Jump puzzles are amazing

Jump puzzles are amazing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sparkie.3465


I just did Weyandt’s Revenge jump puzzle in Lion’s Arch, and it was amazing fun. I never thought that I would enjoy goofy jump puzzles in an MMO, but I was so wrong. Cheers and mad props to the folks who designed these.

I also picked up a pirate sword at the end off the vendor, just for a piece of puzzle memorabilia.

Jump puzzles are amazing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RedRaptor.7218


Just watch out for the gate puzzle in Metrica Province. I nearly pulled out my hair in frustration because of it.

Jump puzzles are amazing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TransparentlyOpaque.1824


I have not tried any that I know of, someone i met in game walked me through a cave where an NPC sort of lead you to jump saying she could do it, but then backed off at the last minute-

was that a jumping puzzle?

Jump puzzles are amazing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kailthir.6384


The jump puzzle in Caladon Forest made me sweat. Was holding my breath a few times.Lava is not your friend. lol

Jump puzzles are amazing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: aeonZgamer.5307


The Pirate cave jumping puzzle one was awesome

Jump puzzles are amazing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ordika.9513


Just watch out for the gate puzzle in Metrica Province. I nearly pulled out my hair in frustration because of it.

I have a sad need to do this one regardless, but I agree it is maddeningly annoying. However the problem that I have with it the most is that there are certain jumps, that if you don’t make will have you land on a root and kill you forcing you to start over instead of being warped to one of the gateways.

The 3 in Lion’s Arch and the ones in the first 3 Norn zones are good, but Griffonrook Run needs to have the bomb portion removed as I do not think there is a way to avoid combat throughout the entire thing.

Ordika Skirata || Keirstaad Rhith || Rhun Turold || Quinten Vigar || Ahrung Park
Swansonites of North Shiverpeak – Northern Shiverpeaks

Jump puzzles are amazing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: aeonZgamer.5307


Just watch out for the gate puzzle in Metrica Province. I nearly pulled out my hair in frustration because of it.

I have a sad need to do this one regardless, but I agree it is maddeningly annoying. However the problem that I have with it the most is that there are certain jumps, that if you don’t make will have you land on a root and kill you forcing you to start over instead of being warped to one of the gateways.

The 3 in Lion’s Arch and the ones in the first 3 Norn zones are good, but Griffonrook Run needs to have the bomb portion removed as I do not think there is a way to avoid combat throughout the entire thing.

3 in Lion’s Arch??? I found the one for the Pirate there’s 2 more?

Jump puzzles are amazing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lonami.2987


I have not tried any that I know of, someone i met in game walked me through a cave where an NPC sort of lead you to jump saying she could do it, but then backed off at the last minute-

was that a jumping puzzle?

Demongrub Pits?

The answer is yes, then. 2 chests waiting for you there :P.

Elonian elite specialization ideas: El: Dervish
M: Bladedancer – N: Scourge – En: Occultist – Ra: Swampstalker
T: Sharpshooter – G: Sunspear – Re: Hierophant – W: Corsair

Jump puzzles are amazing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khono.6942


I like the jumping puzzles but at the same time I think thtey need a lot of work on both the jumping mechanic and on the terrain pathing. It gets prettykittenwhen, functionally, I’m running up a ramp but graphically, I’m walking up air around some skinny pieces of wood.

I’d love the jumping to have a power modifier based on how long one holds down the space bar. So for example, one could jump normally by pressing space bar and would jump max distance if one just holds it and one cuts off the jump as soon as one lets go fo the space bar. They could also introduce a kind of charge-up where one holds shift or something before pressing space bar to do a stronger jump. They’ve built a really cool world but the enjoyment we get out of the world is only as good as our power to explore it.

The camera derping is a biig thing they need to fix, IMO. Half of the time I spend on jumping puzzles is me trying to get the camera into a good position

Jump puzzles are amazing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ordika.9513


Just watch out for the gate puzzle in Metrica Province. I nearly pulled out my hair in frustration because of it.

I have a sad need to do this one regardless, but I agree it is maddeningly annoying. However the problem that I have with it the most is that there are certain jumps, that if you don’t make will have you land on a root and kill you forcing you to start over instead of being warped to one of the gateways.

The 3 in Lion’s Arch and the ones in the first 3 Norn zones are good, but Griffonrook Run needs to have the bomb portion removed as I do not think there is a way to avoid combat throughout the entire thing.

3 in Lion’s Arch??? I found the one for the Pirate there’s 2 more?

Yup, one incredible well hidden one (won’t give anything away on that one), and one in back of the cave with the two ogre in it.

Ordika Skirata || Keirstaad Rhith || Rhun Turold || Quinten Vigar || Ahrung Park
Swansonites of North Shiverpeak – Northern Shiverpeaks

Jump puzzles are amazing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sparkie.3465


Just watch out for the gate puzzle in Metrica Province. I nearly pulled out my hair in frustration because of it.

I liked that one, too. Died several times on roots, and it took me quite a while to figure out that blowing air is bad, but it was fun and I was able to repeat it without any deaths the next day. I was happy to find the owner of the floating lab qualifies as a boss event at the end (someone had already killed him the first time I completed the puzzle).

Once, I fell onto the Inquest lab’s roof instead of landing back at the start of the puzzle. I’m not quite sure how that happened, or why I survived the fall, but it was interesting to explore the translucent bridges up there.

Jump puzzles are amazing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: aeonZgamer.5307


Just watch out for the gate puzzle in Metrica Province. I nearly pulled out my hair in frustration because of it.

I have a sad need to do this one regardless, but I agree it is maddeningly annoying. However the problem that I have with it the most is that there are certain jumps, that if you don’t make will have you land on a root and kill you forcing you to start over instead of being warped to one of the gateways.

The 3 in Lion’s Arch and the ones in the first 3 Norn zones are good, but Griffonrook Run needs to have the bomb portion removed as I do not think there is a way to avoid combat throughout the entire thing.

3 in Lion’s Arch??? I found the one for the Pirate there’s 2 more?

Yup, one incredible well hidden one (won’t give anything away on that one), and one in back of the cave with the two ogre in it.

I will have to go back and sniff around LA again must’ve missed it

Jump puzzles are amazing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sylvia.8395


Has anyone else tried the griffonrook run? it’s by far the hardest one i’ve run into. blisteringly difficult

Jump puzzles are amazing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: August.2678


I really like them. Obviously they aren’t perfect, it’s not 3D platforming quality like Crash Bandicoot/Jak and Daxter/Spyro (take your pick), but it works well most of the time.

I love searching around for vistas, and the diversity of difficulty for them. I do wish that the harder vistas had more rewarding stuff though

nastyjmanThat explains why there were kittens muddled in some posters emotionally charged responses.

Jump puzzles are amazing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Desmonda.1280


Hate them, but then I hated Mario Bros and Crash Bandicoot as well. Some are very fustrating. Spent an hour on some crazy, mad ramp jump puzzle last night, finally quit due to fustration and vertigo (I have vertigo in RL and in these games I feel it as well if my character is up too high). Screamed at my computer every time I fell down to the bottom.

Jump puzzles are amazing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Creslin.1758


My favorite, and the most evil jumping puzzle in the game is in Eternal Battlegrounds…and the evilness has very little to do with the actual puzzle.

Magaera Enflanza (F Human D/D Ele)
[Envy], [Moon]

Jump puzzles are amazing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khono.6942


My favorite, and the most evil jumping puzzle in the game is in Eternal Battlegrounds…and the evilness has very little to do with the actual puzzle.

That people kill others trying to do it, yeah, lol. I tried it in the beta and laughed pretty hard. Such a troll thing to do :-p

Jump puzzles are amazing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Creslin.1758


My favorite, and the most evil jumping puzzle in the game is in Eternal Battlegrounds…and the evilness has very little to do with the actual puzzle.

That people kill others trying to do it, yeah, lol. I tried it in the beta and laughed pretty hard. Such a troll thing to do :-p

Indeed, but so wickedly fun…I seriously love trolling that place.

Sometimes a few friends and I will just see how long we can stop enemies from getting up the puzzle. I would even be especially evil and purposefully fall down to where the enemies are so they think they can kill me…but right when their hopes get up I would trigger the portal that I left at the top of the jump and disappear.

I’m probably sick for enjoying that so much, but oh well lol.

Magaera Enflanza (F Human D/D Ele)
[Envy], [Moon]

Jump puzzles are amazing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ordika.9513


Has anyone else tried the griffonrook run? it’s by far the hardest one i’ve run into. blisteringly difficult

Yup…I gave up on the chest and just ran it killing the griffons for the achieve.

Ordika Skirata || Keirstaad Rhith || Rhun Turold || Quinten Vigar || Ahrung Park
Swansonites of North Shiverpeak – Northern Shiverpeaks

Jump puzzles are amazing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fiddlestyx.9714


I don’t understand why people are hiding where to find the jumping puzzles. Finding them may be part of the fun for some, but for others it’s more frustrating then the actual puzzles.

Call me a spoil sport if you wish.