Just bored

Just bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blake.3609


im not complaining about the game being boring just that i am. i have a lvl 80 ranger n 47 warrior i do pvp wvw hearts dungeons and so on. nothing really seems to be fun maybe once arena net puts in like a group finder or something it might be better but atm i just seem to be spending 90% of my time trying to find groups and failing to find anyone and just logging off

Just bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: monepipi.5160


Go try some jumping puzzles with a friend or w/e. Some of them are really hair pulling and challenging.

Just bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: hplee.2839


im not complaining about the game being boring just that i am. i have a lvl 80 ranger n 47 warrior i do pvp wvw hearts dungeons and so on. nothing really seems to be fun maybe once arena net puts in like a group finder or something it might be better but atm i just seem to be spending 90% of my time trying to find groups and failing to find anyone and just logging off

can i has your stuffs?

Orisis Stonehart
Blackgate Militia

Just bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nerva.7940


Just to stay on topic here. I’m 500 hours in, rank 30, one 80 and a few alts. I just can’t get bored. Not complaining or anything.

Ikiro – 80 Ranger
Umie – 80 Guardian

Just bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gilandred.9870


i do pvp wvw hearts dungeons and so on. nothing really seems to be fun maybe once arena net puts in like a group finder or something it might be better but atm i just seem to be spending 90% of my time trying to find groups and failing to find anyone and just logging off

I can understand if you’re having difficulty finding groups for certain dungeons, but for pvp, wvw and hearts……does not compute.

Just bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eddie Van Grog.7095

Eddie Van Grog.7095

This game is like a virtual life, given the never ending possibilities. If you are bored… Just go and play something else! I am bored of eating chicken at my local… I don’t go and shout it all across the restaurant! Why? Because it is pointless…
This game is AMAZING and super fun and I LOVE IT! There you go… Do I go and make a post about it?

Just bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BowmasterSol.3457


I have the same opinions as other posters above me. I really love this game and how I still have lots of things that personally interest me that I have yet to complete. However, I tend to go through periods of playing the game intensely and periods where I go play something else for awhile.

I suggest that you go play another game or do another activity for a bit before coming back into the game. The non-progression style design of this game once you hit 80 means that everything that can be considered “end-game goals” is always available. Logging in and playing day in and day out won’t get you access to new content like a progression-based game but will only get you closer to whatever goal(s) you were working towards.

Long term goals aside, if you need new things to keep your interest then play during new content patches. Content patch up on the 15th with the new zone persisting after the weekend event. That should be something new for you, but until then don’t burn yourself out. =)

Knowledge is power.

(edited by BowmasterSol.3457)

Just bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Knote.2904


This game is like a virtual life, given the never ending possibilities. If you are bored… Just go and play something else! I am bored of eating chicken at my local… I don’t go and shout it all across the restaurant! Why? Because it is pointless…
This game is AMAZING and super fun and I LOVE IT! There you go… Do I go and make a post about it?

It’s more like a virtual arcade shop than a “virtual life”.

The argument that you can make anything fun falls flat imo. That would be like being at home with literally nothing to do and someone suggesting do to something like “see how many pieces of chewed gum it takes to stick your jeans on the wall” for fun.

That was actually a bit off topic to what you were talking about, but your analogy didn’t match up. =p

On Topic : I’m just waiting for event/class changes to renew my joy for the game. Although the cosmetic grind and trying to make money is keeping my playing for now.

(edited by Knote.2904)

Just bored

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CC Eva.6742

CC Eva.6742

Community Coordinator

Hello everyone.

Blake, thanks for your feedback. You may want to post your opinion in any of the threads that are going on the subforum Suggestions about the group finder idea.

We will proceed now to close this thread.
Thanks for your understanding!