It was such a nice 3rd bday till..
Put in a ticket. If you do it within 24 hours you have a chance for ANet to help you.
1st World Tyrian problems
Well, if they would have given out shorts, you wouldn’t be in this predicament, because you can never have too many shorts.
Put in a ticket. If you do it within 24 hours you have a chance for ANet to help you.
Sadly I did do so, received answers from 3 different GM’s that its not their policy to exchange items.. I guess I drew the short stick because quite many of my friends have their items exchanged/refunded in same type of situations.
Meh I was so hoping to get the Blacklight dye finally.
Well sorry man. But try not to feel too bad. We’ve all made errors along the way. I know I have made a few!
Happened to me, sent in a ticket, customer service handled it, pretty quickly too.
Very sorry for you, but I have made more mistakes than I care to mention. On the positive side you have more chances to with your other characters.
Side note: One of our guild members took a cheep dye because she liked it.
Put in a ticket. If you do it within 24 hours you have a chance for ANet to help you.
Sadly I did do so, received answers from 3 different GM’s that its not their policy to exchange items.. I guess I drew the short stick because quite many of my friends have their items exchanged/refunded in same type of situations.
Meh I was so hoping to get the Blacklight dye finally.
Seka, just a thought here.
Could it be that in your case you made a mistake with a free gift and they would not give you an exchange vs. your friends trying to exchange a mistake with a Not free item?
Don’t know if that is the case but I could see where they might draw the line there.
Put in a ticket. If you do it within 24 hours you have a chance for ANet to help you.
Sadly I did do so, received answers from 3 different GM’s that its not their policy to exchange items.. I guess I drew the short stick because quite many of my friends have their items exchanged/refunded in same type of situations.
Meh I was so hoping to get the Blacklight dye finally.
Seka, just a thought here.
Could it be that in your case you made a mistake with a free gift and they would not give you an exchange vs. your friends trying to exchange a mistake with a Not free item?
Don’t know if that is the case but I could see where they might draw the line there.
I wouldn’t assume that it would be the case, I pmed Vayne.8563 ingame to ask for details what he previously wrote, and it was pretty much the same case and he was helped with it.
Though one of the replies to my ticket was “Generally, we are unable to fulfill requests to exchange items purchased from the Gem Store.”
Which is not the case and I explained its 3rd bday gift as response (and it was in the ticket name too).
Anyway looks like I finally got a response for it and its being worked on. ^^ Here we go, thanks to GM Oracle and Cold! Here we go, thanks to GM Oracle and Cold
It appears the service RNG gods are smiling upon you. ANet should publish their service guidelines. I’ve submitted 2 tickets in 3 years and both were denied with little explanation. Not sure your ticket was any more difficult handle or noteworthy than mine. I admitted I made a mistake and asked for help. Nuth’n. You’d think something that doesn’t cost them anything other than time would be at least a 1X goodwill gesture. /gripe.
Congrats. I think I may choose the same color. The blacklight would look nice on my mesmer.
I made a mistake > , was so looking forward for 3rd year birthday gifts but I accidentally picked wrong dye kit which I already had all dyes from, now stuck with a kit I can’t do anything with. :l
You should be more careful next time then…
Anet for the 19.737.928 time, close useless topics like this faster!
spread the word do not randomly click click click the dye thingy
go there first and you will get what you want
I made a mistake > , was so looking forward for 3rd year birthday gifts but I accidentally picked wrong dye kit which I already had all dyes from, now stuck with a kit I can’t do anything with. :l
You should be more careful next time then…
Anet for the 19.737.928 time, close useless topics like this faster!
What? How is this useless. This is a discussion forum. It doesn’t have to be a productive thread it just has to be a discussion. You’re just being a hater.
I’m happy you got your stuff sorted and I know CS in this game is usually on the ball but it shouldn’t take coming to the Forum to get something so simple taken care of.
I’m happy you got your stuff sorted and I know CS in this game is usually on the ball but it shouldn’t take coming to the Forum to get something so simple taken care of.
Don’t worry, I’m sure CS never noticed the forum thread. OP had a ticket in and it got answered.
It was noticed because I responded once more with linking this thread along with quote to Vayne “Happened to me, sent in a ticket, customer service handled it, pretty quickly too.” , it was the same thing last time when my warrior broke maps and support didn’t understand it until I took it to forums and sat in EB till GM showed up ingame.
Anyway its all sorted now so I’m happy.
(edited by Seka.5647) Here we go, thanks to GM Oracle and Cold
So glad to see it was fixed for you! \o/ <3
Just curious – why Blacklight over Enameled Anamnesis Dye?
Put in a ticket. If you do it within 24 hours you have a chance for ANet to help you.
Sadly I did do so, received answers from 3 different GM’s that its not their policy to exchange items.. I guess I drew the short stick because quite many of my friends have their items exchanged/refunded in same type of situations.
Meh I was so hoping to get the Blacklight dye finally.
That inconsistency really kittenes me off. It’s far too up to the whims/mood of the GM who gets your request. They don’t return accidentally salvaged/sold stuff, but I hear about people getting items returned all the time.
If you have a policy, stick to it.
If you feel like you need to make exceptions to not look/feel like horrible people then maybe the policy needs to be revisited.
There is absolutely no evidence to support that it would.” -AnthonyOrdon
Just curious – why Blacklight over Enameled Anamnesis Dye?
Because I already had Enameled Anamnesis. ^^
Just curious – why Blacklight over Enameled Anamnesis Dye?
Because I already had Enameled Anamnesis. ^^
Which one do you like better? I’m having a tough time deciding!!
I’d go for the Enameled Anamnesis myself. The deep lipstick hue is much more distinct from cheaper dyes than is the dull deep green of Swampblack.
1st World Tyrian problems
How do you figure? Some people had zero of the limited-edition dyes and might have had 5+ characters turning 36 months this week. It’s all too easy to click the wrong thing.
For the OP, I don’t know what the policy is. I did, however, see on Reddit that someone else had picked the wrong dye and was able to work something out with customer service.
On another note, it wouldn’t make much difference since you seem to be running on potato level graphics, colors and sheen look different on higher settings.
1st World Tyrian problems
How do you figure? Some people had zero of the limited-edition dyes and might have had 5+ characters turning 36 months this week. It’s all too easy to click the wrong thing.
For the OP, I don’t know what the policy is. I did, however, see on Reddit that someone else had picked the wrong dye and was able to work something out with customer service.
That was the person I talked with ingame about it.
On another note, it wouldn’t make much difference since you seem to be running on potato level graphics, colors and sheen look different on higher settings.
That’s true at that point, due old PC I had to turn my graphics low when doing dungeons/fractals/pvp – but whenever I’m doing other stuff I can turn it back to medium/high. Just at that time I wasn’t thinking about the quality of the screenshot but the fact of it being proof. ^^
Just curious – why Blacklight over Enameled Anamnesis Dye?
Because I already had Enameled Anamnesis. ^^
Which one do you like better? I’m having a tough time deciding!!
Blacklight is more of a dark purple shade while anamnesis is reddish.. purple goes way better with my mesmers color scheme
Glad it was fixed.
I was half expecting “the fire nation attacked”.
(edited by GrandHaven.1052)
spread the word do not randomly click click click the dye thingy
go there first and you will get what you want
Nice Warning. I went to GW2 wiki and looked what colours they had and then looked at the colours on my character through Trading Post
I am always being cautious with stuff like this, but sometimes you make mistakes… Like I got myself a Heavy Ascended armor instead of a medium from an Ascended chest I got from PvP.
Guild Leader of Alpha Sgc [ASGC]