Karma & Gear.

Karma & Gear.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mungrul.9358


This constant addition of new tokens and a continual fragmenting of the rewards system seems to be straying away from what I understood was supposed to be a core concept of the game:
That you were supposed to be able to gear to top level with Karma but that prestige aesthetic gear would only be attainable through other, grindier means.

Karma seems to be consistently ignored, yet at top level we’re ending up with gallons of the stuff and nothing to spend it on.

Why introduce the new “Crowns” system when you should be utilising the already existent Karma system?

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Karma & Gear.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Desamos.1836


Becuse.. Imagine.. You had everything you wanted. And finished doing. .. No you know what lol your right. A net is pushing it a little with new stuff. I like playing games knowing my goals. Not having goals then having to forget what i worked for and have more new goals in getting gear.

Karma & Gear.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mungrul.9358


I didn’t say new gear, I said new tokens as a way to attain new gear.
The point being, you shouldn’t need new tokens, you should just be able to utilise the existing systems.
So an Exotic piece of armour costs 42,000 Karma currently, so maybe an Ascended piece should cost 84,000 instead of some added new token such as Crowns?

It’s getting needlessly complicated keeping track of the numbers of currencies in the game.

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Karma & Gear.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Desamos.1836


Ah i see what your saying. But i dont agree with you. Thats just communism sort to speak. I think its better to isolate progression of the game with new methods to obtain better items with better stats. Keeps things more interesting. Its not always best getting what u want so quickly your way. Youll just get bored of what you have and resort to drugs like them movie stars

Karma & Gear.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mungrul.9358


How on Earth is this suggestion “Communism”?

The proposed crowns are received for gaining achievements.
Guess what you currently get for getting your daily and monthly achievements?

Adding another form of reward to such activities when there’s already an under-utilised one is just plain stupid.

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Karma & Gear.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kiba.2768


the answer is quite simple, actually. you’re limited to how many crowns you can earn per day. karma is limitless. in order to keep the carrot at a decent distance, they need to limit the one thing all humans need to abide by: time.

if you can only earn so much within a 24h time frame, then that’s one way to keep players from acquiring the best gear in hours and then complain there’s no end game.

smart move if you ask me. a good day in wvw can net you in excess of 100k karma. now think about that vs a time-contraint currency and you’ll see why the devs adopted this model.

Karma & Gear.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mungrul.9358


smart move if you ask me. a good day in wvw can net you in excess of 100k karma. now think about that vs a time-contraint currency and you’ll see why the devs adopted this model.

That’s an interesting point, but are we comfortable acknowledging that access to top tier gear should be constrained by time?
Note I’m not talking about the most aesthetically pleasing stuff, rather baseline, top level stats.

As exotics are currently top tier, at the moment I can get a character to 80 and as long as I have access to the Orrian temples, immediately get them a set of top tier armour thanks to stockpiled Karma. Not trinkets or weapons, and only 5 out of 6 of one stat combination, plus mixed and matched runes, but still exotic gear.
This is a good thing in my eyes (although they should really be less stingy and make exotic weapons, trinkets and the 6th piece available too).

Restricting access to top tier gear based on time just adds required grind, something they’ve said that GW2 will never possess.

I hate to use hyperbole and speculation, but such an implementation really does seem to be about pleasing the more traditional MMO audience.

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Karma & Gear.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kiba.2768


everything costs time, not gold. gold is a representation of time invested in the pursuit of something(gold). that is the misconception many players have. gold gold gold. in fact, it is really just time. everything costs gold? no. everything costs time, which is the ultimate currency.

well this experiences will vary accordingly, but having 3x 80’s myself and the moment each turned 80, i can’t remember more than 1 or at most, 2 temples uncontested on my server. if your server keeps orr’s temples uncontested 24/7…i would like to move there.

aside from that, i don’t consider a time-restriction a grind at all, actually. in my eyes, it’s quite the opposite. if someone is given an opportunity to do 1 event over and over for some type of currency to buy premium goods and he sits there for 6 hours a day doing said event, that is a grind.

if that same player logs on to do a daily achievement that limits how much he can gain, while at the same time requiring him to go to different parts of the world every day(as i interpreted colin’s post), he can still get that premium item, but not at the cost of mindless 6h grindfests.

in fact, the way i see this system is a benefit for casuals(like myself) who don’t have 6-16 hours a day to play. some days i only have time to log on and do my daily.

in the end, all player types can still get what they want and there are less complaints about no end game content. while i admit that a time-based system of reward is kind of juvenile to extend the end game…it’s better than what we currently have.

Karma & Gear.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Reverielle.3972


I agree. It seems a little odd.

Karma & Gear.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Erasculio.2914


Karma and achievement tokens have different purposes. Karma is rewarded for everything – which in one side is good, since it allows everyone to have access to the karma-based rewards; but in other hand it’s also bad, since players have found the most efficient way to farm karma, and just keep doing it over and over. The dynamic events in both Queensdale and in Orr reward karma, but everyone flocks to Orr since it’s more efficient to farm karma there, leaving Queensdale (and everything else in the world) half empty.

The new tokens could be used to solve this issue, by giving incentives for players to play in the entire world. It remains to be seen if ArenaNet can pull this off, but in theory they could make a system that rewards playing in multiple zones, as opposed to karma, which is awarded the most by playing in a few zones.

“I think that players are starting to mature past the point of wanting to be on that
treadmill, of being in that obvious pattern of every time I catch up you are going to
put another carrot in front of me” – Mike O’Brien right before Ascended weapons

Karma & Gear.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Braxxus.2904


Thats just communism sort to speak.

My god people are so flippin’ ignorant and use that word inappropriately 99% of the time.

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