Karka queen...

Karka queen...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sartori.1962



So is the Karka Queen still in the game. If it is theres nobody doing it anymore on Dragonbrand.

Karka queen...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: gillius.2856


yea, from what i know the queen is staying, altho if no one is clearing the towns it may not pop.
altho i could be wrong.

Karka queen...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mirta.5029


Karka queen is still there, however it requires people to hold 4 territories, which means that it requires a significant amount of people on the map. Which just simply doesn’t happen.
If the pres would only activate at a certain time people would do it (like The Maw, Fire Elemental, Wurm, etc) now there’s no incentive to do it.
If the Queen would just appear (like Tequatl does) people would once again do it.
I think that they went wrong with the way that pres for Karka Queen work, therefore the place is still completely abandoned and nobody wants to do it. I hope that they’ll change it to something better in the future (perhaps a timer that activates one pre, then an NPC rallies people to another point where the other pre is activated, rather than them all being activated (and contested) all the time).

Karka queen...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Randulf.7614


To be fair.. Challenging bosses were requested. Perm content was requested. This ticks both boxes. Yes it is requires teamwork and coordination, but isnt this what a hundred threads have asked for?

It could just be dragonbash mind distracting players. I suspect post festival they will look and if it isnt being touched, adjusted the scaling on it so less players are needed. Or the time between invasion is lengthened

Karka queen...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Getting Rickrolled by a horde of karka the first time I did it REALLY turned me off of the event. I did it a couple times after that but honestly by making this a ‘challenging’ event they dialed the ‘fun’ quotient too far down for my taste.

Plus getting one blue and one karka shell from the big chest is total BS. I have a decent chance of pulling 2+ rares from other big chest metas PLUS other stuff to sell/toss in the Forge.

(edited by rizzo.1079)

Karka queen...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mirta.5029


To be fair.. Challenging bosses were requested. Perm content was requested. This ticks both boxes. Yes it is requires teamwork and coordination, but isnt this what a hundred threads have asked for?

You see you can repeatedly uncontest points and the karka might appear. If pres were hard, however timed and only appeared one after the other I reckon the situation would be better.
Did the event when southsun was on myself, getting to the Queen is hell with a million karka everywhere, the fight itself is fun though. Still I believe that the whole “uncontest and defend 4 points and the boss might appear” is a wrong decision. Not to mention how easily the points get contested again. The boss unlocks a merchant with awesome stuffs, right? Well the longest I ever got to stare at those stuffs was 1 minute, because then a point got contested again.

Plus getting one blue and one karka shell from the big chest is total BS. I have a decent chance of pulling 2+ rares from other big chest metas PLUS other stuff to sell/toss in the Forge.

you get two guaranteed rares (can even be exotics) though.

(edited by Mirta.5029)

Karka queen...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bullettohead.9715


To be fair.. Challenging bosses were requested. Perm content was requested. This ticks both boxes. Yes it is requires teamwork and coordination, but isnt this what a hundred threads have asked for?

It could just be dragonbash mind distracting players. I suspect post festival they will look and if it isnt being touched, adjusted the scaling on it so less players are needed. Or the time between invasion is lengthened

And it’d be great if people actually did it. Somebody says they’re gettign folk to spawn the queen, I’m there.

Guess how often that happens.

Karka queen...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


The boss unlocks a merchant with awesome stuffs, right? Well the longest I ever got to stare at those stuffs was 1 minute, because then a point got contested again.

I never even saw those merchants, the only time I took time to look for them is when the karka horde spawned directly on top of me.

Plus getting one blue and one karka shell from the big chest is total BS. I have a decent chance of pulling 2+ rares from other big chest metas PLUS other stuff to sell/toss in the Forge.

you get two guaranteed rares (can even be exotics) though.

I know, but I as I said you have the guaranteed rare PLUS a good chance at at least one other rare from any other big chest event(many times I’ll get 2 from the big chest), and a bunch of Fine/Masterwork items also. Those can be exo’s also and the exo’s from the other events are worth more than Settler’s stuff. Contrast that to 2, admittedly guaranteed rares, but only one karka shell and one other item…pretty lousy for the work you have to do.

Haha yeah nested quotes don’t work right on this forum past a certain number of them it seems…

(edited by rizzo.1079)

Karka queen...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mirta.5029


I never even saw those merchants, the only time I took time to look for them is when the karka horde spawned directly on top of me.

It’s nice how you edited my post. No, I ran to the merchant right after beating the karka queen and guess what? Protect the point mission respawned in 1 minute. Sometimes the points respawn while you’re still fighting the queen even.

Karka queen...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Danikat.8537


I think a lot of it is down to Dragon Bash. Everyone wants to do the new content, even the people who are complaining about at least had to try it so they’d know what to complain about. It’s affected everything, a lot of servers saw a massive drop in their WvW population, all the world bosses are being farmed less (if at all), many people have complained that it’s harder to get a dungeon group together…

It happens with almost every special event. During Wintersday there was a “crisis” when Kryta was overrun with centaurs – a lot of event chains got to progress beyond the first event for the first time in ages (possibly ever on some servers) and we suddenly lost just about every outpost or settlement we could lose because no one was there to do the events to keep them.

But once the new content has been out for a while people start to lose interest. Now most people have had time to try everything, get the achievements they wanted to get etc. and dragon coffers and taffy aren’t really profitable enough to be worth farming any more people will move back to other activities.

Although tomorrow more Dragon Bash content comes out, so we’ll have to see how that affects it.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

Karka queen...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rennoko.5731


People requested hard rewarding content.

An event that is 100 times harder than any of the other yellow chest bosses, and gives 1 extra rare, and takes about 10 times as long to complete, is not what people wanted.

If each of the camp clearing events rewarded a yellow, then I bet people would coordinate to go do the event for 6 rares…. otherwise its not worth it. And unless that changes that will not be any different.

Or some skin that dropped from the chest that dropped no where else…. or have the special tickets drop from the chest AFTER the event. I can think of at least 10 ways to spark more interest in getting people to do this entire meta event, other than 1 free extra rare – which isn’t going to cut it.

Karka queen...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: digiowl.9620


There are a couple of issues with the meta-event.

1. it is virtually impossible to uncontest the various camps without permanent stations on each of them.

2. when the queen spawns, all the camps get overrun.

3. because of 2, anyone holding the northeastern camps need to go through the swarms of karka spawning in the middle (Steampipe) camp before they reach the queen.

4. because the queen is likely to be camped by people not interested in running the unlocking events, Steampipe will be stuffed by upleveled karka. This result in a high likelihood of being one shotted by a mass of tail spike barrages.

End result is that nobody wants to hold the northeastern camps because they do not get a shot at the daily chest, nor the queen chest.

A simple fix is to at least let Steampipe stay uncontested until after the queen is dead. Or redesign Steampipe so that it can be bypassed without having to parkour over the wall in some way.

Karka queen...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rajani Isa.6294

Rajani Isa.6294

Plus getting one blue and one karka shell from the big chest is total BS. I have a decent chance of pulling 2+ rares from other big chest metas PLUS other stuff to sell/toss in the Forge.

So you don’t like the Karka Queen meta because the RNG doesn’t treat you as nice through it than with other events.

Never mind, this event with it’s account daily chest that always give two rares is the only way a number of us ever seem to get more than 1 rare from an event.

Karka queen...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The Stain.4169

The Stain.4169

IMHO the Southsun events as permanent content are a complete failure.

They are all always “on” at once, and there is no point in even attempting them unless you can put together a zerg of 20-30 players to all WP to Southsun together. I often have trouble putting together 5 players for a dungeon…

In places like Orr there are lots of players drawn to the area to do the smaller events that can be done singly or in a small group. Then these people can band together to do the large events.

In Southsun, no point even going there unless you already have a large group. That is not going to occur, as evidenced by the reality of what has happened down there since the “temp” event ended. Southsun is a ghost town on my server…rare to see even a single player there.

Whether Anet likes it or not, players learn very quickly which events are (or have become) an annoying waste of time. Take the “Risen Champion Abomination”. On my server it comes up, wanders around for a while, and disappears. No one even takes a shot at it anymore. There is no point.

In Southsun, they have created an entire world that is now completely ignored by the playerbase.

Karka queen...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Plus getting one blue and one karka shell from the big chest is total BS. I have a decent chance of pulling 2+ rares from other big chest metas PLUS other stuff to sell/toss in the Forge.

So you don’t like the Karka Queen meta because the RNG doesn’t treat you as nice through it than with other events.

If you want to look at it like that, sure. I don’t think I’m the only one either.

Karka queen...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rajani Isa.6294

Rajani Isa.6294

I do think this event would be more popular if, like Digiowl says, there was a way to bypass steampipe OR not have it fill/contest. I’m not sure if I ever survived being in there when either the protect event failed (which seems to fail fairly easy) or when the queen spawned, spawning the camp with tons of Karka. If you don’t have stealth that lasts long enough, the only way to get to the queen reliably is to WP to Owain’s encampment, which is occasionally contested a quite a distance away.

Karka queen...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: digiowl.9620


The problem of the protect Steampipe event is that once a certain number of toons are present, karka start to spawn inside the camp (supposedly they tunnel in, if you’re lucky you will see a dust plume before they spawn).

But As with the Grenth temple event, the object/NPC you are supposed to protect do not gain additional health as the event escalates. And so any young karka going unchecked long enough to get off a tail barrage is likely to one shot the object. Thus sending the event into failure with a instant start of the “retake camp” event.

This then spawns additional, likely upscaled, mobs, while the mobs of the previous event is still around.

The term clusterkitten comes to mind…

Karka queen...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Some guilds have been asking for challenging content. This is not a bad event for those people to coordinate.

Karka queen...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dawdler.8521


Southsun require 50+ people to keep going… IE its pretty much impossible. I dont even see that amount for world events like Maw on my server. Every time I have visited SS since the event ended its been a ghost town with 0/4 towns held. Funny how Anet by reviving it, also killed it completely.

Karka queen...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


Some guilds have been asking for challenging content. This is not a bad event for those people to coordinate.

I’m pretty sure noone actually asked for this kind of “challenging”. Which it is not – it doesn’t require any greater skill than any other events. All it requires (and it is required) is Moar Numberz.
Yes, a huge zerg guild will be able to do it. Small guilds, no matter how coordinated, if they don’t have enough people will just get annoyed.

And at the end you get a reward that is completely unrelated to the effort and time you had to put in.

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

Karka queen...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rennoko.5731


Some guilds have been asking for challenging content. This is not a bad event for those people to coordinate.

I bet if it gave guild commendations for a reward people would do it.

Just saying

Karka queen...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: UrMom.4205


went to southsun the other day…saw zero players, all the camps were contested, no chance lol. Southsun is dead

Team Raven [TR](Dead)
Wu Táng Financial [Táng] – YB

Karka queen...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fernling.1729


I just spent 30 minutes or so there, and I didn’t see even 1 other player. This is on Tarnished coast too.

Karka queen...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wasted.6817


At it’s current state the meta event on SS is kinda kittened, it should be tweaked so that 4 pre-events don’t start when the Queen is already there, so they don’t block the passes to the Q. And, i guess, timer should be introduced there, since place is kinda dead, otherwise no one’s gonna do it, just for the chance of spawning. Overall, it’s poorly designed and the fight itself … not that bad compared to some other meta events, but that’s a low standard, for real fight blows as well. Too bad, AN still can’t nail it with open world events. Whole SS living story bit was starting good to my taste, but it ended in ashes: sucky dungeon, sucky meta event, oh well.

Karka queen...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Taran Redleaf.7912

Taran Redleaf.7912

To be fair.. Challenging bosses were requested. Perm content was requested. This ticks both boxes. Yes it is requires teamwork and coordination, but isn’t this what a hundred threads have asked for?

While some of the suggestions were legitimate, there is also some reverse trolling going on as well… players who feel frustrated, angry, and so on, are not experiencing the joy of events/dungeons and even game play at present levels. Thus, to ‘spoil it for everyone’ certain individuals log onto forums to complain about how ‘easy’ everything is so developers will make it harder on everyone else. “Misery loves company.”

So the forums have a mix of strong players who want it harder (legitimate suggestions) and poor players who want it harder so “everyone else” will suffer (reverse trolling). Blended together, especially when one cannot read tone in printed text, and we get a serious of threads “demanding” higher, more difficult content – some for more fun in doing it, and some, for more fun in watching people fail.

Karka queen...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nevets Crimsonwing.5271

Nevets Crimsonwing.5271

Perhaps I’m missing something, but I don’t see why it would be hard for a commander to advertise in LFG or in LA for the event, gather a squad of 30 and go do it. Perhaps they have no incentive, but if someone put their mind to it I’m sure it could get done relatively smoothly without too much hassle.

Edit: I’ll even attempt this tonight on Yak’s bend if someone wants to send me 100 gold for a commander icon

Karka queen...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Spendingallmytime.7249


They should just reinstate the +200 MF buff. That’ll bring people back. Hell, do the same thing with Orr.

Why you bein’ cute?

Karka queen...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rennoko.5731


They should just reinstate the +200 MF buff. That’ll bring people back. Hell, do the same thing with Orr.

Or add a magic find/gold buff for doing events in zones, relative to the difficult required to complete events, and let it stack for a certain period of time. Reward players for going and doing events in the zones that are near dead on peak hours. Buff the drops in those zones to be things people actually want to get.

All of this creates the potential for abuse, but it helps to breath life into dead zones. How many people go to “farm” sparkfly for anything other than Teq?

Karka queen...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


Give a MF buff for the zone that is inversely comparable to the number of people in it. Only few people? They get huge MF bonuses. Whole herds of farmer zergs showed up? Mf drops until it hits 0.

It can go together with the above idea of building up MF through DE’s.

Additional possibility is to buff event rewards for the events that are not being done (more time since last succesful completion of the event, greater the end reward), similar to the bonus xp on mobs.

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

(edited by Astralporing.1957)

Karka queen...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Give a MF buff for the zone that is inversely comparable to the number of people in it. Only few people? They get huge MF bonuses. Whole herds of farmer zergs showed up? Mf drops until it hits 0.

Okay, I love this idea. Seriously….make a thread in suggestions.