It is now too depressing to log in, goodbye.

It is now too depressing to log in, goodbye.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: plasmacutter.2709


This change is now the third major “balance” change which completely gutted unrelated builds.

Nerfs to “bunker” eles have kicked unrelated glass cannon and PVE auramancer support builds in the groin.

Before that, mesmers lost the ability to provide might batteries to the group because of a completely unrelated bug that caused 200% shatter damage to a subset of exploiters, because ANet was too impatient to “wait and see” (and before that, mesmers were crippled by extra penalties which prevented them summoning pets while blind – even though half the phantasms are purely defensive)

Before that, the symbol support builds for guardian greatsword were gutted by a doubling of symbol of wrath cooldown. The target, perma-retal, was missed wide when this build was made extinct.

Is the game still fun to play right now, YES, but after 15 minutes, it becomes hard to do so, because I become acutely aware of the inevitability of ANet taking it away because of some unrelated build, because their balance team is apparently incapable of nuance and proper trait targeting.

Given it’s management who usually make these decisions, It’s not surprising given the glassdoor ratings for the company. Dysfunction within leads to dysfunctional results to the customer base.

I’ve filed for my refund, I hope ANet learns from me, because I can generally take a pretty heavy beating as a customer before moving on.

It is now too depressing to log in, goodbye.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vlawde.1895


Can I have your stuff?

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ursan.7846


OP do you mind mailing me your gold?

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rahuri.7048


Oh no, Arenanet is going bankrupt because one player filed for a refund. I hope the game stays open, I mean without the one player who’s crying at his keyboard the game might struggle.

Mail me your gold before you quit please.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Conncept.7638


What on earth are you talking about? Auramancer was buffed, frost has 10% damage reduction in exchange for a cooldown that barely affects your frost stacks, and fire now stacks might each time you’re hit! A giant buff to the underused focus and signet skills. The only thing that was nerfed was DDs mobility, which was principally for WvW.

Mesmer is one of (if not the) top profession for both WvW and SPvP. Both shatter builds and buff stacking are entirely viable, even if might stacking isn’t. A single class does not get to fill every niche, mesmers could might stack better than elementalists, and elementalists practically have an entire trait line dedicated to it. Each has their own way of fulfilling each role, how would you feel about your mesmer if elementalists were suddenly given a confusion trait line that was better than that of the mesmer?

Even after the guardian nerfs, the majority of dungeon, WvW, and SPvP groups still don’t want to run without tanky buff/debuff guardian. And nerfing a single symbol that was being abused by the community does not break an entire build unless you were one of the kittens that was abusing it, in which case you have no one to blame but yourself. Elementalists have already had the entire water attunement gutted, dozens of more skills than a single symbol, and yet there’s more whine in this OP than there is in the entire elementalist sub-forum.

If you completely gut a build, and people still use it, then it was overpowered, only a fool couldn’t come to that most basic and logical conclusion.

I’m sorry that ANet keeps requiring that you play fair, oh wait, no I’m not.

(edited by Conncept.7638)

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raehvyn.4530


Amazing responses, super pro.

Took a break and played some other games. Mostly worked on Tera because I could play an actual healer. I came back to surf the forums as Guild Wars 2 updates, see what the vibe is. I don’t really know about the nerfs so hopefully my characters aren’t too afflicted.

Asking for a refund might be a little much though since it has been so long since launch though and you sound like you’ve been around to be put through the ringer with the changes. The game is free to play once you’ve bought it, so at least there is that. You could always come back later as I did and see how things have gone.

[NoPe] Jello Gangsta Cosby.Cute Lil Pookiebear
“Check your inbox. Infractions for everyone!” – Oprah

It is now too depressing to log in, goodbye.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vorch.2985


…way to be constructive, people.

Here’s what people thought of GW1 when it first came out:
“A release is 7 days or less away or has just happened within the last 7 days…
These are the only two states you’ll find the world of Tyria.”

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MoZing.1594


Dude seriously? Stop whining. I have used the same Ranger build while changing out a few skills here and there and the game doesn’t seem any more “difficult”. I don’t use builds everyone else uses because im not a loser. Try making your OWN character instead of trying to farm. For example I have found my ranger is a superior support, healing character compared to most guardians. Considering 1: I usually survive longer than everyone else, 2: My healing and protection is better.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Im Mudbone.1437

Im Mudbone.1437

YAY!!! less lag

Blackgate Megaserver – [LaZy] Imperium of LaZy Nation
Mud Bone – Sylvari Ranger

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bigtime.7410


Do you want my stuff?

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raehvyn.4530


Dude seriously? Stop whining. I have used the same Ranger build while changing out a few skills here and there and the game doesn’t seem any more “difficult”. I don’t use builds everyone else uses because im not a loser. Try making your OWN character instead of trying to farm. For example I have found my ranger is a superior support, healing character compared to most guardians. Considering 1: I usually survive longer than everyone else, 2: My healing and protection is better.

So people who find popular builds fun and dislike seeing them altered are whining losers? Well, that is lovely. So you found a build on -your- character that -you- like. Just like a bunch of people found builds that they like. If they nerfed your build I’m sure you would have a thought on the matter.

But, being a jerk is cool too, I guess, so have at it.

[NoPe] Jello Gangsta Cosby.Cute Lil Pookiebear
“Check your inbox. Infractions for everyone!” – Oprah

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jski.6180


Well you know in life when something gets hard you should just run away from it. If you liked the class you would find a way to make it work if you liked the game you would keep playing it. Please do not put this on the game or the class changes this is just you and nothing but you.

Main : Jski Imaginary ELE (Necromancer)
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA

It is now too depressing to log in, goodbye.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: knives.6345


Goodbye.. Mail golds please…

Goodbye.. Mail golds please…On all seriousness, learn to adapt.

Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici

It is now too depressing to log in, goodbye.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raehvyn.4530


Well you know in life when something gets hard you should just run away from it.

It is a video game. It is not even close to the same thing as real life. The guy finds the game unfun, voiced his opinion, and is getting blasted for it. The game is played for /fun/ and if it isn’t fun for you anymore you should not play.

It is an easy concept to understand. It has nothing to do with the difficulty of the game.

[NoPe] Jello Gangsta Cosby.Cute Lil Pookiebear
“Check your inbox. Infractions for everyone!” – Oprah

It is now too depressing to log in, goodbye.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raehvyn.4530


Man, I regret coming back to the forums. Enjoy being kitten in the threads, I guess.

[NoPe] Jello Gangsta Cosby.Cute Lil Pookiebear
“Check your inbox. Infractions for everyone!” – Oprah

It is now too depressing to log in, goodbye.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Conncept.7638


Well you know in life when something gets hard you should just run away from it.

It is a video game. It is not even close to the same thing as real life. The guy finds the game unfun, voiced his opinion, and is getting blasted for it. The game is played for /fun/ and if it isn’t fun for you anymore you should not play.

It is an easy concept to understand. It has nothing to do with the difficulty of the game.

No he doesn’t, he admitted the game is ‘fun’ in his post. He’s leaving because the developers don’t cater to his desire to abuse his fellow players through crack builds and exploits. He’s doesn’t want a balanced game, and to anybody leaving for that reason, I have nothing to say but ‘good riddance’!

(edited by Conncept.7638)

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mwen.6129


How does one file for this refund of which you speak? Tell me and I’ll mail you my gold if they accept. I’m back old-skewling it on GW1.

It is now too depressing to log in, goodbye.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: stobie.2134


Man, I regret coming back to the forums. Enjoy being kitten in the threads, I guess.


I guess if you want to be ridiculed & eviscerated, you go to a gaming forum & announce that you’re leaving. It’s like blood in the water. I mean, if you want to invariably see the very next poster say, “Can I haz ur stuff?” this is a certain way to do that. It’s just one of those guarantees in life.

Since I tire of reading that – not just for lacking in originality, but because it’s cheap & easy, how about, “Sorry to hear that. Good luck wherever you go.”

It is now too depressing to log in, goodbye.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: knives.6345


Man, I regret coming back to the forums. Enjoy being kitten in the threads, I guess.


I guess if you want to be ridiculed & eviscerated, you go to a gaming forum & announce that you’re leaving. It’s like blood in the water. I mean, if you want to invariably see the very next poster say, “Can I haz ur stuff?” this is a certain way to do that. It’s just one of those guarantees in life.

Since I tire of reading that – not just for lacking in originality, but because it’s cheap & easy, how about, “Sorry to hear that. Good luck wherever you go.”

Ok I’ll bite…


Man, I’m sorry to see you leave the game.. Best of luck to whatever lies in front of you. Now, can I have your gold?


Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici

It is now too depressing to log in, goodbye.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: stobie.2134


See, good effort! And yes, agreed. If he’s not doing anything with it, why let it rot away in an unused bag?

It is now too depressing to log in, goodbye.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: knives.6345


See, good effort! And yes, agreed. If he’s not doing anything with it, why let it rot away in an unused bag?

True true. At least, he made a player happy before he left… :p

Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici

It is now too depressing to log in, goodbye.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: schizandra.4587


Man, I regret coming back to the forums. Enjoy being kitten in the threads, I guess.


I guess if you want to be ridiculed & eviscerated, you go to a gaming forum & announce that you’re leaving. It’s like blood in the water. I mean, if you want to invariably see the very next poster say, “Can I haz ur stuff?” this is a certain way to do that. It’s just one of those guarantees in life.

Since I tire of reading that – not just for lacking in originality, but because it’s cheap & easy, how about, “Sorry to hear that. Good luck wherever you go.”

… maybe because people AREN’T that sorry to hear that a person who thinks their departure from the game warrants an announcement is leaving?

It is now too depressing to log in, goodbye.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: stobie.2134


The point isn’t about his sense of departure importance. The point is how people react, what it says about them.

No – wait. That wasn’t actually my point. It’s late – I’m tired. The point was, it’s so predictable! Someone makes the exit speech. Ya, I don’t know why they bother. When I leave a game, it’s not like a stick around to file a report. It’s just that – I’d like to be surprised by something other than the repetitive & obvious replies.

(edited by stobie.2134)

It is now too depressing to log in, goodbye.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azjenco.9425


…way to be constructive, people.

You see, it’s very difficult to be constructive, because…

I’ve filed for my refund, I hope ANet learns from me, because I can generally take a pretty heavy beating as a customer before moving on.

He’s been playing the game for half a year, now he wants his money back because the profession changes haven’t been to his liking. How is any person supposed to give a positive response to that?

It is now too depressing to log in, goodbye.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karizee.8076


If you ever decide to come back just remember, all you have to do is step through the portal and you’re there, in a magical land of glory, victory, and triumph.

It is now too depressing to log in, goodbye.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lalangamena.3694


Can I have your stuff?

also, this game has many many problems, but nothing of what you wrote in your post is one of them.

It is now too depressing to log in, goodbye.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AstralDusk.1670


The point isn’t about his sense of departure importance. The point is how people react, what it says about them.

No – wait. That wasn’t actually my point. It’s late – I’m tired. The point was, it’s so predictable! Someone makes the exit speech. Ya, I don’t know why they bother. When I leave a game, it’s not like a stick around to file a report. It’s just that – I’d like to be surprised by something other than the repetitive & obvious replies.

Repetitive and obnoxious complaints breed repetitive and obnoxious replies.

There’s no discussion here to be constructive or polite about. Someone just threw a tantrum. In my world, that behavior doesn’t get a polite response.

Saying “Hey, good luck where ever life takes you” would be insincere.

This thread happens every week (day?), as if someone is striking a blow against the company by storming off. Well, they already have your money. And you’ve already played enough hours to do everything there is, which means you’ve gotten your money’s worth. End of the tale, no refund.

Honestly, this guy’s still probably playing. He just felt like he needed to be as visibly angry as possible in order to get his needs heard.

It is now too depressing to log in, goodbye.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valento.9852


May I ask for the gold, too?

Attempts at ele specs:

It is now too depressing to log in, goodbye.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: digiowl.9620


Sad to see you go, Plasmacutter, as we seemed to agree on things.

It is now too depressing to log in, goodbye.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CC Eva.6742

CC Eva.6742

Community Coordinator

Hello everyone.

Thank you very much for your input up to this point. However, “I quit” threads are not allowed on the forums as they are not conducive to creating a friendly community nor do they have room for constructive discussion. As such, this thread has been closed.

Thanks for your understanding.