Just Find a Guild Already...

Just Find a Guild Already...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Trajan.4953


So many negative posts I see on these forums are from people trying to play an MMORPG as a single player RPG. The whole magic of an MMO is doing it with friends, trust me if you have a group of people who want to do content it makes it better all around. If you are having problems with the basics of this game find a guild, interact, enjoy. That is what it is all about.

Just sayin.


Just Find a Guild Already...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


So many of the negative post on these forums are from people who are literally not even playing the game anymore. No idea why they didn’t move on, but they’re here and they’re loud about it.

Just Find a Guild Already...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


So many people on the forum think, that as far as the guilds go, quantity is better than quality. I just don’t understand this way of thinking at all.

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

Just Find a Guild Already...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Darkside.5679


So many people on the forum think, that as far as the guilds go, quantity is better than quality. I just don’t understand this way of thinking at all.

Couldn’t agree more! I have no interest in joining a guild with 100’s of people where nobody has a real identity and everyone is just a mindless drone. OK I know that’s not always the case but I just can’t bring myself to join a guild that spams chat and accepts anyone for no reason. I guess I’ll miss out on guild bounties and such…but all well.

Just Find a Guild Already...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wauwi.9162


it’s hard for me to find a friendly, medium sized casual guild for fun, helping out, messing about, being random.
on my server, you can only find a guild if your are at least logged in once a day, having ts³ and if one of the following applies to you:

  • being inside the borderlands for at least 72 hours a day
  • making at least 9001 fractal runs a day

i guess i’ll be forever alone. :/

[EU/GER]Elona’s Reach: Aerrith: Lv80 Ranger / Sephirra: Lv80 Mesmer
“Only the finest of potatoes in my zerkburgers.”

(edited by wauwi.9162)

Just Find a Guild Already...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: OscarKitteh.7198


So many people on the forum think, that as far as the guilds go, quantity is better than quality. I just don’t understand this way of thinking at all.

Couldn’t agree more! I have no interest in joining a guild with 100’s of people where nobody has a real identity and everyone is just a mindless drone. OK I know that’s not always the case but I just can’t bring myself to join a guild that spams chat and accepts anyone for no reason. I guess I’ll miss out on guild bounties and such…but all well.

You know.. there is a middle ground between playing solo and being in a huge guild…
As someone part of a mid sized guild who does the bounties and wvw and everything else in the game, I can honestly say it makes it a lot more fun and I likely wouldn’t be playing if I had to play solo (the reason I quit GW1 and I loved the gameplay there).
It isn’t quantity over quality, this isn’t a sp game and it’s more fun playing with people you know and like than randoms. It just might take one some time to find one that fits them.

Just Find a Guild Already...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


it’s hard for me to find a friendly, medium sized casual guild for fun, helping out, messing about, being random.
on my server, you can only find a guild if your are at least logged in once a day, having ts³ and if one of the following applies to you:

  • being inside the borderlands for at least 72 hours a day
  • making at least 9001 fractal runs a day

i guess i’ll be forever alone. :/

Untrue, since this describes my guild perfectly. We’re casual, fun and we like to hang out. That’s all we really do. There are people who do other stuff, I assume, but I haven’t met any of them. lol

Just Find a Guild Already...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Why join a guild when you can have five.
Pick a PvE guild, a tPvP guild and a WvW guild – and you’re sorted.

And avoid any guild that forces you to represent or pay fees or be on ts all the time or anything.

Just Find a Guild Already...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wauwi.9162


it’s hard for me to find a friendly, medium sized casual guild for fun, helping out, messing about, being random.
on my server, you can only find a guild if your are at least logged in once a day, having ts³ and if one of the following applies to you:

  • being inside the borderlands for at least 72 hours a day
  • making at least 9001 fractal runs a day

i guess i’ll be forever alone. :/

Untrue, since this describes my guild perfectly. We’re casual, fun and we like to hang out. That’s all we really do. There are people who do other stuff, I assume, but I haven’t met any of them. lol

if you’re on an EU english or german server: may i join?

one of my problems in every mmo…i just always met the guys who are scolding me for having fun…at playing a game.
and if i’ve found a guild which advertises casuality, fun, etc., i end up being the only one at that guild after 2 weeks, excluding the leader.

and i just realized, bombing banners all over the town and guild missions are now a mandatory requirement too, to find a guild.

i guess i’ll have to switch servers…oh wait, that ain’t free anymore. >_<

[EU/GER]Elona’s Reach: Aerrith: Lv80 Ranger / Sephirra: Lv80 Mesmer
“Only the finest of potatoes in my zerkburgers.”

Just Find a Guild Already...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tuluum.9638


So many of the negative post on these forums are from people who are literally not even playing the game anymore. No idea why they didn’t move on, but they’re here and they’re loud about it.

This is true for every single MMO forum in existence.

I think it almost turns into an obsession. It still boggles my mind though, seems like such a massive waste of time.

The only time I will post negatively is because I care about the game, and want to see it improve. That obviously doesnt stand true for many who are doing what you say. If I dont care, or straight up dislike the game, I just wont set foot in their forums or software again. I feel my time is worth more than that.

As far as the OP goes, just remember: you only speak for yourself! I LOVE playing on RP servers, but am not a fan of actually taking part. Why? Because it creates a living dynamic world that gives me the option to RP if I so desire. The same is applicable towards guild membership.

Henosis [ONE]

(edited by Tuluum.9638)

Just Find a Guild Already...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Velkyn.5168


if you’re on an EU english or german server: may i join?

one of my problems in every mmo…i just always met the guys who are scolding me for having fun…at playing a game.
and if i’ve found a guild which advertises casuality, fun, etc., i end up being the only one at that guild after 2 weeks, excluding the leader.

and i just realized, bombing banners all over the town and guild missions are now a mandatory requirement too, to find a guild.

i guess i’ll have to switch servers…oh wait, that ain’t free anymore. >_<

Feel free to check out http://waldmeister.guildlaunch.com – we are on Piken Square (EU), alive and kicking.

That said, there is also http://www.gw2guilds.org/ which is a list of guilds on all servers.
I’m sure there are lots of nice guilds around that would fit the profile you are looking for, it’s just really hard to find one due to lack of proper official server/guild forums etc. and this is seriously frustrating for both sides. Recruit spamming in chat is not fun either!

Just Find a Guild Already...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Neural.1824


So many negative posts I see on these forums are from people trying to play an MMORPG as a single player RPG. The whole magic of an MMO is doing it with friends, trust me if you have a group of people who want to do content it makes it better all around. If you are having problems with the basics of this game find a guild, interact, enjoy. That is what it is all about.

Just sayin.

Are you a Sociologist? Psychologist? Psychiatrist? Any number of other given professions who are educated and qualified to make an assessment of why lone individuals may find a social connection to the people around them without being forced to interact with them?
Never mind that MMO’s bring some people out of their shells and actually get them to start interacting with people. Never mind that the gaming industry is currently focused on MMO’s, and as such the bulk of these types of games are not solo-RPG.
I’ve seen various guild sizes in different games. I have yet to come across one that wasn’t occupied for a good portion of the day with people just like you who are convinced that anyone who doesn’t want to play your way is somehow mentally challenged.

Where are my gem sales? I want gem sales! Nerf EVERYTHING!

Just Find a Guild Already...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jarv.1972


Hi Wauwi If you are on Desolation take a look at Haven-eu.com I’m not an officer and only recently joined myself but i think we’d be exactly what you’re after. Or send me a msg in game and i can introduce you to an officer

Just Find a Guild Already...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Garambola.2461


This is somewhat right. Friends do improve the experience. But you can have friends without being in a guild or being in the same guild with them. I have a few, not many, friends but they are a true blessing. Thank you guys even though you probably don’t see this.

Just Find a Guild Already...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: penatbater.4710


Are you a Sociologist? Psychologist? Psychiatrist? Any number of other given professions who are educated and qualified to make an assessment of why lone individuals may find a social connection to the people around them without being forced to interact with them?
Never mind that MMO’s bring some people out of their shells and actually get them to start interacting with people. Never mind that the gaming industry is currently focused on MMO’s, and as such the bulk of these types of games are not solo-RPG.
I’ve seen various guild sizes in different games. I have yet to come across one that wasn’t occupied for a good portion of the day with people just like you who are convinced that anyone who doesn’t want to play your way is somehow mentally challenged.

If people don’t want to do content, they shouldn’t be forced to. One thing you have to note is that not being rewarded for your particular playstyle is not in any way a punishment. Because if we go by this particular logic, the people who are in guilds have been punished since day 1 since they have not received any reward for being in a guild. Solo-ers have been rewarded since day 1 by a large amount of content (open world pve) that can be completed solo. People whose playstyle revolves around doing challenging pve content with guildmates larger than a party of 5 have been punished since they got no content to do their playstyle. See how ridiculous that sounds?

Don’t disturb me, I have a cat in me at the moment.

Just Find a Guild Already...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


it’s hard for me to find a friendly, medium sized casual guild for fun, helping out, messing about, being random.
on my server, you can only find a guild if your are at least logged in once a day, having ts³ and if one of the following applies to you:

  • being inside the borderlands for at least 72 hours a day
  • making at least 9001 fractal runs a day

i guess i’ll be forever alone. :/

Untrue, since this describes my guild perfectly. We’re casual, fun and we like to hang out. That’s all we really do. There are people who do other stuff, I assume, but I haven’t met any of them. lol

if you’re on an EU english or german server: may i join?

one of my problems in every mmo…i just always met the guys who are scolding me for having fun…at playing a game.
and if i’ve found a guild which advertises casuality, fun, etc., i end up being the only one at that guild after 2 weeks, excluding the leader.

and i just realized, bombing banners all over the town and guild missions are now a mandatory requirement too, to find a guild.

i guess i’ll have to switch servers…oh wait, that ain’t free anymore. >_<

Sorry its’ a US server, but I’m SURE there are EU guilds that are like mine.

Just Find a Guild Already...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TexZero.7910


I’m in a guild, I’m not in a faceless organization of 500 people who play the same game.

The problem comes into play when decisions get made that screw over smaller pop guilds every other patch. This is why people are angry.

Just Find a Guild Already...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Creeper.9360


Finding a good guild is a lot harder than it would seem. I’ve been trying for 6 months to no avail.

It might help if there was a central place for guilds to advertise on the official forums.


not sure if serious post, tho.

i’m not sure what you are talking about

who did you quote?

Just Find a Guild Already...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wauwi.9162


Finding a good guild is a lot harder than it would seem. I’ve been trying for 6 months to no avail.

It might help if there was a central place for guilds to advertise on the official forums.


not sure if serious post, tho.

i’m not sure what you are talking about

who did you quote?

i’d like to ask you the same question. *inception theme*

[EU/GER]Elona’s Reach: Aerrith: Lv80 Ranger / Sephirra: Lv80 Mesmer
“Only the finest of potatoes in my zerkburgers.”

Just Find a Guild Already...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Creeper.9360



Yeah I made a mistake. Still my first point still stands though. Find a good compatible guild can be difficult.

Just Find a Guild Already...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MobMama.5648


I’d seen the post too wauwi and was about to reply with pointing out the Guilds section on the forums, then I refreshed and saw yours and creeper’s posts. Dunno where his other one went that you quoted before, but I did see it. ::gets weirded out by the Inception theme, and refreshes again, editing post::

Ah there you are creeper. Heh.

Maybe they’ll surprise us in this upcoming patch with a LFGroup/Guild chat. Hey, one can hope?

(edited by MobMama.5648)

Just Find a Guild Already...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raine.1394


The nice thing about the MMO is that it addresses a variety of playstyles, solo being one of them. So ‘joining a guild already’ is not going to be a universal remedy simply because solo play is not a problem in terms of the stated design goals of the game. GW2 encourages cooperative play more than any MMO that I’ve played and I certainly give them credit there—and, they’ve also built a game that is comfortable to play solo. I think they need to continue considering players of various playstyles as it’s good for the game.

And in terms of “negative posts”, there is actually no such thing. That’s just a catch phrase for everything you don’t agree with. Those “negative posts” actually contain ideas or argumentation around an idea. The key here is to engage with the ideas rather than dismissing the ‘negativity’. You will find that some ideas are outright wrong, some have limited merit, and some are spot on. Engage with them and argue for what you believe to be true. The negativity will fade to the extent that you enter into and engage with the world of ideas.

Just Find a Guild Already...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: emikochan.8504


You can always guest if you’re not into wvw wauwi

Welcome to my world – http://emikochan13.wordpress.com

Just Find a Guild Already...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Velkyn.5168


I think the “guilds forum” here really is a mess. It is beyond me how anyone is supposed to find a suitable guild on their own server by digging through hundreds of posts that are both “looking for” and advertisements for guilds on all US and EU servers at the same time.

http://gw2guilds.org is great, but most people never even hear about it.

I’d very much like to have an in-game recruitment tool and/or proper forums for every server, to make things easier to overlook and sort through.

Just Find a Guild Already...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Creeper.9360


Indeed they could really use some improvements for the in game tools that they have (or don’t have)

Just Find a Guild Already...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: penatbater.4710


And in terms of “negative posts”, there is actually no such thing. That’s just a catch phrase for everything you don’t agree with. Those “negative posts” actually contain ideas or argumentation around an idea. The key here is to engage with the ideas rather than dismissing the ‘negativity’. You will find that some ideas are outright wrong, some have limited merit, and some are spot on. Engage with them and argue for what you believe to be true. The negativity will fade to the extent that you enter into and engage with the world of ideas.

Gonna have to disagree with you there mate. For example, what you’ve just said is something I disagree with, but I will not classify it as a negative post. It’s more of the manner and the tone at which the message is said. And the fact that that idea has been talked to death already. Just as there are constructive and destructive criticism, there are also positive and negative posts. Negative here, being posts that don’t contribute anything to the discussion, and merely whine and kitten about it like a little kid on a tantrum. There is always a proper way of voicing out your concerns.

Don’t disturb me, I have a cat in me at the moment.

Just Find a Guild Already...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Toxophile.6215


It certainly isn’t as easy to find a decent guild as I had wanted. Once you do find one though, it’s pretty nice. Sadly, the only way’s to find such a guild is to hop around, which is a pain in the behind thanks to website registration, voicechat setups, in game convo’s with an endless stream of people…. such a pain.

The best way really is to either join a guild suggested by a real-life friend, or to befriend someone from a certain guild, getting to know that person and by extension their guild. If that works out, your new friend will certainly end up inviting you to join. This would require some cold-call stuff that some people don’t like. Just out of the blue saying hi and seeing if they want to hang out. But if you can do it, and if you find yourself in a decent guild, it really is worth it.

Just Find a Guild Already...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dante.1508


So many people on this forum like to tell others how to play the game..

Just Find a Guild Already...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Daywolf.2630


So many negative posts I see on these forums are from people trying to play an MMORPG as a single player RPG. The whole magic of an MMO is doing it with friends, trust me if you have a group of people who want to do content it makes it better all around. If you are having problems with the basics of this game find a guild, interact, enjoy. That is what it is all about.

Just sayin.

Not quite correct at least as I’ve noticed. The complaints are regarding large guilds for the most part right now. gw2 after recent patches favors mega guilds …and all their bitter drama. Meanwhile in classic mmo’s it’s the small guild that has endured over the years. -drama
Sometimes worse than forum drama. But anyway, small guilds have been eaten up by mega guilds as of late. Guilds are good, but not everyone wants to be involved in all the baggage that comes with them.

Just Find a Guild Already...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thisolderhead.5127


So many negative posts I see on these forums are from people trying to play an MMORPG as a single player RPG. The whole magic of an MMO is doing it with friends, trust me if you have a group of people who want to do content it makes it better all around. If you are having problems with the basics of this game find a guild, interact, enjoy. That is what it is all about.

Just sayin.

Not quite correct at least as I’ve noticed. The complaints are regarding large guilds for the most part right now. gw2 after recent patches favors mega guilds …and all their bitter drama. Meanwhile in classic mmo’s it’s the small guild that has endured over the years. -drama
Sometimes worse than forum drama. But anyway, small guilds have been eaten up by mega guilds as of late. Guilds are good, but not everyone wants to be involved in all the baggage that comes with them.


If they are going to try to make everything big and epic the least they could do is offer some way for you to still have close interaction with mates – maybe dual guild or something aye…

Also charge a transaction fee on posting here – make it Karma – thin the malcontents out and make sure anyone who quit has a limited window of sook.

Feeling bad due to my response does not mean it was a personal attack.
It may just be that your original statement was wrong.
Please try again.