Just got this game for Christmas...

Just got this game for Christmas...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kairnabel.1542


I hope nobody comes all in and says I will regret the decision because all I want to do is kill my time, but that’ll be on 25th and that’s two weeks left for that. Reason I make this post is if I could get some guides on what to do when I start my adventure and what profession fulfills my expectations.

I want to be a tanky support profession to heal in PvP and be able to take some hits before someone comes to help and I’ve been searching the wiki and the first one it came up was the Guardian. If Guardian’s the one, what weapon/off hand choice do I need to use to fulfill these two roles (or one of those two).

Also, I’ve been looking at the wiki and saw every profession had something called “Traits”. When I see it it looks like you get certain bonuses for choosing that trait and my question is if you can pick two traits at once and if it’s recommended if you can.

Last, but not least, my last question is the race. As many MMO’s I’ve played I see races have racial traits which enhance your gameplay like Charr Engineer, but my case is which race goes perfect with Guardian?

I hope somebody helpful gets to read this and assist me, and thank you all for your attention.

Just got this game for Christmas...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pandemic.3516


what you should do is leave the forums and not come back, they aren’t healthy, they are a minority of the player base and seems to be only built up of whiners.

I know you’ve asked about the class etc, but you have 80 levels to find that information, would you find it more fun to see the weapon skills on your own etc?

Just got this game for Christmas...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Norelation.3067


Guardian is considered great for support. Staff is commonly used for it’s healing/support capabilities. Other than that I have no idea. you might check out http://en.gw2codex.com/build/ to be better informed on traits. A guardian should really get back to you on this, but I didn’t just want to jump at you on the main reason why I was answering your thread. Race has no typical bearing on what you’re capable of in the game. The only “Skills.” you get from your race are elite skills that are not usable in pvp that only serve as a flavor and offer no real advantage over another race. In other words choose the race you find the most aesthetically pleasing.

Edit- P.S. Please, play the game for yourself and level a character to 80, then form your own opinion about the game. Don’t let people like HERO influence you with terrible logic on why you shouldn’t try something.

(edited by Norelation.3067)

Just got this game for Christmas...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raf.1078


Don’’t listen to the naysayers, K.

In fact, if you were smart, you’d take everything negative you read about this game in these forums with a grain of salt until you’ve tried it for yourself.

Its a different game than other MMO’s out there. Many of us love the game. Others, as you’ve seen, hate it.

Merry Christmas. And I hope you thoroughly enjoy your GW2 Christmas present.

PF/ GOAT on Tarnished Coast (Semi-Retired)
Raf Longshanks-80 Norn Guardian / 9 more alts of various lvls / Charter Member Altaholics Anon

Just got this game for Christmas...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ursan.7846


I’d like to apologize on behalf of the posters who aren’t really answering your question.

Guardian fits into the tanky/support profession. Note, however, Guild Wars 2 really frowns upon pure tank/healing roles. You will still be expected to pull your weight in terms of damage.

As for weapon choice, my advise to you is try them all out. Each Guardian weapon has its own uses. If you visit the Guardian subforums, there’s actually an incredible wonderful guide that explains each Guardian weapon. Read up on it. But make sure you try out each weapon though, see what fits your personal preference the best.

Traits, you have a total of 70 trait points to spend (at lvl 80). Each profession has 5 trait trees, and one tree is maxed out at 30. So yes, you can put trait points into different trees (if that is your question.) At lower level, it’s not a huge deal, but designing a good trait build that works for you will be important later on.

Races have unique skills. In general, racial skills are inferior to profession skills (there are exceptions, of course). Personally, I suggest you choose a race depending on their lore.

Just got this game for Christmas...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cailos.8907


I hope nobody comes all in and says I will regret the decision because all I want to do is kill my time, but that’ll be on 25th and that’s two weeks left for that. Reason I make this post is if I could get some guides on what to do when I start my adventure and what profession fulfills my expectations.

I want to be a tanky support profession to heal in PvP and be able to take some hits before someone comes to help and I’ve been searching the wiki and the first one it came up was the Guardian. If Guardian’s the one, what weapon/off hand choice do I need to use to fulfill these two roles (or one of those two).

Also, I’ve been looking at the wiki and saw every profession had something called “Traits”. When I see it it looks like you get certain bonuses for choosing that trait and my question is if you can pick two traits at once and if it’s recommended if you can.

Last, but not least, my last question is the race. As many MMO’s I’ve played I see races have racial traits which enhance your gameplay like Charr Engineer, but my case is which race goes perfect with Guardian?

I hope somebody helpful gets to read this and assist me, and thank you all for your attention.

Ignore the negativity. See most people who enjoy the game are actually busy playing. For your description I would recommend you Guardian and Elementalist. Check the specific sub forums for more info on builds. I encourage you to try each profession in sPvP and then decide which one suits you best. I’ve got 5 lvl 80s and 8 character slots, tried plenty and in the end love the engineer. I usually love warrior types, my main in GW1 was a warrior. So try them out.

Also some professions are more fun in pve/pvp/wvw imo. Per example I find Thief is more fun for pvp/wvw, warrior for pve.

Just got this game for Christmas...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Randulf.7614


Guardians are great for support, although to get too hung up on the idea of tanking. The combat mechanics aren’t geared towards that.

I would vote Human to start with as they have an awesome looking starter city to kick start your adventure.

I second what Pandemic says, the fun is in trying out for yourself. The game is only 3 months old, so its worth you deciding what you think of the game.

From my perspective the game is certainly bustling on some servers early/end zones included (theres a sep thread you can find which will guide you on that score).

Just got this game for Christmas...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karizee.8076


Might I suggest the Players Helping Players forum? General Discussion forum is under attack atm due to the game’s wild popularity.

As for selecting a profession, one thing you can do that’s really neat is go to the PvP lobby area (the crossed sword icon) where you will be upleveled to 80 and have access to all traits, weapons, armor, runes, sigils, etc. You can play with builds there either against the target dummies or other players to see if it’s a playstyle you like before committing to leveling a character

Just got this game for Christmas...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Navi.7142


Yeah, and maybe better post it in the guardian forum? https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/professions/guardian
I am sure they can help you. :-)

I really wanted to help you, but a) my guardian is still around lvl 20 and b) I am not interested in pvp, so I don’t have a clue about it. :-D

You can and have to invest in more than one trait, you have 70 points to spend (on lvl 80), but every trait line has only 30 points maximum.

And in general there are a few professions which can be tanky and/ or supportive.
And it doesn’t matter which race you choose, but if you want a certain racial skill you should have a look at them before. http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Racial_skill

Hopefully you will enjoy the game!

Just got this game for Christmas...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mag Li.2581

Mag Li.2581

Take a look at this post:

Lots of great tips in there.

My personal tips to you:
Play the game how you feel you like to play it. Don’t rush, explore everything
Try as many professions as you can, and then pick the one that suites your playing style the best.
All professions has a something to offer in terms of team support/heal.
Be polite and you won’t have too much trouble with anyone in the game

Mag Li [Oxy]
Part 1/2 of a dynamic duo

Just got this game for Christmas...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Joey.3928


I hope nobody comes all in and says I will regret the decision because all I want to do is kill my time, but that’ll be on 25th and that’s two weeks left for that. Reason I make this post is if I could get some guides on what to do when I start my adventure and what profession fulfills my expectations.

I want to be a tanky support profession to heal in PvP and be able to take some hits before someone comes to help and I’ve been searching the wiki and the first one it came up was the Guardian. If Guardian’s the one, what weapon/off hand choice do I need to use to fulfill these two roles (or one of those two).

Also, I’ve been looking at the wiki and saw every profession had something called “Traits”. When I see it it looks like you get certain bonuses for choosing that trait and my question is if you can pick two traits at once and if it’s recommended if you can.

Last, but not least, my last question is the race. As many MMO’s I’ve played I see races have racial traits which enhance your gameplay like Charr Engineer, but my case is which race goes perfect with Guardian?

I hope somebody helpful gets to read this and assist me, and thank you all for your attention.

Hmmm I think what above people mentioned. Try out a bunch of professions. Race doesn’t matter for stats or anything in this game. So don’t feel like you need to pick one over the other to be competitive.

As far as your playstyle, you can achieve it with any profession. Each profession will accomplish this in their own way. Some maybe EASIER than others (guardian and elementalist I’d say). I play a ranger and I play support in dungeons with healing and buffing my group.

Tanking in this game is ineffective and hard to do. Every profession can do everything. It is just a matter of finding the one that you find the most fun to play.

When you are level 2, go to the pvp crosssword icon in top left of screen. Go to heart of mists and test out the professions that way.

Estel Wolfheart
Norn Ranger
Hardcorepwnograhpy [HARD] | Isle of Janthir

Just got this game for Christmas...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nastyjman.8207


Hey OP, here’s a link of some compiled guides from reddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/wiki/guides

But some tips that I wish I knew when I started:
- You can deposit all of your crafting materials anywhere and anytime. Click the “Gear” icon in the Inventory window, and then click “Deposit Collectibles”.
- Salvage whites and blues. Sell green and yellow items. Auction off orange (exotic) items. Of course, equip items that you need as you level up.

First Team to reach 250 has 87% chance to win (Updated 7/30/2014) : http://bit.ly/1lWH6T8

Just got this game for Christmas...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chained.2579


I’d like to apologize on behalf of the posters who aren’t really answering your question.

Guardian fits into the tanky/support profession. Note, however, Guild Wars 2 really frowns upon pure tank/healing roles. You will still be expected to pull your weight in terms of damage.

As for weapon choice, my advise to you is try them all out. Each Guardian weapon has its own uses. If you visit the Guardian subforums, there’s actually an incredible wonderful guide that explains each Guardian weapon. Read up on it. But make sure you try out each weapon though, see what fits your personal preference the best.

Traits, you have a total of 70 trait points to spend (at lvl 80). Each profession has 5 trait trees, and one tree is maxed out at 30. So yes, you can put trait points into different trees (if that is your question.) At lower level, it’s not a huge deal, but designing a good trait build that works for you will be important later on.

Races have unique skills. In general, racial skills are inferior to profession skills (there are exceptions, of course). Personally, I suggest you choose a race depending on their lore.

This is the best answer for you.

At this moment there are a lot of players with questions that went unanswered, me being one of them. Bad thing is, only a small percent of the whole player base is posting on the forums. I for one still enjoy the game, as do most of the population in game.

So Merry Christmas and I welcome you to GW2.

Just got this game for Christmas...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Beorn Saxon.4762

Beorn Saxon.4762

Welcome to the game, you’re going to have a great time. These forums are filled with all the neigh-sayers. All of the fun people are actually playing the game and having fun They keep having to increase server space because they all fill up on a steady pace. AND the Wintersday event is about to start tomorrow and tons of people will logging on over the next few weeks.

Guardian sounds like a great class for you. It is my main and he is awesome!

PM me once you get in game, I’d love to show you around

IGN: Breck

Tarnished Coast
Critical Impact [Crit]

Just got this game for Christmas...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


@OP: First, ignore the two posts directly under yours, never listen to naysayers, they dwell on the forums even though they dont play. They are mad that people enjoy what they cant enjoy.

Besides that a guardian would probably fit what you seek. It’s a very well balanced class, it can deal heavy damage both upfront and from range (with the right weapon choises) aswell as take a good beating. It also has a wide range of selfheals aswell as damage mitigation or damage reflect skills (block, protection and retaliation, you can search for those things on wiki). With the right setup you can have alot of survivability aswell as high damage at the same time, it wont be the optimal survival spec but it will preform amazingly.

My own guardian uses sword+shield and scepter+torch. Along with that I use traits that buff meditation skills (certain utility skills) to grant me health on use (1950 health per use at 80 with 18000 life). In addition to that I’ve reduced the cooldown on my torch skills from traits, increased 1 handed crit chance by 15% from traits and lowered the cd and cast time on meditations and shouts.

I run full Valkyrie gear except weapons where I use the ones called berserkers. It gives me.

40% crit chance (trait included)
104% crit damage
18000 life
3000 attack or close to it

The spec also gives great mobility, alot of condition removals and alot of heals.

Trait distribution is 0/30/30/10/0

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Just got this game for Christmas...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blaeys.3102


I hope nobody comes all in and says I will regret the decision because all I want to do is kill my time, but that’ll be on 25th and that’s two weeks left for that. Reason I make this post is if I could get some guides on what to do when I start my adventure and what profession fulfills my expectations.

I want to be a tanky support profession to heal in PvP and be able to take some hits before someone comes to help and I’ve been searching the wiki and the first one it came up was the Guardian. If Guardian’s the one, what weapon/off hand choice do I need to use to fulfill these two roles (or one of those two).

Also, I’ve been looking at the wiki and saw every profession had something called “Traits”. When I see it it looks like you get certain bonuses for choosing that trait and my question is if you can pick two traits at once and if it’s recommended if you can.

Last, but not least, my last question is the race. As many MMO’s I’ve played I see races have racial traits which enhance your gameplay like Charr Engineer, but my case is which race goes perfect with Guardian?

I hope somebody helpful gets to read this and assist me, and thank you all for your attention.

Its going to sound weird to someone who hasnt actually played yet, but given your parameters, you may want to consider a well-based necromancer. Necromancers are naturally “tanky” (as tanky as something can be in this game) because of the deep health pool and deathshroud mechanic – and can provide strong support (including group heals) through the use of wells and marks (using the staff as a support weapon). Your other weapon set would be based on how you want to deliver damage.

Guardian will probably be your better choice, but if you are looking for something different, I would definitely look at the necro.

As far as race, it really wont matter. Most racials are lackluster powerwise when compared to regular abilities. If you pressed me hard, I would say go with the sylvari. You get a second option for an AOE heal (healing seed) and an extra immunity in the “take root” elite skill.

And, as said above, ignore the whiners and naysayers in this thread. Most of them spend more time in the forums than they ever did in the game. If you come in with an open mind, you should love this game. I know I do.

Just got this game for Christmas...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CassieGold.7460


I’m going to jump on the Guardian love… I played Warrior and Monk in GW1 and have found Guardian to be an amazing synergy of the things I liked the most from both classes.

In terms of Race, I find myself quite happy as a Sylvari because one of the Sylvari racial skills is a healing seed that will pulse out AoE regeneration for allies and the other guardian heal slot skills didn’t seem as party focused, but between the heals from traits and the heals from virtues, I rarely need my heal slot skill for myself. That being said, play a race that appeals to you, the benefit you get from one races specialty skills vs another is very minimal, but you’ll be looking at your character an aweful lot!

Weapon wise, I encourage you to try everything and find what you like playing with the most. I rock a Staff and Greatsword, but I frequently go on dungeon trips with guild mates that feature a Hammer Guardian, Scepter Shield Guardian, and myself on the Staff for most of the run. We all play a bit different, but we all love it.

And one thing to remember: Unlocking the skills for each weapon takes less than 10 minutes for most weapons, and you don’t need to ‘grind’ your weapon skills to make them better, so you can always change out to something else if it fits your fancy. You can also change out your traits very quickly and cheaply, so never worry that you might ‘screw up’ your character by making the ‘wrong decision’ early on.

Welcome to GW2, you’re going to have an awesome time here.

LVL 80’s: Thief / Warrior / Guardian / Mesmer

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mulch.2586


I like guardian in pvp.

Note that “healing” isn’t really about healing other players in GW2, especially in pvp. It’s healing yourself. You may share some regeneration and small heals, but nothing like other mmos.

Guardians do help their teammates by support, giving boons.

Just got this game for Christmas...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gilosean.3805


Water-specced elementalists are awesome healers and can also dish out damage as required. They aren’t necessarily tanky, but you can build them that way. Check out the elementalist forums here: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/professions/elementalist

Just got this game for Christmas...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


I hope nobody comes all in and says I will regret the decision because all I want to do is kill my time, but that’ll be on 25th and that’s two weeks left for that. Reason I make this post is if I could get some guides on what to do when I start my adventure and what profession fulfills my expectations.

I want to be a tanky support profession to heal in PvP and be able to take some hits before someone comes to help and I’ve been searching the wiki and the first one it came up was the Guardian. If Guardian’s the one, what weapon/off hand choice do I need to use to fulfill these two roles (or one of those two).

Also, I’ve been looking at the wiki and saw every profession had something called “Traits”. When I see it it looks like you get certain bonuses for choosing that trait and my question is if you can pick two traits at once and if it’s recommended if you can.

Last, but not least, my last question is the race. As many MMO’s I’ve played I see races have racial traits which enhance your gameplay like Charr Engineer, but my case is which race goes perfect with Guardian?

I hope somebody helpful gets to read this and assist me, and thank you all for your attention.

I suggest you search YouTube and look at some videos of gameplay. It will give a you a much better feel for the game than written guides.

Be careful to differentiate between the sPvP videos and the PvE videos as the gameplay and experience is very different and most likely you will be doing mostly PvE to start.

Just got this game for Christmas...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MistyMountains.3751


Well people who tell u u will regret it are just mad over small things, the games not bad its just not exactly what they expected…anyways there is no specific healing/support class since all classes have supportive builds.

Ele/Engineer/ and guardian are considered more supportive since they have a few more ways to heal others. All have beefy/heal builds… I’d recommend guardian for what u were asking for