Just wondering

Just wondering

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Assassinin.4963


I am not too sure whether this is a relevant topic … but what the hell.

I was just wondering whether this recent rush job of introducing ascended gear for ‘vertical progression’ and heavy emphasis on PVE content and invite friends for free trial thingy has got to do with a whole load of WoW player’s subscription expiring this few months.

Back a year ago, WoW has this one-year sub package whereby if you sub to a one-year WoW package, you get a copy of diablo 3 FREE. My personal one-year WoW sub is expiring next month (Dec 2012). I guess many other Wow players’ sub will also be expiring these few months.

Is Anet targetting to attract this group of WoW players to GW2? I see other new MMO launching this and next month, probably to also attract the WoW group of players.

If this is indeed true, my advice to Anet is this: don’t waste your effort. You are not ready to take on WoW in PVE content. On a scale of 10, Wow is 8/10 while GW2 is 0.5/10 on PVE content. This is my personal take (on the backing of 8 full years of DAILY (including Sat, Sun and public Holidays) playing experience on WoW) on the current competition. Others may disagree.

On the other hand, GW2 has a good fighting chance at pvp against Wow. I am not taking about SPVP as Wow has their own arena and bgs which are equally competitive. I am referring to massive pvp (i.e. WvW) which Wow has NONE.

This is the vacuum which GW2 should proactively compete to top instead of charging heads-on against the existing market juggernaut’s strength while the juggernaut is still resting on its PVE laurel.

Just wondering

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: VOLKON.1290


You can’t be serious. The PvE content in GW2 is vastly superior to WoW. As a simple matter of fact, in WoW, PvE content is obsoleted every time you level out of a zone, making it worthless. Think about it… in WoW, what PvE content is there for your max level characters? One raid. Period.


Just wondering

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Assassinin.4963


Try to visualize this virtual litmus test to gauge the attractive of WoW PVE vs GW2 PVE:

(1) GW2 start to charge $14.99 per month sub for its players on par with WoW monthly sub. How many existing players will leave GW2 and how many new paying players will GW2 attract?


(2) WoW remove its monthly sub to go f2p on par with GW2. How many existing players will leave WoW and how many new players will WoW attract?

In comparison, you have to talk apple with apple, orange with orange. I have a clear answer in my heart to the above questions. You have yours and so will other readers here.

You all have your answers. I rest my case.

Just wondering

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valtameri.2075


You can’t be serious. The PvE content in GW2 is vastly superior to WoW. As a simple matter of fact, in WoW, PvE content is obsoleted every time you level out of a zone, making it worthless. Think about it… in WoW, what PvE content is there for your max level characters? One raid. Period.

You saying so doesn’t make it a fact. Only one opinion.
And i like both games PvE content equally.
Also there are more than one raid, not counting scenarios and dungeons too.