Karma the most useless currency?
I spent my karma on the racial weapon skins. I don’t use them however, so it’s just a completionist thing.
What about Obsidian Shards? You need those for various things, unless you don’t care to craft anything beyond exotics.
I’ve spent my millions of karma buying every karma weapon and armor in the game (some of them are really nice looking). You might look into that. The cultural weapons are up to 63k karma each. That alone will probably use up your karma.
ANet may give it to you.
Get the Karmic Converter from fractal achievements. You can spend karma every day to get decent items
“Beware he who would deny you access to information,
for in his heart he dreams himself your master.”
It has uses. For example, if you have the pact mastery, you can go to SE Kessex Hills to the roaming vendor and buy the recipe for Melandru’s back piece.
Currency in general is bad in games. Why? Because it can be stockpiled. When developers release new content they can’t use the old currencies for new stuff so they have to implement new currency. I’ve seen very few MMOs that actually handle this in a good way. Turbine(LOTRO dev)used to consolidate it. That’s OK, but you get slighted because the conversions are bad.
I’d rather see developers keep implementing cool new stuff you can get from currency vendors. It’d be nice to look at the patch notes and see: _ 2 new karma armor sets added for light, heavy, and medium._ Who cares that we can stockpile it? *Give us cool ways to spend it! Players appreciate that.
Well if you get the mastery there are new Karma vendors that are suppose to have some interesting stuff.
RIP City of Heroes
Well if you get the mastery there are new Karma vendors that are suppose to have some interesting stuff.
One of these items you can buy for 5k and lets you use it on any map with Bonus Rewards. It then gives you that bonus reward. Sure you can only buy 1 per day but I would say that’s another option.
but why make exotic karma armors soulbound on acquire??
I want to use my map completion toon to buy armors for my new level 80 toons but I can’t use the old guy to teleport and buy it for them because it is soulbound on acquire!
I need to use my new toon and run all the way to malchore leap to buy the armor which is silly.
but why make exotic karma armors soulbound on acquire??
I want to use my map completion toon to buy armors for my new level 80 toons but I can’t use the old guy to teleport and buy it for them because it is soulbound on acquire!
I need to use my new toon and run all the way to malchore leap to buy the armor which is silly.
It’s a leftover from the original setup. At launch, every char had its own pool of karma. Karma, as you know, in life is what you get from how you behave to others. Ingame karma was modeled on that. Do hearts and help the heart npcs, your char got karma. Do events and help the npcs that live on the map clear out threats, and your char gained karma.
Since each char’s karma pool was individual and gained by doing good deeds, the rewards bought with karma were also individual. So, soul bound karma items makes sense with this set up.
Later, all karma from all chars was pooled. But the karma items are still soul bound upon purchase. Perhaps because it would be to much trouble to change that for the benefit gained.
ANet may give it to you.
idk. I have 6mill Karma and like 5 stacks of obsidian shards I don’t need. Don’t see anything I could buy with it that I’d actually want.
The only thing I buy with karma is some food items. There isn’t really anything worth buying with karma. It would be nice if they would add some better merchandise to the karma vendors.
but why make exotic karma armors soulbound on acquire??
I want to use my map completion toon to buy armors for my new level 80 toons but I can’t use the old guy to teleport and buy it for them because it is soulbound on acquire!
I need to use my new toon and run all the way to malchore leap to buy the armor which is silly.
It’s a leftover from the original setup. At launch, every char had its own pool of karma. Karma, as you know, in life is what you get from how you behave to others. Ingame karma was modeled on that. Do hearts and help the heart npcs, your char got karma. Do events and help the npcs that live on the map clear out threats, and your char gained karma.
Since each char’s karma pool was individual and gained by doing good deeds, the rewards bought with karma were also individual. So, soul bound karma items makes sense with this set up.
Later, all karma from all chars was pooled. But the karma items are still soul bound upon purchase. Perhaps because it would be to much trouble to change that for the benefit gained.
They basically need to just make the armors account bound / soulbound on use, just for easy transfer between alts
I got 4mill karma and have nothing to spend on and its too tedious to turn into gold…
can we have more items that can be bought with karma?
like a karma trading post that allows us to use karma to buy things from players.
Legendary weapons, or use them for mostly ugly but overpriced exotic armor.