Totaly agree with you man ! I think who made this joke was drunk or with no ideas.. So the easiest way for him was: hmm what to do, well u know I will make big heads this year and kitten u all !
I also, TOTALLY AGREE, bimble.
If you can’t find humor in this, then there’s something wrong with you. the dev team decided to entertain us with someone funny, yet those people who complain constantly over such trivial things shouldn’t play until these minor event is over. yes, there such always be an option though this won’t last at all ~ since there’s no point in telling you to just enjoy it ~ then don’t play the game until then. quit being mad and get over it.
~ I taught cows how to Moo! ~
I love it when people say, “nobody’s forcing you to play go play something else”.. Sure I can go play something else, just give me back the hundreds of dollars I have spent on this game and in the gem store and I’ll be on my way. No when Anet makes changes I hate have the right to complain. Today I actually will be playing something else because I feel sick (really) looking at the screen thanks for the top tips Einsteins I would never have thought to “go play something else” if you had not been around.
Live with it, just like how you live with your life.
By the time such a change were to be coded, tested and implemented April Fool’s Day will be over, so you’d be much more constructive either doing something else for a day or simply sucking it up for 24 hours while the rest of us have fun with it instead of wasting forum space complaining for something that simply won’t happen.
Hmm, I think it’s funny.. but an option to turn it off wouldn’t have been misplaced. I’m working on a videoproject and I had to do some ingame recording today, now I can’t. :P
It’s funny but bad timing for me personally.
If you can’t find humor in this, then there’s something wrong with you. the dev team decided to entertain us with someone funny, yet those people who complain constantly over such trivial things shouldn’t play until these minor event is over. yes, there such always be an option though this won’t last at all ~ since there’s no point in telling you to just enjoy it ~ then don’t play the game until then. quit being mad and get over it.
hahah this is the best thread man if u laught from stupid things it doesnt mean that others should do so
and I would say if u think that stupid things are funny, so maby u have problems not me
the only thing most of others said, that why not to make an option for those who dont like it to tunr it of? And if therer would be such option, i bet 80% of heads would be switch off !
Cheer up. It’s just a game. I’m not a fan of the bobbleheads either so I think I’m going to go outside and possibly get caught up on work and do a boatload of chores today.
It’s not that difficult to spend one day off the game because you don’t like the bobblehead effect and there’s no reason to be such a negative nancy over something so stupidly trivial.
If you can’t find humor in this, then there’s something wrong with you. the dev team decided to entertain us with someone funny, yet those people who complain constantly over such trivial things shouldn’t play until these minor event is over. yes, there such always be an option though this won’t last at all ~ since there’s no point in telling you to just enjoy it ~ then don’t play the game until then. quit being mad and get over it.
hahah this is the best thread
man if u laught from stupid things it doesnt mean that others should do so
and I would say if u think that stupid things are funny, so maby u have problems not me
the only thing most of others said, that why not to make an option for those who dont like it to tunr it of? And if therer would be such option, i bet 80% of heads would be switch off !
i can’t even understand you….
~ I taught cows how to Moo! ~
Cheer up. It’s just a game. I’m not a fan of the bobbleheads either so I think I’m going to go outside and possibly get caught up on work and do a boatload of chores today.
It’s not that difficult to spend one day off the game because you don’t like the bobblehead effect and there’s no reason to be such a negative nancy over something so stupidly trivial.
Totaly agree and I did so but why not to tell what u think and maby next time they will put an option to turn it off ! : D
April Fools ends on 12:00pm
you can literally wait 6 hours. That’s TWO lord of the rings movies.
It’s their game so it’s all in the ToS.~
Just like how among the other things that are normally in the game that are constantly complained about, this is no different .
Pretty cool I must say.
April Fools ends on 12:00pm
you can literally wait 6 hours. That’s TWO lord of the rings movies.
It won’t end for like another 12-18 hours or something, I’m not sure if the April Fools is going on GMT or PDT/EDT (I can’t remember Arena Net’s home office). But yes, people can wait for April Fools to pass, it’s quite easy! The world’s got a lot of stuff going for it.
Playing as my Charr Warrior with cultural armor: the head is gigantic.
Playing as my Hunter: the pet gets right in the way.
I never play PvE and only play WvW and, for me, it is annoying.
I am truly happy that some enjoy it. However, I dislike players who call those who do NOT want to play in this manner, whingers. Particularly, Draknar.5748, who seems to get a sadistic kick out of seeing other players not enjoying this. I simply don’t care about his opinion, as he gets satisfaction from judging people with differing opinions. History shows us that people like him have caused an enormous amount of bigotry around the world… (Don’t bother replying Draknar.5748, from your obviously unimportant job, I know your type).
I am asking for an option – at the very least, the next time such a things as this is forced down our throats – because I want to play GW2 in my way! And to the players – like VOLKON.1290 – who tell us to just get on with things or go away and not waste forum space – then I ask you: what are forums for if not to air your opinions just like… yes…just like you did here, wasting more space…?
I’m happy for those who enjoy this. Sincerely, I am.
I’d like to see a disabling option in the future. For me and those that would like this.
I could not care less – even if I tried – for those who mysteriously grow hostile over opposing opinions. Grow up!
Take care.
for those who mysteriously grow hostile over opposing opinions. Grow up!
Could those people be compared to the people who get mysteriously hostile when a game becomes an inconvenience for one day?
I really don’t see the issue here tbh. I get that you don’t like the bobbleheads, which is fair enough, but unless one is truly addicted to GW2, how bad is it really? I assume this’ll only last today, after which we’ll return to normal. It’s not that I can’t see the inconvenience to some, but claiming Anet is FORCING this on people? It’s not that I don’t see the principal aspect of this, but from a practical POV, it’s just 24 hours. 24 hours of different gameplay. In a game nobody is forcing us to play. Anywho, I doubt Anet is gonna do anything about it. And if you’d like an idea of people’s opinion on this, compare the amounts of threads on the forums. So far, a majority likes this. But every man is entitled to his opinion, mine is just that this isn’t worth “fixing”.
It’s for one day and it was pretty hilarious when it first popped up.
Calm your kittens.
but claiming Anet is FORCING this on people? It’s not that I don’t see the principal aspect of this, but from a practical POV, it’s just 24 hours.
The April Fool’s joke: this will be a permanent change.
You guys realize you can relog right and the effect is removed
you got pranked on in a video game. atleast know one drew genitals on you face while you were sleeping in permanent ink. i dont think a prank in a game is worth making your self look like a wuss by whining about it.
Shhhhhhh Teratus, don’t resolve this, too much fun to watch this thread atm
You guys realize you can relog right and the effect is removed
Re-logging is fine: joining WvW – which is what I play – initialises it once more.
I really don’t see the issue here tbh. I get that you don’t like the bobbleheads, which is fair enough, but unless one is truly addicted to GW2, how bad is it really? I assume this’ll only last today, after which we’ll return to normal. It’s not that I can’t see the inconvenience to some, but claiming Anet is FORCING this on people? It’s not that I don’t see the principal aspect of this, but from a practical POV, it’s just 24 hours. 24 hours of different gameplay. In a game nobody is forcing us to play. Anywho, I doubt Anet is gonna do anything about it. And if you’d like an idea of people’s opinion on this, compare the amounts of threads on the forums. So far, a majority likes this. But every man is entitled to his opinion, mine is just that this isn’t worth “fixing”.
You don’t get the point and then you say, you get that we don’t like it.
Your opinion is that you understand neither and yet, understand both camps of opinion.
Your opinion is that it is "not worth ‘fixing’ " and so, I ask why? If two camps of opinion could be pleased by an option being introduced to such additions in future, then why, pray tell, would that not be a worthy thing…?
Now OP just needs to go April Fools! And it’ll come full circle.
I’m actually sad I won’t get to experience much of this, being this is my busy evening.
You guys realize you can relog right and the effect is removed
Re-logging is fine: joining WvW – which is what I play – initialises it once more.
Again…just don’t play today. Or you could work on monthly – that just reset. There are plenty of options available to you without getting your balls in a twist.
To Teratus: WvW Tournament 2 is pretty active right now and a lot of people aren’t happy about the bobbleheads there.
It might be a bug, though, come to think of it – since the effect is removed elsewhere in the game.
(edited by Cuddy.6247)
I take great some in charRacters creation and aesthetics and don’t like to be ruined just because some anet employee who lacks creativity thinks it’s funny to make my head 1/2 the size of my body…
Soo..funny… It also clips through my armor because obviously they can’t do it properly even.
(edited by Bigsexy.8302)
Yes this is very annoying. since we don’t got the option to turn it off. that’s the worse. why Anet.. I don’t like this fat head on my character.
God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals.
Ban the bots
I take great some in charRacters creation and aesthetics and don’t like to be ruined just because some anet employee who lacks creativity thinks it’s funny to make my head 1/2 the size of my body…
I think the real joke is how worked up everyone is getting over this.
I think we need some threads from these angry players threatening to quit the game because of this.
That way, this will be complete
You guys realize you can relog right and the effect is removed
Re-logging is fine: joining WvW – which is what I play – initialises it once more.
I don’t play WvW so I didn’t know that..
You know that complaining on here and then telling people to not troll you is just going to make people do that?
I think the bobble heads was just a lazy gag… more people seemed to want the stick figures from GW1 to make a come back… but instead they just inflated everyone’s heads.
I’m quitting if this isnt reversed!!
….hope Enzo is happy now… even though I wasn’t serious. :P
It’s wonderful to wake up in the morning & laugh. Which is exactly what this did for me. Got some great ss of running & mining & of my mini white kitten :P
ty anet, very cool
As much as I have spent on my toons looks, this is totally fine for ONE day. Too bad others don’t feel the same.
Grab a sense of humor, it’ll do ya some good
April Fools Day is an ANet tradition. It’s something Guild Wars 1 players look forward to every year. And you know, there’s little enough of Guild Wars 1 in this game.
Sure Anet should have thought to put a way to turn it off in, but they didn’t and by the time they can, it’ll be over, so why make 87 threads about it. It’s too late for it to change. Maybe next year it will.
In the mean time, it’s one day out of the 365 days in the year. I feel bad for the people getting headaches, but people who just don’t like it because they don’t find it funny….there’s plenty of threads already addressing that.
History shows us that people like him have caused an enormous amount of bigotry around the world… (Don’t bother replying Draknar.5748, from your obviously unimportant job, I know your type).
“I do not like bobbleheads. And when future generations speak of this day, in hushed tones, as bespeaks its foul notoriety, they shall praise my name, for I alone took arms against the evil tyrant Draknar the Unimportant, and soundly scolded him.”
Again…just don’t play today. Or you could work on monthly – that just reset. There are plenty of options available to you without getting your balls in a twist.
To Teratus: WvW Tournament 2 is pretty active right now and a lot of people aren’t happy about the bobbleheads there.
It might be a bug, though, come to think of it – since the effect is removed elsewhere in the game.
My “balls” are not “in a twist”, as per your amazing grammatical insight into my current emotional state.
I am also aware that there are other things I could do, but, is that the height of your opinion on this matter?
My case is stated to you people who do not get it: introduce options in future to those who are not as easily amused. And to the handful of spiteful juveniles who think it amusing that people voice an opinion and seek to twist such opinions – calling others whingers – you have only highlighted yourselves as incredibly ignorant and childish.
That’s my last post you will no doubt be pleased to see.
Options make everyone happy.
Stating opinions is not “whinging” or “getting upset” it is using a forum for what it is intended.
Anyone who weeks to suppress opinions through ridicule is ignorant to the highest degree and lacks the educational wherewithal to enter into adult debates.
ITT: people who hate fun and have no sense of humor.
It’s only for ONE day, I’m really questioning the sanity of anyone who gets upset over this … jesus people, relax and have some fun, or just don’t play today if it really genuinely makes you feel ill. Good grief. I think it’s a hilarious idea and I wish I could play today.
Again…just don’t play today. Or you could work on monthly – that just reset. There are plenty of options available to you without getting your balls in a twist.
To Teratus: WvW Tournament 2 is pretty active right now and a lot of people aren’t happy about the bobbleheads there.
It might be a bug, though, come to think of it – since the effect is removed elsewhere in the game.
My “balls” are not “in a twist”, as per your amazing grammatical insight into my current emotional state.
I am also aware that there are other things I could do, but, is that the height of your opinion on this matter?
My case is stated to you people who do not get it: introduce options in future to those who are not as easily amused. And to the handful of spiteful juveniles who think it amusing that people voice an opinion and seek to twist such opinions – calling others whingers – you have only highlighted yourselves as incredibly ignorant and childish.
That’s my last post you will no doubt be pleased to see.
Options make everyone happy.
Stating opinions is not “whinging” or “getting upset” it is using a forum for what it is intended.
Anyone who weeks to suppress opinions through ridicule is ignorant to the highest degree and lacks the educational wherewithal to enter into adult debates.
BRAVO ! Im happy to see that not only kids around.. gj man
There have been many many April Fools jokes over the years through guildwars 1 and 2
In 2007 A prank swapped everyones character Genders around in Gw1
2008 everyone was turned into a stick figure
2009 everyone had their avatar turned into a anime Gwen also known as Gwen Chan
2010 Player size and minipet size was swapped around
2011 a Epic Terminator style quest was added to Gw1 where you play as a commando soldier from the future sent back in time to Rescue Sarah(Gwens Mother) from a Time traveling Golem
2012 a second Terminator quest titled Searing Day where you must rescue Gwen from a time traveling Golem
2013 onward the Terminator quests come back each year
and on April first 2013 the Super Adventure Box was announced for Gw2
Also these quests Birthed a reveal of the Commando Class for Guildwars 2 which was the first Guildwars 2 April Fools joke
he’s the traier for it
It appears they have been removed already, I just logged in and all the heads are normal. At least on my end.
~Sincerely, Scissors
I really don’t see the issue here tbh. I get that you don’t like the bobbleheads, which is fair enough, but unless one is truly addicted to GW2, how bad is it really? I assume this’ll only last today, after which we’ll return to normal. It’s not that I can’t see the inconvenience to some, but claiming Anet is FORCING this on people? It’s not that I don’t see the principal aspect of this, but from a practical POV, it’s just 24 hours. 24 hours of different gameplay. In a game nobody is forcing us to play. Anywho, I doubt Anet is gonna do anything about it. And if you’d like an idea of people’s opinion on this, compare the amounts of threads on the forums. So far, a majority likes this. But every man is entitled to his opinion, mine is just that this isn’t worth “fixing”.
You don’t get the point and then you say, you get that we don’t like it.
Your opinion is that you understand neither and yet, understand both camps of opinion.
Your opinion is that it is "not worth ‘fixing’ " and so, I ask why? If two camps of opinion could be pleased by an option being introduced to such additions in future, then why, pray tell, would that not be a worthy thing…?
Once again, with you on the principal aspects of this mate, however it’d most likely take longer for Anet to “fix” this problem of yours than just letting the day run out :P And I do understand what you’re annoyed with, I just really don’t see it as a big deal, as it’ll be over tomorrow. Now, if you’d read my message correctly, i’ve not mentioned anything about future additions. I’ve only related to this current “problem”, which my opinion dictates is irrelevant. Anywho, once again, not worth fixing from my POV. But maybe in the future April’s fools? Meh, f**k it, not worth it then either :P
You are right, it isn’t funny, but that is only because my character’s head is normal size, I logged in and I got no bobble head. I want to be a part of the funny and have a bobble head, but I am stuck with a normal size head.
If they removed the bobbleheads because of the QQ, it’s a sad day indeed.
I personally thought the change was hilarious and was in tears when a charr ran by.
NOTE Do not bother to exert your precious energy to try to tell me to cheer up – or some such nonsense as it would only be meaningless and judgmental drivel. Cheers.
Well as one of those who would have spent precious energy telling you to cheer up, I’ll simply redirect it.
You’re wasting precious energy griping about something that will last only one day.
One. Day.
Please utilize that towards the two week releases or something that will last longer.
I think this is hysterical. People don’t have any sense of humor any more……
So, it seems that some people just simply can’t get enough of it – the “bobble heads” addition for 01 April – and, I don’t want to take any of that joy away from any of you: more power to you and I’m glad you’re amused.
Me, however. I do not enjoy having this forced upon me. Not giving me the option to remove it (and no, changing times/zones does NOT help me) is beyond the joke!
As stated, more power to those that enjoy it but, those that do not also have a valid point and wish to be able to flick this off in options.
NOTE Do not bother to exert your precious energy to try to tell me to cheer up – or some such nonsense as it would only be meaningless and judgmental drivel. Cheers.
hahahahaha, nice april fools joke you are playing on everyone, well done.
It’s not a prank if you can opt out.
It appears they have been removed already, I just logged in and all the heads are normal. At least on my end.
That’s sad…didn’t even last 12 hours. I hope all of the QQers die as virgins (at a ripe old age, of course, after living a moderately happy sex-free life).