Jump Puzzle

Jump Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Graveside.9253


I found a jump puzzle in Ashford, an area for 1-15 levels. It was fun at first then all of a sudden I was instantly killed. I tried again and instantly killed at another location. Then I did some research about this jump puzzle and found out it is listed as HARD.

I am thinking at first WOW!!! what a great idea, then it dawns on me that no one really gives a SH** about the puzzle at this level because it is all about end game. I haven’t seen one person even come near it in 3 hours.

Why would you make something like this? I mean the risk (time) vs reward is not worth it, so in other words…you developers wasted “X” amount of time programming. I bet out of 100 players only 10 have completed in the last month if that. I had enough of this silliness…guess I will do what everyone else does just lv to 80 and forget about all the silly stuff in the lower levels that mean absolutly nothing in terms of the game besides a title.

Jump Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ethics.4519


The whole game is endgame because you scale down. I’ve been to beginning areas countless number of times on my 80s.

RIP in peace Robert

Jump Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Theplayboy.6417


I understand your frustration and the reward will almost always be vendor trash . But I would like to say that Jump Puzzles are my favorite form of PvE in Guild Wars 2.

Jump Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mystic Starfish.2586

Mystic Starfish.2586

Default message activated: The update coming in the next few months is supposed to adress this problem. THey said they want to give incentive to revisit middle/low level zones

Jump Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silver.8023


I don’t do jump puzzles for the reward at the end, I do them because I find them fun!

Silver Stormshield – Guardian
Kaimoon Blade – Warrior
Fort Aspenwood

Jump Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Scourge.4317


I don’t do jump puzzles for the reward at the end, I do them because I find them fun!

Wish more people did that.

Jump Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kana.6793


I really enjoyed the puzzle’s when they were new, but after I’ve done them once I can’t really be bothered to repeat them. It’s not a puzzle any more after I’ve finished it once. Adding more rewards to it wouldn’t make a difference to me, I still couldn’t see myself being bothered to go back.

When they add some new ones I’ll be all over those ^^ The only one I did enjoy repeating was the clocktower – that thing is just awesome.

Also, the reward for doing a JP is successfully completing it, I wouldn’t care if they removed the chests entirely.

Not true that no-one goes to the JP’s at 80 either, I know a bunch who have been doing them all, filling out the achievement tab.

Jump Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LHound.8964


Some content feels abandoned simply because there is no actual need for them, other than fun. Although fun should be rewarding enough, only a few can say that they repeated the same JP with the same chars just for the pleasure of doing them.

I sure hope that every aspect of the game gets a purpose, including the jumping puzzles. Why not to have somesort of tokens from the JP chests that can access some sort of Gift (legendary craft process)?

This games needs an urgent analysis about the importance/effort/reward of it’s individual designs and i sure hope that the content can include this in the feature.

Jumping puzzles can be so fun (except for the ones who are extremely uncoordinated), and should be a big slice of the last goal of the game, instead of the grinding nightmare that are the 250 T6 mats for the Gifts!!!

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Charr’s need more Love. All is Vain
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Jump Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: smekras.8203


even though my keyboard sometimes betrays me, JPs are among the most fun aspects of this game. the rewards are not always up to par, but when my Sylvari ranger first completed Morgan’s Leap and got some loot AND a pet spider for his trouble, the feeling was awesome…

just as awesome was the extended vista+jp combo in the middle of a priori/dredge siege (i think in Dredgehaunt), especially since said Sylvari is of the priori. the reward at the end didn’t really matter, though it would be nice if i got something i could even use profession-wise (no, heavy armour is definitely not for rangers)

EDIT: I absolutely LOATHE time-based JPs however, with vanishing platforms and the like. the game puts my computer to strain as it is, even minor lagging is enough to make me fail the puzzle

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Jump Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zeefa.3915


I don’t do jump puzzles for the reward at the end, I do them because I find them fun!

Wish more people did that.

I do that too. Which also means there is some I wont do as they are too much trouble for me.

Life doesn’t stop being funny just because the dead can’t laugh.

Jump Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: UnderdogSMO.9428


I don’t do jump puzzles for the reward at the end, I do them because I find them fun!

Same here But than I also enjoy game’s like super meat boy… or you know super mario…. ((the first one were you didnt even know you were trying to save a princes tell you got to the first tode.

Jump Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silver.8023


I think it’s kind of funny that people complain about being made to grind for something they’re choosing to do out of their own volition. Usually in regard to legendaries, you know, those fancy things that are supposed to be bloody hard to get and relatively rare but are entirely optional?
I believe the intention was to accumulate the materials for it over quite a long period of play, not dedicate all your time to it so you can get it within the first four months of the game’s release. Regardless, it’s self-imposed grinding.

Anyway, back on topic, I quite like platformers and I found it very refreshing to see jump puzzles like this in an MMO! Not only that but some of them require a good deal of skill and have a nice difficulty level. I, too, enjoyed the clock tower immensely!
I enjoy a good challenge. The fun and novelty of the jump puzzles is reward enough for me, the chests at the end are a nice bonus though

Silver Stormshield – Guardian
Kaimoon Blade – Warrior
Fort Aspenwood

Jump Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Iruwen.3164


I found a jump puzzle in Ashford, an area for 1-15 levels. It was fun at first then all of a sudden I was instantly killed. I tried again and instantly killed at another location. Then I did some research about this jump puzzle and found out it is listed as HARD.

I am thinking at first WOW!!! what a great idea, then it dawns on me that no one really gives a SH** about the puzzle at this level because it is all about end game. I haven’t seen one person even come near it in 3 hours.

Why would you make something like this? I mean the risk (time) vs reward is not worth it, so in other words…you developers wasted “X” amount of time programming. I bet out of 100 players only 10 have completed in the last month if that. I had enough of this silliness…guess I will do what everyone else does just lv to 80 and forget about all the silly stuff in the lower levels that mean absolutly nothing in terms of the game besides a title.

If you don’t like it, don’t do it? I actually like that JP because it’s not easy mode (mistakes have consequences). Many traps will kill you in one hit, if not the condition damage probably will. It doesn’t depend on level but on skill, you have to avoid the damage. If you want to make this easier, bring a friend who can revive you.

Iruwen Evillan, Human Mesmer on Drakkar Lake

Jump Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bamono.7098


I don’t do jump puzzles for the reward at the end, I do them because I find them fun!

Wish more people did that.

I do that too. Which also means there is some I wont do as they are too much trouble for me.

ME TOO! I also love how I don’t have to do them and I’m not going to miss out on any real content.

Jump Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xenth.2408


I didn’t really do jumping puzzles until I got to 80, then I backtracked and did them all. Sure I tried them when I found them. Once I hit 80 I decided I wanted the achievements so I did them all. Some were annoying to the point I swore at my monitor at times. Others were really fun/interesting.

The way I see it, it’s bonus content.

Some people want fishing in the game which I’d see as pointless. Just like this, JP are pointless to some. If you don’t like it, don’t do it, I say.

Jump Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vol.5241


I found a jump puzzle in Ashford, an area for 1-15 levels. It was fun at first then all of a sudden I was instantly killed. I tried again and instantly killed at another location. Then I did some research about this jump puzzle and found out it is listed as HARD.

I am thinking at first WOW!!! what a great idea, then it dawns on me that no one really gives a SH** about the puzzle at this level because it is all about end game. I haven’t seen one person even come near it in 3 hours.

Why would you make something like this? I mean the risk (time) vs reward is not worth it, so in other words…you developers wasted “X” amount of time programming. I bet out of 100 players only 10 have completed in the last month if that. I had enough of this silliness…guess I will do what everyone else does just lv to 80 and forget about all the silly stuff in the lower levels that mean absolutly nothing in terms of the game besides a title.

If you’re going to be angry over something as simple as a low level jumping puzzle, then you’re going to have a very, very bad time.

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Jump Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: skullmount.1758


I found a jump puzzle in Ashford, an area for 1-15 levels. It was fun at first then all of a sudden I was instantly killed. I tried again and instantly killed at another location. Then I did some research about this jump puzzle and found out it is listed as HARD.

I am thinking at first WOW!!! what a great idea, then it dawns on me that no one really gives a SH** about the puzzle at this level because it is all about end game. I haven’t seen one person even come near it in 3 hours.

Why would you make something like this? I mean the risk (time) vs reward is not worth it, so in other words…you developers wasted “X” amount of time programming. I bet out of 100 players only 10 have completed in the last month if that. I had enough of this silliness…guess I will do what everyone else does just lv to 80 and forget about all the silly stuff in the lower levels that mean absolutly nothing in terms of the game besides a title.

Do you mean Lorecroft Expanse ? That should be solo-able, as long as you’re the right level for that area. The traps are more dangerous than the skelks are, but that’s what dodging is for (should be able to dodge through the flame ones, and just run across the spike ones when the red ring isn’t there).
If you don’t like that one, you aren’t going to like quite a few of them later on. Though most are only jumps, with some normal enemies through them and there aren’t really that many that have the traps (iirc).

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(edited by skullmount.1758)