(edited by moony.5780)
Its hard to main a character (for 3 years)
You just need better inventory management. If your doing pve keep your wvw gear in the bank. Keep all your buff items in the bank and ether go to a bank each hour to refresh or keep instance bank item in your inventory.
For new builds you could get a decent test of them in the pvp area. It won’t be identical but would give you a feel of it to see if you want to make the investment.
unluckily all ur solutions decrease my fun extremly much…bcs i run around in pve for 20 min..then 20 min in wvw..then 10 min in dungeons..then again wvw 15 min..then again pve 20 min
so…going to the bank all the time..i will spent like 30 min just at my bank (what i already do…)
and..if i find out the build i choosed for wvw is just bad today..bcs im not in the mood for that build…..then i need use again 5-10 min to get back to a bank (mainly in LA since i dont go to EB) and this is just annoying
and having more bagslots will not hurt new player
and..pvp dont have all runes and sigils and not all armor stats combies (like 20% zerker 20% cele 60% knight) and no food buffs..which makes a huuuuuge difference.
(edited by moony.5780)
here is a screenshot my inventory..and this is after i took out 15 items already..and the more i play the faster full it gets…especially when a new map or a new story or event release
From my experience, I have no issue with playing only my warrior for 2 and a half years. I have 160 inventory slots and all I keep in my inventory is my copper-fed Salvage-o-matic and my birthday blaster and sometimes some random stuff like mordremoth boss organs from the silverwastes before I get the chance to get rid of them. The answer for saving inventory space is- for me- to not carry round any gear or anything like that. I do pve, pvp, wvw, dungeons and fractals all with my rampagers gear with sword/shield and longbow and have no issues with any of them. How ever, I don’t care about running a build that is even close to decent so many people may still have an issue with inventory space. And I would, for that situation, to store stuff in the bank and buy the permanent bank access contract (it’s fairly expensive, a few hundred gold I think, but nothing you can’t farm in a few weeks). And that item gives you an effectively huge inventory if you have many bank slots.
PvE- Grolex (Warrior)
PvP rank: 20 Rating: 1864 (season 7)
it costs 1000g i was also thinking about buying it…..but….why should i waste 1000g (which will take like 4 months for me) …if i can just get an extra bagslot (or 3) which will also be useful for a-net to get money
it costs 1000g
i was also thinking about buying it…..but….why should i waste 1000g (which will take like 4 months for me) …if i can just get an extra bagslot (or 3) which will also be useful for a-net to get money
character inventories only go up to 160 and it is extremely inconvenient to have to swap between characters to get stuff, even more so than going to the bank a lot.
About the permanent contract, I didn’t know it was that much, but really you have to kitten whether it would be effective to not spend anything for 4 months and have ultimate convenience or to have a smaller inventory space.
Personally, if there is nothing else you really want, try not to spend much and you will reach 1k gold eventually without even really farming then you can buy it if you want.
Edit: ignore the ‘kitten’ please, it was supposed to say something else that I can’t write without it being censored, even with paces between the letters.
PvE- Grolex (Warrior)
PvP rank: 20 Rating: 1864 (season 7)
(edited by suffish.4150)
While I don’t have the OP’s problem, I’d have no problem with ANet making more bag slots buyable, even though I don’t buy the ones that exist now. Then again, I don’t know if there are “technical limitations” which might argue against this.
That said, I also believe the OP has pinpointed the issue he’s having as a result of his decision to make a single character fit into every game mode and into multiple aspects of those game modes. My play-style is to have multiple characters, geared differently, with at most one change of gear on each. Only one of them has an extra bag slot, and that one only has one of those. I even have two Eles, which will be geared differently once the second gets to max level.
well..i play only 1 character in pve, dungeons, fractals and wvw…only for pvp i play others…but there i dont need items except weapon..so it will be better for me to have a bigger inventory…
but y..once i tried to go on mesmer in wvw..and switching all also took me 5 min x) ..but..this happen rarely..i mainly switch the gamemode every 15 min
unluckily all ur solutions decrease my fun extremly much…bcs i run around in pve for 20 min..then 20 min in wvw..then 10 min in dungeons..then again wvw 15 min..then again pve 20 min
so…going to the bank all the time..i will spent like 30 min just at my bank (what i already do…)edit:
and..if i find out the build i choosed for wvw is just bad today..bcs im not in the mood for that build…..then i need use again 5-10 min to get back to a bank (mainly in LA since i dont go to EB) and this is just annoyingand having more bagslots will not hurt new player
and..pvp dont have all runes and sigils and not all armor stats combies (like 20% zerker 20% cele 60% knight) and no food buffs..which makes a huuuuuge difference.
PVE has a bank.
WVW has a bank.
The PVP lobby has a bank.
The only modes you do not have access to a bank at are fractals and in an activity. If you REALLY need a different set of items before either of those you need to go through LA anyway so stop at their bank.
Problem solved. In addition to my normal stuff I keep every possible weapon combo on me at all times. Most of my characters rarely break 30 items so plenty of space for loot.
i think indigo understands my problem the most…..i have only 1 character for everything i dont play with others…so if i feel like playing a bunker i need different gear..if i feel like playing a supporter also..if condi again..i dont have other characters to play that role..bcs i love y ele so much and it can do everything the way i like (other professions r boring)
and….if im infront of a tower..and i dont have a ram…i need go back to LA (bcs i dont play in EB or my own Borderland which have a bank..so i dont have a bank in wvw)
and then…going back all the way? thats just stupid i will lose like 20min of my 1h a day..i dont have forever time to play this game..but i only play this game..and..a game should be fun..and running to the inventory every 15 min is not fun
and..im not the only one having this problem..so it wont help me to tell me solutions which limit me….best is to get more bagslots …and this dont hurt anymore..player who need it buy it..player who dont , dont buy it….and all r happy
(edited by moony.5780)
One bank line is closed off to us so we cant see what’s in it, presumably it’s empty. However you don’t need to be keeping stacks of mats. The 250 leather, the ambrite, etc. those should be sent off periodically. the Princess can be put in the bank and used once a day. The various keys, the shovel, can be put in the bank unless you’re planning to go to that area. Do you really need a Hall of Monuments Portal stone? You can always go to PvP if you need to AFK somewhere safe. And the black lion chests. Unless you got 66 in that play period then you are keeping those in your inventory for no good reason. That’s 19 slots.
ANet may give it to you.
(edited by Just a flesh wound.3589)
I also always want more space but I can see some things in your bags that you could deal with very quickly, to wit the crafting mats and a set of green gear you could salvage (or, if you are keeping it as a costume set, keep it in the bank as it’s nothing you’ll need quickly for combat). Black Lion chests can also go in the bank, you won’t get keys nearly often enough to need to keep the chests handy. The junk items you have don’t sell for enough copper to be worth holding onto if you’re hurting for space, so you can ditch those on the fly as needed. I’m not sure what the 236 items in the lower left are but if those are lunar festival tickets they may never be needed and meanwhile can go to the bank.
You’ve collapsed two bags and more are hidden by the scroll bar being at the top, so I don’t know what else you have that isn’t vital to haul around.
If you don’t have room in your mats storage for the leather, you can expand your storage up to 1500 in a stack, then sell anything beyond that to the TP.
(alt-aholics laugh evilly from the character select screen)
Based on your image here some help
1) Take all 20 slot bag. They are cheap and will increse 12 spot on your character.
2) I hope you don’t keep what it’s your 3rd bag normally
3) Create mystic salvage kit instead of master salvage kit. Won’t give you additional spot, but will help you over time since you will always be able to salvage.
4) Why a green armor next to your siege weapons? Do you really need that.
5) I keep my Staf of gratitude on an Alt on which I put all my excess dragonite/empyreal/dust. Each day, I just go on that alt and make my 3 items eat. That would liberate some place on your main.
6) Why keeping black lion chest on your main?
7) After all that you could get a permanent bank access, leave armor in your bank and access them when you need them.
(edited by Thaddeus.4891)
ty for ur help and here my answer on some…
1) that will be my next aim now x)
2) they suddenly happen to be there when i play a lot..but all in all i remove them regulary…but i reached the max limit of storable items..so once i get a new one..it stay in my inventory..and when it happen to enter my invetory every 4 min..i just keep it there for the day to remove it on the next day (and clean also my bank so it stop popping up for the next days)
3)thats also a good tip..but since i need often sell my junk..i can just buy a fresh one
4)the green armor got the fall dmg rune on it xD…..i use it for jp..or jumping around in the silverwasts…i love jumping around in high places and discover new areas..even it dont have a benifit…
6) black lion chests happen to drop often for me…so they always eneter the bag i dont want them to be…so i just put them somewhere so when i get a new one..i dont need run to the bank bcs its annoying me
7) perma bank is a great option..but expensive..and if everyone who play with only 1 character for more than 5 years this game….there will not be enough perma bank items…there is an item which could solve some problems…its the teleporter to homecity ..and then return to the spot i was..but my loading takes ages..so it will also waste 5 min again :/….so i think more bagslots wont hurt anyone
i was talking to my guildmates ..and most of them have also probems with the inventory…even they got like 10-20 lvl 80 characters with all different armor and runes on it…
for me..i think its so bad..to force somone to twink for having an alt. build or making him/her be in trouble with inventory space
also a proble is..if someone want to have many cele armor..just making 1 cele armor takes 1-2 months
ok…now lets talk not only about the inventory problem but also about the mastering a profession problem…
well…people who farm in this game rather than enjoying it in small groups (and just run behind a zerg and click 1111) dont have these probems….but im sure this game is not just made for these player, sure there should also be some of easy content which can be done in huge groups….but also for player who like to make a 5 man group there should be good options to become better (bcs the content for it excist already..like high lvl fractals or wvw roaming and killing full zergs of 20 people with only 5 player)
and such player r not elitist…but just simply player who enjoy hard but not super hard content..and becomming better..and feeing powerful in the game is what many people wish.or not? and these player r mainly the vetran player who play thie game for years.
i was already saying one solution for it in a different post https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/Rune-option-armor-more-better-builds-sggstn/first#post5386829
it would be really nice…if runes and armor would not be conected as they r now..and all runes and sigils u used and bound to ur acc will be able to be used for all the acc..just like the color..it was also a nice change…..and this not only helps people who main 1 character..but also people who got like 10-30 twinks…so it helps everyone….and the runes dont lose their value so much..bcs many player will get more to be able to use more
and those..who dont care about rune and builds..they just set it 1 time..and have this build for ever
Bank Access Contract help you, 360 addition bag slot.
put all your ascended gear,food, siege,toy whatever into the bank.
@kankanKk…it will help me..but only on the inventory problem..but not in the main problem of y post…
and..will it help also other 10.000-100.000 palyer who will face the same problem as me? if there r only 50-100 of this perma bank item in the tradingpost?
only my guild have 50 player..and all of them r player who play the game nearly since release and all would need such an item
but the main problem is the lack of builds and not beeing able to make experiements
Did you get all the Crafting material expansions for the bank? You probably shouldn’t be carrying those stacks of crafting mats that can just be storaged. You should have the star of gratitude / princess / mawdrey to eat up lots of items too. Sell the rest.
My characters also have very little inventory space, so I have to be quick with the salvaging.
That said, I have no problem with more buyable inventory slots , I don’t see how it would negatively impact other players.
You’d be amazed how useful the extra slots from 20 bags are though. Specially since you can get the corncob bags cheaper than the crafted ones.
and…im not posting here only for me..but im posting here bcs i play this game..and i notice problems who me and maaaany other player have..so im poiting out problems which will be good to change inorder to improve the game
Yes but nr1 point is the entier reason p2 p3 even exist mate so thats why people only reply to that one
nr2 and nr3 dont excist bcs of reason nr1…its conected..but..in nr2 ad nr3 (and also in the link) im mentioning, that making experiments with runes..and haveing good gear for a situation is either very space and money intensive (so much that in ruin the fun) or impossible.
They should add 2 more bag slots so that we can have a max of 200, I don’t see why not.
Just a different thought: make a second ele. One for PvE and one for WvW. I’ve done this with mesmer so that my WvW mesmer has the infusions and carries all food, siege, boosters that apply to WvW. And I don’t have to switch armor and stuff when I change modes.
Nothing you can do to get around the rune problem. Use exotics, and if you don’t like the build salvage out the runes and resell them.
Sorry, but I can not feel any sympathy for someone who tries to tweak specs so much that they HAVE to have the optimal setup of armor with them at all times so carry several full sets. If it is that important to have several store the extras in your bank (or carry one extra set if you want, I am guessing you do not make up what you will do that day on the spot) and get a bank access card since you are not swapping modes every minute. As I said I carry all possible weapons for my characters. I also carry everything needed for where those characters specialize in (my chars that are primarily SW have keys, shovels, and so forth, my teq chars carry undead killing potions, etc) plus any other random stuff like boosts and several salvage kits. I rarely break 30 slots used, leaving me plenty of space for unpacking and mat storage.
Are you playing all 5 character slots? If not, I would recommend doing a custom build for each mode (or half the modes if they each carry an extra set of armor).
Try what I do. For example, I have 2 necros. One of the necros I use for WvW exclusively, while the other necro is for PvP and general PvE.
As for the gear variety problem, try going to Heart of the Mists and experiment with gear combinations there, since it’s free to customize your PvP gear, and ascended and exotic aren’t really that much different. Remember, this game is designed around exotic gears, since not everyone are hardcore players like you and I, and willing to grind for materials and gold (or even spend money for gems to gold).
the reason you don’t have enough space :
1. you’re unorganized, keeping things that should be together in different bags.
2. you have items you don’t need in your inventory (woods and leathers ? so many ?)
3. you use 18 bag slots instead of 20. So you already lose 12 spots.
And finally, you can easily place the SW items in your bank and pick those up right before you go in there, it only takes a couple of minutes….
Get yourself an armor bag where you keep all your armors together, and a crafting bag where all the craft mats go into (so you can quickly deposit em). Then get the 20 slot bags to get more room. And farm some keys on a free character slot so you can get bank access expresses to drop off items quickly when you’re in a pinch.
That should solve most of your problems. As for the crafting professions, my warrior has 4, my other toons have 2 or more as well. I switch when needed, farm all the mats i need or buy em with the profits i make. And i do the daily timegate craft for asc gear/weapons. Simple and effective.
If you have limited time to play, you need to get organized and set some priorities, otherwise you keep running into roadblocks. My 2 cents.
I think the OP stated he/she only played one character. If so, then, at the very least, create 4 more characters as mules and store some of the items carried around in inventory, such as mats, etc. on the mules.
Good luck.
here is a screenshot my inventory..and this is after i took out 15 items already..and the more i play the faster full it gets…especially when a new map or a new story or event release
Yeah you dont need all those items in PVE dude.
I think what some of y’all might be missing is that the OP doesn’t want to take anytime out between different activities. He doesn’t want to go to the bank. He won’t want to switch chars as there’s the time to go to character select and back out again. his main problem as far as I can tell, is lack of "stick to it’. He’s bouncing all over the map every few minutes and switching gear between each activity.
As he said
unluckily all ur solutions decrease my fun extremly much…bcs i run around in pve for 20 min..then 20 min in wvw..then 10 min in dungeons..then again wvw 15 min..then again pve 20 min
he isn’t anywhere for more than a few minutes at a time. If he were to make new characters for each activity, he would be switching to a new character every few minutes. I’m not sure how he can fix his inventory problem with this playstyle except to buy as many gemstore inventory expanders as possible.
ANet may give it to you.
the idea of a wvw and a pvp/pve character will solve the space problem..but it will not solve the problem that i want to test out build out in pve and wvw..and im useing mainly cele..so making an armor takes me like 2 months
and im sorry menadena that u dont like my way of playing..but i think everyone have the right to feel comfortable in a game..and most of my guildies would like to try out more builds in pve….
and for me im just feeling the most comfortable having all in 1 character..i dont like having 5 elementalists..1 is enough…also i dont want to make the story 5 times with all characters..bcs i suddenly find 1 mission where i need a staff ele and i played it with dagger ele
if someone like haveing twinks..ok no problem..but why should people who have 1 main have disadvantages (even someone i know who have 31 characters have like 70/160 slots used in his main character)
yay finally someone who understands what i want to say x) ty just a flesh wound
its unluckily again only about 1 issue..but seems noone want to talk about the real problem..the runes and sigils…well seems nr1 is too much outstanding…i hope my other forum post is more lucky
just a question..how many of u r maining 1 character for 3 years now in gw2? and playing everyday like 1h?
the reason you don’t have enough space :
1. you’re unorganized, keeping things that should be together in different bags.
2. you have items you don’t need in your inventory (woods and leathers ? so many ?)
3. you use 18 bag slots instead of 20. So you already lose 12 spots.
And finally, you can easily place the SW items in your bank and pick those up right before you go in there, it only takes a couple of minutes….
Get yourself an armor bag where you keep all your armors together, and a crafting bag where all the craft mats go into (so you can quickly deposit em). Then get the 20 slot bags to get more room. And farm some keys on a free character slot so you can get bank access expresses to drop off items quickly when you’re in a pinch.
That should solve most of your problems. As for the crafting professions, my warrior has 4, my other toons have 2 or more as well. I switch when needed, farm all the mats i need or buy em with the profits i make. And i do the daily timegate craft for asc gear/weapons. Simple and effective.
If you have limited time to play, you need to get organized and set some priorities, otherwise you keep running into roadblocks. My 2 cents.
1) im not unorganizied. i have everything in nearly perfect spot for me. my first bag is having everything i need the most and very often. my 2nd bad is empty..and there usually event items and other items comming (i closed it bcs its empty) my 3rd bag is sending every new armor and weapon i get there..so it wont mix up with the 2nd bag. my 4th bag is for material..incomming material always come there…once i have too much i put them in the very end..but usually its empty (i had no merchant around when i took the screenshot). my 5th bag is a trash bag..all the trash items go there automaticly. my 6th bagis haveing my condi armor with condi trinkets. my 7th bag is having wvw stuff and zerker armor and my jp armor. my 8th bag is having all the junk i get from lifing story or from just playing the game..but i cant keep them in the bank due to much useage.
also the settings of how my inventory appear it not normal..so it appears different than as it is..but i dont wnat to make 4 screenshots to show u all my inventory in a nice way..but just the items inside.
2) i think i alraedy explained it in point 1 x) its usually not there..but they appear pretty fast
3) y i could get the 20 ones..but they r soo expensive. bcs i would beed the ones which
cost like 20g..the others r a no go for me.
and im actuall fine with my inventory till now…its just annoying..everytime a new area or event comes..im so happy..but also sad and annoyed bcs i get new stuff which wasts my inventory..and sich HoT is comming i was hopeing that more bags will be buyable..OR..my main issue in this forum will be heared and implemented. (this will not only help me but million other player)
just a question..how many of u r maining 1 character for 3 years now in gw2? and playing everyday like 1h?
I main my Guardian almost for the last 3 years. I played engineer just for like the first month before I switched. I don’t play exclusively guardian, but like 80% of the time.
I would really like more inventory space, but not on my toons, in the bank.
20 slot bags are not expensive, especially if you do the trick or treat bags.
Go get some candy corn, trade it in for cobbs, trade for 20 slot bags.
Almost all my toons have these now simply because it is the cheap option.
You do know about the deposit materials to bank button at the top of the inventory?
Salvage as you go, does not take time if done immediately.
Frees up inventory space pretty quickly.
Your point number 2- You take time to try out new builds to find what you like to play. Hey, that’s great. My question to you is, how much time to you spend with the new build? 5 minutes? 15? While you are trying out an armor set with a build, the rest of the armor sets can be in your bank.
Point 3- No, mastering a profession is not really difficult. You find what works for you and you go with it. There have not been that many changes to the skills that warrant this being an issue.
I actually have separate toons for different uses. You don’t want to do that, I get it. But I wonder, with all the changing of the armor that you do, I wonder how much time is lost, compared to just switching toons.
Not to be too flippant, but if getting drops fills up your inventory and it annoys you, don’t pick up anything. That would solve your problem.
I read some of the responses, what do you do, with your inventory issues, that takes 30 minutes at the bank?
just a question..how many of u r maining 1 character for 3 years now in gw2? and playing everyday like 1h?
I’ve never mained. What I do is “main for a day” but even then I switch between characters a lot. I have one char that’s my main dungeon char and one that’s my main WvW char and another that has a lot of speed boosts that’s my main harvesting char. There’s one I have parked in Dry Top to play that area. If you have more than one level 80s, it’s not really slower to switch chars to the char that is set up with the gear/traits/food you want that it is to sit there and switch over all your gear and traits to get to the set you want for that content then switch again for the next type of gameplay.
ANet may give it to you.
just a question..how many of u r maining 1 character for 3 years now in gw2? and playing everyday like 1h?
Umm, why would I want to do that? I have each character ‘specialize’ in something then design their build around that. Changing characters (and possibly teleporting to a waypoint) takes not much longer than changing armor and making sure you changed everything to the right set.
People have been offering you all sorts of concrete suggestions and their experiences with each one of them. Why not, oh, at least consider them rather than insisting on a solution you came up with before you even posted? There is no use offering suggestions if you have determined your answer (presumably more space).
just a question..how many of u r maining 1 character for 3 years now in gw2? and playing everyday like 1h?
I’ve also been playing one character for the 3 years (about 95%+ of my time is on it). I personally do not have inventory problems because I decided since I only really play the one that I would save and buy the following: Copper fed Salvage-o-matic, Permanent Bank, Permanent Merchant, Permanent Trading Post, and a Mystic Forge Conduit. Worth every penny. Though when I try to play an alt I cry a little and I am thinking of getting another bank contract for my elementalist.
I had the same issue with my inventory, so I decide save gold and buy the permanent bank access, now i have all consumables and armors in my bank and carry only the personal bank. That + the Copper fed Salvage-o-matic save me a lot of time and problems.
i play this game already since its first beta..and its really a nice game and i fall in love with the ele here
so…im playing my ele only for 3 years already
(and gw2 is my main game)…..and i really have huge problems
edit: pls dont read only nr1 but also nr2 and nr3(bcs most only answer to nr1) here is also a better explanation for it https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/Rune-option-armor-more-better-builds-sggstn/first#post5386829
1. The inventory of my main character is too small. I even bough all extra bad slots..andgot bags with 18 or 20 slots..but i constantly run with 90 items and i need clean my inventory every 15 min.
i have so much space..bcs its my main…i got 4 different armor sets..bcs i want have the perfect armor for normal pve..dungeons, fractals and 2 wvw armor (+ fitting trinkets)..which seeems normal for me considering i only play this character for all gamemodes for 3 years..also i got 11 weapon on me (even ele only use like 5)
and…..i got so many items which i suddenly need..like food buffs..(so i also got like 10 on me)..and the items for wvw..they also use up a lot of space..and then maaany items from pve which i need in my inventory that i can interact with the environment.It would be really nice if this problem could be fixed with more bagslots to sell, or other solutions.
2. Its difficult to try out new builds in perfect way..bcs i would need like 6 different armorsets with the same stats..but always a different rune…and if i want have best stats (asc) then it get pretty expensive and it makes me just use the old build..so..im running around with the same build for long time…and it get boring fast.
(im referring mainly to wvw..bcs best stats r needed there for roaming and a different rune or sigil can mean life or death)
sure i play the game a lot and i could have enough money to get 4 asc sets ..but it does not worth for a 10h fun to farm for 200h….3. mastering a profession gets difficult bcs of reason nr2. which seems for be the biggest aim in gw2..to become on of the best elementalist..and i think many vetran player have such an aim.
also..these changes will not just help vetran player..but also new player
edit: pls dont consider only my full inventory but also the rune issue
As someone who has mained a ranger for 3 years, also carries around a max inventory with 90 slots filled with junk and extra armor sets, my best advice to you is roll a couple of alts for some variety, but I will answer your problems directly as well.
Inventory problems I don’t usually do anything till I’m at<=20 slots
- get a copper fed salvage kit and salvage all the non rare armor/weapons you pick up, use a mystic salvage kit or equivalent for the rare items(or throw rare weapons in mystic toilet). There is really no need to go to the bank for anything less than an exotic. Obviously click your luck as you go.
- TP any materials that don’t get picked up by “deposit collectibles”, but these rarely take up more than 5 slots in a single area, so you can let them collect until you get low on slots, or hit a lull in the action.
- carry a black lion merchant(anet has given me 20 for free) If you still get filled with junk mid fractal/dungeon, it probably is junk. Sell junk and then sell anything not worth the tp(usually minor runes/sigils, since it is such a hassle to mystic forge them). I have had to use a bl merchant exactly once.
- EDIT: 20 slot fractal bags are pretty cheap if you run some fractals.
build problems
- GEAR Zerker set, soldier set, a support set. Do ele do enough Condi for a Condi set? Don’t get how you need 6. But I think you are certainly putting too much importance on runes, even in terms of wvw,, but if you want to experiment you can always pop into pvp lobby to play with runes against training dummies and sparring npcs. Actually just pvp, that would give you the best free practice for your wvw roaming.
- Your armor=/=Your build. Your armor is a part of your build, but so are your weapons, traits, and skills. Unless I need to be tanky or supporty for whatever reason, I’m running ascended zerker with scholar runes 24/7. This doesn’t mean I’m always running the same build. I regularly experiment with different weapons, skills and traits, and will often change things up as the situation demands.
mastery of your class
- You aren’t your gear. Your mastery of your class comes far more from how you use your skills and traits in a given situation.
- run some alts! By playing other classes, you learn their strengths and weakness better for when you fight them. You also get a chance to see your main class from the outside. Play the class you have the worst luck against, and fight other eles. What do they do that messed you up? I can’t emphasise enough how useful the alt perspective is in enhancing your gameplay with your main, in addition to just being a great change of pace.
- You could always watch other people’s roaming videos and such too. I know I occasionally learn a thing or two by watching other people. Perhaps a skill used in an unintuitive way, or a trait/skill combo I didn’t notice.
Blue Dorito-S/Re|Transitor-S/En |Tina Feyspirit-N/M|
Bmoe-A/T|Peter Whatsherface-H/G|Acolyte Rin-H/N
(edited by Jermoe Morrow.9501)
People have been offering you all sorts of concrete suggestions and their experiences with each one of them. Why not, oh, at least consider them rather than insisting on a solution you came up with before you even posted? There is no use offering suggestions if you have determined your answer (presumably more space).
i think u misunderstand my intention in posting. Im not someone who run into a forum when i have a problem..i think about it..and solve it. and all the solutions i heared here..i already did most of them or i was thinkign of them (i have 13 characters and also 3 elementalists..but i still feel comfortable to use only 1 character..bcs i waste more time in switching my asc gear around, and im was already thinking of the perma bank..and organising my inventory..(before it had 100 used spots..now i come to have only 73))
Im posting here bcs this is the only way to be heared by the developer as a regular gamer. And i think its right and duty to report problems i face in the game, bcs not i have these problems..but thousand other player too.
Its not that i dont accept any other solution other than more inventory place…im just pointing out few problems about the games which needs a fix.
((and sorry..but did i do anything bad to u?))
As someone who has mained a ranger for 3 years, also carries around a max inventory with 90 slots filled with junk and extra armor sets, my best advice to you is roll a couple of alts for some variety, but I will answer your problems directly as well.
Inventory problems I don’t usually do anything till I’m at<=20 slots
- get a copper fed salvage kit and salvage all the non rare armor/weapons you pick up, use a mystic salvage kit or equivalent for the rare items(or throw rare weapons in mystic toilet). There is really no need to go to the bank for anything less than an exotic. Obviously click your luck as you go.
- TP any materials that don’t get picked up by “deposit collectibles”, but these rarely take up more than 5 slots in a single area, so you can let them collect until you get low on slots, or hit a lull in the action.
- carry a black lion merchant(anet has given me 20 for free) If you still get filled with junk mid fractal/dungeon, it probably is junk. Sell junk and then sell anything not worth the tp(usually minor runes/sigils, since it is such a hassle to mystic forge them). I have had to use a bl merchant exactly once.
- EDIT: 20 slot fractal bags are pretty cheap if you run some fractals.
build problems
- GEAR Zerker set, soldier set, a support set. Do ele do enough Condi for a Condi set? Don’t get how you need 6. But I think you are certainly putting too much importance on runes, even in terms of wvw,, but if you want to experiment you can always pop into pvp lobby to play with runes against training dummies and sparring npcs. Actually just pvp, that would give you the best free practice for your wvw roaming.
- Your armor=/=Your build. Your armor is a part of your build, but so are your weapons, traits, and skills. Unless I need to be tanky or supporty for whatever reason, I’m running ascended zerker with scholar runes 24/7. This doesn’t mean I’m always running the same build. I regularly experiment with different weapons, skills and traits, and will often change things up as the situation demands.
mastery of your class
- You aren’t your gear. Your mastery of your class comes far more from how you use your skills and traits in a given situation.
- run some alts! By playing other classes, you learn their strengths and weakness better for when you fight them. You also get a chance to see your main class from the outside. Play the class you have the worst luck against, and fight other eles. What do they do that messed you up? I can’t emphasise enough how useful the alt perspective is in enhancing your gameplay with your main, in addition to just being a great change of pace.
- You could always watch other people’s roaming videos and such too. I know I occasionally learn a thing or two by watching other people. Perhaps a skill used in an unintuitive way, or a trait/skill combo I didn’t notice.
Ty for ur nice and detailed answer
I agree with most of what u said, and i already tried every other profession since i pvp very much and got them all 2 times to lvl 80 and throw many dungeons.
And u said it really well..that im not my gear but…unluckily i reached a point..where every small change have a huge impact…im planning on a shout ele..and this 100% needs the shout rune..otherwise i will have no condi remover…its an really important rune…but at the same time i often need the traveler rune..it gives me extra condi duration and also speed, which is super important during wvw bcs 1 missing skill means i will die since im roaming alone. And if i dont run fast enough..all run from me before i can kill them..and i end up getting no loot at all bcs i cant kill anyone due to beeing slow.
Many, millions, thousands it could just aswell be few, very few or you.
(the last one unlikely since this is the interwebs)
Since your the only one bringing up this in my humble oppinon not even a problem.
You got even more chars then me I got 8, if I run out of space on the main for the day I transport it to heart of the mist sell and bank there then poff back out were I was.
Many, millions, thousands it could just aswell be few, very few or you.
(the last one unlikely since this is the interwebs)
Since your the only one bringing up this in my humble oppinon not even a problem.You got even more chars then me I got 8, if I run out of space on the main for the day I transport it to heart of the mist sell and bank there then poff back out were I was.
my whole guild have the same problem (like 50 player) and i also asked some random dudes in the game today…so im not the only one…and..most player who play gw2 they dont even look to the forums or even write there..bcs they r busy enjoying the game..but its important as a feedback for the developer.
yay finally someone who understands what i want to say x) ty just a flesh wound
its unluckily again only about 1 issue..but seems noone want to talk about the real problem..the runes and sigils…well seems nr1 is too much outstanding…i hope my other forum post is more lucky
Everybody wants to be able to switch runes, sigils, and stats at will. But there’s no way to do that in game. Nobody can give you a solution for that, so they’re answering the only question they can. I wish I could tell you how to switch runes constantly without losing gold, but there is no way that exists. After three years, you haven’t experimented enough to know the builds you like?
How about upgrade extractors and keeping stacks of the other sigils? They cost though so you might want to plan out what you will do more so you do not use as many of them. Those have to be some pretty expensive runes and sigils to justify the cost though.
There are a few people who have space problems but they are in the minority. Just like I quickly have space problems with any desk I have in RL. In both cases it comes down to inventory management. Do I really need my notes on a project I have not done anything with in years? If maybe yes, I should (not that I do) put it in a file rather than have it cluttering up the pieces of paper I do need.
In GW2 buying 20 slot bags and not buying bag slots I have plenty of room. Even carrying every weapon type possible, various odds and ends like boosters, and any specialty equipment I average around 30 slots/character. If I wanted to use different armor sets for each mode in the game I would still have plenty of space to do that. Plus space left over for drops.
If 100 slots will not do it for you for some reason the answer is pretty simple: buy more bag slots. I momentarily thought of doing that to give myself a space buffer for unpacking things but when I saw how much it would cost (and that it was not for all my characters) I decided it was a luxury I could do without.
yay finally someone who understands what i want to say x) ty just a flesh wound
its unluckily again only about 1 issue..but seems noone want to talk about the real problem..the runes and sigils…well seems nr1 is too much outstanding…i hope my other forum post is more lucky
Everybody wants to be able to switch runes, sigils, and stats at will. But there’s no way to do that in game. Nobody can give you a solution for that, so they’re answering the only question they can. I wish I could tell you how to switch runes constantly without losing gold, but there is no way that exists. After three years, you haven’t experimented enough to know the builds you like?
bcs there is no way to do so in the game im posting it. im posting here ideas to improve the game…and point out problems.
but im really happy that people try to help me. but…im not here bcs i need help…but bcs this is the only way a normal player can get his/her ideas to the developer..