Just about to start playing
Most players are usually running around the human starting area – Queensdale because it is the “easiest” map to do many things.
So, if you are new, it would not be a bad idea to start as a human first.
Hope you enjoy yourself.
Just remember that charr are the master race!
Since you’re coming from other mmos, my advice is: remember levelling in GW2 is very much like being max level, so don’t worry about power levelling or grinding anything. Just do whatever you find fun!
Awesome – the grind gives me shudders.
If I stay PVE what’s the end game like now? Is it still a case of rolling a new char because there’s nothing to do?
Awesome – the grind gives me shudders.
If I stay PVE what’s the end game like now? Is it still a case of rolling a new char because there’s nothing to do?
End game is definitely different from traditional MMO. You grind for skins to make yourself look good basically but there is no “endgame gear” so to speak and there are many ways to get endgame gear.
You can level to level 80 without actually exploring most of the world, so rolling a new character and play in different maps does provide some fresh experience but that too will run out in due time.
Find a good guild, it will enhance your experience.
Oh yeah. One of the major differences in GW2 is that there is no healer and tanker. Healing is for emergency only and defense only allow you to take 1~2 more hits in general. So you have to get use to avoid taking damage.
(edited by ParnAshwind.4823)
There is no endgame in the sense you know of. The entire game is endgame – level 80 just means you have more map freedom and things are easier to kill. I mostly play one character (and since headstart) and I get on OK I’d say
The only advice is to forget any comparisons to other mmos. GW2 does its own thing and gets on with it. For better or worse, GW2 is experimenting new ideas. Some work exceptionally well, some don’t.
Oh and don’t rush level. You can suddenly find the maps outlevelling you early on. Take your time, explore. Much more fun that way.
Welcome, here’s some tips~
The “Deposit Collectibles” button on your bags puts any mats you’ve collected into your bank. You can go to your bank to withdraw them or any crafting station to use them.
Dodge! Avoiding damage in GW2 is as important as dealing it. You may want to rebind your dodge key so you don’t accidentally double tap off a cliff
The trading post is worldwide. It’s 5% to list an item + another 10% when it sells.
Hearts are like bread crumb quests, they lead you into an area but it’s the dynamic events that are the meat of the open world part of the game. Listen to NPCs calling for your help and attention, they are not there for flavor
Explore everywhere, behind waterfalls, caves, behind bushes. You can find whole zones or mini dungeons hidden away. Some dynamic events open portals to hidden areas.
Just remember that asura are the master race!
fixed it for ya
Remember you can make any character you want and go to your capital, find the asura gate to lions arch, and go to any other capital so you can go to any starting area
The main thing I love about gw2 is that the game doesn’t change at max level. So just do fun things forever, don’t expect some massive paradigm shift at 80.
Still the traits and exotics you get at 80 are very powerful.
A good guild will ofcourse make any game fun. Fly safe
Smaller Tips Part 1:
- If you see anyone in chat asking for 10 silver to buy their Adept Trait Manual, do not give them 10 silver, they are scammers and your coin would be going into the gold seller’s pockets.
- Copper, Silver, Gold, Gems:
100c = 1s
100s = 1g
100g = Lots ‘o coin
Gems can be bought with real money or with in-game gold. On the BLTC Gold → Gem conversion, it’s roughly 3g40s right now for 100Gems. So if you see some nice skins on the Gem Store for 800Gems, that’ll be about 25-27g to buy.
Trading Post #1 – Trading Post Taxes
- When you list an item to sell (or even if you sell directly to a buy order) you will be instantly charged a 5% non-refundable listing fee. If the item sells then an additional 10% of what the item sells for will be deducted from sale of the item (direct sell gets the total 15% taken out as if you had listed it and it was then bought). On the sell screen is “Projected Profit” above the “Sell” button…always pay attention to that amount when listing as you are actually able to list an item and make back less than what the item would ‘vend’ for. So, always compare your Projected Profit to the vend price of the item.
Trading Post #2 – Bulk Orders and Vending
- When you go to sell an item on the trading post you will only be shown the very highest buy order and very lowest sell price of the listed item. On most items you will notice that the highest buy order is 1 copper above ‘vend’ price …never sell to these rock bottom bulk orders. As stated earlier, due to the TP taxes you will actually make less from selling it to them than if you vended the item at a merchant.
Trading Post #3 – Proper Listing and ‘Clotting’
- Much of the time the lowest listed item is a large order of several dozen to several hundred and it shows it is from a single buyer, and the lowest sell order is one or two copper above that bulk buy order. Do not list your item with that lowest sell listing. If you go to sell anything on the trading post, first click to “Buy” more of the item, so you can see what all of the selling prices are for that item, not just the lowest. Many times the ‘going rate’ / ‘clot’ of the item for sale is much, much higher than the lowest sell order. This is mainly due to the fact that the same person making that bulk buy order for one copper above vending, also frequently lists one (or a couple) of that item at 1 copper higher than their buy order so people would be more likely to just sell to their buy order.
- Item vends for 10 copper
- Highest buy order is for 500 of them at 11 copper by a single seller
- Lowest sell order is one or two of the item at 12 copper
- Going rate/‘clot’ (bulk of the selling items and the actual value of the item) are actually at 1 silver 20 copper
In this example, the bulk buyer is actually listing a few at 1 copper above their buy order to increase the likelihood that people would just sell the item to their buy order since in the sell screen you cannot see that the actual value of the item is 10x that amount. They may have lost one or two of their item by listing them to sell, but in the time that they were listed at dirt cheap, dozens had been sold to their buy order.
It may take a while longer to list all of your items on the TP, but the extra time is very much worth it to ensure you’re actually getting what your item is worth, as well as not letting this buyer, who is actually exploiting the fact that only the lowest listing is visible on the sell screen, get away with this underhanded tactic.
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(edited by StinVec.3621)
Also, what server did you choose for your character? If you chose Eredon Terrace, I’d be more than happy to hop around with ya and answer any questions or anything in-game.
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I disagree with the no end game comments. At 80 in GW2 youll typically do explorable modes, fractals, guildmissions and pvp if youre in to it.. Getting everything you want from those takes quite some time and effort.
No “gated gear progression system” doesnt mean the content isnt there.
On topic:
Id advice you to mix things up. GW2s zones are quite diverse for MMO standards but you need to know where to find the different types of content like the meta/dynamic events jumping puzzles etc.
I personally use http://gw2.mmorpg-life.com/interactive-maps/ to make sure i didnt miss any of the fun stuff once i completed a map.
GW2stuff has some nice dragontimers that show exactly when certain worldbosses will spawn.
Make sure you pick up gathering tools etc aswell. Even if you dont use the materials just yet. GW2 has a nifty deposit collectables feature that sends all the crafting materials directly to a seperate tab in your bank. Gathering those gives quite some experience aswell.
Most importantly; find a nice guild. MMOs are in my eyes comparable to teamsports. Its a lot more fun if you play with a group of quality people.
(edited by Locuz.2651)
1) Join a guild. You don’t have to do it at day 1, but joining a guild is important. It’ll give you people to ask questions of, people to do stuff with, and if you join a big enough guild even additional content you can do.
2) Gathering materials gives experience. However, don’t forget to either use or sell them! Many materials fetch a good price on the trading post, and crafting at all gives lots of experience. It is entirely possible to craft your way to 80 if you have enough money (it costs a hefty chunk of gold, though, which kinda limits its usage).
3) Make sure that you have enough money to buy your trait manuals as soon as you can use them. Adept Trait Manuals, sold at 10 silver, are usable at level 11; I forget the others. Furthermore, make sure that you have 10 skill points saved up going into level 30 so you can immediately buy an elite skill, depending on class those range from great to amazing.
4) This game has individualized nodes, individualized loot, and rewards participation regardless of who hit the mob first. That means no nodecamping, no tagging, no ninjaing, and so forth.
5) Try out all the content types. World exploration, jumping puzzles, dungeons, fractals (I wouldn’t recommend trying these until level 80 though), Living Story, WvW, and PvP are all radically different, and all can be done below level 80, though you’ll get the short end of the stick in fractals and WvW below level 80.
6) Participate in the Living Story. Every 2 weeks, a huge new content patch is released, with massive amounts of new ingame stuff to do. They usually feature lots of interesting rewards, and generally have some combination of new exploration, new minigames, and/or new PvE content to try. Much of the content lasts only 2 to 4 weeks, depending on the release, so hop in and play it while it’s there!
Edit: Also, when you choose your profession, or even before then, go ahead and check out the profession forums. They generally are welcoming to incoming players, and browsing through the threads there will frequently help you figure out how to play your class well.
Ferguson’s Crossing
(edited by Sylentir.8913)