Dragon Steel [DSL]
Henge of Denravi
Maybe finally fix all the obvious skill bugs that still exist? Maybe balance ele so it is a viable class? This is really the only way I’m going to be coming back.
Thanks for the update Colin.
Way too much complaining on these forums.
Well sorry I am not convinced.
If you set the mark as high as saying “content worth a paid expansion”, people will at least expect some new areas.
All people begging for bugfixes and burst in joy now ANet vaguely confirmed them as part of this “expansion” may rethink of what they expect from a game. I expect bugs to get fixed anyway.
Furthermore the January and February update were meant to be the size of an expansion, but it looks like all we get for January is a minor update. I am fine with the delay to February/March, but just say it is so.
We still do not know what we get though, let’s wait and see if it is worth staying… ^^
(edited by Kaiyanwan.8521)
Great news:) I hope for adding new events to existing areas, especially in the south sun cove. Nobody goes there anymore! Also I would love to see some basic features like dungeon finder, preview on trade post and maybe new bank slots for ingredients.
Oh and also some class fixes to. And bug fixes to some events
And I have 1 wish also, please make other rewards like black lion kits and such drop more frequent from daily award. I haven’t gotten anything besides jug of karma and mystic coins for weeks!
(edited by CharrGirl.7896)
Will the contract for changing nickname be introduced in any of this upcoming updates?!
I’d like to thank the AN Rep, Colin, for a quick, consice and clarifying response. Again I can’t help but notice that right on his heels were people just chomping at the bit to critisize. This is the whole story as far as I can tell on these forums and the “dialog” that here takes place:
“We’re fixing and beefing up what we have- A LOT!”
“OH GREAT! So no new content, gee thanks for not doing what I want!”
Or, it could have just as easily have been:
“We’re adding new zones & mobs (dungeons, bosses, items, races and professions, etc., whatever someone wanted to hear) to the extent of pretrty well DOUBLING the content released at launch!”
“OH GREAT! So you aren’t gonna be focusing on fixing the bugs, issues and annoyances that currently exist, gee thanks AN for not doing what I want!”
Of course I know someone will chime in with, ‘well we want both!’, in response to my observation as well. More, more, more!!! Yeah, we all know.
I’m not making any comment on the quality or validity of the game thus far or trying to guess at what it may be in the future. My point being, that if every decision or action I run by the “community” gets met by the full spectrum from “YAY! Thanks!” to “BOO! You guys suck!”, the act of running it by them in advance is pretty well 100% pointless. Some will hate it, some will love it, some will be pretty well indifferent – WOW! What a revelation! That’s why I feel they may not be working through the wee hours of the morning to provide near full disclosure of the up and coming to the community. At least I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t be in their situation.
There are people posting here constantly that have no real concept of constructive criticizm or its importance to a worthwhile discussion. Some people just appear to have no internal filter on what is worth actually being said and what is just noise. In any facet of life where a critical dialog is needed, if one party just begins spouting off inanities, the party across from them will eventually just stop paying attention. Whether because they have more important things to attend or maybe they just plain get bored or whatever – the dialog will end and eventually no one will even bother persuing one in the future anymore either.
Also, I think an understanding of the terms objective and subjective could add a lot to the usefulness of the postings here and the dialog’s that they may engender. If enough posters can’t even figure out how to meaningly contribute so a dialog could be held here though, actually being objective is a “bridge” to be crossed that can’t even be seen from here. To say the least, LOL!
But for instance, in evaluating the term used in AN’s posts: “expansion’s worth”, maybe ask yourself if the foundation of your post is your subjective definition of the term, or an objective one (in so far as one can be agreed on). Like I said though, I think pontless complaints and QQ are usually shooting the horse dead before the poor guy even gets out of the gate, really making a discussion of how well the horse runs or seems to run completely superfluous from the word Go.
Whatever’s whatever though. I’m looking forward to seeing what they come out with myself and the prospect of a large scale effort to refine, further develop and fix what we have right now definitely sounds like something to be looking forward to. Metaphorically, if my car has 2 flat tires, I don’t go looking for after market upgrades to the engine until those tires are fully dealt with. Subjectively, AN’s decision makes perfect logical sense and is definitely the right way to be going at this point in time. Furthermore, I don’t see how anyone can see it any other way, IMHO at least.
Just copy this in to its own post, really.
It should be its own discussion.
The problem though, that I foresee, is that the people that already consider the type of things you mentioned in your post will be the ones that actually read it, and the ones that should read it and consider their content will just say “tl;dr” and jump to the first controversial topic they can to rage a little more.
Rewrite Trahearne or go home.
I’ll be very interested to see what sort of updates they have in mind. I’m thinking the dungeons will be re-done as they mentioned a while back. It would do them well to turn Southsun Cove into an actual resort, or move the fractals portal there for it to serve as a hub so LA isn’t spammed with party requests.
Rewrite Trahearne or go home.
I’ll be very interested to see what sort of updates they have in mind. I’m thinking the dungeons will be re-done as they mentioned a while back. It would do them well to turn Southsun Cove into an actual resort, or move the fractals portal there for it to serve as a hub so LA isn’t spammed with party requests.
You mean rewrite the story???
Does this also mean we get to see the horrible death of Diminishing Returns out in the open world? Definitely don’t mind in dungeons as I’d rather not have a lockout system. It’d be cool if a small resort/town area actually appeared there! The should just have Fractal portals in all the main cities!
I’m hoping that strengthening existing areas means more stuff like the Modus Sceleris content littered around the world. That continues to be a pleasant surprise when revisiting already explored areas only to find dashes of new content.
I’ve found them at two places in Lornar’s Pass so far and last night in Fireheart Rise. I know there’s a wiki entry detailing where they can be found, but it’s been great just stumbling across them with my ranger who’s on course to be my second “World Complete” character.
… making our existing world as strong as possible, ensuring there are reasons to go to all the locations in the world we’ve already built, and strengthening the core game we’ve provided.
Love that part. That’s the right direction.
In saying this will be an expansions worth of stuff in these releases, we’re talking about the number of new features that will be rolled out across PvE, WvW, and PvP in early 2013, which usually you’d only find in an expansion for a traditional MMORPG.
I read this as ALOT of new content in existing areas, for free, to try to bring people back into areas that are currently lacking in population.
Unfortunately I think they already missed the mark because one of the main reasons areas do not maintain a population is it is just not advantageous to stay in some areas when it requires coin/upgraded equipment to progress. People are going to eventually congregate in areas that provide the most benefit to them. To keep people in an area you need to make it just as attractive to stay as any other area, and currently the unresolved loot issues make a small number of areas more attractive than others. Sure initially you will have people explore the new content, but after the novelty wears off we will be back to where it is now unless loot issues are resolved.
It is disappointing that there will be no new race/professions/regions, but I guess they are keeping that for a proper paid expansion later on, and I look forward to that. I am hoping some time down the track we get to play either Tengu or one of the lesser races.
The games needs more armor and weapon skin variety. Add it to karma and WvW vendors, dungeons, and fractals. That combined with guesting, mini-games (with titles/emotes), and fleshing out Lost Shores really well will keep players occupied for months. And it requires less resources than one-time holiday events.
HotW Svanir Light gloves graphic fix pls!
One one hand I’m a bit sad that there will be no new zones, on the other hand it’s probably for the better. I’m glad they’re trying to focus on improving the foundation of the game instead of adding new floors.
I’m not in the least bit sad there’s no new zones, I’ve been level 80 for a couple of months and I’ve still not seen a couple of the old zones!
Southsun Cove is essentially an empty husk with no content in it, if they just fleshed out that a little it would be the equivalent of a new zone.
You’re absolutely right that they need to improve the foundation in Jan / Feb rather than add new floors. Our foundations are really crumbling away beneath us right now with broken promises, broken events & broken economy.
I would be more than happy not getting an “expansion’s worth” of content, all they need to do to make me happy is do these 3 things:
- Ascended Gear in WvW
- Scavenger hunt for Precursor
- Fix culling
And fix about 1000 of the 10’000 bugs in the game (need to leave some bugs for future updates!)
Hmm he said no new region. Not no new dungeon and no new fractals. Here´s to hoping we will at least see new content in those areas.
Hmm he said no new region. Not no new dungeon and no new fractals. Here´s to hoping we will at least see new content in those areas.
Why, so you can have more bugged fractals that you can’t finish and more dungeons that get exploited and run in 10 minutes?
Bear in mind this is a game with no test server or public beta, so every new bit of content added to the game is basically still in beta, riddled with game-breaking or economy-breaking bugs.
We need a little time to recover from all the other new crap they’ve shoehorned in without a public test phase.
(edited by Chamone.6890)
Hmm he said no new region. Not no new dungeon and no new fractals. Here´s to hoping we will at least see new content in those areas.
Why, so you can have more bugged fractals that you can’t finish and more dungeons that get exploited and run in 10 minutes?
Bear in mind this is a game with no test server or public beta, so every new bit of content added to the game is basically still in beta, riddled with game-breaking or economy-breaking bugs.
We need a little time to recover from all the other new crap they’ve shoehorned in without a public test phase.
Sorry but I have never encountered a buggy fractal. So I have no problem with new fractals. And I have never exploited a dungeon. Why would I? That would just take away the fun of doing it. I dont know about you but I cant be arsed logging in and doing the same stuff for half a year. I had enough of that in WoW.
Just because you dont want this doesn´t mean that everyone else thinks the same way.
Unfortunately I think they already missed the mark because one of the main reasons areas do not maintain a population is it is just not advantageous to stay in some areas when it requires coin/upgraded equipment to progress. People are going to eventually congregate in areas that provide the most benefit to them. To keep people in an area you need to make it just as attractive to stay as any other area, and currently the unresolved loot issues make a small number of areas more attractive than others. Sure initially you will have people explore the new content, but after the novelty wears off we will be back to where it is now unless loot issues are resolved.
I’m beginning to realise that this is a problem of perception.
While mapping Fireheart Rise last night, a 60-70 area, I received 4 level 80 rares as drops from mobs and was able to salvage a reasonable amount of orichalcum and gossamer from other levelled loot. Granted, they could afford to be a little more generous, as this rare drop rate is the highest I’ve seen for weeks, but I think they are gradually making earlier areas more rewarding.
Hey guys,
Just to help provide some clarity on this, we’ll be releasing within the next couple of weeks a high level summary of our big plans for the first half of 2013 to help provide more transparency into our plans with the game going forward. This will include providing more details about our goals for the game, information about the stories and features that you’ll see in the Jan/Feb/March releases.
To set expectations accordingly, the January release will be a relatively small release that sets the table for the stories and features we plan to roll out with the Feb/March releases and beyond. Also, there will be no new race, profession, or new region with these larger Feb/March releases. One of our major goals with these releases is making our existing world as strong as possible, ensuring there are reasons to go to all the locations in the world we’ve already built, and strengthening the core game we’ve provided. In saying this will be an expansions worth of stuff in these releases, we’re talking about the number of new features that will be rolled out across PvE, WvW, and PvP in early 2013, which usually you’d only find in an expansion for a traditional MMORPG.
More details and specifics to come in the next couple of weeks, but I hope that helps provide some more insight into what to expect at a very high level.
Thank you for being transparent with us! This is very much appreciated!
Coming from NA Aion, where you had to wait ages for new content, this isn’t so bad in comparison. But that game had some serious grind that kept you busy and took your mind off it. I hate grind, but at this point in time I have run out of things I want to work towards in this game
With this news, it’s time to take a break from GW2 until after march I suppose. Any updating to existing content will probably not be a big enough motivation to me unless the rewards are new and unique (skins, mini’s, vanity items), worth the time, and fun to go about achieving.
That being said, I cant wait to see what they do add, I have yet to be disappointed.
I can easily picture new dynamic event chains in the existing areas that are many events (thus a chain), very difficult, scale to number of players, and have very worthwhile rewards (i.e. always at least 1 exotic). They can have announcements in lions arch for specific event chains starting, either ‘explorer or ambassador NPCs’ making announcements about ‘something happening’ in this zone. If the events are fun, challenging and rewarding, people will do them.
I can easily picture new dynamic event chains in the existing areas that are many events (thus a chain), very difficult, scale to number of players, and have very worthwhile rewards (i.e. always at least 1 exotic). They can have announcements in lions arch for specific event chains starting, either ‘explorer or ambassador NPCs’ making announcements about ‘something happening’ in this zone. If the events are fun, challenging and rewarding, people will do them.
I like the idea but don’t think flooding the market with exotics is the best reward structure. Better yet is they give you tokens that you can use to buy new gear skins after a decent amount. You could also exchange a lot of them for an account bound lodestone. And there would be a rare chance (not super rare) to have trade-able town clothes, temporary in-town auras, or other cosmetic items to drop.
Hey guys,
Just to help provide some clarity on this, we’ll be releasing within the next couple of weeks a high level summary of our big plans for the first half of 2013 to help provide more transparency into our plans with the game going forward. This will include providing more details about our goals for the game, information about the stories and features that you’ll see in the Jan/Feb/March releases.
To set expectations accordingly, the January release will be a relatively small release that sets the table for the stories and features we plan to roll out with the Feb/March releases and beyond. Also, there will be no new race, profession, or new region with these larger Feb/March releases. One of our major goals with these releases is making our existing world as strong as possible, ensuring there are reasons to go to all the locations in the world we’ve already built, and strengthening the core game we’ve provided. In saying this will be an expansions worth of stuff in these releases, we’re talking about the number of new features that will be rolled out across PvE, WvW, and PvP in early 2013, which usually you’d only find in an expansion for a traditional MMORPG.
More details and specifics to come in the next couple of weeks, but I hope that helps provide some more insight into what to expect at a very high level.
Fishing? Please let it be Fishing.
I’m just going to hope that there’s some serious bugfixing. At least for professions.
Get ready for the Flower king of LOVE, who will be spreading love ALL over tyria visiting a map every day, with special skins and minis available, also some store minis, a chocolate mini, flower mini, and the epic one of all a heart shaped mini! that will drop randomly at a very low chance from a chest that you can only get with gems! Coming this february from february 9-18!
(edited by Zogyark.4597)
I can easily picture new dynamic event chains in the existing areas that are many events (thus a chain), very difficult, scale to number of players, and have very worthwhile rewards (i.e. always at least 1 exotic). They can have announcements in lions arch for specific event chains starting, either ‘explorer or ambassador NPCs’ making announcements about ‘something happening’ in this zone. If the events are fun, challenging and rewarding, people will do them.
I like the idea but don’t think flooding the market with exotics is the best reward structure. Better yet is they give you tokens that you can use to buy new gear skins after a decent amount. You could also exchange a lot of them for an account bound lodestone. And there would be a rare chance (not super rare) to have trade-able town clothes, temporary in-town auras, or other cosmetic items to drop.
You are most likely right, a token system might be better and also encourage participation in all the new event chains since they could all give you progress towards the reward you want. Maybe provide rare drops and tokens for completing these new events.
They don’t need a token system; they already have karma which is criminally under-utilised. The just need to add more things that can be bought with karma, such as exotic trinkets, more weapons & armour, town clothes, etc.
Hey guys,
Just to help provide some clarity on this, we’ll be releasing within the next couple of weeks a high level summary of our big plans for the first half of 2013 to help provide more transparency into our plans with the game going forward. This will include providing more details about our goals for the game, information about the stories and features that you’ll see in the Jan/Feb/March releases.
To set expectations accordingly, the January release will be a relatively small release that sets the table for the stories and features we plan to roll out with the Feb/March releases and beyond. Also, there will be no new race, profession, or new region with these larger Feb/March releases. One of our major goals with these releases is making our existing world as strong as possible, ensuring there are reasons to go to all the locations in the world we’ve already built, and strengthening the core game we’ve provided. In saying this will be an expansions worth of stuff in these releases, we’re talking about the number of new features that will be rolled out across PvE, WvW, and PvP in early 2013, which usually you’d only find in an expansion for a traditional MMORPG.
More details and specifics to come in the next couple of weeks, but I hope that helps provide some more insight into what to expect at a very high level.
Fishing? Please let it be Fishing.
LOL I was hoping for fishing too! complete with props we can plop down and a slew of new recipes and the ability to fish up gear like rings and back items.
LOL I was hoping for fishing too! complete with props we can plop down and a slew of new recipes and the ability to fish up gear like rings and back items.
I’m just picturing it in my head… 2 months from now, the forums filled with posts about the Jan 29 release that broke the manifesto and introduced new horrors of grind… That’s right, the fishing grind… ;-)
So, where can I find this blog?
Sorry but I have never encountered a buggy fractal. So I have no problem with new fractals.
How many have you played, 2? The two most buggy ones are the Collossus and the underwater one, but all of them have multiple bugs which can totally block progress under certain conditions.
As an easy-to-replicate example, try pressing the “Tome of Wrath” elite skill as a Guardian on the Colossus Fractal while holding the hammer. It disappears. Just striaght up disappears. You need that hammer to complete the fractal. The only option is to quit and restart.
There are many, many more.
And I have never exploited a dungeon. Why would I? That would just take away the fun of doing it.
Well you are indeed a rare and precious thing in an MMO, someone that plays for fun, not to grind out pointless “rewards” in the shortest time possible. Most people sadly aren’t like you and I.
The point is, even though you don’t want to exploit every new bit of content that comes along, they do. They will find the fastest path through any new dungeon, find the cheats and get the shiny 10 times faster than you ever could by playing “properly”. They will break the economy by amassing gold far too quickly and leave you for dust, scrabbling around for 10 gold while everyone else has hundreds because they know all the cheats.
I dont know about you but I cant be arsed logging in and doing the same stuff for half a year. I had enough of that in WoW.
This is exactly what I hoped to avoid by buying GW2. So far it’s been a mixed bag. I’ve done a lot of cool stuff and had a lot of fun, but I’m expected to do a lot of really boring stuff as well.
For example, the best weapons in the game are the Legendaries. You don’t even want to KNOW how many years you’ll be “doing the same stuff” to get one of those if you dislike cheating like I do.
Just because you dont want this doesn´t mean that everyone else thinks the same way.
True. I’m not sure how to respond to this? Should I not state my opinion because there are other people in the world who don’t have that opinion?
As it happens I would like to see new dungeons added. But not now. Anet used to be famous for “When it’s ready”. Now it seems that no longer applies. I’d much rather have fixes for the old stuff now, and working, relatively bug-free new stuff later. MUCH later.
Personally, I’d like Fractals to be removed and deleted from my memory using a Men in Black device. It’s a vile, vile meat grinder where fun goes to die. But that’s unlikely to happen so I can deal with it. Add new Fractals, don’t add them. I don’t care as I won’t be going in there.
(edited by Chamone.6890)
Get ready for the Flower king of LOVE, who will be spreading love ALL over tyria visiting a map every day, with special skins and minis available, also some store minis, a chocolate mini, flower mini, and the epic one of all a heart shaped mini! that will drop randomly at a very low chance from a chest that you can only get with gems! Coming this february from february 9-18!
I almost thought I was reading the press release there
Very well done.
Super Syked!!! Anet rocks
My guess is they are going to revamp the northern shiverpeak zones.
Lets be honest…no one ever goes to Frostgorge Sound. It sucks compared to Orr for farming. It’s hard to get around and events are rare.
But I was hoping for a new zone to explore.
I don’t even ask much. PvP players should get same items than PvE heroes. Some point in WvWvW would be nice too.
Colin, since the blog that will outline the prospects for 2013 are still weeks away, can we at the very least get a teaser between now and then to hold us over. Maybe say on this page:
Please, I’ll grovel if I have to. Please, please, come on, you know you want to.
What about another languages, especially Russian?
Add Russian language to euro servers, please, please, please, without localization companies and separate servers
My guess is they are going to revamp the northern shiverpeak zones.
I think this would make a lot of sense from a plotline perspective, because the personal story strongly implied that Jormag would be the next Elder Dragon to be confronted. It would make sense to direct the action toward the Shiverpeaks so they could naturally transition to a Jormag-focused story when the time came.
LOL I was hoping for fishing too! complete with props we can plop down and a slew of new recipes and the ability to fish up gear like rings and back items.
I’m just picturing it in my head… 2 months from now, the forums filled with posts about the Jan 29 release that broke the manifesto and introduced new horrors of grind… That’s right, the fishing grind… ;-)
That would be hilarious. I personally wouldn’t mind the fishing grind LOL It’s much more relaxing then being 1 shot over and over again by a boss that’s much too powerful for the level of the fractal you’re in and having to rez and run rez and run over and over again. Oh and Fishing would be open world I’m sure. hehe
LOL I was hoping for fishing too! complete with props we can plop down and a slew of new recipes and the ability to fish up gear like rings and back items.
I’m just picturing it in my head… 2 months from now, the forums filled with posts about the Jan 29 release that broke the manifesto and introduced new horrors of grind… That’s right, the fishing grind… ;-)
That would be hilarious. I personally wouldn’t mind the fishing grind LOL It’s much more relaxing then being 1 shot over and over again by a boss that’s much too powerful for the level of the fractal you’re in and having to rez and run rez and run over and over again.
Oh and Fishing would be open world I’m sure. hehe
Imagine if fishing becomes one of the ways to obtain ascended gear!! XD It will become one of the hottest new activities in Tyria.
Seriously though, it would be great if you could get mats from fishing that you can craft good gear with, which can also be obtained from in other areas of the game. I think it would be great if you are strongly rewarded no matter what you do, be it WvW, dungeons, world kills, or even something as seemingly mundane as fishing.
One of our major goals with these releases is making our existing world as strong as possible.
Myself, and I am sure many other players, are begging and crying out for bug fixes to happen. There is far too many reported that have still gone unfixed for months. Please kick your bug fixing department in the kitten and get them to sort themselves out, roll more bug fixes before you guys add new content. There is plenty in the game to keep people busy, there is not however a perfect world just yet.
Hey guys,
Just to help provide some clarity on this, we’ll be releasing within the next couple of weeks a high level summary of our big plans for the first half of 2013 to help provide more transparency into our plans with the game going forward. This will include providing more details about our goals for the game, information about the stories and features that you’ll see in the Jan/Feb/March releases.
To set expectations accordingly, the January release will be a relatively small release that sets the table for the stories and features we plan to roll out with the Feb/March releases and beyond. Also, there will be no new race, profession, or new region with these larger Feb/March releases. One of our major goals with these releases is making our existing world as strong as possible, ensuring there are reasons to go to all the locations in the world we’ve already built, and strengthening the core game we’ve provided. In saying this will be an expansions worth of stuff in these releases, we’re talking about the number of new features that will be rolled out across PvE, WvW, and PvP in early 2013, which usually you’d only find in an expansion for a traditional MMORPG.
More details and specifics to come in the next couple of weeks, but I hope that helps provide some more insight into what to expect at a very high level.
Glad to hear this, sounds like you folks are on the right track
+ 1 to Colin for taking the time to post
Heres what im hoping for :
Guild halls
More guild perks + weekly guild quests pvp/pve
More weapon skill choices + elite weapon skills
Guild v Guild pvp
New exotic crafting recipes
TP preview feature
TP more detailed search options
Better loot scaling (Noway should Dungeon loot be better than zone Event loot )
New karma rewards
New Faction rewards ( Earned through doing Faction quests ) Vigil,Orders,Priory
W v W rewards and scoring improved
sPVP new game mechanics
Achievements , More titles And rewards for completing and ranking up
All i can think of for now hehe
(edited by Decrypter.1785)
Heres what im hoping for :
Guild halls
More guild perks + weekly guild quests pvp/pve
More weapon skill choices + elite weapon skills
Guild v Guild pvp
New exotic crafting recipes
TP preview feature
TP more detailed search options
Better loot scaling (Noway should Dungeon loot be better than zone Event loot )
New karma rewards
New Faction rewards ( Earned through doing Faction quests ) Vigil,Orders,Priory
W v W rewards and scoring improved
sPVP new game mechanics
Achievements , More titles And rewards for completing and ranking up
Your post is filled with awesome-sauce:
Guild halls, more guild perks, guild events, and GvG are what this game needs, cause right now, guilds feel a little left behind and under appreciated.
Weapon skills or customization would really do character options some good, and I’m hoping it’s something ANet is considering.
TP preview, yes please.
Loot scaling would be great, as the open world feels a major step behind dungeons.
Karma rewards would be brilliant, because the only worthwhile thing to spend karma on is to get exotic gear.
Faction rewards, would be a treat, maybe implement a faction token system that can function a bit like Zhaisen dailies worked in GW.
WvW is almost not worth mentioning, cause I’m sure we’ll be seeing them in February
More achievements and variety, yes please!
I’ll also add:
The scavenger hunt would be a great addition during the Jan/Feb/March update period, as well as some legendary diversity, as in more ways to building a legendary than just the options in game now.
A dye saver, where you can save one set of armor colors so you can switch between your current and saved sets as you like.
(edited by Azjenco.9425)
+ 1 to Colin for taking the time to post
Heres what im hoping for :
Guild halls
More guild perks + weekly guild quests pvp/pve
More weapon skill choices + elite weapon skills
Guild v Guild pvp
New exotic crafting recipes
TP preview feature
TP more detailed search options
Better loot scaling (Noway should Dungeon loot be better than zone Event loot )
New karma rewards
New Faction rewards ( Earned through doing Faction quests ) Vigil,Orders,Priory
W v W rewards and scoring improved
sPVP new game mechanics
Achievements , More titles And rewards for completing and ranking upAll i can think of for now hehe
Really nice list
Profession Armors (Craft-able 35-80
Profession Weapons (Craft-able 35-80)
New karma Weapons/Armors
All Cultural sets karma as well as gold
Karma Percursers
Guild Cloaks etc
Open world, WvW, PvP access to everything in FotM (very annoying)
Better Open World Rewards
Cash shop Weapon/Armor (not town clothes) “Skins” that also drop in BL chests if need be..
Solo-able Dungeons (as per GW1 style)
Skills Balancing
Classes balanced (Rangers, Engineers, Necromancers etc)
New Skills on all Classes
Culling Fixed
Magic Find overhauled or removed
Internet lag issues fixed
Monster spawn times reviewed (something isn’t working)
Orr overhauled so its less frustrating to go there..
More communication such as Patch Notes and Forums..
(edited by Dante.1508)
I’m sad Jan isn’t going to be a big patch, a lot of my friends are taking a break from the game and said they were going to come back to it to see what they fixed in Jan. I guess they’ll have to wait until Feb/March…..
Gah, I’m so impatient. /filled with anticipation
I’m personally happy with just seeing some class balance and fixes.
So sadly i have a horrible feeling we will be very bored till late January, maybe even the very last week of January, and this “2 huge patches” was a lie.
Then play a different game in the mean time.
Not like you gotta play off your subscription.
Can we get GvG its the point of the game its the name titel and so on and this is not in the game How WHYY pointelss the best pvp that ever was in any mmo was in gw 1 gvg but that req 8 man if we make it whit 5 it shoud be more ornigsed and beter guild halls i MEAN COME On just copy paste from gw 1 they still got good grafics they dont have to be something special
The only thing I wan’t is the Scavenger Hunt (or increase the chance for a precursor for Mystic Forge to a reasonable amount -.-)
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