Item and Experience Boosters Time
Nope, don’t feel this way about it. You could activate the item rarity in your inventory view.
If it is active you can see that the 20 min. / 30. min. booster have a white/blue line (sry don’t remember which color and can’t look it up ingame right now) around and the 2h a yellow rarity line.
[RUC] Riverside United Corps! For Riverside!
Oh I see. Yes, I didn’t even notice the rarity was different as well. That would give it a second indication. Fair enough!
I disagree, that is totally unacceptable.
It’s deceptive, if it’s not the same item it needs to have either a different icon or a different name.
There is absolutely no evidence to support that it would.” -AnthonyOrdon
Hrm. I had another look and the one that you get to choose is also a green but it is 20 min and not 30. So the second indicator breaks down there.
The text beside it in the list from which you choose is yellow. This should indicate that it is the same as the gem store item booster. In this case the only indication is the text within the description.
The Laurel one changed with the last patch to 1 hour, I believe.
Mine still say 30 minutes.
Well, I haven’t visited the Laurel Vendor to examine the new Boosters, yet. Of course, this would not affect those previously purchased.
Good luck.
Maybe it is because you get 2 boosters for each laurel which would equal 1 hour together.