Jumping puzzles are my most favorite part of this game

Jumping puzzles are my most favorite part of this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: aaron.7850


I like games within games, and this is the icing on a delicious cake that is GW2

Will more jumping puzzles be added into the future? It would be nice if jumping puzzles would count into zone completion. I wasnt aware that some puzzles existed until I read the wiki.

My only character is a mesmer and sometimes I like to hang out on the harder puzzles and help people out. Its kinda fun to see how other classes use their abilities to get ahead obstacles, like the engineer jump shot or the dancing sword thingy warriors do.

Love jumping puzzles, best surprise this game offered me, keep them coming

Jumping puzzles are my most favorite part of this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dark Saviour.9410

Dark Saviour.9410

Honestly, they’re probably my favourite bit about it too, but only a few of them really hit the potential I’d hoped for.

By far the best one, and what I’d have liked to see a lot of the other ones take after is the Obsidian Sanctum. Well, save for the whole PvP aspect that is.
The quiet, remote atmosphere, the length, scale, and general overwhelming presence it has… Just wonderful. Honestly, that type of ‘feel’ is something I’d hoped to see throughout the entire game; areas that are still, quiet, not combat-heavy (again, disregarding the PvP bollocks), and genuinely feel remote. Ruins that just feel completely isolated from the goings-on of the world…

But I digress…

Aside from the Obsidian Sanctum, I’d consider the Sharkmaw Cavern, Scavenger’s Chasm, and Conundrum Cube were the biggest standouts. The former loses points because the Captain was obnoxious, but in general, all 3 had a great sense of atmosphere and style.

Gone for good after Halloween 2Ø12.
A shame fun things could not simply be fun.

Jumping puzzles are my most favorite part of this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PotatoOverdose.6583


Sector Zul is a personal favorite of mine.

Jumping puzzles are my most favorite part of this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sarisa.4731


I think I like Chaos Crystals the best. Swashbuckler’s Cove, Branded Mine, Conundrum Cubed, and Pig Iron Quarry are also ones I enjoyed.

Geomm’s Lab in Metrica was probably the most satisfying to finally solve.

I do the Lion’s Arch ones regularly, as those chests scale to your level.

A few need fixes. Only Zuhl doesn’t (pre-patch, haven’t checked post) have a usable chest, and has a griefing method that people can use to cause instant respawns of the champion and veterans.

Conundrum Cubed and Chaos Crystal Cavern have chests that only allow the person who opened them to loot. There may be a couple more, but I don’t know off the top of my head.

Lille of the Valley [WHIP]

Jumping puzzles are my most favorite part of this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyrlol.8497


I like them but they are way too easy.

They need to crank up the difficulty about 5 notches. I’m not talking like make random stuff knock you back or make you fall. I mean like difficult to land jumps. Add in strafe jumps, make you have to go around a pole or something , jumps where you have to jump at the very last second to land on the landings edge.