Just hit level 80, what now

Just hit level 80, what now

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sweenisbar.9082


Hey guys! I just had a few questions as to some of the things i can do as a fresh 80. What are fracticals, what is meta? Im a total noob when it comes to GW2 end game ( i come from WoW ^^) Everyone has this cool looking armor, how do i go about getting that?

Thanks for your time

Just hit level 80, what now

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zenleto.6179


Keep killing stuff!

(And grats btw I’ll let other people do the serious stuff)

Fire up the Hyperbowl ma, we’re going to town!

Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?

Just hit level 80, what now

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sweenisbar.9082


Keep killing stuff!

(And grats btw I’ll let other people do the serious stuff)

i need more information then that! haha

Just hit level 80, what now

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Immensus.9732


Fractals are like dungeons with interesting mechanics that are located in lions arch if you search it in Google or ask on map chat they will give you the waypoint, but for start I would recommend you do the dungeons and use the dungeon currency called tokens to buy armor and weapons. After that what I did and I’m still doing is a combination of PvP WvW open world events such as The Shatterer fractals and living story. I also work towards my legendary but I don’t rush it

Mesmers Shall Rule Tyria!

Just hit level 80, what now

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aeonblade.8709


Hey guys! I just had a few questions as to some of the things i can do as a fresh 80. What are fracticals, what is meta? Im a total noob when it comes to GW2 end game ( i come from WoW ^^) Everyone has this cool looking armor, how do i go about getting that?

Thanks for your time

Armor is obtained through multiple avenues and is the main form of progression once you hit level 80. Fear not, I had months of fun collecting items for the perfect look! This is actually a really fun activity and will keep you busy for quite a well.


WvW: Even if you are not into PvP, WvW takes PvP to a whole new meaning if you have never played DAoC or any other RvR based PvP. It’s a new experience, and I recommend finding out your server wide voice comm server of choice to listen to your commanders for maximum fun.


Fractals: These are the “Heroics” of GW2, you can find groups for these through online websites or in game. Fractals offer people who are into vertical progression a taste of that by introducing ascended item quality and infusions with “Agony resistance” that help with various effects used by bosses in those dungeons. You progress by steadily doing harder and harder “fractal levels”.


Meta refers to meta gaming, or use of information to get the most performance possible out of your class/gear composition. It mostly refers to researching and learning the various strengths and weaknesses of your class and using that to your advantage through items and strategy.

Anarai Aeonblade [GASM] – Guardian – DB
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.

(edited by Aeonblade.8709)

Just hit level 80, what now

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zerole.7306


Find a guild and make some friends if you haven’t yet. Try to join a guild that does organised things together and won’t mind teaching you the ropes.

Feel free to look me up if you like in game, NA / Sanctum of Rall