Jumping puzzles
Personally my favorites always have an element of danger. Obsidian sanctum and the lava pit in sylvari starting zone.
Edair. But allies-allies will fight by your side”~Cobiah Mariner
Well… the best really depends on what you like. But if you’re in LA, the easiest is Ungaunt’s(?) Treasure, which is in the cave behind the waterfall, to the left of the guild hall. And the hardest, but most scenic and exhilarating, is Troll’s Revenge which starts at the bridge over to the portals. Can’t look up the names and wp right now, but if you google them you’ll get all you need. If you want, message me in-game and we can go through them together. I’m a bit masochistic and try to do Troll’s Revenge every day.
There’s a whole list here , but if you’re stuck on one – look up Dulfy’s jumping puzzle guides.
Obsidian Sanctum is probably the most complex and/or longest and possibly the must frustrating due to other players. Start there.
(edited by fellyn.5083)