Jumping puzzles
Different staff work on different things, Josh Foreman designed the new jumping puzzle, and he almost exclusively designs that kind of thing, as he worked on Super Adventure Box. I for one enjoy these jumping puzzles, as do the other people that post in the thankyou thread for making it.
I think you’ll find that there are a lot of GW2 players who like jumping puzzles. I’m not one of them, but at least I’m not demanding that Anet quit making them.
all i gotta say is: after that kitteny kitten rant (and yes i actually spelled out k i t t e n y k i t t e n), i will never ever ever share any bacon with the OP, ever.
and guess what? i don’t like some jumping puzzles, but i like jumping puzzles a whole lot more than PvP or speed-clear metas for dungeons. i won’t be interested in any new dungeons until either a) trash mobs are removed from dungeons, or b) all trash mobs must be killed before the next boss will spawn. (i hate the speed clear meta that much.) WvW? eh it’s okay, but i’ll only spend less than 10% of my total annual play time there.
personally, i’d like to see new guild content before anything else, but i also understand that i’m not the only one playing this game, and it takes time and resources to make the content i want to see, so i’ll patiently wait for it. and i’ll also be glad for the improvements to the other game modes that i don’t enjoy, because again, i’m not the only one playing this game…
I absolutely love Jumping Puzzles. They’re one of my favourite parts of the game. Once of my favourite parts of map completion was getting to do all of the different jumping puzzles in each zone.
I’m sorry you don’t like them, but you don’t have to do them. In the same way that I don’t have to do fractals or PvP because I don’t like them.
A far larger number than 1% do JP.s I wouldn’t be surprised if a larger number of players have done Jumping Puzzles than played PvP.
I enjoy ‘em from time to time, but there are times I know to avoid them. I’m sure you like content others don’t as well, so it too wouldn’t be fair for you if they quit making them would it?
Just avoid it if you don’t like it, simple. If you feel you absolutely need it done and over with, I’m sure there’s people willing to help knock it out. I had to have help on some myself, but failing didn’t cause me to rage about all jps. A few I found too tedious are the Malchor’s Leap, Not so secret, South Suncove jps.
Some of us (who most assuredly aren’t ANet employees) like JP’s just fine. They are, in fact, my favorite part of the game. Quite a few people in my large guild enjoy them as well. I have my own list of activities I dislike, like WvW, but I’m happy they’re around to keep others entertained.
Having a variety of activities available that appeal to a wide range of players is what keeps a game alive.
Everyone in my guild loves JP’s! Even the players who struggle greatly with jumping. Sure there might be swearing and things thrown but with some alcohol and friends (misery loves company!) they can be pretty fun:D
We spent about three hours doing the latest SW JP and we were lost almost the entire time. It was an explorers dream come true! As a guild we will never forget nights like those:-)
I love jumping puzzles. The only thing that sucks about them is how you get basically nothing from the chests at the end…
Also semi-related: I love mountain goating even more. Can get to some pretty amazing places with it!
Highest place in Malchor’s Leap
Wow, what a surprise, the pro-arenanet lobby is here like always…
Wow, what a surprise, the pro-arenanet lobby is here like always…
Or it’s just people that enjoy the content you don’t.
(edited by Lazaar.9123)
Wow, what a surprise, the pro-arenanet lobby is here like always…
I am quite willing to whinge about arenanet, but I still think your original post was incredibly narrow minded. I am happy to complain that they only managed to get seven episodes of Season 2 before year’s end, and that the last two were incredibly short. Complaining that arenanet added one jumping puzzle this year, which a lot of people enjoy but OP doesn’t, that takes a special type of selfish.
Please stop making this kittenty excuse of content, there is nothing fun about jumping puzzles, they are all smeared in lube, a jumping puzzle in gw2 contains more lube than a kitten porno movie. Please use the resources to create actual enjoyable content, like new pvp maps, new pvp gamemodes, new wvw maps, new dungeons, new anything. You are catering to like 1% of the gw2 players by making jumping puzzles, and that 1% are arenanet employees who get off to watching people slide of these kittenty puzzles.
Edit: Oh wow, cant even say simple normal words on the forum without them being replaced by “kitty” gg arenanet, you never fail to surprise me how fail you are.
You know so much about the percentage of players that like Jumping Puzzles (1% as you say) so can you tell us how much of the player base likes new pvp maps, new pvp game modes, new wvw maps and new dungeons?
Wow, what a surprise, the pro-arenanet lobby is here like always…
It’s not pro-anet.
You made a post deriding a very small portion of gameplay, offered no constructive criticism, and don’t want to acknowledge that other people are entitled to an opinion that differs from your own.
Others have already pointed out that the teams who create JP’s are completely separate from the teams who create the kind of content you are asking for.
Just because you don’t like that piece of content don’t expect a chorus of agreement. Using the argument ’other’s opinions are invalid because they are fanboys’ is nonsense.
I am not a big jumping puzzle guy and was really concerned when I heard the rumors of a new jumping puzzle and how it was ‘not mesmer friendly’ or something. I am fine at jumping puzzles, but average/below average if it is timed. I just don’t jump and rotate fast well, I need time.
I love the new jumping puzzle. It takes me back to early in the game where I discovered a couple JPs more by jump/exploring. Most fun I had on a jumping puzzle in almost 2 years. Either way, only been a handful of new JPs since release.
I enjoyed teh new puzzle. It’s awesome. That said I would like to see new dungeons
Almost none of the JP’s are mandatory, there’s only a select few I can think of that you would need to do if you wanted skill point or vista…the rest you can just ignore. Even in the case of the new one, unless you want to get all those gold coins you can skip it.
The new jumping puzzle provides something that the game is short on…things to do that don’t involve combat.
Combat is great, but sometimes you want to do something else too.