??

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


i actually rather have no rewards beside the normal ones like skill points and trait points, i have no use for stuff i am never gonna use anyway or can’t even sell.
i don’t want to see a level-up window every time i level up and that also counts for the renown hearts, just do it automatic and be done with it.

You can always delete a reward you don’t like. People who would prefer rewards can’t manufacturer them if the game doesn’t provide them.

but you still get an annoying reward screen, the one thing that gets on my nerves.
sure, i could ignore it but Anet loves to annoy ppl with blinking and moving icons, making ignoring the icon an impossibility.

I’m going to guess that more people like getting rewards and even reward screens than not. Just a guess…but I’m going with it.

Is this really a reward for Level 38 ??

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arrow.4619


Just used two scrolls to level a character from level 27 to level 29. My two items rewards were level 15 and level 20 consumables. One of them – the simple sharpening stone was soul bound. The white nights will say I should be grateful that I got something I wouldn’t have gotten before. Given all the BS gating that people have to go through now, my reaction is: If you’re going to give something that costs at most a couple of copper (42 cp for the unsellable sharpening stone and 2 cp for the food on the TP) can’t you at least make it level appropriate? There were no level 25 consumables you could give out?

Actually, no. The next level of sharpening stone requires level 30.

Actually, yes. There are any number of food consumables that would have worked just fine. If you want someone to be impressed with a 50 cp consumable at least give it to them when its the best they can use (level 15) not level 28 or 29.

Nerf Shadow Arts condition cleanse. Gut the
Acrobatics trait line. Then sell it back
to them for $50. Brilliant! – ghost of P.T. Barnum

Is this really a reward for Level 38 ??

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvia.9130


Well, for lvl 80 you get 1 (ONE) obsidian shard, so…

>>Lady Carlie Castle<

Is this really a reward for Level 38 ??

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DaShi.1368


Really? Time for an obsidian shard farm! jk

Is this really a reward for Level 38 ??

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bradldz.3728


To the OP, you also get a booster, seems like a pretty good reward to me…. When i levelled there was no such thing as level rewards, do you see me complaining?

Is this really a reward for Level 38 ??

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Spiderbite.8049


is Arenanet making fun of us !! ??

Pretty sure that was the entire point of the September " F pack"

“No, I don’t.”

Is this really a reward for Level 38 ??

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Olvendred.3027


Just used two scrolls to level a character from level 27 to level 29. My two items rewards were level 15 and level 20 consumables. One of them – the simple sharpening stone was soul bound. The white nights will say I should be grateful that I got something I wouldn’t have gotten before. Given all the BS gating that people have to go through now, my reaction is: If you’re going to give something that costs at most a couple of copper (42 cp for the unsellable sharpening stone and 2 cp for the food on the TP) can’t you at least make it level appropriate? There were no level 25 consumables you could give out?

Actually, no. The next level of sharpening stone requires level 30.

Actually, yes. There are any number of food consumables that would have worked just fine. If you want someone to be impressed with a 50 cp consumable at least give it to them when its the best they can use (level 15) not level 28 or 29.

It comes with the explanation of utility consumables. While you can argue with the timing of that, it’s difficult to argue that they shouldn’t give out a utility consumable at the same level as they explain it.

Is this really a reward for Level 38 ??

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


Is this really a reward or is Arenanet making fun of us !! ??

ANET set up a multi-million dollar company so they could make fun of 12 year olds, because you know, that’s how they make money for their shareholders.

You really got ’em this time. Good work!

Is this really a reward for Level 38 ??

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draknar.5748


Seven skill points, a booster and a salvage kit? Sounds like a decent reward to me.

previously we used to get 1 skill point per level. now its 7 skill point given at end of every 7th level !!! lame

Is it me or has everyone against the 7SPs every 7 levels thing forgotten you can get skill points from exploration as well…

I mean…1 SP per level before was mostly useless. For a typical new player they likely get 3-5 SPs a day from exploring maps. Then they would level and maybe they would realize they got one additional skill point added, but for the most part it went completely unnoticed.

This is a non-issue. If you guys really need to have that kind of consistency, every time you level, go to a map and grab the nearest skill point. There. Now you have a skill point on level up, plus 7 additional SPs every 7 levels. You’ll have more SPs than you know what to do with…

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

Is this really a reward for Level 38 ??

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tachenon.5270


Is this really a reward or is Arenanet making fun of us !! ??

ANET set up a multi-million dollar company so they could make fun of 12 year olds, because you know, that’s how they make money for their shareholders.

You really got ’em this time. Good work!

At times the ongoing development of GW2 reminds me of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, season 6, which, to the keen of eye, depicts quite embarrassingly a quaint little behind-the-scenes writer’s war (with Spike as a blunt instrument used by both sides as a means of bonking viewers over the head). At other times, it reminds me of Star Trek (the original series) season 3, which brought us such thought-provoking and imaginative episodes as Spock’s Brain.

My NPE ele is now level 52. Some of the rewards along the way have been (not being sarcastic) fine and dandy. At times even pleasantly surprising. Others, much less so. Overall, I’ve not had to rely on the trading post as much to keep this ele geared up – and I like that.

Carry on.

The table is a fable.

Is this really a reward for Level 38 ??

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Redenaz.8631


This is a non-issue. If you guys really need to have that kind of consistency, every time you level, go to a map and grab the nearest skill point. There. Now you have a skill point on level up, plus 7 additional SPs every 7 levels. You’ll have more SPs than you know what to do with…

This…is a pretty good point. If a person needs to have the next skill right away, and they need X skill points for it, then they can go a-questing for it out in the world somewhere. If the new system makes that experience a bit more valued, that seems like a good thing.

~The Storyteller – Elementalist – Jade Quarry~