Karka farming?

Karka farming?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kain Francois.4328

Kain Francois.4328


Hi, I heard the Desolation server makes 10g/hour farming Karkas.

Any US servers that also farm karka?

Karka farming?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Panda Shepard.1248

Panda Shepard.1248

Nobody here does that :P

Karka farming?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

Never heard of any organized groups farming Karkas. If they are they are keeping quiet about it.

Maybe get on a Karka Queen event and afterwards see if you can interest some people in staying to farm vets.

Karka farming?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wanze.8410


Never heard of any organized groups farming Karkas. If they are they are keeping quiet about it.

Maybe get on a Karka Queen event and afterwards see if you can interest some people in staying to farm vets.

You just need 5-10 peeps for it. If i was farming karka shells with a farming group, i wouldnt be advertizing it as well to keep the price stable.

Tin Foil [HATS]-Hardcore BLTC-PvP Guild
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.

Karka farming?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrPhazon.1370


Karka farm??! It doesn’t exist. There is no such thing as a karka farm!! Shoo!! Move on!

Karka farming?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wanze.8410


Karka farm??! It doesn’t exist. There is no such thing as a karka farm!! Shoo!! Move on!

The Moa-Meat-Train is all the rage these days, anyways.

Tin Foil [HATS]-Hardcore BLTC-PvP Guild
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.

Karka farming?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

Karka farm??! It doesn’t exist. There is no such thing as a karka farm!! Shoo!! Move on!

The Moa-Meat-Train is all the rage these days, anyways.

Ummm. Do you mind not telling everyone my super secret plan to economic world domination?

Karka farming?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wanze.8410


Karka farm??! It doesn’t exist. There is no such thing as a karka farm!! Shoo!! Move on!

The Moa-Meat-Train is all the rage these days, anyways.

Ummm. Do you mind not telling everyone my super secret plan to economic world domination?

Well, everybody knows that farming mobs for Bags of Laboratory Materials is the best g/hr ratio in pve right now.

Tin Foil [HATS]-Hardcore BLTC-PvP Guild
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.