Jade weapons?
ShiningSquirrel has it. It’s a special menu from the black lion specialist that only appears if you have the ticket on you.
Save the Bell Choir activity!
Have you gone to look with the tickets in your inventory or still in your bank?
how come people have listed some Dragon Jade Skinned weapons on TP, but my skin which I havent used yet, isnt sellable? Do I have to apply it to a weapon first or something?
@Denive: Have to have the tickets in your inventory.
@JJBigs: Originally the dragon weapons were account bound. They made a change a few months ago so that all newly acquired jade weapons would be unbound, making them sellable. People who’d already used their tickets were pretty miffed because the change didn’t affect already purchased but not yet equipped jade weapons.
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)
Oh wow! I actually had to have the tickets ON ME xD Then i got a new option to view limited stuff. Thank you all for your answers!