Jumping puzzle chest luck

Jumping puzzle chest luck

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: randomfightfan.4091


Just a fun thread on how lucky (or unlucky) you are while doing jumping puzzles. I’ve done at least 1 jumping puzzle per day since I first discovered them (about 1 month after buying this game) and always felt lucky when I got rares and orbs cause I’d never get anything higher. I’ve received a grand total of 1 exotic from all my jumping puzzle chests and that was some random 2g exotic weapon from the eb jp. I thought I was cursed. I didn’t complain about this because I really like jumping puzzles, it just confused me that the rewards didn’t seem to line up with the rest of the game.

Then days like today would happen.

Another small story first. 2 days ago I did 20-25 jumping puzzles across all of my characters and got a grand total of 3 continue coins. I was doing the puzzles with a bud at the time (who has significantly less characters than me) who only did 1 jumping puzzle for every 2 of mine. At the end he still came out with 8 coins. I was baffled.

Today I did 8 jumping puzzles and somehow came out with 6 coins (5 in a row) and 2 rares.

I think it’s funny that you can have such terrible luck with this rng game but have it all come full circle to give you your long lost rewards.

So my question is what has your luck been like with jumping puzzles in this game and whether or not you still have fun going after the chest at the end of the tunnel.

Check out my page for some good thiefisms :)

Jumping puzzle chest luck

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MLieBennett.9031


For me? I and another Guildy somehow managed to drag my guild into it all with blessing by our guild leader (We are Ethereal Guardians [EG] on Sanctum of Rall), thus having a Guild Jumping Puzzle Zerg swarming in on Jumping Puzzles with numerous players trying to race each other to the end first, especially us Mesmers, while others stayed around and helped clear/do nearby events for guild influence while waiting (and ye gods, the amount of guild influence doing that is nice).

It definitely helped prevent burn out doing that, or at least delayed it. In fact, its lead me to go after the harder ones alone, to see if I can include them with a decent enough speed to include in this multi-hour guild event. Yes, multi-hour. We kinda get lost running from jumping puzzle to jumping puzzle about time.

For the past couple of days, I’ve probably opened around 150 to 200 chests. I know I do around 25 JPs daily these past couple of days, and the extra chests come from the fact some JPs have multiple chests, and others are just located in the open world. I don’t have an accurate count of what I’ve done though, as sometimes I’ll hit the same JP due to leading the guild event (after I had already hit that exact JP).
In total, I have 50 continue coins so far. I’ve heard guildies mention only finding one or two during the whole event (one day I only found 3 coins myself), while others may leave with between 10-15 coins during this 20+ JP Zerg.

I’ve gotten a handful of rares, never an exotic, from JP chests as well. Though my general luck with finding Exotics is horrible anyways.

My favorite moment is probably the Costume Brawl that broke out on top of the Vizier’s Tower while waiting for the enemy to respawn.

It is nice though to run across more people in JPs then I have before. It used to be quite a lonely task to do. Now? Even when I’m not in the guild zerg after these things, I’ll stumble across at least one other person doing the JP along with me.

- (Death, Terry Pratchett, Hogfather)

(edited by MLieBennett.9031)

Jumping puzzle chest luck

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ZudetGambeous.9573


I wanted to stockpile up on Continue coins so I did about 20 JP’s. Got 0 Coins. Got frsutrated and went to do some of the meta events. Did 3 events, got 3 coins.

Jumping puzzle chest luck

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pecar.1236


i have open more that 45 JP chest and got 0 coin have many event and got again 0 coins so i want know how anybody do 20 jp and got 10-15 coins. 3 days of farming jp chest and do events for nothing is biggest april joke ever why is anet cannot make any npc what change normal currenci for continue coins

(edited by Pecar.1236)

Jumping puzzle chest luck

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: codpin.6542


@randomfightfan: if im not mistaken, i think i saw a video of you soloing lupi. (if im mistaken, then ignore the rest of my post) This means that you do a lot of dungeons, because otherwise you couldn’t be so experienced in pve content.

Well, i do a lot of dungeons myself, i could say that dungeons represent more then 70% of my ingame time. And for the last 2 months my luck was kitten. In 2 months, doing so many dungeons i got a total of 2 (two) exotics and a bunch of rares. And those 2 exos dropped in last week, before that i had a 2 months period of no exotics drop. I know this is all about RNG, but i couldn’t ignore the fact that my guildies and pugs that were with me in dungeons got plenty of exos and i was getting blues and greens.

So my theory is that there is some kind of account DR system, because i have 3 80’s and i play almost the same amount with all of them. The problem is that this DR is applied to all the content in the game, because i experienced bad drops from all kind of events.

TL;DR: I think that doing many dungeons gets you some kind of account DR that is applied to all the content. Or there is some kind of bug involved.

Faith of Astora - Guardian | Faith Mess - Mesmer | Faith War - Warrior
Member of ASq Guild – Gandara [EU]

Jumping puzzle chest luck

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vile.5678


It took me exactly 20 JP chests on to get my first continue coin. I did these with my friend and he had 9 of them by the time I got my first. I’ve done about 15 more chests since then (total of about 35 chests) and now have a grand total of 4 continue coins, 3 more then before. RNG just really, really, sucks for some people, and I kinda wish they had some sort of safety net to stop it when it gets absolutely ridiculous for some players. My case wasn’t even that bad though, as I read someone doing about 30 JPs and not getting a single coin yet.

Warrior – Whrawl
Thief – Radderic
Mesmer – Smash Kablooey

Jumping puzzle chest luck

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Doggie.3184


I got a rare today (and 1 ecto from it) from a JP, usually only get lower, or rare orbs. The Continue Coins were a nice little trick to get us to do them as I’ve been completing all the ones I haven’t done in last few days. So far I have 10 Continue Coins, not sure how many JP I did total… Maybe 30-40 I felt like a been missing a major part of game content cuz some of these are pretty cool areas. If you wanna be lazy you could do the SE Southsun JP (god that JP is a joke, it’s so easy/short) or the Queensdale one on all your characters. Morgan’s Spiral is a personal easy one I do the most but seems lotta ppl have trouble with it. Wayfarer Foothills is simple/fast with stability.

| Fort Aspenwood (NA): Sylvari Daredevil Thief Main: All Classes 80. |
Please Remove/Fix Thief Trait: “Last Refuge.”
“Hard to Catch” is a Horrible and Useless Trait. Fixed 6/23/15. Praise Dwayna.

Jumping puzzle chest luck

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KINGRPG.3492


Everything in GW2 is based on luck.

Sorry for my beginner English / http://www.kingrpg.net My Blog

Jumping puzzle chest luck

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mot Bone.4632

Mot Bone.4632

I did 7~9 jp per character in these 3days.

Around 25% to get a coin.

36 coins total and 1 rare from chests.

Jumping puzzle chest luck

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dommmmmmmmmm.6984


I have 7 characters at the end of the troll JP in LA and I log in each day on each. I got about 17 coins so far just from that. I’m gonna just keep the chars there once this box comes out, hopefully it’ll keep a continuous flow of coins coming in. Also, I’ve only gotten like 2 rares from this.

Jumping puzzle chest luck

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nathiest.5413


I’ve done 4.. maybe 5 of them so fare. Question are they daily, weekly or just once per character?

My luck thus far.. nothing too special.

Jumping puzzle chest luck

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ardenwolfe.8590


Did six chests two nights ago and zero. Did three yesterday and got three coins. Go figure.

Gone to Reddit.

Jumping puzzle chest luck

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karizee.8076


They are daily, you can do them again after daily reset (except for the ones in WvW which are on a 24 hour timer).

You can also do them on alts. I’ve picked up ~20 coins so far.