Isn't time to join two servers together?

Isn't time to join two servers together?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bradesco.9621


Maybe is time to join two or three servers together since there is no much to do in the game during the week (most likely morning to afternoon).

Is REALLY hard to find people to do some dungeons, most places of the game have no players to do group events. World v World is a long away road with not much to do since you need people to do things, and people is not playing or doing something else.

The only thing left should be the sPvP which many people agree being boring.

So, join two servers together would increase the amount of “player per place”, (PvE, dungeons, WvW) and make the game closer to a MMO and not a single player RPG.

Isn't time to join two servers together?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Braveryd.3286


I kind of agree with you there to some degree. On Borlis Pass the high level areas are great and lively but the low-mid level areas are only populated by bots right now.

Borlis Pass – Order of the Beard [OB]
“Strength, Honor, Beard”

Isn't time to join two servers together?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Omega Mayhem.7163

Omega Mayhem.7163

What they need to do is STOP FREE TRANSFERS!!! It’s gone on TOO LONG!

Isn't time to join two servers together?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kimbald.2697


Two things:

first of, from reading many replies of white knights on simular posts, it’s very clear you must be lying!
You simply must be, can’t be the player number is falling low.

Second: merging servers would be admitting defeat in a way, something that can’t be in a perfect game either.

Meanwhile I’ll continue my leveling journey mostly alone too.

Wiggely, wobbely and other wombaty wabbity creatures…

Isn't time to join two servers together?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheUnNamedHero.4167


Maybe is time to join two or three servers together since there is no much to do in the game during the week (most likely morning to afternoon).

Stop playing during off hours. If you can’t, then switch to a EU/US server. Problem solved.

2012 Halloween Tower Champion
The Lost Shores should have stayed lost.

Isn't time to join two servers together?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kimbald.2697


Maybe is time to join two or three servers together since there is no much to do in the game during the week (most likely morning to afternoon).

Stop playing during off hours. If you can’t, then switch to a EU/US server. Problem solved.

You see: Bradesco (and others): you can’ t decide when you want to play this game. It’s meant to be played in group, and during peak hours because of that.
Don’t be so selfish to play alone, at off hours to make it even worse!

And I knew there wasn’t a problem! Thanks for helping us here.

Wiggely, wobbely and other wombaty wabbity creatures…

Isn't time to join two servers together?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hughs.6549



I kind of agree with you there to some degree. On Borlis Pass the high level areas are great and lively but the low-mid level areas are only populated by bots right now.

These zones are deserted because Arenanet didn’t make them attractive enough, there’s pretty much nothing to do there (except exploring/jumping puzzles but u know…)

Merging servers would probably add lots of people only in late game areas, which would make the “AOE dynamic event farm” in orr even worse.

Isn't time to join two servers together?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bradesco.9621


Maybe is time to join two or three servers together since there is no much to do in the game during the week (most likely morning to afternoon).

Stop playing during off hours. If you can’t, then switch to a EU/US server. Problem solved.

Stop playing during off hours wouldn’t solve the problem, It would just make it worse. That isn’t simple as it seems to be.

This is not “my” problem. Its something you can easily see teleporting around different maps. Its everyone’s problem.

Isn't time to join two servers together?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jestunhi.7429


WvW queue is full every time I’ve tried to get in during prime time on Desolation.

It’s certainly not everyone’s problem. Hyperbole gets posts dismissed, not treated seriously.

SoE have finally been knocked off the top spot
in the list of developers I have the least faith & trust in.
Congratulations ArenaNet!

Isn't time to join two servers together?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mulch.2586


At some point, some contraction will be helpful. I don’t think we’re there yet.

In the meantime, hey server transfers are free. Bounce over to one that’s listed as fuller during the times you play.

The people I play most often with haven’t logged in for over a week, busy with other stuff (i.e. bored of the game). I bet the holiday event thing will bring a lot of bored people back.

Isn't time to join two servers together?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheUnNamedHero.4167


Maybe is time to join two or three servers together since there is no much to do in the game during the week (most likely morning to afternoon).

Stop playing during off hours. If you can’t, then switch to a EU/US server. Problem solved.

Stop playing during off hours wouldn’t solve the problem, It would just make it worse. That isn’t simple as it seems to be.

This is not “my” problem. Its something you can easily see teleporting around different maps. Its everyone’s problem.

So playing during prime time will cause you to encounter less players than playing during off time? Right.

2012 Halloween Tower Champion
The Lost Shores should have stayed lost.

Isn't time to join two servers together?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: whiran.1473


I don’t quite understand this. As people level they move through the zones and then are, more or less, done with them.

Merging servers won’t change that people have leveled beyond particular zones.

In WoW, at it’s height of 12 million accounts, I started a new character. As I leveled up I barely saw anyone in the zones. But the game was healthy, busy, and it was a full server.

This is a basic flaw, if you will, of a level based zone system.

If you’d like to play with other people in a map just ask in /map if anyone would like to group up and do a map completion. But, you may have to redo a couple hearts. And, some people just aren’t willing to sacrifice their own time but they want others to help themselves out.

Lots of servers are at full almost 24 / 7 at the moment in NA. Most (if not all) of the others don’t go below HIGH in population. On the Euro side I noticed a couple of servers at medium during their wee hours of the day.

But, really, it’s the same issue that people who leveled really fast faced: they were outside of the ‘bubble’ of the majority of players. People who level slower (nothing wrong with it) will have to deal with quieter zones.

At least Anet created a reason for high level characters to come back to earlier zones and complete them.

Isn't time to join two servers together?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Masaki.2153


What they need to do is incentivise low level zones for high level toons.

Mergers will just have over crowded (overflow) high level zones.

Isn't time to join two servers together?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bradesco.9621


WvW queue is full every time I’ve tried to get in during prime time on Desolation.

It’s certainly not everyone’s problem. Hyperbole gets posts dismissed, not treated seriously.

Desolation is a full population server, just like mine (Crystal Desert – US).

I wish I could play as guest there, but it seems to be an utopia.

You seems to be lucky or Europeans seems to play more.

Hyperbole doesn’t break a post, what does that is people trying to say that OP is wrong without a valid point. (not talking about you)

Isn't time to join two servers together?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kimbald.2697


I don’t quite understand this. As people level they move through the zones and then are, more or less, done with them.

Merging servers won’t change that people have leveled beyond particular zones.

In WoW, at it’s height of 12 million accounts, I started a new character. As I leveled up I barely saw anyone in the zones. But the game was healthy, busy, and it was a full server.

This is a basic flaw, if you will, of a level based zone system.

If you’d like to play with other people in a map just ask in /map if anyone would like to group up and do a map completion. But, you may have to redo a couple hearts. And, some people just aren’t willing to sacrifice their own time but they want others to help themselves out.

Lots of servers are at full almost 24 / 7 at the moment in NA. Most (if not all) of the others don’t go below HIGH in population. On the Euro side I noticed a couple of servers at medium during their wee hours of the day.

But, really, it’s the same issue that people who leveled really fast faced: they were outside of the ‘bubble’ of the majority of players. People who level slower (nothing wrong with it) will have to deal with quieter zones.

At least Anet created a reason for high level characters to come back to earlier zones and complete them.

One word: downscaling.

The feature is in this game, and therefore it can not be compared to ‘level based zone’ games.
It was set out to be different in this very regard.

So the real question to this particular fenomenon is: why are all those max levels not in the lower level zones?
Several answers to that. The main being: too little incentive for too much cost…

The basic idea was great, the implementation was again rather poor.

Wiggely, wobbely and other wombaty wabbity creatures…

Isn't time to join two servers together?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: EverythingXen.1835


Keep in mind you cant just merge 2 servers. WvW requires 3 servers to fight each other.

You’d have to merge SIX servers to 3 to make it consistent… affecting way more server populations than just your own.

Isn't time to join two servers together?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: whiran.1473


One word: downscaling.

The feature is in this game, and therefore it can not be compared to ‘level based zone’ games.
It was set out to be different in this very regard.

So the real question to this particular fenomenon is: why are all those max levels not in the lower level zones?
Several answers to that. The main being: too little incentive for too much cost…

The basic idea was great, the implementation was again rather poor.

Well, I would suggest that a lot of people have gone back to the lower levels and done them. The problem with them is, as you point out, a lack of reward for being there. If you are level 80 and you get a level 15 item that isn’t really… useful or valuable.

The other thing that the lower level zones have going against them in my view are the hearts. Once you’ve done them, why do them again? There are less events in these zones so that leaves waiting around for events or grinding. Neither are overly appealing options.

Anet did put the mechanism in. I would like to see it tweaked to increase the value to the lower level zones to a maxxed character. The issue with it is the abuse element. There would need to be a balance.

But, at the end of the day, merging servers won’t magically put people in the lower level zones when they’ve already completed them.

Isn't time to join two servers together?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bradesco.9621


One good feature would be add something between Exotics ~ Legendary.

Something to rush for. Hard, but not hard as Legendary

Add a cPvP (Classic PvP) which is not strutured, is based on gear/skill

“Medium size” cPvP maps like 20×20, 30×30, with missions.

PvE gets boring when you finish it. PvP is the a good way to keep people playing and rushing itens is a good way to make people work together.

Isn't time to join two servers together?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mulch.2586


I don’t quite understand this. As people level they move through the zones and then are, more or less, done with them.

Merging servers won’t change that people have leveled beyond particular zones.

In WoW, at it’s height of 12 million accounts, I started a new character. As I leveled up I barely saw anyone in the zones. But the game was healthy, busy, and it was a full server.

Important to note the vast majority of the WoW accounts don’t play on NA/EU servers. And WoW server capacity is certainly no greater than GW2.

I personally much prefer the design of the lowbie zones. But it’s expensive to just go out looking for stuff, and you don’t get any loot. Well of course you do get loot, but not in comparison to what you’d get playing your level.

Isn't time to join two servers together?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ari Kagura.9182

Ari Kagura.9182

Another thing to consider about merging servers is this: it would really screwball some of the rankings in WvW (not that it’s already screwballed a bit with free transfers, but that’s besides the point). The number of servers available obviously has to be divisible by three.

Also, as the names of the servers are named after something in the Guild Wars lore, the servers being merged should somehow fit into lore, naming wise. For example: Jade Quarry (Tier 1 WvW server), Fort Aspenwood (Tier 4), and Kaineng (Bottom Tier) are named after key locations in the Factions campaign in GW1. For folks like me who picked a server based on the lore behind it (my GW1 Ritualist wore the Elite Luxon armor most of the time), the name of the merged server should somehow fit.

Simple observation: based on your server’s WvW score, it may be possible that a number of “bandwagoners” may have left your server for one of the T1 servers: … but then again, I could be wrong. Let’s hope I’m wrong because the WvW queue times on Jade Quarry can be annoying during prime time hours. :P

Another thing to consider: Story or Explorable Mode? At this point, players who have been here since the beginning have probably completed most of the Story modes and have no reason to be there besides to help a guildie or two. If you’re trying to find someone for an Explorable, especially for a specific path, it may be possible that the path you want to do is difficult to do as a PUG. For instance, CoF paths 1 and 2 are relatively simple for PUGs while path 3 of the same dungeon would be a bit tricky to do without voice chat coordination due to the torches and the hallway with the exploding insta-kill orbs.

“I control my fate!” — Claire Farron
I am Fleeting Flash, in-game dungeon cosplayer of Reddit Refugees [RR] .

(edited by Ari Kagura.9182)

Isn't time to join two servers together?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TrickSmartly.7391


is that the death rattle of an mmo dying?

Isn't time to join two servers together?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jestunhi.7429


“is that the death rattle of an mmo dying?”


Just the normal population of an MMO forum predicting it. As they do in every single MMO forum, regardless of how successful it goes on to become.

SoE have finally been knocked off the top spot
in the list of developers I have the least faith & trust in.
Congratulations ArenaNet!

Isn't time to join two servers together?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Voqar.2349


This is a basic flaw, if you will, of a level based zone system.

Except this game isn’t purely that way since you can be challenged in any zone at any time at 80.

I’d imagine that not all players go for 100% zone completion and if you don’t, you have no real reason to visit those zones you never visited or finished while leveling, especially the lower level ones because the rewards are generally weak.

Bots and players have run almost all items you might get out of lower/mid level zones down the the point of vendor cost outside of crafted mats.

Lotsa people don’t craft either so they don’t care about the mats you might get doing or completing low/mid zones.

The purely PvP crowd doesn’t care about PvE zones much at all.

Judging by the number of bots on my server, there must be an amazing amount of players cheating via buying gold, so apparently a lot of people would rather cheat than actually play the game – and that doesn’t help zone pops either.

Isn't time to join two servers together?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kimbald.2697


“is that the death rattle of an mmo dying?”


Just the normal population of an MMO forum predicting it. As they do in every single MMO forum, regardless of how successful it goes on to become.

Same can be said of the legions defending their game beyond reason on every MMO that has imploded the past years…
Goes both ways, and both are valid in my book.

Wiggely, wobbely and other wombaty wabbity creatures…

Isn't time to join two servers together?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jestunhi.7429


Fair enough, if you want to have a meaningful discussion I’d be happy to debate any reasons that you may have for feeling that the game is dying.

But this isn’t the thread for that, it’s off topic enough already.

SoE have finally been knocked off the top spot
in the list of developers I have the least faith & trust in.
Congratulations ArenaNet!

Isn't time to join two servers together?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Algreg.3629


Two things:

first of, from reading many replies of white knights on simular posts, it’s very clear you must be lying!
You simply must be, can’t be the player number is falling low.

Second: merging servers would be admitting defeat in a way, something that can’t be in a perfect game either.

Meanwhile I’ll continue my leveling journey mostly alone too.

those flame monickers never cease to amuse me. White Knights, pfff, what are you planning, a hostile takeover of anet via the stock market?

Isn't time to join two servers together?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jestunhi.7429



*see attachment :p


SoE have finally been knocked off the top spot
in the list of developers I have the least faith & trust in.
Congratulations ArenaNet!

Isn't time to join two servers together?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Echo.7634


1. Server transfers are currently free. There is nothing stopping you from moving to a higher population server.

2. (you may not have noticed )All but 1 US servers are “high” of “full” as far as population goes.

Isn't time to join two servers together?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Algreg.3629


1. Server transfers are currently free. There is nothing stopping you from moving to a higher population server.

2. (you may not have noticed )All but 1 US servers are “high” of “full” as far as population goes.

but you do not understand! this is of cause a conspiracy of anet, in reality, all those servers are totally empty!

Isn't time to join two servers together?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saruba.7124


By no means a white knight here, go ahead and check my posts…..but they added a bunch of servers during the peak rush, so population is bound to have dropped off by now even without all the horrible choices the design team has made to suck all of the fun out of this game. I’m pretty sure they expected this “thinning out” that is obvious to all but the purposely blind among us.

Isn't time to join two servers together?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jestunhi.7429


So, who are the players I constantly see running around?

Well… not now, at 1:30am local time, but during the day!

SoE have finally been knocked off the top spot
in the list of developers I have the least faith & trust in.
Congratulations ArenaNet!