It is safe to say it now.. GOTY?

It is safe to say it now.. GOTY?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: marianitten.1247


For Those About to Zerg (We Salute You)

It is safe to say it now.. GOTY?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IomegadriveOne.5291


Yep, I have no doubt in my mind. However WoW players will say it is awful.

It is safe to say it now.. GOTY?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DusK.3849


Funny thing about WoW players; the user score for their oh-so-great game on the same website is a good 3+ points below GW2’s. Ditto for the expansions, but man, dat Cata score sure makes me giggle.

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Main Character: Dathius Eventide | Say “hi” to the Tribulation Clouds for me. :)

It is safe to say it now.. GOTY?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: fellyn.5083


Maybe. But Call of Duty or Assassins Creed will probably get it. Because as we all know the more a game sells the better it is. Diablo 3 and the Call of Duty series are testaments to that fact. Other people are claiming that the new Bioshock game will be GoTY. They may have a fair point there but I’m not to much into that series so I don’t know that much about it.

It is safe to say it now.. GOTY?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Oxe.6142


Ya, sure. Torchlight 2.

It is safe to say it now.. GOTY?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gauradan.8361


Wait, so just because NcSoft paid for some reviews the game instantly becomes GOTY? There are games with higher user score than Guild Wars 2. Besides, why would you even listen to most critics? Look at Mass Effect 3’s critic score versus user score. We all know how much of a disappointment that game was.

Even SWTOR has 85 critic score, despite being such a flop. Are you telling me all those reviews were honest and not paid for by EA?

Aed f’haeil moen Hirjeth taenverde.

It is safe to say it now.. GOTY?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Czinger.6314


This is the best game I ever played, and I stumbled upon it.

Intel Core i5-2400 3.1GHz-16GB RAM
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 570 1.2GB
Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit

It is safe to say it now.. GOTY?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JazzyJay.1367


I would vote for it. Although I haven’t played every game this year, so how much value should my vote carry?

It is safe to say it now.. GOTY?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Oxe.6142


This is the best game I ever played, and I stumbled upon it.

You really gotta get out more.

It is safe to say it now.. GOTY?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JazzyJay.1367


this is about the lousiest game I have played. Anet itself is a soulless company.

Seriously? Is it worse than Shaq Fu? lmao

It is safe to say it now.. GOTY?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rannulf.9417


And yet their here on a GW2 forum posting, i don’t know about you but if i hate a game i move on, i don’t stick around on the forums.

EDIT: and i don’t trust that site, they give The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings an 88, it was the bestkittenrpg i ever played

It is safe to say it now.. GOTY?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zoridium JackL.7463

Zoridium JackL.7463

I wouldn’t give it game of the year, maybe an honorable mention as one of the best MMOs released this year, but the best game overall? I don’t think it’s earned that one.

It is safe to say it now.. GOTY?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: robot.9134


I wouldnt give it #1 but definitely top 10. i think most reviews were done prematurely and with not much going into the higher levels. Thats what really matters to the longer term players. It’s what the game is built around and balanced on.

It is safe to say it now.. GOTY?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nerva.7940


the foundation of the game is solid. end game was functional, albeit broken in some ways like rewards etc. but functional. gw2 was the most complete MMo ever released.

Ikiro – 80 Ranger
Umie – 80 Guardian

It is safe to say it now.. GOTY?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tajmo.1836


I haven’t had this much fun since Tortage (Age of Conan). The only difference being Tortage lasted a weekend where thus far, I’ve logged a month of Guild Wars 2 and still having a blast.

I’d say I already got my money’s worth, and there is still so much I want to accomplish.

As for GOTY. While you feel GW2 deserves this title other gamers might feel the same way about their current favorite title. Nobody’s wrong, since both parties really do feel their selection is better than the opposition. Personally, I would just give it to Skyrim again! :P

“all your shinies are belong to us” – Skritt Citizen

It is safe to say it now.. GOTY?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zoridium JackL.7463

Zoridium JackL.7463

how has it not earned goty? it’s like saying Obama didnt earn the Nobel for inspiring and giving hope to people. gw2 will easily get the goty award.

it hasn’t earned it because it isn’t the best game released this year? I’m not sure I can make it any clearer than that, firstly it’s hard to compare two things in different genres, even in the same genre it’s hard, games are something that vary a fair amount from person to person and something that sells a lot isn’t necessarily “the best” (even if there is a best) and even then I see many issues with the games design that aren’t actually due to its core intent or who their target audience is, a GOTY should hypothetically be the game that is better than the rest and as far as I’m concerned GW2 isn’t a “better” game, it’s just ANOTHER game.

It is safe to say it now.. GOTY?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: robot.9134


the foundation of the game is solid. end game was functional, albeit broken in some ways like rewards etc. but functional. gw2 was the most complete MMo ever released.

“end game” is broken yes…and boring which is causing guilds/players to drop every day.

Orr is a mess and unplayable…zergs of bots and players camping events only waiting to tap mobs…..maybe you havent seen it lol.

Functional is not enough to claim the “most complete mmo ever released” award. Sure you can do any of the activities that arent broken but wuite a few players have stopped all together and eitehr stick to pvp, wvw, or left until things get fixed.

It is safe to say it now.. GOTY?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: robot.9134


GW2 levels 1-70 = best game this year.


It is safe to say it now.. GOTY?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Smackjack.5071


No single person can claim it to be the best or the worst. People claiming it is not or it is the worst suffer from having a little bit too much self importance .

It is safe to say it now.. GOTY?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kimhyuna.1035


As good as this game is … TL2 should be GoTY.
It is supreme quality from a small company.


It is safe to say it now.. GOTY?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Oghier.7419


GW2 should win easily. It’s loopy how much they got right, especially with a beast as large and complex as an MMO. Add to that a launch as smooth as butter.

This is my first go at an Arenanet product, and I am extremely impressed.

Snit Dirtnap (Thief)
Ratbag Dogsticker (Guardian)
…Yak’s Bend

It is safe to say it now.. GOTY?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rannulf.9417


As good as this game is … TL2 should be GoTY.
It is supreme quality from a small company.

I’m sorry, Tl2 will never be GOTY, while everything is good, the story was just an after thought, it was go here, kill this and loot, loot. IMO the real goty will prob be assassin’s creed, bioshock, broaderlands 2 and whatever is release, and i wouldn’t be suprise if gw2 makes it.

A lot of people came into this game thinking they will have an endgame base on stats or whatever, gw2 was never about that, if you game into the game expecting it then it’s you’re fault, yes the game needs to give people more reason to go back to lower lvl zone with high lvl character, but if you compare what gw2 has to offer with no sub fee, it’s a steal, and you might not agree if gw2 be GOTY, but those same crits who give it10/10 will be the same to give it goty, IGN/gamespot.

(edited by Rannulf.9417)

It is safe to say it now.. GOTY?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raging Bull.5048

Raging Bull.5048

It has the potential to be, but it fails horribly at it. It’s not even “the decent game of the year”. Such paradox.

If ANet improves on GW2 like a no dev has before improved on any game in the history of the mankind – it might. For the next year, they missed this train.

It is safe to say it now.. GOTY?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DusK.3849


this is about the lousiest game I have played. Anet itself is a soulless company.

He says as he goes back to games made by developers that charge him $15 a month while lying to him about how that money pays for the development of new content and the upkeep of servers.

You know, you’ve posted a good three pages worth about this “soulless company.” In largely mangled grammar, I might add. You ever think that might have been time better spent?

Like rock and metal remixes of video game music? Check out my site and get your headbang on!
Also, check out Hardcore Adventure Box: World 1, World 2, Lost Sessions
Main Character: Dathius Eventide | Say “hi” to the Tribulation Clouds for me. :)

It is safe to say it now.. GOTY?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: skstylez.1526


that is just PC rankings.
My person fav this year is Xenoblade Chronicles
I think this game SHOULD win MMO category, and hopefully PC category aswell

G4/Spike is stupid though. They are getting a bit better by the year at least hiring real reviewers/editors..

It is safe to say it now.. GOTY?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ouroboros.5076


GW2 clearly has a shot for GOTY on PC, but it still is an MMO. I think there is a high chance that the GOTY would instead be a good game in a more popular “genre”, like Mass Effect 3 or Borderlands 2. Torchlight 2, even though it looks as a great and very well executed game (I really enjoyed the first one tbh), will suffer from the same problem.

That said, I am very confident it will win best MMO of the year.

It is safe to say it now.. GOTY?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: melkathi.5203


My vote is for The Adventures of Shuggy for GOTY… But I’m ok with GW2 getting some praise

It is safe to say it now.. GOTY?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nerva.7940


BL2 and TL2 arent even close to GOTY because theyre not innovative, and theyre shallow. but very good quality and fun.

ME3 – unlikely, but it will be a contender. honestly, i just dont see anything else matching GW2 so far this year in terms of quality and quantity of content and innovation.

Ikiro – 80 Ranger
Umie – 80 Guardian

It is safe to say it now.. GOTY?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Smackjack.5071


As good as this game is … TL2 should be GoTY.
It is supreme quality from a small company.

How does the fact that it is from a small company earn it extra mention and credit towards a GOTY award?

It is safe to say it now.. GOTY?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Smackjack.5071


that is just PC rankings.
My person fav this year is Xenoblade Chronicles
I think this game SHOULD win MMO category, and hopefully PC category aswell

G4/Spike is stupid though. They are getting a bit better by the year at least hiring real reviewers/editors..

G4/spike and GT are all about consoles.

It is safe to say it now.. GOTY?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gauradan.8361


@DusK He says as he goes back to games made by developers that charge him $15 a month while lying to him about how that money pays for the development of new content and the upkeep of servers.
You know, you’ve posted a good three pages worth about this “soulless company.” In largely mangled grammar, I might add. You ever think that might have been time better spent?

Yes, why would you pay 15$ a month and get a complete game when you can play Guild Wars 2 that only offers part of the game for free, the rest being accessible by active usage of the store? There are two such systems I can think of: the transmutation stone system (because we know how hard it is to get fine stones in-game and how much it depends on luck) and the minipet system. WoW has transmogrification which works pretty much the same way, but costs in-game gold, while also having lots of pets obtainable in-game. So, yes, I’d rather pay 15$ and get a complete game, rather than not pay at all and get only a part of it. Being able to trade gold for gems doesn’t nullify these concerns. I shouldn’t have to access the store in a 2012 MMO in order to be able to change the way my character looks. Even LOTRO and Age of Conan, which are F2Ps , give wardrobe slots for free.

Add to those issues the fact that the endgame is a grind, the fact that the gold sinks are absurdly high and nobody ever wants to do dungeons and you get just another MMO who thought that it could beat WoW at its own game and failed.

Aed f’haeil moen Hirjeth taenverde.

It is safe to say it now.. GOTY?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stormcycle.4208


This game is awesome. Best MMO ever made.

It is safe to say it now.. GOTY?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raging Bull.5048

Raging Bull.5048

^ Good for you. Lucky guy with a quality threshold so low, you rarely get disappointed do you?

I consider it a blessing.

It is safe to say it now.. GOTY?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wmtyrance.3571


Its got my vote. Best new mmo in years.

It is safe to say it now.. GOTY?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: UnawarePolarBear.9502


This review made me laugh the most,

“GW2 is basically a first “solo” MMORPG. ArenaNet is trying to implement this idea of not having to party with anyone to do anything, at the same time you still have to party with random player if you want to experience the full content of the game. "

I laughed pretty hard. Not sure if he even really played the game.

Anyway, GW2 succeeds at being fun, and innovative. I love it.

It is safe to say it now.. GOTY?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rpgtabbycat.5869


It depends on where Anet goes with this game (bug fixes, more content, etc). GW2 has the potential to become GotY though.

It is safe to say it now.. GOTY?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stormcycle.4208


Guild Wars 2 is not only the first MMO ever made, but the best MMO as well. Look at all things that came out based on it, such as WoW, and Lord of the Rings.

It is safe to say it now.. GOTY?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rukia.4802


this is about the lousiest game I have played. Anet itself is a soulless company.

Try D3, enjoy paragon levels lmao talk about grasping at straws. I haven’t played more than 20 hours in that game and I paid 60 bucks for it… nothing like D2, hands down worst sequel in existence. It’s like, so bad…

“I find this rain quite pleasant, it feels as though raindrops are blessing our victory”

It is safe to say it now.. GOTY?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raging Bull.5048

Raging Bull.5048

@ eladox

Bravo! Bluntly, but well put. There is no reason to beat around the bush.

It is safe to say it now.. GOTY?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Twaddlefish.6537


It could’ve been goty
but anet decided to cater casuals and ended up catering mongoloids.

Making it easier by making dungeons harder? Wut?

ATM, out of the handful of new games I’ve played this year it’s the best but by no means perfect. At the moment my vote goes to Black Mesa Source.

What serious games does it have to contend with? ME3 I loved every moment until the elevator took you up to the kid, and D3 was…well…

It is safe to say it now.. GOTY?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Soulwatcher.2604


I honestly don’t think this game is GOTY quality there are far too many bugs that still are not fixed!

It is safe to say it now.. GOTY?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrThebigcheese.2014


GW2 doesn’t deserve goty. They talked so big about revolution and just made another theme park mmo. GW1 was more innovative. Some people like the unfocused, zergy content but I think tons of people are very disappointed with GW2. It’s like an mmo for beginners, there is very little depth.

Personally I find Borderlands 2 more fun and there are some big releases coming by the end of the year.

It is safe to say it now.. GOTY?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mastermind.3169


8.3 is a high score for sure by so many users, swtor that suffered about the same problems and also only was fun in low levels got 5.7. Something must have been done right, or it just takes a bit longer reaching lvl 80 than reaching lvl 50.. who knows?

It is safe to say it now.. GOTY?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kana.6793


Yes, why would you pay 15$ a month and get a complete game when you can play Guild Wars 2 that only offers part of the game for free, the rest being accessible by active usage of the store? There are two such systems I can think of: the transmutation stone system (because we know how hard it is to get fine stones in-game and how much it depends on luck) and the minipet system. WoW has transmogrification which works pretty much the same way, but costs in-game gold, while also having lots of pets obtainable in-game. So, yes, I’d rather pay 15$ and get a complete game, rather than not pay at all and get only a part of it.

You can buy minipets in the trading post with no gems involved from your side. They aren’t soulbound so people sell duplicates / rare & valuable ones.

WoW has a lot of in game minipets yes, but as someone who has most of them I did notice the quality of the new in game pets went down a lot once they started putting more into the Blizzard store. The mediocre ones are free, the good ones with the higher res textures and unique models are now £9 each.

It is safe to say it now.. GOTY?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: knightblaster.8027


GW2 will be in the running, but it’s hard for an MMO to win GOTY. My guess is that something like Mass Effect 3 (yes, players were upset about it, but the industry would probably like to stick that in the players’ eyes to be honest), Borderlands 2 etc.

It is safe to say it now.. GOTY?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RoRo.8270


Why does GOTY matter? So you can brag to your friends? Bunch of hypocrites complain about WoW players when you are all just like them and insecure about your game. I don’t play WoW but the fanboys on this site are hilarious

It is safe to say it now.. GOTY?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kokoro.9234


How can you even say that you’d be paying $15 a month for a complete game? You’re aware that during the last 8 months of cataclysm, blizzard released no new content while still charging the same fee? Frankly, the mechanics of the game haven’t changed, the only thing that’s different is you see larger numbers on your screen and the game is continually dumbed down.

It is safe to say it now.. GOTY?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kana.6793


How can you even say that you’d be paying $15 a month for a complete game? You’re aware that during the last 8 months of cataclysm, blizzard released no new content while still charging the same fee? Frankly, the mechanics of the game haven’t changed, the only thing that’s different is you see larger numbers on your screen and the game is continually dumbed down.

In WotLK I raided Icecrown Citadel for a year. An entire year.

What did they eventually add as a last raid before Cata was released? Ruby Sanctum. A “raid” with one boss.

Plus you can convert gold to gems, so everything in the store is available in game. Blizzard don’t let you buy pets and server transfers with game gold, they charge you real money. On top of your sub.

It is safe to say it now.. GOTY?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blacklight.2871


Yes, why would you pay 15$ a month and get a complete game when you can play Guild Wars 2 that only offers part of the game for free, the rest being accessible by active usage of the store?

Exactly what content is inaccessible without a trip to the gem shop? Any of the dungeons? Nope. Any of the zones? Nope. WvW? Nope. SPvP? Nope. You’re not even gated off from this stuff with a gear grind because even the most difficult content can be played with nothing but rares or exotics, which are EASY to come by.

But yeah, if you absolutely have to have that chef’s uniform, you’re going to have pony up the gems. Oh, the misery. ANet, y u so greedy?

It is safe to say it now.. GOTY?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pict.5472


No, just no
