It's Not Like the Level Cap's Being Raised

It's Not Like the Level Cap's Being Raised

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bornthisway.4609


I’ve seen a lot of overreaction to Ascended gear so I’m glad that I could read the article and am going to assert that this is trivial. These are just like Legendaries. If you don’t want to work harder to get better gear, don’t. Some of us do though. We are happy and excited about these types of updates.

It's Not Like the Level Cap's Being Raised

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Waar Kijk Je Naar.8713

Waar Kijk Je Naar.8713

I’ve seen a lot of overreaction to Ascended gear so I’m glad that I could read the article and am going to assert that this is trivial. These are just like Legendaries. If you don’t want to work harder to get better gear, don’t. Some of us do though. We are angry and displeased about these types of updates.

Legendary items have the same stats as exotics, your point is invalid.

And they probably will raise the level cap later on, seeing as they apparently have thrown all they initial design philosophies out of the window.


It's Not Like the Level Cap's Being Raised

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bornthisway.4609


My point is not invalidated just because they have the same stats. Legendaries are exorbitantly more work than Exotics to obtain, so of course they are more respected etc. Gear is moving forward, if you don’t want to no one is forcing you.

It's Not Like the Level Cap's Being Raised

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: styx.7294


There’s lots of games where you can grind for better stats (since apparently that’s the thing that matters to you?) – feel free to enjoy those. Guild Wars was a game where there was only the tiniest power creep and it only happened with the expansions. I thought Guild Wars 2 could be that sort of game too.

This isn’t like legendaries, which were like obsidian armour. They’re things you can work towards but they’re not things that will make you better than anyone else. There shouldn’t be “better gear”. There should be “better players” and “gear”.

“Gear is moving forward, if you don’t want to no one is forcing you.”

Edit: Gear isn’t moving forward. It shouldn’t be. It’s a terrible idea and it’s completely unnatural and why did you ever let yourself to be fooled otherwise is beyond me. Acquiring gear because it has higher numbers is a terrible game and it’s not what I paid $60 for.

Some people want their equipment best so that they can then enjoy the game at their best but why they have to waste their time acquiring that equipment over and over and over again is a completely unrelated waste of time.

Gate of Madness

(edited by styx.7294)

It's Not Like the Level Cap's Being Raised

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheUnNamedHero.4167


My point is not invalidated just because they have the same stats. Legendaries are exorbitantly more work than Exotics to obtain, so of course they are more respected etc. Gear is moving forward, if you don’t want to no one is forcing you.

Actually yes, it was invalidated because you used a false analogy. Changing the definition of your initial argument doesn’t do you any good either.

2012 Halloween Tower Champion
The Lost Shores should have stayed lost.

It's Not Like the Level Cap's Being Raised

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wasselin.1235


My point is not invalidated just because they have the same stats. Legendaries are exorbitantly more work than Exotics to obtain, so of course they are more respected etc. Gear is moving forward, if you don’t want to no one is forcing you.

If you want to participate in the new content then yes, someone is forcing me to upgrade my gear. ArenaNet is. "Players who wish to delve deep into the Fractals will find that Agony makes progress increasingly difficult, until they reach the point where some defense against this condition is a must. "

“Please find my dear friends… Dead or Alive” -redmakoto

It's Not Like the Level Cap's Being Raised

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bardes.1870


No, it’s not. It actually seems like the designers are saying “BEING Hamsters”.

It will be the beginning of grind hell.