Karma vendors
You want to check karma vendors at orr after temple events. These npcs sell exotic gear for karma. Other than that you may keep your karma for future use (legendary, etc.).
Another easy way to obtain gear is doing dungeons, and using dungeon tokens.
/wiki karma merchant
Type the above into the game’s chat window or just google gw2 wiki.
Hmm it says that I can buy items for totems in Lions arch, but I dont get it where are the vendors now, since LArch is in flames
LA vendors are at Vigil Keep.
I don’t think there were many interesting karma vendors in LA anyway, you’ll find most interesting karma stuff on maps, either from completed heart missions or the merchants in Orr.
The best set to get for Karma is Soldiers (PVT) which is exotic quality in Orr. Rabid is also quite good if used alone or combined with Carrion. You can find a full set of armor (minus one part, which you can buy in WvW or use a rare) and trinkets by visiting the various Orr temples after they have been cleared, but its all spread out.
However if you want more usual sets like Berserker you have to buy for gold.
I’m usually really sweet… but this an internet forum and you know how it has to be.
/i’m a lesbiab… lesbiam… less bien… GIRLS/