(edited by Moderator)
Its hard to main a character (for 3 years)
I would suggest you try out new builds and runes in PvP it will let you select all the stats and runes your heart could desire to understand if you like a build before committing to getting it for the investment PvE requires.
yay finally someone who understands what i want to say x) ty just a flesh wound
its unluckily again only about 1 issue..but seems noone want to talk about the real problem..the runes and sigils…well seems nr1 is too much outstanding…i hope my other forum post is more lucky
Everybody wants to be able to switch runes, sigils, and stats at will. But there’s no way to do that in game. Nobody can give you a solution for that, so they’re answering the only question they can. I wish I could tell you how to switch runes constantly without losing gold, but there is no way that exists. After three years, you haven’t experimented enough to know the builds you like?
bcs there is no way to do so in the game im posting it. im posting here ideas to improve the game…and point out problems.
but im really happy that people try to help me. but…im not here bcs i need help…but bcs this is the only way a normal player can get his/her ideas to the developer..
Ok. Well in the past I have said in a few threads that a rune library would be a good idea, especially if they introduce legendary armor. A rune library would allow you to apply six runes to an armor, then save them so that you can switch between runes that have been previously applied. Same for legendary weapons and a sigil library. It would be a convenience over ascended, that little something more that makes someone want to craft legendary gear. With the ability now to forge ascended into new stats, legendary needs a little more to make me want to craft it.
I feel for you OP. With the addition of Specializations coming, I can only see your situation getting more stressed.
Usually, in other games I will OCD and metagame everything I can and it eventually ruins my ability to have fun actually playing. I spent 2 days making spreadsheets to build my character’s gear out for any situation, rather than actually playing the game.
Now, I just have dedicated characters for different situations. I still play my main more than the others, but I can have more fun on my main doing whatever. Run a dungeon, WvW and PvP all with same armor and gear if I am just playing around. Run one of my dedicated alts if my party needs someone running the meta.
Keep in mind that the Rune and Sigil market is a part of the economy, giving players the ability to change at will without regards to how they obtain those Runes and Sigils will have an affect on the Trading Post and the in-game economy. That is why there will never be a Rune/Sigil library like you have for skins in GW2, not unless you put a Gold cost in for each and every time you change a single Rune/Sigil(like you have with the Transmutation Charges for skins).
Ok. Well in the past I have said in a few threads that a rune library would be a good idea, especially if they introduce legendary armor. A rune library would allow you to apply six runes to an armor, then save them so that you can switch between runes that have been previously applied. Same for legendary weapons and a sigil library. It would be a convenience over ascended, that little something more that makes someone want to craft legendary gear. With the ability now to forge ascended into new stats, legendary needs a little more to make me want to craft it.
This sounds soo cool! ..u know..legendary really have no big advantage anymore compared to asc gear. this would really make it nice and give it a good reason why to make it. (since the skins become not unique anymore if everyone have it)
Keep in mind that the Rune and Sigil market is a part of the economy, giving players the ability to change at will without regards to how they obtain those Runes and Sigils will have an affect on the Trading Post and the in-game economy. That is why there will never be a Rune/Sigil library like you have for skins in GW2, not unless you put a Gold cost in for each and every time you change a single Rune/Sigil(like you have with the Transmutation Charges for skins).
y sure. im not talking that it should be for free like in pvp. But at least thats better, bcs it helps to make experiments..untill someone find a nice and great build fitting to oneself. But really good thought bcs breaking the economy would be bad x)
I would suggest you try out new builds and runes in PvP it will let you select all the stats and runes your heart could desire to understand if you like a build before committing to getting it for the investment PvE requires.
unluckily i always mix my gear..so pvp cant give me exact examples…also im often useing runes and sigils which dont excist in pvp or dont show the wanted effect.
im usually useing this to build my builds http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/
I also have multiple sets like you, but I don’t keep them all on my character at the same time.
I don’t know about you, but generally I know ahead of time what game mode I’m about to play, so before I hop into WvW, I hit up the bank, swap my gear, then go to WvW. If I’m going to do FoTM, I hit up the bank, swap gear, then go in.
If that sounds like too much trouble for you, then not sure what else I can suggest.
But looking at your photo:
2 Blade Shards, hair kit, 67 +1 Agony infusions, Aetherblade key pieces, Ascended materials, Snowflakes (lol wut why would you even…), 66 black lion chests, 6 of those dungeon keys (completely useless), 52 quartz crystals, 10 Ambrite, some random junk items: all of these should be in your bank (if collection tabs are full on some, stick them in bank or sell them).
I mean 3 slots you have filled with completely worthless leather! Sell it to vendor or delete, they have no value on TP. Salvage those 6 green items.
Your bag space issues are definitely an organization problem more than anything else, I’ve seen far, far worse. Also, spend your fractal relics on larger bags if you haven’t already at this point.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
If it’s not been suggested already, create a guild with only you in it and gain enough currency to get a Guild Bank. I did that a while back and found it extremely useful for storage.
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yes i also have 2 own guilds with nearly full upgraded storage
it really helps x)
You could ween yourself off of the green set that’s for jumping puzzles. Delete/salbage one piece each month.
If you find a puzzle that you keep dying on, temporarily switch out to the trait that reduces fall damage for that area. For PvE areas switching to that trait shouldn’t slow you down too much.
i was talking to my guildmates ..and most of them have also probems with the inventory…even they got like 10-20 lvl 80 characters with all different armor and runes on it…
for me..i think its so bad..to force somone to twink for having an alt. build or making him/her be in trouble with inventory space
also a proble is..if someone want to have many cele armor..just making 1 cele armor takes 1-2 months
ok…now lets talk not only about the inventory problem but also about the mastering a profession problem…
well…people who farm in this game rather than enjoying it in small groups (and just run behind a zerg and click 1111) dont have these probems….but im sure this game is not just made for these player, sure there should also be some of easy content which can be done in huge groups….but also for player who like to make a 5 man group there should be good options to become better (bcs the content for it excist already..like high lvl fractals or wvw roaming and killing full zergs of 20 people with only 5 player)
and such player r not elitist…but just simply player who enjoy hard but not super hard content..and becomming better..and feeing powerful in the game is what many people wish.or not? and these player r mainly the vetran player who play thie game for years.i was already saying one solution for it in a different post https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/Rune-option-armor-more-better-builds-sggstn/first#post5386829
it would be really nice…if runes and armor would not be conected as they r now..and all runes and sigils u used and bound to ur acc will be able to be used for all the acc..just like the color..it was also a nice change…..and this not only helps people who main 1 character..but also people who got like 10-30 twinks…so it helps everyone….and the runes dont lose their value so much..bcs many player will get more to be able to use more
and those..who dont care about rune and builds..they just set it 1 time..and have this build for ever
No points for punctuation this time.
More inventory space would be nice, but think about it like this: inventory management is a key part of the game. It forces you to make choices about what to keep and what to sell or use so you don’t just hoard everything mindlessly.
You do make one good point: there should be a better way to juggle Rune sets. Testing out a new set of runes is unreasonably difficult and expensive.
How to Condi Reaper on a budget
Everything I say is only in reference to PvE and WvW.
unluckily all ur solutions decrease my fun extremly much…bcs i run around in pve for 20 min..then 20 min in wvw..then 10 min in dungeons..then again wvw 15 min..then again pve 20 min
so…going to the bank all the time..i will spent like 30 min just at my bank (what i already do…)edit:
and..if i find out the build i choosed for wvw is just bad today..bcs im not in the mood for that build…..then i need use again 5-10 min to get back to a bank (mainly in LA since i dont go to EB) and this is just annoyingand having more bagslots will not hurt new player
and..pvp dont have all runes and sigils and not all armor stats combies (like 20% zerker 20% cele 60% knight) and no food buffs..which makes a huuuuuge difference.PVE has a bank.
WVW has a bank.
The PVP lobby has a bank.
The only modes you do not have access to a bank at are fractals and in an activity. If you REALLY need a different set of items before either of those you need to go through LA anyway so stop at their bank.
Problem solved. In addition to my normal stuff I keep every possible weapon combo on me at all times. Most of my characters rarely break 30 items so plenty of space for loot.
Well that aside there is really no need to be carrying leather squares and bloodstone dust and who knows what other junk in the collapsed bags …
Just reading the first page, your problem is not the number of inventory bags/slots – if you get more space, you will have the same problem because you will try to do more with the new space.
The problem is how you view inventory space. Just like someone who, no matter how much money they make, they don’t pay their bills on time – it’s not that they don’t make enough money, it’s how they view the problem.
You seem to be trying to have the most optimized gear in every situation – that is admirable but there is a point where it does not matter that much and it becomes a problem.
I think you’re well beyond that point.