Is this the future of loot in GW2?
I’m going to see how many posts it takes for the gem store to be mentioned.
I’m going to see how many posts it takes for the gem store to be mentioned.
Future of loot? That’s how it is right now. Except in EotM, but Anet is paying 40 people to 24/7 spam the WvW forum with “NERF EOTM LOOT SO WE CAN PVP MOAR!” threads for them to point to when they remove the loot in a couple weeks :P
Zero loot from Mobs? I found 2 yellows from random mobs just last night. I generally get quite a bit of blues and greens too. The last exotic I found, guess what? From a random mob. Unless you are talking specific loot, such as precursers, or named exotics, than it isn’t about loot, as it is more about RNG and drop rates.
Also events don’t give loot, unless you are talking about world booses. Hearts don’t give loot other that a few silver and some karma. The dungeons, and map completion have always been a great source of loot, I can generally fill my bags with loot from a couple of dungeon runs.
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”
(edited by pdavis.8031)
Troll thread is troll. Map completion and hearts are one-time.
But I think this is a trait going only for festival stuff, so that they don’t result in drastic changes in the “economy” of the game. You remember how much loot was gained last time the Pavilion was open, right? (But I bet you don’t remember how dreadfully boring and imbalanced-feeling the boss fights and whatnot were).
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
Troll thread is troll. Map completion and hearts are one-time.
Ok. Nope, that’s not the future of loot. =)
Troll thread is troll. Map completion and hearts are one-time.
Unless you are doing them with multiple characters. But I am inclined to think troll as well.
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”
Short answer: yes
Long answer: yes
Troll thread is troll. Map completion and hearts are one-time.
Unless you are doing them with multiple characters. But I am inclined to think troll as well.
If Anet allows more than one time a day, people will create a new toon to do a heart, get the reward, then repeat. Can’t have that.
And this is not a troll thread. Look at the new content… every time we’re seeing more and more mobs that give zero loot.
Anet is actively moving people towards completing content (such as events) by loading up rewards for after the content is completed…
…and moving people away from farming mobs (no loot mobs) as well as farming content (hence the once-a-day).
So you are saying that if you do the heart on one toon get the small amount of silver and karma, because thats all hearts give you, delete that toon, start another one, you cannot do the heart again? hmmmm that doesn’t sound right to me. And PS rewards are not limited to one per day. As I have, and many others do, key runs, multiple times a day.
And I agree with Konig about the festival. Last year there were so many cores looted the price dropped drastically, till the point where they were next to worthless. I can see why they decided not to go that route again.
As far as farming mobs? Haven’t noticed. Still get the same loot, can still farm for silk and linen on the same mobs.
I don’t understand what you are talking about no loot mobs…
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”
So you are saying that if you do the heart on one toon get the small amount of silver and karma, because thats all hearts give you, delete that toon, start another one, you cannot do the heart again? hmmmm that doesn’t sound right to me. And PS rewards are not limited to one per day. As I have, and many others do, key runs, multiple times a day.
And I agree with Konig about the festival. Last year there were so many cores looted the price dropped drastically, till the point where they were next to worthless. I can see why they decided not to go that route again.
As far as farming mobs? Haven’t noticed. Still get the same loot, can still farm for silk and linen on the same mobs.
I don’t understand what you are talking about no loot mobs…
In the Queen’s Pavilion. The only things they drop are festival tokens (rare) and tickets for the Queen’s Gauntlet (also rare). Even the chests that were in each of the 6 areas are gone. The only loot to be had is from completing the event, despite all the stuff you have to kill during it.
And the rewards are… less than they should be.
delicate, brick-like subtlety.
And this is not a troll thread. Look at the new content… every time we’re seeing more and more mobs that give zero loot.
Battle for Lion’s Arch gave loot.
Escape from Lion’s Arch gave loot.
Edge of the Mist gave loot.
The Origins of Madness gave loot.
So what exactly is this “more and more mobs that give zero loot”? Ah yes, Crown Pavilion and Mad King’s Labyrinth! FESTIVAL-ONLY LOCATIONS GIVE NO LOOT. And why is that? Because they cater to zergs. Like I said, the no loot is only to prevent massive fluctuations in the game economy.
I wonder why.
While 95%+ new mobs give loot.
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
(edited by Konig Des Todes.2086)
I understand about the Queens Pavilion mobs dropping loot, as I said that it was that way by design, and can see why they did. Don’t know what the rewards are like for the end of the event, but in the end its still RNG and RNG rules all with an iron fist.
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”
On the livestream they said that Crystal Reid was the one who changed the Pavillion from a lootfest to what we have now. She said she wanted more coordination in the game like we had with Marionette.
Look, I loved the Marionette, but at least that was reasonable rewarding, even if you failed.
This right here is nothing close to Marionette, and it’s a shame they had to replace content (coordination instead of farming) rather than having it supplement it.
Battle for Lion’s Arch gave loot.
Escape from Lion’s Arch gave loot.
Edge of the Mist gave loot.
The Origins of Madness gave loot.
So what exactly is this “more and more mobs that give zero loot”? Ah yes, Crown Pavilion and Mad King’s Labyrinth! FESTIVAL-ONLY LOCATIONS GIVE NO LOOT. And why is that? Because they cater to zergs. Like I said, the no loot is only to prevent massive fluctuations in the game economy.
I wonder why.
While 95%+ new mobs give loot.
There are dynamic events where mobs give out no loot now, as well. That happened quite some time ago, to prevent farming.
The problem is, is that it’s taking Risk Vs Reward and pretty much throwing it out the window. They feel free to add in more and more challenge (risk) with no chance for increased rewards. If we find a way to do the opposite, however, they drop on us like a ton of bricks. It’s “Do as I say, not as I do”, and it’s pretty worthless game design.
delicate, brick-like subtlety.
It’s only champions that don’t give loot, and only in easily scaled up events like the Scarlet invasions and Claw of Jormag – as you said Palador, to counter farming.
But standard mobs drop loot still. And they boosted the end reward a bit in those cases (even in Pavilion though not enough to many’s opinions) to counter such. So that people are more interested in completing the content rather than intentionally letting things fail just to farm loot. That’s not “Risk vs Reward” but “Reward for not completing stuff.”
Each and every loot removal change made has been with the intent to push players to complete the content rather than letting it fail to get more rewards. “Greater Reward for Completing” rather than “Greater Reward for Failing”, that is to say.
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
On the livestream they said that Crystal Reid was the one who changed the Pavillion from a lootfest to what we have now.
I was thinking it was Devon Carver. This “lack of loot” is exactly his style.
This right here is nothing close to Marionette, and it’s a shame they had to replace content (coordination instead of farming) rather than having it supplement it.
Nerfing a re-used a event from the previous year, and destroying the champ trains at the same time? It’s not a wonder that more than a few people are a little bit bitter at the moment.
The Devs also said they heard the players’ concerns and are raising the loot for each tier. Tokens and Champ Bags. That should make it a bit more rewarding. =)
also posting to thank the devs for reconsidering the rewards on crown pavilion……….raising the champ bag reward number in all tiers and providing merchants to exchange tokens for t6 mats.
this is a great great compromise……….and anyone complaining about 10 champ bags and 80 tokens for an 8 minute event are simply whiners. even doing it wrong now rewards 6 champ bags.
they listened….so i hope people stick with the event until the casuals “get it”, like they eventually did with marionette.
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