Jumping Puzzle Competition Feature
I like the idea of Competitive Jps. It woudl be fun to race others. But make it more hotjoin style instead of tournament. You talk to the npc anytime you want and u join the other racers to race them in a random jumping puzzle and get rewarded based on your placement. I would just personally like it better that way. You can add in title achievements too! like sanctum sprint without items and with different jps.
Timed JPs like the ones for holidays used as an “activity” could be fun. I don’t think it needs to be as complex as you’re making it (time to sign up, etc.), but I love timed JPs and I wouldn’t be opposed to seeing them added permanently to the rotation, or used like PvP (different “maps”, available all the time), and as a competition.
A jp “race” would be nice, something to add to the activaty rotation
Timed JPs like the ones for holidays used as an “activity” could be fun. I don’t think it needs to be as complex as you’re making it (time to sign up, etc.), but I love timed JPs and I wouldn’t be opposed to seeing them added permanently to the rotation, or used like PvP (different “maps”, available all the time), and as a competition.
I don’t want it to turn out like the mini-game rotation thing :\ Nobody ever does them, and there’s no real reason to do them except boredom. I would want it to be more involved and invested, something to excitedly anticipate.
I also want it to be rewarding, and can’t see them handing out any real rewards (if any) if they put it in the mini-game rotation.